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Thai Army Chief stresses importance of military’s readiness to protect nation


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Army Chief stresses importance of military’s readiness to protect nation


LOP BURI, 9 May 2017 (NNT) – During his inspection of a cavalry drill in Lop Buri province, the Royal Thai Army Commander-in-Chief encouraged the troops to always prepare themselves for any threat to national sovereignty. 

Army Chief Gen Chalermchai Sittisart paid a visit to the 2nd Cavalry Division, King’s Guard in Phatthana Nikhom district of Lop Buri in order to observe a cavalry exercise. Also participating in the activity were the commanders of the First, Second and Third Army Area as well as divisional commanders. 

In his address to the soldiers, Gen Chalermchai voiced his appreciation for everyone’s participation and urged them to remain committed to their training. He pointed out that the country is putting its hopes on them to serve as the main force to fight against all kinds of national threats. 

According to the Army Chief, military exercises have constantly been arranged for various units to enhance the efficiency of their tactics and to obtain practical skills through real-life situations. The ultimate goal is to ensure the troops’ readiness and confidence to promptly respond to any incoming threats as ordered by their commanders.

-- nnt 2017-05-09
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The biggest threat to the Army is in my opinion likely to be the RTP. 

When the've had enough of the RTA pushing into there revenue streams it might kick off.. till then nothing is going to threaten there cosy little number.

And if anyone did my money would be on the attackers as I don't feel the majority of Thai army is up to any sort of reasonable standard and will probably just run or surrender 


Edited by Nigeone
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It's people like him that give credence and reasons for buying war

machines the armrmy nor the country needs, if you stir enough

insecurity and unnecessary fears in people with ' war readiness  '

mongering they will agree to anything the army/navy crazy spending....

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It would be interesting to know just where the threat is perceived as coming from.


Is it the regional super-power China, or Thailand's ASEAN-allies, whose arrival is being planned-for ?


Or should we wait until the new-arrivals show-up on the TAT arrivals-statistics ? :cool:

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Given its myriad of insurmountable issues, and the general laziness and stupidity, who in their right mind would want to invade Thailand?

Which leaves only the populace of the country to come in the cross-hairs of the military.

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1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:

threat to national sovereignty


By who?


Not one country around here is thinking of war, so it must be a Mickey Mouse comment from 1944

Maybe when the subs are tied up at Laem Chabang and the money is still outstanding...

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I see this as a positive for the Nations army.  The Junta is doing a good job of keeping security in check ... how would it be if no one was in control ?  back to the old days of chaos and anarchy.  ?   but some just don't get it   !!


Why is it that any news about the military whatever it is there are farang who just want to whinge about every story, every episode, every move .... it doesn't matter what the news .. it just an automatic whinge ....  lol

It gets a bit much to hear whinging farangs all the time .....   Why stay here if everything is not to your liking ??   why bother to live here and hate the way things are ??   maybe move to Cambodia or somewhere.

The current PM has worked hard to bring security and stability to the thai people which is now being recognised by the US and others.

I vote ...   stop the whinging or move on ....  :post-4641-1156693976:

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These "drills" consist of some set piece fire and manoeuvre exercises, followed by a drive past; all carried out in front of a reviewing stand full of assorted generals and their staffs. It culminates in the speech quoted in the OP. All heavily scripted and rehearsed many times.
No training value.

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2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

I see this as a positive for the Nations army.  The Junta is doing a good job of keeping security in check ... how would it be if no one was in control ?  back to the old days of chaos and anarchy.  ?   but some just don't get it   !!


Why is it that any news about the military whatever it is there are farang who just want to whinge about every story, every episode, every move .... it doesn't matter what the news .. it just an automatic whinge ....  lol

It gets a bit much to hear whinging farangs all the time .....   Why stay here if everything is not to your liking ??   why bother to live here and hate the way things are ??   maybe move to Cambodia or somewhere.

The current PM has worked hard to bring security and stability to the thai people which is now being recognised by the US and others.

I vote ...   stop the whinging or move on ....  :post-4641-1156693976:


Hear, hear.


Now if they could just get the trains to run on time.



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2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

I see this as a positive for the Nations army.  The Junta is doing a good job of keeping security in check ... how would it be if no one was in control ?  back to the old days of chaos and anarchy.  ?   but some just don't get it   !!


Why is it that any news about the military whatever it is there are farang who just want to whinge about every story, every episode, every move .... it doesn't matter what the news .. it just an automatic whinge ....  lol

It gets a bit much to hear whinging farangs all the time .....   Why stay here if everything is not to your liking ??   why bother to live here and hate the way things are ??   maybe move to Cambodia or somewhere.

The current PM has worked hard to bring security and stability to the thai people which is now being recognised by the US and others.

I vote ...   stop the whinging or move on ....  :post-4641-1156693976:

The PM has indeed worked hard to bring financial security and financial stability to himself and his buddies.


