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Russians arrested over Phuket tuk-tuk sex video

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6 minutes ago, ozterix said:

what is destroying society is violent scenes perpetually in front of all kids, parents fighting, people fighting, women fighting in a nasty way in the street, Thai cowards attacking foreigner in a group of 20 and take him to bits, violence on TV shows, photos of bodies in pieces on the road, people shooting one another in school buses but ALL THIS is acceptable and in full display while something as natural as sex has to be hidden because it is very bad... yes there are sick people on this planet but not those we think.



Since when in history has violence not been on view in one form or, another?

Destroying society? Laughable.


In fact, in some cases, it brings society together. Public hangings and the Roman games are two that spring to mind.

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Gosh....national disgrace...lol....or some young kids doing something that others can only dream of...lol

I am amazed by the outraged, who ignore all fine detail....like the time...and say to you all....if your kids are up at that time of night then you seriously need to look at your parenting skills !!!

Take a chill pill, all of you, the most serious breach of anything here is that some pervert posted the video, without their consent in the public domain, if we are all to be videoed without our consent and discretion over valour becomes the principle by which we must all live, then society is surely on a big downward slope to oblivion...

It is truly remarkable that the RTP managed to arrest the coupling couple, however was it the act that offended, the fact that most have lost the initiative to impromptu enjoyment caught up in the moment that offended or the public posting that offended ?

Had some busy-body not been recording them then like the rest of the island nobody would have even been aware of this young couple.

Kim Kardashian made 55m doing much worse things and promoting her abilities to do so, go and place your vitriol where it is surely needed !!!


Omar,,, who brainwashed you ?

It was just a misunderstanding,,,, you can get off the soap box now.

Meanwhile there is real crime going on that the police seem oblivious to,,, or haven't you noticed ???

4 hours ago, OmarZaid said:

This is not a crime, but it is a moral outrage and banal manifestation of hedonism as well as a great insult to human dignity ... This new generation has been brainwashed into thinking humans are animals and might as well <deleted> like' em too, whenever and wherever.


Sad state of affairs that has nothing whatsoever to do with Thailand, so cut the crap children!


My wife (Thai_retired Teacher of 30 years) says incidents like this just give more reasons for cultural Thais to resent foreigners, especially Caucasians. And just because there is a sizeable sex industry here does not mean it represents the national folk soul or sense of cultural pride. I suspect the next step will go far beyond a mere slap on the wrist fine.


If you think this is a laughing matter and that I'm just an old stuffed-up fuddy-duddy, 'good-on-ya' as the Aussies say but that ain't likely gonna happen because that mindset is what destroys society.  Cheers.


and just another example of the same "f--- you & your culture, we'll do whatever we want, we're on holiday" attitude pervasive to so many Westerners, especially (but not limited to) those under 30, that causes them to walk along the roads, into shops, and ride on motorcycles in bikinis and swimsuits, even though EVERY single guidebook re Thailand tells them that it is a cultural taboo , a BIG no-no; every time somebody does something such as this they are flippantly thumbing their nose at Thai culture and sensibilities...


where have the morals & standards- and basic human decency- gone?!?!?!? :sick:

Just now, Rhys said:

..amazing, they can find these tourists quickly, but cannot locate..Boss, cxxholster...

... the couple, admitted to drinking red bull, cwwholster brand...


500 baht fine really.what goes on in Thailand is a lot worse than what they did.they can laugh or brag about the fine more than what they did in the tuk tuk


Ahhhh, the old 500 THB fine.  Pretty much standard for everything short of murder.  


Not being a puritanical farang, I found this rather funny.  They should thank their lucky stars they did this in Thailand where 'public humiliation' and a small fine are the sanction for a little public hanky-panky.  :laugh:

8 hours ago, Psimbo said:

So- we just ignore public indecency then do we? What if you had kids and they had seen it? 

Heck, I thought in 'progressive' Western schools nowadays, the teachers have already shown most 1st graders how to put a condom on a cucumber.  You're kids have never seen the neighborhood dogs and cats at it.  Sheltered life methinks!  But with that said, if I was 40 years younger and had school-aged children, I'd be home-schooling.  

8 hours ago, Thechook said:

No sex please, we're Thai.

No sex...unless one's car is parked behind the appropriate curtain, or one is at an ob naam op establishment, we're Thai!  :cool:


Jeez, bunch of Sunday worshipping church goers on this thread...

"Karla, lets shag in the back of this tuk tuk".

" Ok Boris, sounds like good fun".

... and it probably was...

9 hours ago, colinneil said:

Hardly the crime of the century, is what i posted.

I never said ignore it, there are a lot more serious things going on that require police attention.

..well easy to say...but you can't be everywhere at once..you can only act on the public's complaint or find them offending, which is quite difficult...weed out the corrupt and non-performers ..the remainder aren't doing such a bad job for the training they get.


Darn it not Americans.   For 30$ US they have a ticket record to put in the family album.    Next thing you know it's penthouse or talk show offers. 

10 hours ago, Psimbo said:

So- we just ignore public indecency then do we? What if you had kids and they had seen it? 

You cant see anything on the vid. Such moral high ground. 


