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Son stabs his father to death because he hadn't prepared his snack


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21 minutes ago, robblok said:

Those are your lives choices.. you seem to think its money that binds your wife to you and that your so miserable that she would rather kill you for the money and go with someone else. I would not like that for a basis of a relation.

My ex could have taken the part (or all) of the house and car in the divorce.. she did not as she was good (Thai too btw). I would never want to live with anyone I would not trust. 

I guess we just see things differently. (and / or move in different circles)



Of course its always wise to take some precautions, I just don't want to take too many as it will make me totally paranoid. Wife did know my pin, but the house was bought partly on finance (but large part paid off) I started on finance out of security too early in the relation)

What is your problem with me? It is beginning to feel like you are stalking me,only to make insulting remarks.

I do not love my wife. I find her very attractive and i like her very much.I am an affectionate man, and that is what she wants of me. I treat her well and she wants for nothing. I expect she feels the same about me. In this way we get through our lives together, without cheating or ant other kind of extramarital dalliances.If you reread my post(because you have this habit of not digesting what is posted)  i said that i never trust anyone 100%. We go on holidays and enjoy our lives together. Unlike you, i have not got a divorce behind me.

I treat my wife with the upmost of respect and fidelity,nd because of that, she is happy for me to go to the city every month, play pool ,listen to my own language being spoken,and have a few beers.I stay at the Kosa hoel for 2 nights and then i get the bus back. She is there to meet me at he stop and drive me home.

My wife does not love me (Love, as we know it,s not a natural Thai emotion)She likes me very much. She feels secure with me, and she knows i will never leave her. She has access to money any time she needs it and she has money of her own,through her Chlorophyll business. She does not know my ATM numbers, But she has my daughters address and phone number, which,in the event of my death, she would contact regarding her percentage of my house in London. 15 % is her share. The house is in Sabine Road Battersea, bought by my great grandfather in the reign Edward the 7th. You can imagine what 15% of that would be now.My daughter is under instruction to contact my lawyer, who is aware of the situation.So i think my wife has more than a lot of women, whose husbands  profess to 'love' them.

Is this enough to satisfy your addiction to me, your constant attempt to somehow make me out to be a moron. If so, then be kind enough to stop stalking me through the forum.You know more about me now than my rabbi does.

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7 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I would put it down to serious mental health issues, rather than the pork not being ready.

A pretty tragic way to die, killed by your own son.


Mental health issues fueled by medication and alcohol cocktail, bad combination!


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6 hours ago, tomwct said:

Thainess at it's best!

If this Forum were to create the TAIB (Thainess At Its Best) Club, I bet it would be thriving.


Whenever a tragedy occurs, there is always some nincompoop who comes up with that senseless comment, as if tragedies in this country were absolutely unique, unheard of in the rest of the world, and could only stem from a bizarre virus dubbed 'Thainess'.


As far as I know the virus of generalization is a lot more dangerous and widely spread. It's a bug that seems to stop one's capacity to think by oneself, and replaces all genuine reflection with ready-made, meaningless and judgmental platitudes.


And note how the TAIB comment invariably attracts a number of 'likes'. Birds of a feather ...

