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People still free to ‘like’ on social media with discretion, ministry clarifies


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51 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Replace that with 'that is going to pee a tiny group of meglomaniacs off'. This rule is not going to apply for clicking anything demeaning to 95% of Thailand's population.  But who cars about the 95%, huh?


The government is clearly backtracking now. It's hilarious how weak they are when they come up against any form of numbers. 

The government is clearly backtracking now.


You really think so? I`d rather be a free coward than an incarcerated hero. I am going to keep my head down and plod on with my life. As for the freedom fighters among you, GOOD LUCK.


Edited by cyberfarang
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He clarified that the public could still express opinions via online channels, provided their comments do not infringe on other peoples’ rights or break any laws.

What a bunch of useless double-talk.


First they said, and they've acted in the past, on Facebook likes being cause for rounding up people in certain, shall we say, "sensitive" cases.


Then they doubled down on that original view lately with the case of the policeman who liked a Facebook post criticizing one of his superiors. Though to note, he wasn't arrested for liking that post, just called in as a witness. But in the reporting on that, they seemed to repeat that just liking FB content alone could be cause for arrest.


But now the Ministry guy comes out and the article at least tries to make it seem as though Facebook likes in general should be OK and not considered criminal...


Except, then he added this little, but very consequential comment/caveat at the end....  "provided their comments do not...break any laws."


Well, there's still the Computer Crimes Act out there, and who knows on any given day whether those in power will consider any particular Facebook like or online sharing of any particular FB content to be in violation of the CCA.


And how about the recent official warning to the public to not even visit or like/subscribe to the online pages of the four living-in-exile academics/government critics or face prosecution. Is that threat being rescinded?  I don't think so.


The Ministry guy's comments are meaningless PR spin. Pay attention to what they actually do, not to what they say.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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6 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

I am going to keep my head down and plod on with my life

Please do. You seem to be salivating over the people in power attempting to shut down any form of descent. You clearly agree with their right to do so, where others think it's wrong.


You're not keeping your head down. You're celebrating oppression. 

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You don't like the Governement, you criticise again and again....
why don't move back to your so charming "free" countries ?
Like the Kingdom or leave.


What "government"? 


The freedom to express an opinion, whether as a Thai or a foreigner, should probably be preserved, encouraged, respected and honored?


I mean, you too are expressing an opinion, or three? And issuing an order to boot. 



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54 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

The government is clearly backtracking now.


You really think so? I`d rather be a free coward than an incarcerated hero. I am going to keep my head down and plod on with my life. As for the freedom fighters among you, GOOD LUCK.


"I`d rather be a free coward than an incarcerated hero"... exactly what the want... or in other words, a useful idiot.

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1 hour ago, portroyal said:

You don't like the Governement, you criticise again and again....

why don't move back to your so charming "free" countries ?

Like the Kingdom or leave.

What government? There is no government. What kingdom?  That died a short while ago. There are a bunch of tiny, little men calling themselves "soldiers" badly attempting to push through "laws" aimed at protecting the wealth of the elite.  That is the situation.  Get it?

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9 hours ago, tracker1 said:

He clarified that the public could still express opinions via online channels, provided their comments do not infringe on other peoples’ rights or break any laws. That leaves things a bit open for clarification  when it comes to Laws and Peoples Rights !

yeah. it's what's not written that worries people... a lot

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free to “like” or share posts as long as they respected


Outright Liar


respected by Who?


Free not in this neck of the woods


Ministry of DE


Spend a fortune on staff who troll the internet all day all night 24/7 looking for comments they do not agree with most of the inactive end up there, most cannot talk English and few know what phrases mean. Example The writings was on the wall I should have seen this coming. translated by them means You wrote on a web wall somewhere. Yet put the phrase into Google and you get the correct answer.


Having dealt with them I was shocked at just how little they knew about the web and whoever designs there websites should go back to school as total waste of time with coding we forgot years ago. If this lot are driving 4 then you will be back at 0 in 3 years compared to the rest of us.


So Sad beautiful country but lacking leadership and stifling talent that is there.



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33 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

What government? There is no government. What kingdom?  That died a short while ago. There are a bunch of tiny, little men calling themselves "soldiers" badly attempting to push through "laws" aimed at protecting the wealth of the elite.  That is the situation.  Get it?

The funny part is that most of the anger here is from the fact that, although we chose to come here MOST people who were born here wish they weren't and wish they had a way to bugger off out of it and live in France instead.


Of course, we're not all complaining!!!


I, for one, was very happy to hear the news of the Junta's decision that 'people will still be allowed to 'like' internet posts as long as they do so with the utmost discretion and do not 'like' anything which may, or may not contain anything which may, or may not at some time in the future be construed as something which is not completely respectful in respect of the Kingdom or it's rulers.

