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In shock move, Trump fires FBI Director Comey


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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The president has total power to launch.



I didn't think to check Wikipedia on this. 


My first and most sincere argument against having Trump as the one with the codes (which I posted on Facebook a year ago and alienated many friends and family by doing so) was that he was totally unqualified for this responsibility.  In fact, he was far less qualified for this responsibility than any other candidate, even those that I detest. 


I've spent much of my adult life thinking about the unthinkable.  Unfortunately there were voters with other priorities.

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11 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

Thanks for your answers so if it hasn't been done, I would be surprised  after the end of the cold war it hasn't been done,  the US with more flexible options doesn't have it's 'instant' finger on the trigger and looks at more flexible options.

With responsible people in charge that is the way it would work.


Is Trump acting responsibly?

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I think the bottom line answer is the President (whomever it is) does have the ultimate and unilateral authority. There's no committee discussion or voting that's part of the process. The process was designed to respond quickly and effectively against a perceived threat. It wasn't, AFAIK, designed to protect against a lunatic CIC, probably because the drafters didn't ever envision that likelihood coming to pass.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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4 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

It would seem there's been an odd transformation in U.S. politics with the arrival of Trump.


For most of modern U.S. political history, it was the Russians/communists who were America's stated enemies, the right wing Republicans were the avowed hard-core foes of Russia and the communists (think back to Ronald Reagan), and liberals were often portraying as being soft on them.


But now with Trump, suddenly, the President and his cohorts are good buddies with the Russians, the Congressional Republicans don't seem willing to go against the President when it comes to Russia in general and the Russian election tampering issue in particular, and now it's the Democrats who are the ones fighting against and warning about Russia's meddling in U.S. politics.


My my, how times have changed.


History is never as simple as these short summaries, but yes, you have accurately described how people who want to keep things simple (most people) remember history. 


I'd call the current situation ironic if it weren't real and scary.

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The whole world is talking about him, watching CNN live and everything is so negative, as a Brit I feel sorry for what he's doing to the US and making you look stupid allowing this guy to continue the way he does. 


The two heroes in my life are Neil Armstrong and Carl Sagan, the reasons for people to look up to the US are growing smaller.

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11 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I think the bottom line answer is the President (whomever it is) does have the ultimate and unilateral authority. There's no committee discussion or voting that's part of the process. The process was designed to respond quickly and effectively against a perceived threat. It wasn't, AFAIK, designed to protect against a lunatic CIC, probably because the drafters didn't ever envision that likelihood coming to pass.




Please, people, if we survive this current mess, think before you vote!  This isn't reality TV where the consequence of a foolish vote is...nothing.  This is reality, where the consequences of a foolish vote are horrible beyond imagination.

Edited by heybruce
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1 minute ago, heybruce said:



Please, people, think before you vote!  This isn't reality TV where the consequence of a foolish vote is...nothing.


Ahh... but he sounded so good bellowing, "You're FIRED!!!!"


But seriously, as I often find myself saying about Thailand, people and countries tend to get the political leaders they deserve. And in the case of the U.S., too many people in the country made a serious error in judgment.


Russia scandal aside, it wasn't hard to see and know what kind of man and character (or lack thereof) he is. And all those flaws and faults have simply gotten magnified exponentially once he went from being a TV ham and bellowing businessman to the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet.... It's sad... But Americans (at least those who voted him into the Presidency) only have themselves to blame.

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31 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

It would seem there's been an odd transformation in U.S. politics with the arrival of Trump.


For most of modern U.S. political history, it was the Russians/communists who were America's stated enemies, the right wing Republicans were the avowed hard-core foes of Russia and the communists (think back to Ronald Reagan), and liberals were often portraying as being soft on them.


But now with Trump, suddenly, the President and his cohorts are good buddies with the Russians, the Congressional Republicans don't seem willing to go against the President when it comes to Russia in general and the Russian election tampering issue in particular, and now it's the Democrats who are the ones fighting against and warning about Russia's meddling in U.S. politics.


My my, how times have changed.


Reagan had an extreme sense of humour. Remember when, in a mic amp test, he made an off the cuff joke about launching a nuke attack on commie Russia. Did not realise the mikes were taping him.