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What is your problem with me? It is beginning to feel like you are stalking me,only to make insulting remarks.
I do not love my wife. I find her very attractive and i like her very much.I am an affectionate man, and that is what she wants of me. I treat her well and she wants for nothing. I expect she feels the same about me. In this way we get through our lives together, without cheating or ant other kind of extramarital dalliances.If you reread my post(because you have this habit of not digesting what is posted)  i said that i never trust anyone 100%. We go on holidays and enjoy our lives together. Unlike you, i have not got a divorce behind me.
I treat my wife with the upmost of respect and fidelity,nd because of that, she is happy for me to go to the city every month, play pool ,listen to my own language being spoken,and have a few beers.I stay at the Kosa hoel for 2 nights and then i get the bus back. She is there to meet me at he stop and drive me home.
My wife does not love me (Love, as we know it,s not a natural Thai emotion)She likes me very much. She feels secure with me, and she knows i will never leave her. She has access to money any time she needs it and she has money of her own,through her Chlorophyll business. She does not know my ATM numbers, But she has my daughters address and phone number, which,in the event of my death, she would contact regarding her percentage of my house in London. 15 % is her share. The house is in Sabine Road Battersea, bought by my great grandfather in the reign Edward the 7th. You can imagine what 15% of that would be now.My daughter is under instruction to contact my lawyer, who is aware of the situation.So i think my wife has more than a lot of women, whose husbands  profess to 'love' them.
Is this enough to satisfy your addiction to me, your constant attempt to somehow make me out to be a moron. If so, then be kind enough to stop stalking me through the forum.You know more about me now than my rabbi does.

I have nothing against you. Just find your views strange. Not stalking you at all. I just have different views. When you post on a forum your open to stuff like this. I can guarantee you i got nothing against you. Just a coincidence in those 2 topics.

We have different views and those are discussed. I don't see you as a moron, just someone with different views.

You might find me an idiot for riding a MC in Thailand and i would not take it personal. I think your reading more into it then there is.

I once was cheated by a countryman and once by a Thai. Just don't agree with your view not to trust anyone.
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Jesus Christ!!!

He killed his father for not making his dinner and was found calmly laying in a hammock, holding the blooded murder weapon!!!!

Big strong, look at me I'm so perfect, he- man!

36 years old and still being waited upon by his elderly parents.



Yep! T.I.T for sure.

I'm definitely not living the rest of my life here.

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48 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

Yabba related, put money on it, They get fits of rage along with thinking they can fly,

 Its alcohol related as it states in the topic.. guess that is hard to swallow for some. 

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9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Too many stories of son kills father, father kills son of late. Something very wrong with the fabric of society for these attacks to keep happening.

No Respect and no Discipline, No brains.

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On 2017/5/8 at 2:27 PM, Thaiwrath said:

I would put it down to serious mental health issues, rather than the pork not being ready.

A pretty tragic way to die, killed by your own son.


The Greek Oracle at Delphi predicted that he would kill his father and marry his mother.

We are living in a simulated world. Someone had wrote your software for you.

Buddha is the only guy who managed to re-write his own software I believe.

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Just now, madusa said:

The Greek Oracle at Delphi predicted that he would kill his father and marry his mother.

We are living in a simulated world. Someone had wrote your software for you.

Buddha is the only guy who managed to re-write his own software I believe.

If we are just simulations i want a new programmer 

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15 hours ago, soalbundy said:

If we are just simulations i want a new programmer 

Honestly you will not get a new programmer, because that's the way the game is played . You will have to do it yourself, like what Buddha did and also couple of very serious monks managed to do it. The difficulty lies in changing your thinking process, recondition the whole brain following the instructions set out by Buddha. Once successful you get the by- product -"Psychic Power". It automatically comes along with the success whether you want it or not.


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Just now, madusa said:

Honestly you will not get a new programmer, because that's the way the game is played . You will have to do it yourself, like what Buddha did and also couple of very serious monks managed to do it. The difficulty lies in changing your thinking process, recondition the whole brain following the instructions set out by Buddha. Once successful you get the by- product -"Psychic Power". It automatically comes along with the success whether you want it or not.


Do i get a bar of chocolate as well ?

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16 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Read this and became worried as I have a brother in law like this idiot. I can sleep tonight as not my family, but sad and shows where this country is heading over the last 3 years, So glad I left. say what you want guys but I am safe are you?

Well thankfully I have educated and caring relatives here.  I also live in a safe and friendly village, and have always felt supported.  I would assume you married a BG and unfortunately your living environment went accordingly.


And yes, I am assuming a lot in my post above, just like you were in yours.