Who has shown more disrespect here, the Russian couple in the relative seclusion of the back of a tuk-tuk visible only to a few, or the pervert Thai posting a video for millions to see? The post could have simply described the event. Total Thai loser jealous of another man's good fortune.


The Russian couple should have been popped 5,000 baht for not considering their behavior as inappropriate. Then they should sue the Thai poster for public defamation, as so many here rush to do.


Those crying moral outrage - grow up. I've seen worse behavior, by Thais, at nearly every Songkran event I have ever attended. Perfectly acceptable to show people being riddled with bullets, heads detached, bodies dismembered, gore and more gore, all over the media, but heaven forbid someone should be seen making love.

4 hours ago, jenifer d said:


and just another example of the same "f--- you & your culture, we'll do whatever we want, we're on holiday" attitude pervasive to so many Westerners, especially (but not limited to) those under 30, that causes them to walk along the roads, into shops, and ride on motorcycles in bikinis and swimsuits, even though EVERY single guidebook re Thailand tells them that it is a cultural taboo , a BIG no-no; every time somebody does something such as this they are flippantly thumbing their nose at Thai culture and sensibilities...


where have the morals & standards- and basic human decency- gone?!?!?!? :sick:

Its a bloody beach resort for goodness sake! Never mind your moral indignation, how about the hundreds of fish bowls or go go bars where everyone is wearing a bikini or not? Get over it.

9 hours ago, humqdpf said:

OK, I don't know which country you are from but I am guessing that your country would impose a lot more tougher punishment on these two. While the law on nudity in your Western country may be more lax than in Thailand, the law on sex in public in a very public place where it is likely to be seen by children is likely to attract very serious charges under various sex offender laws.


With such clear evidence as is available in this case, you will be found guilty and then placed on some sort of sex offenders' list, the consequences of which can be catastrophic - travel bans (your country will withhold passport) for an extended period of time, having to live for years in locations far from schools or other places where children are (even though the offence did not involve children, the strong probability that children could see the act could include that element in the post sentence scenario). Such locations are usually terrible, far from any amenity and where your only neighbours are, you guessed it, most likely to be pedophiles!


Good luck getting many jobs; in some countries that would include most jobs (in the USA, the offence would be classed as a felony and it is really hard to get a job as a felon, especially with sex offence attached to your record).


So, while you don't consider such activities to be serious crimes, the law enforcement agencies in most developed countries do. Yes, it does not involve molesting underage girls which, all other things being equal, is more serious but then the BIB have already arrested a senior officer in relation to this crime with more arrests to follow.


Yes, it is always the case that there are more serious crimes going on than the one in question - that is true of every country -  but why should Thailand be encouraged to ignore what went on in public in that Tuk Tuk when it would be taken very seriously elsewhere? It is bad enough that the perpetrators were fined a miserable amount of less than 500 Baht each.

My, you seem to know a lot about this subject. 

5 hours ago, jenifer d said:


and just another example of the same "f--- you & your culture, we'll do whatever we want, we're on holiday" attitude pervasive to so many Westerners, especially (but not limited to) those under 30, that causes them to walk along the roads, into shops, and ride on motorcycles in bikinis and swimsuits, even though EVERY single guidebook re Thailand tells them that it is a cultural taboo , a BIG no-no; every time somebody does something such as this they are flippantly thumbing their nose at Thai culture and sensibilities...


where have the morals & standards- and basic human decency- gone?!?!?!? :sick:

Good question jenifer d, where do you suggest I start looking Mae Hong son  ?????????

Your response to this Holiday incident involving  CONSENTING ADULTS, with no children in sight would suggest

You must be a very troubled person with whats being revealed there, unless of course you never remove the blinkers



42 minutes ago, fordguy61mi said:

First colluding with the Trump campaign and now this! Darn Russians!!

Its a good job they lost the race to get the first man on the moon, other wise we would never have got non-stick frying pans

1 hour ago, Revolutionary said:

Come on . Doing it in a tuk tuk? Gotta be the most uncomfortable location of all time . Obviously not after a good time just a quick time!!

That exactly explains the different mind set of a 20 year old compared to a on his way out seventy year old


So it was a Russian involved with this incident,  don't forget that the ruble is crap these days and the poor

guy may not have had enough money for a room. 555, Another quality tourist.. 


19 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

is it really that big a deal? kids are watching worse on the internet daily. 500thb fine seems about the right fine for something that does not really matter. glad the cops did not have to waste too much of their time on solving this issue. there are still many people out there riding scooters with no helmets who need to be fined.

It`s a recent craze started in Britain known as dogging. Dogging is a British slang term of having sex in public while other people watch or can see. One couple actually starting having sex while in a queue at a Burger King in the United States. Just another sick trend for a claim to fame in the media and to gain views and likes on Youtube and facebook.


A 500 baht fine and this couple are glorifying in the attention they are seeking. All this will do is encourage other sick minded people to do the same and to make headlines for themselves.  It`s just a form of thugish anti social behaviour that should not be encouraged or become acceptable as something trivial.  Boundaries should be drawn has to how people should behave in public and these acts go well beyond what is defined as public decency. 



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