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Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn probe - source


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2 hours ago, tonray said:

Many respectable staff are about to ask the question of "Is this worth throwing away any future career prospects at this point ?" I would expect a few major defections within the next 2 weeks (if Trump does not fire everyone first).



The Republicans have had enough. They will be dolling out immunities to prosecution to one and all soon enough.

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10 minutes ago, impulse said:


No.  We just hated the alternatives even more...  Career politicians determined to stay in power for life no matter what it costs the country.

Clinton was only in office 8 of her 69 years.

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21 minutes ago, pegman said:

Clinton was only in office 8 of her 69 years.


And if Trump hadn't beat her, she would have been in office 16 of her 77 years.  


Coming into politics as minor ambulance chasers from Arkansas, and amassing a huge family fortune while doing virtually nothing except collecting money for favors...  


Poster Children for what the voters rejected when they voted for Trump.  Or rather, voted against HRC.

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Trump needs to go before he draws the world into a war in the ME or North Korea because after he has done that it will take a long long time for any successor to clean up his mess and replace all the competent people he has sacked. Hiss successor will have his hands full fighting an unwanted war. Should his successor be Pence then I would guess it will take even longer as many competent people will be avoiding any office under his jurisdiction.

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Something new most days, its good to see the Trump Circus does not disappoint.   No more ' so called' world leader more like world laughing stock :coffee1:.  There is nowt like setting a good example for others to follow  

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America has become a really sick place.

the responses to this latest media frenzy......... are coming from the 2020 Trump Pence reelection organization.... with 2020 election letterhead.... not just quick clips from the White House.... where they are thinking about shutting down the press room permanently.

okay, no problem Trumpie's base says.

they don't even hide any of this... it's like the Trump family telling Chinese to buy visas....... completely naked..... you got a deal you wanna make? you wanna visit to the White House [kept totally secret visit if you are a 'real' big whig.. not just a TV hero].. hey make a contribution... here ya go....

it's the 2020 Election extravaganza time....  reelect Trump and Pence!!!

and Hillary has a new machine too already set up. 

very exciting. 2020!!!! and the Big Question.... will Bernie be too old in 2020????

hey McMasters... get back to work now.  and the rest of you guys, we are too busy with 2020 already. and if you mess up.... we will disavow any knowledge of whatever it is.... you will be hung out to dry....


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31 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

and Hillary has a new machine too already set up. 


No, too she's old and in the way. Hopefully the DNC is smart enough to understand where they went wrong and have some fresh faces in the wings.


The GOP will be lucky to come out of this trumapalooza still intact. It'd be good to see a new party come out of all this.  

Edited by Rob13
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11 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


No, too she's old and in the way. Hopefully the DNC is smart enough to understand where they went wrong and have some fresh faces in the wings.


The GOP will be lucky to come out of this trumapalooza still in tack. It'd be good to see a new party come out of all this.  

I agree neither Clinton nor Sanders will be running for president in 2020. Clinton wants to stay involved in politics in other ways and that is certainly her right both as any citizen and also that she is the person that got the most votes in 2016. Sanders is, alas, just too old, and his political moment has passed. But he did a service to the country, reducing socialism-phobia, and making running explicitly on universal health care something any mainstream democrat can, and likely will, run on in future. 

Too early to speculate but I hope the pick is not Elizabeth Warren. There is something about her that makes me feel she'd lose at Walter Mondale levels if nominated. 

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5 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

It'd be good to see a new party come out of all this.  


That would make it all worthwhile, unless there's a smoking hole where some city used to be when Trump gets finished.

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Just to be clear here:


According to the NYT, the memo in question is basicially one Comey wrote to himself summarizing his just prior meeting with the President. It was NOT a written memo from Trump to Comey, which would have been even more damning...


But nonetheless, the NYT article explained:




Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. It was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.

Mr. Comey shared the existence of the memo with senior F.B.I. officials and close associates. The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of it to a Times reporter.



Hey Mr. President, let's hear your supposed tape recordings of your conversations with the former FBI director.  :sleep:

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51 minutes ago, impulse said:


And if Trump hadn't beat her, she would have been in office 16 of her 77 years.  