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16 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Read this and became worried as I have a brother in law like this idiot. I can sleep tonight as not my family, but sad and shows where this country is heading over the last 3 years, So glad I left. say what you want guys but I am safe are you?

Well thankfully I have educated and caring relatives here.  I also live in a safe and friendly village, and have always felt supported.  I would assume you married a BG and unfortunately your living environment went accordingly.


And yes, I am assuming a lot in my post above, just like you were in yours.

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8 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

What is your problem with me? It is beginning to feel like you are stalking me,only to make insulting remarks.

I do not love my wife. I find her very attractive and i like her very much.I am an affectionate man, and that is what she wants of me. I treat her well and she wants for nothing. I expect she feels the same about me. In this way we get through our lives together, without cheating or ant other kind of extramarital dalliances.If you reread my post(because you have this habit of not digesting what is posted)  i said that i never trust anyone 100%. We go on holidays and enjoy our lives together. Unlike you, i have not got a divorce behind me.

I treat my wife with the upmost of respect and fidelity,nd because of that, she is happy for me to go to the city every month, play pool ,listen to my own language being spoken,and have a few beers.I stay at the Kosa hoel for 2 nights and then i get the bus back. She is there to meet me at he stop and drive me home.

My wife does not love me (Love, as we know it,s not a natural Thai emotion)She likes me very much. She feels secure with me, and she knows i will never leave her. She has access to money any time she needs it and she has money of her own,through her Chlorophyll business. She does not know my ATM numbers, But she has my daughters address and phone number, which,in the event of my death, she would contact regarding her percentage of my house in London. 15 % is her share. The house is in Sabine Road Battersea, bought by my great grandfather in the reign Edward the 7th. You can imagine what 15% of that would be now.My daughter is under instruction to contact my lawyer, who is aware of the situation.So i think my wife has more than a lot of women, whose husbands  profess to 'love' them.

Is this enough to satisfy your addiction to me, your constant attempt to somehow make me out to be a moron. If so, then be kind enough to stop stalking me through the forum.You know more about me now than my rabbi does.


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6 hours ago, robblok said:

 Its alcohol related as it states in the topic.. guess that is hard to swallow for some. 

Lao khao in its neat form is bloody hard to swallow, indeed. That's why I used to mix it with honey and lemon to make a passable cocktail. But you are correct that this appears to be a/ alcohol related and b/ related to the son's probable mental disorder from his earlier drug habit, and possibly, his experiences in the army. This can break some people not mentally equipped to handle the stress. Then there is the social rejection he likely had in the village and the result can be lethal, as indeed it has proven in this case. 

Nearly, every village I have come across in NEThailand has its handful of harmless drunks and then one or two that are borderline psychopaths, who can flip at a moment's notice. It seemed the poor father pushed the son's trigger point, which was possibly nothing to do with the pork bones, but something that was said. Sad, whatever the reason.

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15 hours ago, colinneil said:

Another case of son being treated softly by parents, want, want, want, then when not getting his own way reacts with violence.


Agree, have it in my extended Thai family. One guy, about 50 years old, sees himself as a cowboy.


His wife waits on him for every tiny thing, also his aged parents who live nearby and he throws tantrums at the slightest item not perfectly to his liking and his convenience. His wife is the breadwinner and she's always stressed out that she might be a minute late, etc.


Perhaps 1 year back he came home from a drinking bout to discover that only 1 light, not 2 lights, were on in the 'living room' when he stepped inside from the attached carport. He smashed the furniture, broke the windows and eventually collapsed in his drunken stupor and passed out till next morning.


His only child, a son, moved out when he finished high school and went to relatives in Bkk, and graduated from uni. Son visits and stays with kind neighbors and sees his mother maybe every 2 months, but all concerned very careful that the father never knows.


The saddest part is that the crazy guys' wife and his parents have no life of their own and live in constant fear of what he might do. 





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