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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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5 hours ago, Watchful said:

Skywalker you are probably the very best example of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).  Now, your last post is a thing of beauty. What do we have here a dumb business school teacher saying the Trump is dumb.


Trump created a multi-billion $ empire.  And this teacher?  Well he retired on a teacher's pension.  



“Those who can do, those who can't teach.”

 George Bernard Shaw

The old "brilliant businessman" BS.


Trump inherited a fortune, nearly lost it through reckless borrowing and spending, was kept alive by bankers who concluded they'd loaned him so much money he'd become to big to fail, was rescued by rising real estate prices, but the Trump fortune is still less than what it would be if he'd put his inheritance into an S&P index fund and left it there.


I don't see brilliance there.  Also, until he releases his tax returns and detailed financial disclosures (how much does he owe Russian banks and oligarchs?) I'm not entirely convinced he's rich, or that his wealth was honestly earned.

Edited by heybruce
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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Like I said, this is about impeachment not bad things about him. However, good things should be said too.

He a good businessman, kinda the Taksin of the USA. 

Look at the stock market.

Sorry I took the bait and am off topic.

Trump's businesses went bankrupt four to six times.   Here's a Dutch documentary on how he laundered money of Russian and Central Asian dictators and thieves.  Trump is a good businessman in the same way that any psycopath gangster is a good businessman.



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13 hours ago, Meljames said:


That was a valid argument for about the first month of his presidency.. This far in you need to be showing some of his accomplishments that have  strong popular support to prove his legitimacy.  


The swamp rats, in collusion with their media friends, have joined hands to attack him from every front possible...he's done admirably considering that everyone wants him gone....since he has upset their little apple cart of business and suave crookery as usual.

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23 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


The swamp rats, in collusion with their media friends, have joined hands to attack him from every front possible...he's done admirably considering that everyone wants him gone....since he has upset their little apple cart of business and suave crookery as usual.

How did his meeting go with the president of the Virgin Islands? LOL.


Sorry, but Trump creates his own mess.  It's got nothing to do with the media.  He's a hit among the late night shows.  And for good reasons!

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

How did his meeting go with the president of the Virgin Islands? LOL.


Sorry, but Trump creates his own mess.  It's got nothing to do with the media.  He's a hit among the late night shows.  And for good reasons!

I wonder what %age of Americans could on pinpoint that place on a map.

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6 hours ago, Watchful said:


This has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. 


So you want Greece, Italy, Portugal, Venezuela, and  Puerto Rico to spend more??  That's your solution?  


Perhaps you would like to contribute so they could do so. Your contribution of say $2,000 per week would be most appreciated.


It has to be sensible spending, I don't know much about Venezuela and Puerto Rico, but Greece, Portugal and Italy got themselves in this mess by using their loans to build things that did make a return, the reason they were lent the money was to spend their way out of debt.  If you think it is the dumbest thing you have ever heard then you have zero understanding fiscal policies and which have proved successful post the gobal financial crisis, the ones which recovered spent, the Ines who are still suffering went for austerity.

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Name one good thing about Trump, if you can. HRC was asked that question (at the end of one of their debates), but all she could say was 'he has nice children.'   I had to pity Hillary for that insipid answer.  Trump's kids are the pits.  I might let Ivanka walk my dogs around the block (though wouldn't be surprised if she secretly sold them and said they ran away).  They're evil + mega-selfishness.   


To be fair, we don't know much about one of them.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


The swamp rats, in collusion with their media friends, have joined hands to attack him from every front possible...he's done admirably considering that everyone wants him gone....since he has upset their little apple cart of business and suave crookery as usual.

Excluding the generals, is there a member of the Trump administration that is not an established swamp rat looking out for their own special interests?





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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

No.  Sadly, the Trump supporters don't see this.  They just just buy the BS from Trump.  Even though it's been proven to be mostly lies.  Boggles my mind.

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


The swamp rats, in collusion with their media friends, have joined hands to attack him from every front possible...he's done admirably considering that everyone wants him gone....since he has upset their little apple cart of business and suave crookery as usual.

'Everyone wants him gone yet he's done admirably'...lol. 300million Americans want a to toss out a leader who has done a good job. Have some more Kool Aid.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


The swamp rats, in collusion with their media friends, have joined hands to attack him from every front possible...he's done admirably considering that everyone wants him gone....since he has upset their little apple cart of business and suave crookery as usual.