Coming into politics as minor ambulance chasers from Arkansas, and amassing a huge family fortune while doing virtually nothing except collecting money for favors...  


Poster Children for what the voters rejected when they voted for Trump.  Or rather, voted against HRC.

"Coming into politics as minor ambulance chasers from Arkansas, and amassing a huge family fortune while doing virtually nothing except collecting money for favors..."


Total BS.  Kenneth Star spent years, and almost $80 of taxpayer money, trying to pin something on her or Bill, and all he got was Bill lying about a BJ.  Many investigations since then, all coming up empty.


It's more profitable to investigate Trump.  He buys his way out of trouble, spending tens of millions on out of court settlements.

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5 hours ago, pmarlin said:

More fake news, comes from someone reading a memo over the phone to a Washington Times reporter. Not verified at all. News reporting now days is just to weird for words. Can't believe anything I read now days. Only the stupid believe this stuff. 

Yes, it's fake news. If it had happened Comey should have notified the Justice Department at the time. He didn't, so it's just some anonymous source "leaking" fake news to a paper that has abandoned any semblance of impartiality.

Frankly, if anyone looks to the WaPo or the NYT for the truth on anything Trump related, they must be gullible.

Pity about the WaPo- used to be a good institution.


Trump completely owns the liberal left now. They are going completely bonkers with anti Trump hysteria. Very entertaining, but sad too, watching the US media establishment tear themselves apart.

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1 hour ago, impulse said:

Poster Children for what the voters rejected when they voted for Trump.  Or rather, voted against HRC.


Jimmy Carter said pretty much the same thing last week... most clear headed analysis I've heard since all this mess bagan....




At the event with Sanders, Carter said he thought American voters elected Donald Trump because of their "dissatisfaction with the existing system of politics."


"People were willing to just take a chance and abandon democracy and what we knew about its basic principles just to try something new, no matter what it was," said the former president, who has mostly stayed out of domestic politics since leaving the White House after a single term in 1981.





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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Just like it was fake news that Trump disclosed information that had been classified as secret to the Russians.  I know what you're going to reply. That the source confirming it was unreliable. And I'd have to agree with you considering that the source was Donald Trump.

I just wonder what you'll say when Comey publicly confirms the existence of said memo.

We're still waiting for Comey to make a statement. Seems very reluctant to do so- perhaps because there is nothing there to make a statement on.

Well, this is turning into the usual anti Trump thread, filled with pages and pages of nothing but Trump hate. I guess no need for any facts if one can just spout the same old boring fake news over and over and over.


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10 minutes ago, heybruce said:

"Coming into politics as minor ambulance chasers from Arkansas, and amassing a huge family fortune while doing virtually nothing except collecting money for favors..."


Total BS.  Kenneth Star spent years, and almost $80 of taxpayer money, trying to pin something on her or Bill, and all he got was Bill lying about a BJ.  Many investigations since then, all coming up empty.


I didn't say what they did was illegal.  And that's one of the problems with American politics.  They make Thai politicians look like amateurs at corruption.  But since they make the rules....

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3 hours ago, oilinki said:

Sounds like things are heating up at the White House


"White House sources say Trump is cursing up a storm - ranting and raving. Yelling at staffers & using the "F" word. He's losing it tonight."


Well, didn't Bannon wished to bring the US government down? The plan seems to be working for now.


The good part is that when Trump saga is over, the is likely be healing movement to stabilize USA afterwards.

Wanna bet?

The liberal anti Trumpers have had it all their own way so far because the Trump base is basically writing it off as sore loser syndrome, but if the establishment does manage to get Trump fired, does anyone think they won't be looking for liberal blood?

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The liberal anti Trumpers have had it all their own way so far because the Trump base is basically writing it off as sore loser syndrome,


Have had what 'all their way so far" ? Trump got everything he ever wanted and choked on it - highest office in the country and a congress that supported him . Everything that's going on these days can be traced back to DT and his conflicting stories he tells on a daily basis. He's  flopping because of himself. The only thing the liberal trump haters have done is stand there and report it, same as the minority opposition with any president. 





