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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

511 members have voted

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you are not plugged in at all.

none of the above.

he will declare that he is a winner (again again again).....  and then.... in the next sentence... or tweet.... he will quit. he will say......  blah blah blah.... 

and of course "family values" will be invoked....



NOT IMPEACHED (which only brings it to the Senate by the way, right? but I gotcha.)

his family needs him at the Trump helm.... family values (money).

we call it a "win win situation"... a little English lesson for someone today.  a win win for everyone, not just Pence.


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The question is ridiculous at this stage but great for advert traffic.  I voted Yes.


2 years and counting, concealing massive stress and consternation is taking its toll.  Hillary the Hellion on roller skates blew up at lowly staffers, and threw things at poor old POTUS Bill's head.  Donald's apparently screaming at television screens.  Neither are spring chickens.  


My money's still on a medical emergency, and things will move quickly.  If he survives, Trump will acquiesce and seize the opportunity, citing incontestable orders from his doctors, same as he does with his lawyers.


"I've got no choice, the Doctors are telling me I have to.  I don't want to, but hey, people, that's what they are telling me, I have to, because my Doctors say I must, I have no choice, people."..... or words to that effect.


9 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

But on the bright side, it's made America a better place after that $10 trillion dollar of debt brown stain president who bombed civillians in countries America wasn't even at war with.

Seriously, is this kind of disgraceful racism that would not be out of place on a 'Klu Klux Klan - Hard members only' site really permitted on TV? I have had 3 day holidays for less. 


By the way 'Time Traveller', America was never at war with Iraq or Afghanistan when we bombed civilians there. As you know we should have been at war with Saudi Arabia, but gold medals, arms deals and real estate deals are much more pleasant.


I'm not really a gambling man but the bookies don't often make big mistakes, so a look at the odds is often helpful in assessing probabilities.

In November, the odds of impeachment were pretty long, around 16 to 1. Now it is evens with Ladbrokes, who say virtually no one is betting on him staying the distance.



Don’t Impeach: The Case for Not Removing Trump

'What will (religious right-agenda) President Pence and an overwhelmingly Republican Congress be able to do with a 7-2 Supreme Court majority, with at least six guaranteed conservative votes on every issue?'



Or, if Pence is implicated along with Trump (quite possibly) = Paul Ryan POTUS. Ryan's top priorities: Reduce tax 'burden' on the richest while reducing health coverage for the poorest.

1 minute ago, sujoop said:

Or, if Pence is implicated along with Trump (quite possibly) = Paul Ryan POTUS. Ryan's top priorities: Reduce tax 'burden' on the richest while reducing health coverage for the poorest.

Anything Ryan throws at the US would still be better than the damage Pence would do.

12 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

I'm not really a gambling man but the bookies don't often make big mistakes, so a look at the odds is often helpful in assessing probabilities.

In November, the odds of impeachment were pretty long, around 16 to 1. Now it is evens with Ladbrokes, who say virtually no one is betting on him staying the distance.


"bookies don't often make big mistakes"


they did with Trump vs Clinton and this guy is breaking the mould in many ways so it's 'wait and see' time


The poll is almost tied.

That says to me that there are a whole lot of TVF members that don't oppose Trump not participating in the threads related to Trump, as almost all the posters on such threads are anti Trump.

I don't blame them though.


Well, we're being asked to guess here.

There is a contradiction with trump.

Bizarre egotist that hates being humiliated more than anything else.

Obsessed with winning.

Yet in real life has had several bankruptcies, which in business terms, means business failure. 

Yet he spun these failures into wins for him. 

This presidency is already a big win for his family business empire. 

So my guess is that sooner or later the investigations will get way too close for comfort for trump, and that rather than deal with an actual impeachment process, he will resign. 

But the resignation will be all about blaming the "witch hunters" and he will start a right wing Fox-killing media empire in the wake of it (Jared Kushner is into media) and paint the resignation as an actual victory for republicans, as on paper Pence would be a harder foe to oppose for the democrats in 2020. 

Or something  like that.

I'm probably wrong about the details, but it really does feel like something has to give, and his bizarre presidency is not sustainable. 


Second level guess is that he will have a real or fake health crisis, and use that as an excuse to make an exit to spend more time with his family. But that's a more traditional and normal for a politician to exit, and he's anything but traditional and normal. 


I can't see this ever getting to a point where he actually faces an impeachment conviction, but the start of an impeachment, sure, that's very possible.

1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

To me, it reveals where the poll poster stands…hehe….


I think it has been proven beyond a doubt that polls are pointless when dealing with the unexplained charisma of a man like Trump:

Deep disgust at the ways of the ruling party is the explanation. 


Stung and deeply shocked by its electoral trussing and hog whipping, the ex-ruling party tries to blame another foreign power.


The silent majority sees and notes this.


Even the poll here has a not insignificant 42+% thinking he won't have to resign or be impeached.


