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With a threat of 'tapes,' Trump tells ousted FBI chief not to talk to media


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Common men can make good or great presidents.

Like Harry Truman.

The problem with trump isn't being common.

It's that he's a moron that thinks he's the smartest man in the world. 

He's psychologically bizarre.

Yes he never held a job that he had to apply for before and his first job that he had to compete for is the most powerful man on the planet.

American voters were self destructive to take such a risk. 

Not my observation but I like this one -- a poor person's idea of a rich man. 


Edited by Jingthing
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The fact still remains that he may have obtained his presidency with the assistance of the Russians.And he has Fired the director of the FBI that was investigating that very question, and by letter no less.American's have a real want for a royal family.The family that ever came close were the Kennedys.George Washington was offered the job, but he refused, saying that he wasnt royal. He also refused to have his face struck on any coins of the day. In fact, the only coins that have his likeness on them were the American pennies that were struck in the UK.No, Trump is the common man that Aaron Copeland wrote his fanfare for.

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The fact still remains that he may have obtained his presidency with the assistance of the Russians.And he has Fired the director of the FBI that was investigating that very question, and by letter no less.American's have a real want for a royal family.The family that ever came close were the Kennedys.George Washington was offered the job, but he refused, saying that he wasnt royal. He also refused to have his face struck on any coins of the day. In fact, the only coins that have his likeness on them were the American pennies that were struck in the UK.No, Trump is the common man that Aaron Copeland wrote his fanfare for.

I can't relate to your common man thing but you've shared your POV.
Hillary came from common roots but if elected she would have been competent and sane if not great.
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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


From what I understand Comey has decided not to go in front of the senate after Trumps tweet.

(or maybe the commentator on fox was speaking hypothetically, not sure 100%)


Lol….great move by the Donald.

What makes you think  Comey decided not to go in front of the Senate after Trump's tweet and not before??

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5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


From what I understand Comey has decided not to go in front of the senate after Trumps tweet.

(or maybe the commentator on fox was speaking hypothetically, not sure 100%)


Lol….great move by the Donald.

From what I have read, Comey doesn't want to do be questioned behind closed doors. He wants it done in public. If so, really dumb move by the Donald. But of course it was a genius move of his to claim in the firing letter that he did it because of Rosenstein's report and then deny that less than 24 hours later. 

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The more Trump talks the more he is sealing his fate.  If he has nothing to hide he would welcome an independent prosecutor to investigate the whole sorry business.  The very fact that Trump would even ask the FBI Director- 3 times no less- if he was under investigation - shows a man who has something to hide. It may be the election or it maybe the dossier on him is actually true regarding the Russian prostitutes or it may be both. There is something there and eventually someone with first hand knowledge will talk.


It may have gone away before this incident- but it is definitely not going away now... there is too much at stake. If he or any of his minions were in contact with the Russians in an attempt to influence the election- this borders on treason. Even if Trump himself was not personally involved- he is trying to stonewall and cover for others. This is grounds for impeachment and conviction.


Trump had no real mandate to govern. He lost the popular vote in a divided election. The problem now is that he will not be able to govern at all and the Us Government itself will become impotent. For the sake of the country- he has to go.  If Congress cannot impeach and convict; the 25th Amendment must be invoked and he be removed.  This man won't go easily and he will fight to the bitter end- simply because he is a selfish , narcissistic meglomaniac who thinks only he is right .


The sad part of all this is that many millions of Americans voted for Trump as a change agent. The middle class and poor believed he would bring jobs back to America and that the economy would improve. Instead he has focused on border walls; enforcing the removal of all illegals instead of those who are criminals; and attempting to ban people because of their religion.

His healthcare reform is a disaster and favors the wealthy as does  his tax cut proposal.  The wealthy are not going to let their new found wealth trickle down - they are going to keep it all for themselves and Trump damn well knows this because he is one of them.


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42 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The sad part of all this is that many millions of Americans voted for Trump as a change agent.

Changing the status quo is a perilous endeavour. When you try to detox a body, the toxins flood the body with even greater intensity than in the past, giving the impression that the sickness has taken a turn for the worse.


However, there is a turning point when recovery starts to happen. The losers of the election are powerful people, with vast resources so the Donald is up against the wall. So far there is no evidence to show any russian involvement…it all seems to be "classified"…very convenient.