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5 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


Have had what 'all their way so far" ? Trump got everything he ever wanted and choked on it - highest office in the country and a congress that supported him . Everything that's going on these days can be traced back to DT and his conflicting stories he tells on a daily basis. He's  flopping because of himself. The only thing the liberal trump haters have done is stand there and report it, same as the minority opposition with any president. 





a congress that supported him


Seriously? 55555555555555

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

a congress that supported him


Seriously? 55555555555555


Google the numbers. GOP congress with something like 80% of the GOP supporting him-even after the past 2 days of bad news. Can't ask for more than that.

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5 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


Google the numbers. GOP congress with something like 80% of the GOP supporting him-even after the past 2 days of bad news. Can't ask for more than that.


But that's kind of like the old polls that say 99.9% of the Politburo supported Stalin.


Trump jumped the presidential nomination and election queues in front of dozens of lifetime politicians that are itching to see him fail so nobody else tries it in 2020. (President Oprah, anyone?)  And the Dems and Repubs now have one thing they can work together on.  That's protecting their gravy trains against interlopers.


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8 minutes ago, impulse said:

But that's kind of like the old polls that say 99.9% of the Politburo supported Stalin.



No doubt there's some reluctant supporters, even still, he's got alot more to work with than Obama had or even Bill Clinton. The trumpies are too quick to play the tanya harding card and whine cuz  everybody's against him. Nobody but himself to blame. 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Yes, it's fake news. If it had happened Comey should have notified the Justice Department at the time. He didn't, so it's just some anonymous source "leaking" fake news to a paper that has abandoned any semblance of impartiality.

Frankly, if anyone looks to the WaPo or the NYT for the truth on anything Trump related, they must be gullible.

Pity about the WaPo- used to be a good institution.


Trump completely owns the liberal left now. They are going completely bonkers with anti Trump hysteria. Very entertaining, but sad too, watching the US media establishment tear themselves apart.


57 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

We're still waiting for Comey to make a statement. Seems very reluctant to do so- perhaps because there is nothing there to make a statement on.

Well, this is turning into the usual anti Trump thread, filled with pages and pages of nothing but Trump hate. I guess no need for any facts if one can just spout the same old boring fake news over and over and over.


If you've ever been part of a government program going south (I have) you learn very quickly to document things to CYA.  I'm not a fan of Comey, but I credit him with the intelligence to do this.


Comey doesn't need to make a statement.  Congress will call him to testify under oath (Trump's greatest fear) and he can reveal what he has then.  If his testimony is sufficiently damning, Trump will be forced to release any recordings that refute the testimony, or pursue other options.  The only other option I can think of is to resign, after receiving assurances from Pence he will receive a full pardon.

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1 hour ago, Basil B said:

So her 8 years as first lady does not count???

Yes, we had "travel gate", some of her fine work, then lied she

had nothing to do with it.


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forgot a word
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4 minutes ago, rice555 said:

Yes, we had "travel gate", some of her fine work, then lied she

had nothing to do with it.


As explained in post 75, this was investigated to hell and back and nothing came of it.


Interesting double standard here:  When Democrats are investigated it's proof of guilt, even if the investigation comes up empty.  When Republicans buy their way out of legal trouble without admitting guilt, as Trump and Bill O'Reilly have done repeatedly, it means they're innocent.

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4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

If you've ever been part of a government program going south (I have) you learn very quickly to document things to CYA.  I'm not a fan of Comey, but I credit him with the intelligence to do this.

It's not even a government thing, in a service industry with customer interaction it's very common straight after a meeting to document all the salient points before real life gets in the way and alters your perception and colouring of the facts. 

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4 hours ago, Rob13 said:

So in Art of the Deal, trump talks about making people think you're corrupt and working with the enemy while undermining those who's job it is to protect you? Very sneaky strategy. 

Your so well informed about his working with the enemy  why don't you submit the evidence you have  that all the hysterical Trump haters are looking for? Can't find it? Neither can anyone else. Just more conspiracy garbage from the left.

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