These people are mainly silent because they don't want to come on here and be subjected to the targeted tongue lashings of a bunch of disgruntled losers.


I have far thicker skin. I happen to think he will eventually triumph against the swamp creatures.







"The silent majority sees and notes this."

Maybe lots of Trump supporters are like neutrinos those particles which pass right through matter. They tried to pull the lever for their candidate, but their fingers passed right through the mechanism without doing anything. Which would explain why their candidate came in second in the popular vote.


Problem with Trump is that he has promised poor people high-paying jobs and great health care, but, also promised the super-rich tax-cuts and the removal of regulations. He can't fulfill one without going back on promises to the other.


Hold-on......he doesn't have any problem breaking promises. Guess which group will get shafted.


Trump may well be impeached if the special counsel is able to find some link with Trump and Russia- meaning he either knew what his minions were doing or he later found out and tried to cover it up.  Conviction on Impeachment is much harder as the Senate convenes and there must be a 2/3 vote for conviction. No President has ever been convicted and lost the Presidency.


As much as I disagree with Trump on most everything- he is a wily survivor. He will eventually realize his closest associates are not competent and he will fire them all. Loyalty is one thing- survival is something else.  He will replace them with White House Vets who know how to manage the media and the Congress. In addition, Trump needs to stop tweeting. His tweets are killing him and his agenda. Instead of concentrating on useless border walls; deporting hard working illegals with no criminal background- he needs to get a real healthcare bill passed that does not place a burden on the poor but instead the wealthy; get a tax cut through that places the money in the hands of the poor and middle class and not the wealthy.


If Trump can pull off some of the above- his base will rally and he could pull in some Democrats who are sitting on the fence. If the Special Counsel finds no links to Trump on the Russia issue- he could get off the hook and finish his term. In the interim, his best profile is to not get involved in the 'dirt' of the alleged Russia ties. He should say he welcomes the investigation and not comment any further. Every time someone asks a question about it- all he has to say is there is an ongoing investigation and he cannot comment until the investigation is completed.


The next big fight is going to come in September when the Congress has to vote on the next budget and extension of the debt ceiling. If the Republicans with Trump's support shuts down the Government- they will lose huge numbers of seats in the 2018 elections and may well lose control of the Senate. Then Impeachment becomes more possible .


I do not think Trump is the answer to what ails America. He was voted in because there are many Americans who feel hopeless- no matter how hard they  work they cannot forge ahead. The real answer lies in setting a tax policy that redistributes income from the very wealthy to the poor so the poor are no longer poor and the middle class sees a rise in their standard of living. The wealthy will still be wealthy after the new tax system- but this redistribution will eliminate some of the current discord. In addition- America must have a single payer healthcare system in which all profit is taken out of the system. Every industrialized country in the World has this system and it provides healthcare security for its citizens and gets rid of profit making insurance and controls Big Pharma.


Trump is right on one issue and that is the unfair trade policies that have hampered America for generations. There has to be more equity in the system- free trade doesn't mean countries can sell their productions in the US at reduced prices while American  products are hit by high excise taxes that make them unsellable in foreign countries. Thailand is a perfect example- I see many American products in Thai markets that cost 5 times higher than what they would sell for in America yet Thai products are sold cheaply in the US.  How about some fairplay.


Lastly, the rhetoric of Donald Trump has caused an increase in racism; discrimination and a coarseness in normal discourse that has no place in American society or in any society. Even on this board- there are comments made about a person's color; ethnic background and gender that is denigrating and out of bounds. I have heard no comments from President Trump indicating he disavows this type of rhetoric and by his silence he is showing his acquiescence and subtle approval. People of all stripes in a society have to work together to solve complex issues not scream and yell and curse the wind..Trump has not brought society together- he has shown a disdain for all who disagree with him.


I doubt Donald Trump could ever be re-elected- unless he does all of the things necessary to increase jobs and put more money in the poor and middle class pockets.Just remember- he does not have a full mandate from the American voter- he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes so he will need to get many Democrats to switch for the 2020 vote-


 I haven't even touched on his foreign affairs policy which so far is bombastic and without direction.  His first overseas trip is to Saudia Arabia where he is being welcomed as a long lost brother- but then again he brought the Sadias $110 Billion in US arms  and the Saudis love their toys.






Never happen! President Trump will be one of the best Presidents the US has ever scene! He'll also be re-elected with the popular vote and  more electorial votes than before. In addition, more states will go Republican in the next 3 voting cycles.

3 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Problem with Trump is that he has promised poor people high-paying jobs and great health care, but, also promised the super-rich tax-cuts and the removal of regulations.


And the followers lap up his promise to bring back manufacturing jobs:


"Mr Trump and his advisers are obsessed with the effect of trade on manufacturing jobs,

even though manufacturing employs only 8.5% of America’s workers and accounts for only 12% of GDP." 