I agree, Russia is now a bigger threat than ever. The 16 trillion $US cost to "defeat" communist Russia seems to have been totally wasted.

 Now the current  US govt is totally in bed with the peskie Ruskies. My how times have changed indeed.

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18 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:


The two heroes in my life are Neil Armstrong and Carl Sagan, the reasons for people to look up to the US are growing smaller.

Russia always hated the US for the PR coup that was achieved by the Americans getting to the moon first. Speaking to a Russian friend tonight they (the Russians) are now having a party over the PR Coup they have just achieved by bitch slapping Donald Trump and the American people. Who would have thought with the current global tensions, the Russians getting a warmer welcome than US Allies and IN the oval office - no way, and on top of that who would have thought that in the heart of American Democracy, the Oval Office, the same Russians would be posing for photos with Trump with ear to ear smiles, with all American media banned and only Russian state media allowed in - I would have thought easier to put man on the moon than to let that happen. The Russians staged a coup and won without any interest.


I would hope after a weekend of reflection, certain members of the Trump Administration will contact their lawyers and get their letters of resignation in by Monday morning, and certain Republican congressmen reaffirm their commitment to the Republic of the USA and not the Republican party - that bit that was in the swearing of the Oath to office.


Russia 3 - USA 1

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

 Who would have thought with the current global tensions, the Russians getting a warmer welcome than US Allies and IN the oval office - no way, and on top of that who would have thought that in the heart of American Democracy, the Oval Office, the same Russians would be posing for photos with Trump with ear to ear smiles, with all American media banned and only Russian state media allowed in - I would have thought easier to put man on the moon than to let that happen. The Russians staged a coup and won without any interest.


The irony pool is getting deeper and deeper by the day, almost to the point of drowning...

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Russia always hated the US for the PR coup that was achieved by the Americans getting to the moon first. Speaking to a Russian friend tonight they (the Russians) are now having a party over the PR Coup they have just achieved by bitch slapping Donald Trump and the American people. Who would have thought with the current global tensions, the Russians getting a warmer welcome than US Allies and IN the oval office - no way, and on top of that who would have thought that in the heart of American Democracy, the Oval Office, the same Russians would be posing for photos with Trump with ear to ear smiles, with all American media banned and only Russian state media allowed in - I would have thought easier to put man on the moon than to let that happen. The Russians staged a coup and won without any interest.


I would hope after a weekend of reflection, certain members of the Trump Administration will contact their lawyers and get their letters of resignation in by Monday morning, and certain Republican congressmen reaffirm their commitment to the Republic of the USA and not the Republican party - that bit that was in the swearing of the Oath to office.


Russia 3 - USA 1

Almost agree with you. I do believe the bit about an American coup over the moon landing, but that is as far as it goes.

I doubt that the US or Russia now has that ability or the cajones to do this now. The risks are massive and the gains are zip.

(I remember as a school boy watching the landing all unfold, slow but totally engrossing in grainy tv coverage)

 If the US does not realise what they have created, a combatant role against China and Russia, then fools such as I must fade away.

The US once had allies in Europe, but Europe is nervous now. Trump has changed all that by getting into bed with Russia.

Nothing he ever says or does can ever be trusted, he changes his mind on a whim.

We live in even more interesting times. The US in bed with Russia? now there is something really interesting. 

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32 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Ahh... but he sounded so good bellowing, "You're FIRED!!!!"


But seriously, as I often find myself saying about Thailand, people and countries tend to get the political leaders they deserve. And in the case of the U.S., too many people in the country made a serious error in judgment.


Russia scandal aside, it wasn't hard to see and know what kind of man and character (or lack thereof) he is. And all those flaws and faults have simply gotten magnified exponentially once he went from being a TV ham and bellowing businessman to the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet.... It's sad... But Americans (at least those who voted him into the Presidency) only have themselves to blame.

I hope enough people learn from this.  Maybe during the next election (if it happens) more people will think beyond happy soundbites and simple answers and look for the best candidate to solve incredibly complicated problems.


