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Insecticide for Cicadas

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I am trying to deal with cicadas in my garden, as they are damaging the mango trees and keeping me awake at night. If anybody can recommend an insecticide or any other valuable tips, i would be grateful.

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If you want to use chemical pesticide, literature suggests Lambda-Cyhalothrin and Deltametrhin.
However, I'm not sure if they are available in Thailand but Cypermethrin is available and from the same substance group.
Remember they are non-selective knock-down insecticide killing every insect you spray on instantly.
Even the beneficial ones.

If you want to use biological agent, you could try with neem, soap or oil solution.

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Interesting, I haven't seen this inquiry before here.

I managed a mango orchard in Chiang Mai , but never had this issue, in fact I haven't experienced cicadas since growing up in the Arizona desert, I remember the noise factor, but I haven't had  to deal with an infestation as an IPM advisor/provider. 

What area of Thailand are you in?

Can you post photos of the cicada and the damage you see.

How many trees do you have and how tall are they?  

Do you have spray equipment available that can reach the top of the trees?


As you will see from the following link, cicadas have a life cycle that includes a tree dwelling/egglaying stage, a soil subsurface stage, and a tree trunk climbing stage. 



Spraying the foliar canopy with a contact insecticide, like the pyrethroids that CLW indicates, although not organic program compatible, may be the most available and affordable option when the adults are in the tree and bothering you.  But that depends on if you have spray equipment, or a local farmer with a sprayer who hires out, or a pest control service.


Neem seed oil extract products, or other botanical insecticides/repellents,  insecticidal soap and horticultural oil may bio-degrade more rapidly than pyrethroids,  but they would also need to be sprayed throughout the foliar canopy.  And these will not be as universally available in Thailand as is cypermethrin (Chaindrite Stedfast and other brands).


I don't know the adult male cidada's life expectancy and singing performance time table, but if the nuisance is tolerable, and the damage to the mango trees is not severe, you could consider sleeping with ear plugs/muffs, i-tunes, and waiting it out.  Identify and study the life cycle of the exact species of cicada you have, and consider a preventive program for the next time around, two years or seven. This can include soil drench with insecticide solution when they are in the ground, trunk banding with residual repellent insecticide when the nymphs are climbing, or look into biological controls. 



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28 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Never know Cicadas to be a pest for mango trees....


What damage are they causing?


Do you only want to kill them because of the noise?  After that will it be the frogs and birds?

My house is surrounded by noisy insects, frogs, lizards and birds (especially after rain!).  I like the exotic, tropical sounds, and tbey don't keep me awake.  Just relax and try to appreciate their unique chorus, and you'll sleep ok.


And how about netting to protect fruits?   If you have a high enough dose of insecticide to silence the wildlife,  you'll have toxic mangoes. 

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5 hours ago, fruitman said:

You need some pet who eats all them, maybe chickens or ducks will do?


Cycada's live underground for 17 years before they come up...isn't there a way to get them there in the soil?

That's a good idea.  My little dog likes to eat the adult Cicadas when they crash land around the garden lights.

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As far as I know they just make their sounds during the rainy season. So it might be just a matter of time until it gets quiet again.
Another thing that came to my mind, however it's not scientific.
How about​ the good old​ smokin' em out?
Light a fire in a fireproof container under your tree and put something that produces a lot of smoke such as rice straw etc.
Maybe that will annoy the cicadas

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This is my second year in this house and they come out after the rain and the noise is excruciating.  Earplugs work to a certain degree, but they do tend to fall out during the night.

However, this is rented property and the garden has not been maintained for many years.  The caretaker is old and has a go, but it is too much for her.  I have cleared most of the area around the house because of the snake problem, but the most of the trees are in a bad state.

The ground is also infested with termites.



This is an old tree that is dead.591fcc799b381_4-5yearoldtree.thumb.jpg.1c5d4482103e9ab5d17a13c89fb51008.jpg


This is a very old tree in a sorry state.


Young tree.jpg

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