What is it with the "why stay here if everything is not to your liking"?

Some people actually live here, own a house, have a family, etc.

That you only have a claim on a bar stool and could therefore pick up your one bag and move to another country to sit in another bar stool doesn't mean we all have such an empty life.

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4 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

The PM has indeed worked hard to bring financial security and financial stability to himself and his buddies.


What is it with the "why stay here if everything is not to your liking"?

Some people actually live here, own a house, have a family, etc.

That you only have a claim on a bar stool and could therefore pick up your one bag and move to another country to sit in another bar stool doesn't mean we all have such an empty life.

Bob,  .. I do live here, have 2 houses and family, not a bar stool .... hahaha ...  plenty of them around Pattaya.   Ok, there are those who believe everyone in Thailand is a swindler and corrupt ... was any previous governments any different ? one is a convicted crime in exile, the other ran a multi billion baht frauded rice scheme.

I like the current government ... it's safe ..... security is fine .... you can travel anywhere , do almost anything  .

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Just now, steven100 said:

Bob,  .. I do live here, have 2 houses and family, not a bar stool .... hahaha ...  plenty of them around Pattaya.   Ok, there are those who believe everyone in Thailand is a swindler and corrupt ... was any previous governments any different ? one is a convicted crime in exile, the other ran a multi billion baht frauded rice scheme.

I like the current government ... it's safe ..... security is fine .... you can travel anywhere , do almost anything  .

For someone who has a family here you seem to care extremely little about the country and it way it is going.

You sound exactly like the people who are destroying the country in the first place: they care about their own privileges and screw the rest of the people. 

As long as you can speed and get out of jail for free for murder why would you be bothered about others?

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19 minutes ago, steven100 said:

I see this as a positive for the Nations army.  The Junta is doing a good job of keeping security in check ... how would it be if no one was in control ?  back to the old days of chaos and anarchy.  ?   but some just don't get it   !!


Why is it that any news about the military whatever it is there are farang who just want to whinge about every story, every episode, every move .... it doesn't matter what the news .. it just an automatic whinge ....  lol

It gets a bit much to hear whinging farangs all the time .....   Why stay here if everything is not to your liking ??   why bother to live here and hate the way things are ??   maybe move to Cambodia or somewhere.

The current PM has worked hard to bring security and stability to the thai people which is now being recognised by the US and others.

I vote ...   stop the whinging or move on ....  :post-4641-1156693976:

I love your posts. Much like the stand up comedian who keeps a completely straight face when telling his jokes you manage to come across as if you believe what you are saying when obviously it is a clever ruse.

Keep it up.

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

I see this as a positive for the Nations army.  The Junta is doing a good job of keeping security in check ... how would it be if no one was in control ?  back to the old days of chaos and anarchy.  ?   but some just don't get it   !!


Why is it that any news about the military whatever it is there are farang who just want to whinge about every story, every episode, every move .... it doesn't matter what the news .. it just an automatic whinge ....  lol

It gets a bit much to hear whinging farangs all the time .....   Why stay here if everything is not to your liking ??   why bother to live here and hate the way things are ??   maybe move to Cambodia or somewhere.

The current PM has worked hard to bring security and stability to the thai people which is now being recognised by the US and others.

I vote ...   stop the whinging or move on ....  :post-4641-1156693976:

Those rose tinted spectacles you got from the optician worked then

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Has the strategy changed when under attack, from immediate surrender then?

Well there were the French around the area for a long time ,maybe they learned this from them ?

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

I see this as a positive for the Nations army.  The Junta is doing a good job of keeping security in check ... how would it be if no one was in control ?  back to the old days of chaos and anarchy.  ?   but some just don't get it   !!


Why is it that any news about the military whatever it is there are farang who just want to whinge about every story, every episode, every move .... it doesn't matter what the news .. it just an automatic whinge ....  lol

It gets a bit much to hear whinging farangs all the time .....   Why stay here if everything is not to your liking ??   why bother to live here and hate the way things are ??   maybe move to Cambodia or somewhere.

The current PM has worked hard to bring security and stability to the thai people which is now being recognised by the US and others.

I vote ...   stop the whinging or move on ....  :post-4641-1156693976:


why read and comment here if all the whinging annoys you so much?


maybe start reading the guardian or something


i vote ... move on :post-4641-1156693976:

Edited by GeorgeCross
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3 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

For someone who has a family here you seem to care extremely little about the country and it way it is going.

You sound exactly like the people who are destroying the country in the first place: they care about their own privileges and screw the rest of the people. 

As long as you can speed and get out of jail for free for murder why would you be bothered about others?

Steven, have you ever heard the term "rose coloured glasses"

It means that the glasses makes bad things look good.

Were you born with them on, or did you decide at some stage to start wearing them?

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