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59 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Changing the status quo is a perilous endeavour. When you try to detox a body, the toxins flood the body with even greater intensity than in the past, giving the impression that the sickness has taken a turn for the worse.


However, there is a turning point when recovery starts to happen. The losers of the election are powerful people, with vast resources so the Donald is up against the wall. So far there is no evidence to show any russian involvement…it all seems to be "classified"…very convenient.

It's an ongoing investigation.  If leaks started to occur Republicans would be howling about that. How do you know that there is no evidence to show Russian involvement? Have you been reading confidential FBI files? Please share with us what you've learned if that's the case.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Changing the status quo is a perilous endeavour. When you try to detox a body, the toxins flood the body with even greater intensity than in the past, giving the impression that the sickness has taken a turn for the worse.


However, there is a turning point when recovery starts to happen. The losers of the election are powerful people, with vast resources so the Donald is up against the wall. So far there is no evidence to show any russian involvement…it all seems to be "classified"…very convenient.

"So far there is no evidence to show any russian involvement…"  

Boomer responds;  Are you kidding?  There are heaps of evidence.  Are you aware of Stone, Manifort, Flynn, Kushner, Sessions, and Trump himself?    That's why they're all running scared - and so they should.   

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I can't relate to your common man thing but you've shared your POV.
Hillary came from common roots but if elected she would have been competent and sane if not great.

Thank you for respecting my shared POV.I reserve the right to be unsure about your remarks regarding Hillary Clinton:smile:

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7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

"So far there is no evidence to show any russian involvement…"  

Boomer responds;  Are you kidding?  There are heaps of evidence.  Are you aware of Stone, Manifort, Flynn, Kushner, Sessions, and Trump himself?    That's why they're all running scared - and so they should.   

so where is it…is there a link…you guys love posting links….


talking to russians doesn't make everyone a russian agent….even obama used to talk to russians

Edited by JHolmesJr
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And the sheer stupidity of Trump's threat. Why would anyone say anything to him in the Oval Office that might reflect badly on them now that they know it might be the case that Trump is recording their conversations? And give him a weapon that he can use against them in the future?  A massively stupid thing he did in threatening Comey.

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The more Trump talks the more he is sealing his fate.  If he has nothing to hide he would welcome an independent prosecutor to investigate the whole sorry business.  The very fact that Trump would even ask the FBI Director- 3 times no less- if he was under investigation - shows a man who has something to hide. It may be the election or it maybe the dossier on him is actually true regarding the Russian prostitutes or it may be both. There is something there and eventually someone with first hand knowledge will talk.
It may have gone away before this incident- but it is definitely not going away now... there is too much at stake. If he or any of his minions were in contact with the Russians in an attempt to influence the election- this borders on treason. Even if Trump himself was not personally involved- he is trying to stonewall and cover for others. This is grounds for impeachment and conviction.
Trump had no real mandate to govern. He lost the popular vote in a divided election. The problem now is that he will not be able to govern at all and the Us Government itself will become impotent. For the sake of the country- he has to go.  If Congress cannot impeach and convict; the 25th Amendment must be invoked and he be removed.  This man won't go easily and he will fight to the bitter end- simply because he is a selfish , narcissistic meglomaniac who thinks only he is right .
The sad part of all this is that many millions of Americans voted for Trump as a change agent. The middle class and poor believed he would bring jobs back to America and that the economy would improve. Instead he has focused on border walls; enforcing the removal of all illegals instead of those who are criminals; and attempting to ban people because of their religion.
His healthcare reform is a disaster and favors the wealthy as does  his tax cut proposal.  The wealthy are not going to let their new found wealth trickle down - they are going to keep it all for themselves and Trump damn well knows this because he is one of them.

Exactly, he is a traitor and the sooner he is prosecuted and incarcerated the better...
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It's an ongoing investigation.  If leaks started to occur Republicans would be howling about that. How do you know that there is no evidence to show Russian involvement? Have you been reading confidential FBI files? Please share with us what you've learned if that's the case.

Well the investigation is over with Comey gone.
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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's an ongoing investigation.  If leaks started to occur Republicans would be howling about that. How do you know that there is no evidence to show Russian involvement? Have you been reading confidential FBI files? Please share with us what you've learned if that's the case.

ok so lets talk when the investigation is at an end….why you jumping to conclusions? 


u saying comey is the only guy gathering evidence to prosecute the case?