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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

I hope enough people learn from this.  Maybe during the next election (if it happens) more people will think beyond happy soundbites and simple answers and look for the best candidate to solve incredibly complicated problems.



They should have learned this after Obama was elected. A guy with no real experience in anything, but could talk well was his only qualification. Luckily the US could withstand 8 years of his disastrous policies and poor decision making. I don't hold much faith in either side anymore. They all end up choosing shitty candidates.

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1 hour ago, pegman said:


Thanks for the post reconnecting me with Keith Olbermann. I've always found him to be both an entertaining and articulate political commentator, but had lost track of him after his Current TV gig ended. So I see he's now doing a (twice-weekly?) webcast for GQ that gets posted to YouTube and elsewhere. I subscribed via YouTube....


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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

I hope enough people learn from this.  Maybe during the next election (if it happens) more people will think beyond happy soundbites and simple answers and look for the best candidate to solve incredibly complicated problems.



1 hour ago, Crowes said:


They should have learned this after Obama was elected. A guy with no real experience in anything, but could talk well was his only qualification. Luckily the US could withstand 8 years of his disastrous policies and poor decision making. I don't hold much faith in either side anymore. They all end up choosing shitty candidates.

You're not a detail person, are you? Not a very good memory either.


Obama inherited an economy in free-fall, a budget leading to a record shattering $1.3 trillion deficit, and two unfinished wars.  He left a country with under 5% unemployment, a budget deficit a fraction of what he inherited, and an economy growing for seven years. 


Trump inherited a country in good condition, and is...well, it's hard to say, but it doesn't look good.

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9 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I went to your 


I went to your page on thaivisa because something didn't seem quite right about the way you represent your opinions here. And I looked back at your comments before the election, Basically lots of anger at the Press for the way Trump is treated and lots of contempt for Clinton. Whereas for Trump you say his remarks are unfortunate but you are  basically very forgiving of him.  Nothing at all about how CNN among others devoted much more time to email servers and such than the issues the candidates were running on. So I think the evidence is overwhelmingly clear that what you are doing here is called "concern trolling." Basically a concern troll claims to be basically with the other side, or once to have been with the other side, but now etc.. The goal is to convince opponents that he or she is a fair-minded person. It's been around in some form  before the internet and I suspect always will be.  

But if you want to get away with this, you should begin by hiding the record of your comments. 

expected attack and diversion and I stand by all my comments and my CNN comments were deleted 

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10 hours ago, iReason said:


I've condensed your post to get to the core of the matter.


Millions more voted against Trump.


"REAL"?? Like the supporters for the massively unqualified occupier of the White House, you appear clearly uninformed.

The BS factor can be applied to him like no other in recent times.


It happened due to the archaic rule of the Electoral College. (Along with the appeal to bigots, racists and uneducated voters)


But he was still out voted. Period.


I will proffer that divisive labels like "the liberal left" add nothing to the dialogue. Indeed, it exponentially polarizes it.

Now more so than ever.


But I do appreciate your reasoned approach.

Thank you for your courtesy and yes 3m more for HC and it's a tragedy that the system is what it is . A goal, surely, must be to change that so it cannot happen again.

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4 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Thank you for your courtesy and yes 3m more for HC and it's a tragedy that the system is what it is . A goal, surely, must be to change that so it cannot happen again.

                               2 times in less than 20 years, a Republican has taken hold of the presidency, while getting less than half the votes.   This recent time, Trump was so sure he would lose to HRC, that he was already lining up a phalanx of lawyers to contest the results.  Indeed,  he was loudly bellyaching for weeks before the election, that it would all be rigged - while preparing to launch a bevy of lawsuits.  


                            Even after he won the electoral vote count, he was crying and complaining - because he had so anticipated being in that mode.

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27 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Thank you for your courtesy and yes 3m more for HC and it's a tragedy that the system is what it is . A goal, surely, must be to change that so it cannot happen again.


I agree, lets ditch the system that has worked for over 200 years just because our candidate lost.

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Schiff demands Trump turn over Comey 'tapes'


"Senior House Democrats demanded on Friday that President Donald Trump turn over to Congress any tapes he might have made of his conversations with ousted FBI Director James Comey."