Average man-child voter.png

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In today's paper there's an article about the guys (Kelly, McMaster, Mattis, Tillerson) who work at keeping Trump's actions sane -- so that he doesn't tweet his way into WWIII, or similar. Let's all hope they're successful in that endeavour. Trump is now boasting of  an economic development bill that only he seems to know anything about. Another article is about the Trump voters who understand that it was Obamacare that saved their son's life and who now are having a bad case of buyer's remorse, while Trump does his best to destroy Obamacare, with nothing to replace it. His former ghost writer now says Trump's 'grip on reality is spiralling down into paranoia and delusion.' And of course Bob Corker, now that he's on the path to retirement, is able to say what he really thinks about Trump and his antics, unlike those of his Republican colleagues seeking re-election, who fear being harassed by Trump's bully twitter feed. A year after Trump's election, my country, like many others, still doesn't have a new US Ambassador because Trump and his 'Make America Great Again' people seem to lack basic organisational skills. 


Unless you're Vladimir Putin, it's sad to watch this man making the US a more polarized place, and in the process destroying it. It might still be #1 in the world, but for how much longer?  If Trump's minders truly value the future of the US and the world, they'd be working on a strategy to remove him. Main thing is, however Trump goes, he goes, and goes soon. 

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1 hour ago, dundas said:

In today's paper there's an article about the guys (Kelly, McMaster, Mattis, Tillerson) who work at keeping Trump's actions sane -- so that he doesn't tweet his way into WWIII, or similar. Let's all hope they're successful in that endeavour. Trump is now boasting of  an economic development bill that only he seems to know anything about. Another article is about the Trump voters who understand that it was Obamacare that saved their son's life and who now are having a bad case of buyer's remorse, while Trump does his best to destroy Obamacare, with nothing to replace it. His former ghost writer now says Trump's 'grip on reality is spiralling down into paranoia and delusion.' And of course Bob Corker, now that he's on the path to retirement, is able to say what he really thinks about Trump and his antics, unlike those of his Republican colleagues seeking re-election, who fear being harassed by Trump's bully twitter feed. A year after Trump's election, my country, like many others, still doesn't have a new US Ambassador because Trump and his 'Make America Great Again' people seem to lack basic organisational skills. 


Unless you're Vladimir Putin, it's sad to watch this man making the US a more polarized place, and in the process destroying it. It might still be #1 in the world, but for how much longer?  If Trump's minders truly value the future of the US and the world, they'd be working on a strategy to remove him. Main thing is, however Trump goes, he goes, and goes soon. 

Absolutely- as much as the sludge dwellers on here or in the U.S. celebrate his rise, he and his ilk are doing untold damage to the country.  I only hope he sees serious jail time along with his treasonous enablers and manipulators.  The states demand the ultimate sacrifice of life for the most heinous crimes, and what is worse than selling out your own country for selfish benefit?

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No realistic chance he'll go to jail and I don't think even most anti-trumpists really see that happening or think it would be worth the backlash price of doing that. Practically if there is such a provable legal offence, he'll be pardoned by Pence.

Ideally, he'll know his time is up and make up some face saving "health" excuse to resign. 

Not that I expect such an ideal scenario. He's set to do much much more damage to the USA and the world before the evil moron clown potus goes away to the garish golden tower in the Manhattan sky. 

Edited by Jingthing
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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No realistic chance he'll go to jail and I don't think even most anti-trumpists really see that happening or think it would be worth the backlash price of doing that


If there's proof of the money laundering being  as big as some think it may be, I think he'll do some time. It's all uncharted waters to have a president as dirty as this one.

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4 minutes ago, Meljames said:


If there's proof of the money laundering being  as big as some think it may be, I think he'll do some time. It's all uncharted waters to have a president as dirty as this one.

He is extremely abnormal and I agree never any kind of total scumbag like 45.

But getting rid of him would be a positive step back towards normalcy.

Sorry, but there is kind of an unwritten law in the U.S.

Presidents never go to prison. 

Other countries, yes. 

Not the U.S.

It will never happen. 

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No realistic chance he'll go to jail and I don't think even most anti-trumpists really see that happening or think it would be worth the backlash price of doing that. Practically if there is such a provable legal offence, he'll be pardoned by Pence.

Ideally, he'll know his time is up and make up some face saving "health" excuse to resign. 

Not that I expect such an ideal scenario. He's set to do much much more damage to the USA and the world before the evil moron clown potus goes away to the garish golden tower in the Manhattan sky. 

If he is shown to be colluding with Putin to the extent that some are claiming then I don't see how things move forward unless he does time.


How will the state prosecutions work if he's pardoned on a federal level?  Surely they will just go after him more won't they?

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2 minutes ago, Slip said:

If he is shown to be colluding with Putin to the extent that some are claiming then I don't see how things move forward unless he does time.


How will the state prosecutions work if he's pardoned on a federal level?  Surely they will just go after him more won't they?

I don't see it ever getting that far. If they have the goods on him, he'll know that, and some kind of arrangement will be made to smooth his resignation exit without prison. 