Edited by ben2talk
removed a possibly offensive word.
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1 hour ago, portroyal said:

You don't like the Governement, you criticise again and again....

why don't move back to your so charming "free" countries ?

Like the Kingdom or leave.

The government and the country are not the same thing. Can you see how one may be of the opinion that the gang calling themselves a government represent the country quite poorly?


Like it or leave it is a simplistic sentiment that shows no concern for people that may have invested their lives in the country when freedom of expression was allowed and when it was on the way to becoming a developed nation, with a bright future. 

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

My god, you'll have a society of children who are terrified to say anything. 


I suspect that this is the goal of the overseers?

This is already baked into the culture - the overseers are simply fulfilling their role (likeyly defined by some low paid soap opera writer).


As a joke, I taught my toddler animals from a cardboard flip-book, but I didn't teach him 'Orangutan'... I decided 'Mummy' was more fun. He flipped through it saying 'cat, gorilla, Mummy...' and all the Thai's reacted in genuine horror. He laughed because he actually understood the joke and couldn't understand their problem...

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55 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

"I`d rather be a free coward than an incarcerated hero"... exactly what the want... or in other words, a useful idiot.

Go and start a revolution and we`ll nominate you as our leader. Personally, I don`t give a toss either way, The idiots are those who cannot ignore facebook and are addicted to it.

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2 hours ago, portroyal said:

You don't like the Governement, you criticise again and again....

why don't move back to your so charming "free" countries ?

Like the Kingdom or leave.

i LOVE the Klngdom of Thailand  พี่ดอกไม้รักประเทศไทย 

THAT said- it must be acknowledged that things have become

quite draconian in the last 3 years, and especially since  Oct 13...

i still feel that Thailand is one of the freest places on Earth, in MOST cases-

but the recent actions of the junta make me, and many others, quite justifiably fearful

-there are many indications that many wish truly  to turn this back into an absolute monarchy

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6 hours ago, smedly said:

how about mind your own business and stop interfering into peoples social interactions

this is how the death spiral starts with all juntas............................ 

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15 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

Whose discretion? The authorities not yours, which defeats the whole point of a 'Like'!

ehhh... dey can swing on my "like"  .


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12 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

i LOVE the Klngdom of Thailand  พี่ดอกไม้รักประเทศไทย 

THAT said- it must be acknowledged that things have become

quite draconian in the last 3 years, and especially since  Oct 13...

i still feel that Thailand is one of the freest places on Earth, in MOST cases-

but the recent actions of the junta make me, and many others, quite justifiably fearful

-there are many indications that many wish truly  to turn this back into an absolute monarchy

As the people are not well educated, all we need is a well educated absolute monarch, with a Royal Army to protect and serve, and then there's no further need for corrupt governments - let's face it, it just causes too much hassle. 

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4 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

Unfortunately FB dont have dislike buttons, 

Update your app, the new versions do have a "dislike" button. 


Which begs the question, is it an okay to "dislike" something the government likes on social media?


Perhaps they could convince Facebook to make a special version for Thailand, on which the only the appropriate sentiment icon appears for "sensitive" issues. This would be a helpful tool for helping us to know the government sanctioned opinion we are supposed to hold on tricky issues.

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13 minutes ago, ftpjtm said:

Update your app, the new versions do have a "dislike" button. 


The thing with mobile apps is that maybe 99 percent of people are always updated and using the latest version.


Facebook doesn't have a 'dislike' button. You either 'like' or 'unlike'.


Interestingly, if I post a picture of someone Royal and Well Respected, if you don't click 'Like' that could be construed as 'unLiking'. How does that sit with Thai Law? Anyone? Surely it's a bit like not standing for the Anthem in the Cinema and should surely be met with severe punishment lest anarchy ensue!

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Oki doki Junta boys,


Here's what I think of you and your crazy / ludicrous / pathetic approach to Social Media.



I like to do this when interacting with my friends  





T - up.png

If for some reason I don't agree with my friends I do this 






T - down.png




And as far as you lot are concerned you can sit on this 


Edited by metisdead
Image containing profane gesture removed.
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11 hours ago, darksidedog said:

And how exactly is the average person supposed to know if by clicking "like" he is going to piss someone else off, or be breaking a crazy law?

I bet the entire world is laughing at these moronic clowns.

Don't be absurd! The entire world hasn't heard about them yet, so only those who have are laughing. Oh, other than the Junta cheerleaders - where are they now? Shouldn't they be proudly extolling the virtues of the generals and the start of "thought crime"?

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