One day, the penny will drop that a poor person's vote is equivalent to a rich person's vote and there are far more of the former than the latter (the Thaksin model). 



1 minute ago, tomwct said:

Never happen! President Trump will be one of the best Presidents the US has ever scene! He'll also be re-elected with the popular vote and  more electorial votes than before. In addition, more states will go Republican in the next 3 voting cycles.

I see the dreamers are out

18 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

"The silent majority sees and notes this."

Maybe lots of Trump supporters are like neutrinos those particles which pass right through matter. They tried to pull the lever for their candidate, but their fingers passed right through the mechanism without doing anything. Which would explain why their candidate came in second in the popular vote.

Oh puleeze quit the tired and false narrative that she was more popular than Trump.

Between 200 and 230 million voters in the US.

65+ million voted for her

62+ million voted for him

Around 40% didn't vote.

She only got more votes of 60% of voters.

It is impossible to say who would have won the popular vote if 100% voted.


BTW it is IRRELEVANT who got more votes. That's not how the US elected presidents, for very good reasons.

33 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The poll is almost tied.

That says to me that there are a whole lot of TVF members that don't oppose Trump not participating in the threads related to Trump, as almost all the posters on such threads are anti Trump.

I don't blame them though.

Not surprising poll results  given the base of ageing western (white) males, many with well documented penchants for xenophobia, misogyny and bigotry in their posts. Angry at a progressive world and women, minorities and immigrants who are all to blame for their own shortcomings crowd. TV should be careful not to go the way of Voat, as apparently there's not much currency in this demographic...

In another victory for humanity, the far right alternative to Reddit is dying:


Meanwhile, Trump will end up resigning no doubt (and blaming/whining all the way) and then start Trump TV (O'Reilly / Hannity / KellyAnne / Spicer / Amarosa all shoe-ins;)

3 minutes ago, tomwct said:

President Trump will be one of the best Presidents the US has ever scene!

He'll also be re-elected with the popular vote and  more electorial votes than before.

In addition, more states will go Republican in the next 3 voting cycles.


Just making stuff up.



In a barely decipherable way...

4 minutes ago, sujoop said:

Not surprising poll results  given the base of ageing western (white) males, many with well documented penchants for xenophobia, misogyny and bigotry in their posts. Angry at a progressive world and women, minorities and immigrants who are all to blame for their own shortcomings crowd. TV should be careful not to go the way of Voat, as apparently there's not much currency in this demographic...

In another victory for humanity, the far right alternative to Reddit is dying:


Meanwhile, Trump will end up resigning no doubt (and blaming/whining all the way) and then start Trump TV (O'Reilly / Hannity / KellyAnne / Spicer / Amarosa all shoe-ins;)

In any case, the poll results here are for entertainment and discussion purposes only. The opposite of a scientific polling process. 


Also, predicting that trump will be impeached or resign doesn't necessarily correlate with anti-trump bias. 


For example, if Hillary Clinton had been elected, I  would have probably predicted an impeachment attempt against her from the republican controlled congress. 

16 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Trump may well be impeached if the special counsel is able to find some link with Trump and Russia- meaning he either knew what his minions were doing or he later found out and tried to cover it up.  Conviction on Impeachment is much harder as the Senate convenes and there must be a 2/3 vote for conviction. No President has ever been convicted and lost the Presidency.



Not going to happen. To impeach, the GOP would have to unite and join Dems. Does anyone think that is going to happen?

7 minutes ago, tomwct said:

Never happen! President Trump will be one of the best Presidents the US has ever scene! He'll also be re-elected with the popular vote and  more electorial votes than before. In addition, more states will go Republican in the next 3 voting cycles.

Thank goodness! I was of the view that as the poor get poorer (more and more people on non-living wages, lose health care, etc ), they would vote for something a bit more leftwing/liberal, but fortunately, they're happy being shafted.

1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not going to happen. To impeach, the GOP would have to unite and join Dems. Does anyone think that is going to happen?

If the GOP think Pence would be better at advancing their cause, it may happen.

39 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The poll is almost tied.

That says to me that there are a whole lot of TVF members that don't oppose Trump not participating in the threads related to Trump, as almost all the posters on such threads are anti Trump.

I don't blame them though.

I agree with you.I was anticipating a 70/30 so far.  Good topic though.

3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

I think this is a badly worded question. It gives no room for Trump supporters to say that he will hang in there and triumph. Or for that matter, Trump non-supporters who think he will survive his current travails.

How refreshing to have a human being in the White House, the best days American has seen in my long life time. 


Not only will there be a second term, but they might do an FDR and give him  a third. 


What a delight it is to have someone you like at the controls.


Go the Donald.

2 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Comparing apples and oranges.

Impeachment doesn't mean removal from office.

Bill Clinton was impeached, but, completed his term.

Think of impeachment as a Congressional slap on the wrist.

Bill Clinton was impeached but won on appeal. Had he lost the appeal, he could not complete his term.

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