That or he goes postal on everyone and declares martial law to stay in power. Also possible. 

Pushing prison on him could result in a civil war. He will always have his loyalists. 

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12 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:


+  some interesting numbers show how Trump as POTUS puts Trump's interests - as family business -  first-

a very profitable presidency : " President Donald Trump frequently uses his luxury properties for government business and leisure, prompting ethics concerns over a president appearing to promote his private enterprise at public cost. "





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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't see it ever getting that far. If they have the goods on him, he'll know that, and some kind of arrangement will be made to smooth his resignation exit without prison. 

That or he goes postal on everyone and declares martial law to stay in power. Also possible. 

Pushing prison on him could result in a civil war. He will always have his loyalists. 

Disappointingly, this is the most *realistic* outcome that can be hoped for.


And the sooner it happens, the better because whether Trump is a Russian mole or not, a lot of what he has done is like ticking stuff off of a Putin to-do list:


Decimate the State Dept—the most important and effective arm of the US government that rallies various governments in resisting Russian expansionism and supports various democratic movements, including those within Russia.


Further weaken American diplomacy by failing to appoint ambassadors to major allied countries.


Alienate NATO allies—the most effective military bulwark against Russian Expansionism.


Non introduction of any new sanctions against Russia.


Delay Russian sanctions already passed overwhelmingly by Congress.


Blocked arms deliveries to Ukrainian government fighting Russian-led separatists in Eastern Ukraine.


Alienate America’s closest neighbors, Canada and Mexico by demanding renegotiation of NAFTA, building a southern wall and demanding Mexico pay for it, trying to cause discord by offering Canada a separate trade deal.


Inflaming existing discord within the country between whites/blacks, blacks/Latinos, whites/Latinos, veterans/civilians, police/blacks.


Alienate every other country by being the only country to pull out of the painstakingly negotiated Paris Accords.


Alienate allies by trying to pull out of the Iran Nuclear deal, prompting three of America’s closes allies and Co-signatories (Britain, Germany, France) to issue a separate statement warning against such a move.


Making America’s long term allies question the reliability of their American partnerships.


Non of this helps America. ALL of it is a gift to Russia.

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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Disappointingly, this is the most *realistic* outcome that can be hoped for.


And the sooner it happens, the better because whether Trump is a Russian mole or not, a lot of what he has done is like ticking stuff off of a Putin to-do list:


Decimate the State Dept—the most important and effective arm of the US government that rallies various governments in resisting Russian expansionism and supports various democratic movements, including those within Russia.


Further weaken American diplomacy by failing to appoint ambassadors to major allied countries.


Alienate NATO allies—the most effective military bulwark against Russian Expansionism.


Non introduction of any new sanctions against Russia.


Delay Russian sanctions already passed overwhelmingly by Congress.


Blocked arms deliveries to Ukrainian government fighting Russian-led separatists in Eastern Ukraine.


Alienate America’s closest neighbors, Canada and Mexico by demanding renegotiation of NAFTA, building a southern wall and demanding Mexico pay for it, trying to cause discord by offering Canada a separate trade deal.


Inflaming existing discord within the country between whites/blacks, blacks/Latinos, whites/Latinos, veterans/civilians, police/blacks.


Alienate every other country by being the only country to pull out of the painstakingly negotiated Paris Accords.


Alienate allies by trying to pull out of the Iran Nuclear deal, prompting three of America’s closes allies and Co-signatories (Britain, Germany, France) to issue a separate statement warning against such a move.


Making America’s long term allies question the reliability of their American partnerships.


Non of this helps America. ALL of it is a gift to Russia.

And that is why Trump deserves proper jail time for his actions.  I only hope he will be found guilty by the international community and serve some proper bird.

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1 minute ago, Slip said:

And that is why Trump deserves proper jail time for his actions.  I only hope he will be found guilty by the international community and serve some proper bird.

Many people deserve jail time. a lot less get it.

Trump going to jail will never happen.

But then again I said he had an ice cube's chance in hell of being elected president. 

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6 minutes ago, Slip said:

And that is why Trump deserves proper jail time for his actions.  I only hope he will be found guilty by the international community and serve some proper bird.

What he deserves and what can realistically be expected are two separate things. Believe me, I find no joy in saying that, realistically, he is most likely to resign and continue to makes lots of money.

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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

Disappointingly, this is the most *realistic* outcome that can be hoped for.


And the sooner it happens, the better because whether Trump is a Russian mole or not, a lot of what he has done is like ticking stuff off of a Putin to-do list:


Non of this helps America. ALL of it is a gift to Russia.

Not to forget pulling out of the Climate agreement. Which, not surprisingly, benefits Russia as the food grow season becomes longer. 


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