"Reps. John Conyers and Elijah Cummings, the top Democrats on the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, wrote to White House counsel Don McGahn asking whether such tapes exist and requesting copies if so."


"And Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, issued a statement saying Trump must either provide the tapes to Congress or admit he made them up."



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Amid FBI fallout, Trump escalates war against media and Comey

The president took to Twitter Friday to ratchet up his rhetoric against two targets in a move one Democrat described as 'unhinged.' (sub-title)


"President Donald Trump on Friday opened a two-front war over the firing of James Comey, first threatening to cancel media press briefings and then issuing an ominous warning to his former FBI director that he should hope there aren’t recordings of his conversations with the president."


"Later Friday, press secretary Sean Spicer refused to comment on whether or not Trump actually had a recording of his conversations with Comey."


“I’ve talked to the president,” Spicer said. “The president has nothing further to add on that.”





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3 minutes ago, iReason said:

Schiff demands Trump turn over Comey 'tapes'


"Senior House Democrats demanded on Friday that President Donald Trump turn over to Congress any tapes he might have made of his conversations with ousted FBI Director James Comey."


"Reps. John Conyers and Elijah Cummings, the top Democrats on the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, wrote to White House counsel Don McGahn asking whether such tapes exist and requesting copies if so."


"And Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, issued a statement saying Trump must either provide the tapes to Congress or admit he made them up."



Good idea, but won't happen.  Trump's #2 priority right now (his #1 is amassing money) is to thwart (and hopefully kill) all Russian-related investigations.    


Part of his strategy is diversions. Expect more military actions.


                 Note; there were some important events unfolding on Capital Hill recently.  We didn't hear about them.   For example: discussions of laws re; whether and how much US citizens can be investigated in the course of investigations of foreign agents.   But Trump fired Comey, so all focus went immediately to that.  


               The Feds are not able to do important business, because they're so diverted by Trump's grandstanding antics.   Another reason the Fed gov't can't do the business it's paid to do is understaffing.  It doesn't help when people quit.   A career CIA staffer just quit in protest about Trump.  How many have quit in recent months, and how many will follow the latest guy?   At the State Dept, 96% of appointed jobs have no people poised to fill those positions.



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                Top Russian politicians and agents are belly-laughing at what a complete dufus Trump is proving to be. 


             Russia may have lost the cold war, but it's winning whatever current conflict is going on with the US.   And it's getting green lights from Trumpsters, to re-take some of its former Soviet states.


                   As US influence in the world is sagging like an orangutang's grandmother's tits, Russia's and China's influence ww is gaining momentum.  Thanks Trump voters.  You've got American going great again, like McCarthyism and VD.

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15 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

One can throw a lot of accusations at Trump but using him as a punchbag for timeless right-wing Conspiracy Theorist anti-Americanism or left-wing accusations of being the new Hitler, is just a load of nonsense from both sides.

Ok, he's not as bad as Hitler.   Hitler caused the death of a lot of people.  Thus far Trump hasn't.  There, feel better now?

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14 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

As far as foreign policy is concerned, Obama left the rest of the world the opinion that in critical areas he was a pushover. Even a number of Obama supporters have this reservation.

                         Go to any crowd of people in the US, other than right-wing rednecks, and mention Obama's name, and you'll likely get a rousing cheer of appreciation.   I bet even a majority of Trump voters secretly wish Obama had been able to stay on for a 3rd term.   A large majority of Americans dearly miss Obama and Michelle being in the WH.   They are genuinely loved and respected, and for good reason.


               On foreign policy, here are some of the things Obama contributed to:  Killing Bin Laden, helped broker a deal for Iran to not manufacture nukes, pulled most US troops out of 2 wars started by Bush, kept the US out of a war in Syria, didn't get sucked into a war with N.Korea.   Does anyone have problems with those things?



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As far as foreign policy is concerned, Obama left the rest of the world the opinion that in critical areas he was a pushover. Even a number of Obama supporters have this reservation.

It's only warmongers and haters that look at all the successful foreign policy negotiations.

That Fox does not choose to cover President Obama's effectively negotiating Iran abandoning their nuclear program is not surprising.
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