Edited by JHolmesJr
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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Changing the status quo is a perilous endeavour. When you try to detox a body, the toxins flood the body with even greater intensity than in the past, giving the impression that the sickness has taken a turn for the worse.


However, there is a turning point when recovery starts to happen. The losers of the election are powerful people, with vast resources so the Donald is up against the wall. So far there is no evidence to show any russian involvement…it all seems to be "classified"…very convenient.

I know what you mean about toxins, Trump is not going to go away quietly ,sadly things will get worst before he does.

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14 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


From what I understand Comey has decided not to go in front of the senate after Trumps tweet.

(or maybe the commentator on fox was speaking hypothetically, not sure 100%)


Lol….great move by the Donald.

You don't quite understand it then. Comey has said he will testify but it must be a public hearing. Great move by the Donald..........Not! LOl !



James Comey is willing to speak to Congress following his sudden dismissal as head of the FBI earlier this week, but he wants the testimony to be public, according to a new report.


Comey declined an invitation to speak to the Senate Intelligence Committee in a closed door session next week.


However, The New York Times reports that Comey is willing to speak if it's a public hearing.




In fact Trump should be crapping his pants really ! Yup Great move by the Donald.

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The fix is in with Comey, if it were not, Trump would not have "fired" him.


Now Comey puts on a big show of resistance, gets "questioned" in a public hearing that ends up exonerating Trump.


They both laugh all the way to the bank.


He threw the election for Trump, you guys all seem to be forgetting that.



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3 hours ago, Rhys said:

Love it.... pledge your loyalty to me,  SAY WHAT,  I give you my honesty... WORD UP... now get thee away from me.....

Precisely, asking for a commitment contrary to the FBI Oath. Don't know if it's been quoted before...


I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.



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On 5/12/2017 at 8:14 PM, habanero said:

It's very hard to side with this president when he comes up with such a "stupid" thing to say.  

Everything the orange moron says is stupid. Even on rare occasion he says something not stupid...it still sounds stupid coming from him. :bah: And we thought George Bush was an embarrassment!

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13 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

So far there is no evidence to show any russian involvement…it all seems to be "classified"…very convenient.

It's an on-going investigation that Trump is trying to hobble. The evidence, if any, comes *after* the investigation.


However what is known publicly is already quite worrying. For those who want to follow documented developments in the Trump/Russia saga, this a useful resource:


This resource page compiles information regarding President Donald Trump and associates’ alleged ties to Russia.


Developments are loosely divided into story arcs for readability but are otherwise organized by chronology. Efforts have been made to provide available primary source materials and the most definitive secondary source accounts. Dates for secondary source materials are noted in brackets wherever they differ from the dates of the events reported, and all dates that appear under multiple story arcs have been bolded.



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10 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Everything the orange moron says is stupid. Even on rare occasion he says something not stupid...it still sounds stupid coming from him. :bah: And we thought George Bush was an embarrassment!


Now you know how half the country felt about Obama. Literally the worst president we've ever had.

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Just now, YetAnother said:

well it makes for drama; movie in the making

Movies are old hat, its a reality TV show


"All the Presidents yes Men" 

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1 hour ago, mogandave said:

The fix is in with Comey, if it were not, Trump would not have "fired" him.


Now Comey puts on a big show of resistance, gets "questioned" in a public hearing that ends up exonerating Trump.


They both laugh all the way to the bank.


He threw the election for Trump, you guys all seem to be forgetting that.



I was tempted to agree, but caught myself. That's highly speculative, conspiratorial thinking—the kind of thing Liberals have been accusing the likes of Breitbart, Drudge and Alex Jones of propagating.


Whether the Russians' actions actually anointed Trump to the presidency or whether they directly control Trump is yet to be determined. That the Russians *attempted* to interfere in the elections is no longer in doubt.


It's also clear by now that The Trump Presidency is a gift to Putin. Trump's erratic behavior, gutting of key agencies and failure to fill thousands of key positions has thrown a lot of essential government work into disarray, particularly at the State Department, a department that was a key Putin nemesis within the US government. Trump's public baffonery is also a gift to Putin as he endeavors to show his own citizens the "foolhardiness" of fully democratic elections that would put a nutcase like this in control of the world's most formidable nuclear arsenal.


The way the media has handled this, as well as the election campaign, as if this were the frantic chase after OJ Simpson's white Bronco —except its a chase that's lasted months—also helps bolster Putin's arguments against a fully free press.


Whatever the whole truth turns out to be, Putin's already won big.

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