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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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9 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

But aren't they more likely to dump Trump in anticipation/fear of what might well happen to them in 2018? Give Pence a go, it couldn't be worse ...could be their thinking?


Seems like cutting bait and moving on to Pence would be the smart choice. I keep waiting for McConnell or Paul Ryan to wake up and admit they chose the wrong guy, doesn't seem to be happening though. 

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52 minutes ago, DiamondKing said:

IMPEACH FOR WHAT ??? absolutely no evidence of anything and even after being told over and over...


Absolutely just making things up.


2 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Considering that under Obama/Hilary it has been accepted that the US would have lost the massive Saudi orders and the jobs that go with them and under Obama the Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterwards (shades of the Clinton era), what would be the gain?


Nope, Trump may not be perfect but he is a huge improvement on the previous regime and America will vote for jobs and security every time.



Get informed for goodness sake!


Obama structured and made this deal. THEN when the Saudi's were playing badass uncontrollable boys in Yemen, it was OBAMA that stopped the major part of the deal with Saudi until they towed the line.


Trump has now just given the Saudi's free reign to do whatever they want and endorsed it. It would really help if people learned the background to these deals before making uninformed comment. Do you think that 100 Billion plus arms deals are conjured up over night? They take years!


As for the rest of the content in the post it is just drivel. 




The Democrats and the MSM are openly looking for ways to impeach him not because he's done anything illegal, but because they disagree with his policies. Like elections don't count unless they win. 


3 minutes ago, stander said:

The Democrats and the MSM are openly looking for ways to impeach him not because he's done anything illegal, but because they disagree with his policies. Like elections don't count unless they win. 


Love your avatar.

Politically incorrect has two meanings. I think the second meaning is more accurate.

In order to get the president impeached, he actually needs to break the law, not just hurt the feelings of liberals and the MSM

Yes. Have you heard of obstruction of justice?
Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?
maybe several someones will take him to the side and explain to him the facts of life, after which he can finish his term if he behaves, or he will be removed in public disgrace if not... up to him
I kind of think it's the second option, because he just don't get it
53 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No fault in my logic that says there are a LOT of members not participating in any thread about Trump that voted. Few and almost always the same posters on such threads.

The fault is that this poll indicate support or opposition toward Trump

I oppose Trump and I dont think he will resign.

And I am sure there many supporters who are now circling the wagons that think he would be forced to resign, and them f course there are those who think he will serve even a third term and be president when he is 94  years old :laugh:

14 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Considering that under Obama/Hilary it has been accepted that the US would have lost the massive Saudi orders and the jobs that go with them and under Obama the Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterwards (shades of the Clinton era), what would be the gain?


Nope, Trump may not be perfect but he is a huge improvement on the previous regime and America will vote for jobs and security every time.



"Considering that under Obama/Hilary it has been accepted that the US would have lost the massive Saudi orders and the jobs that go with them,,," 

Accepted by whom?  Fantasists? Sources?


They're never going to impeach Trump but that will be their focus for the next 4-8 years, rather than building up a healthy counter-argument that might benefit the country.

46 minutes ago, DiamondKing said:

AND ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE he has not followed those 


Posting in capitals doesn't make your baseless statement any more credible.


Perhaps you could write these folks and ask:


Would the F.B.I., the Justice Department, the House and Senate Intelligence Committees,

the Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee please reveal all your sources and evidence while y'all are  involved in ongoing investigations? I'm so impatient.

Thank you so much.


Or, you could try that with any prosecutor or investigater.


Get back to us and let us know how it went.


What's up next. Ugh.



"Although Pence aggressively pursued his agenda as governor, his role as vice president has thus far been limited. That may be by design: On Thursday, CNN reported that Pence and his team are growing weary with Trump’s endless scandals and may be taking steps to insulate the veep. With impeachment talk spreading on Capitol Hill, some pundits and politicians are speculating about the possibility of an impending Pence presidency."








There is an alternative scenario to impeachment. Trump could be removed if he is considered unable to fulfil the office of President.

While he hasn't stepped over into mental incompetence, he is closer than any President so far.


Trump has brought out the worst in people. He has used bogeymen to get elected and it is mostly false- all Muslims are bad; illegals are stealing American jobs; the left is out to destroy America; and his use of force on demonstrators; making fun of the disabled and generally playing to the baser instincts of people.  This man wants to spend  $20 Billion on a useless border wall and not provide adequate funding for life saving healthcare. He is deporting illegals who have lived quietly; with not even a traffic ticket rather than concentrating on  people who have been convicted of a felony.  How many of you who love Trump are going to be picking fruit and vegetables for minimum wage; working as gardeners  and doing labor on construction sites for minimum wage or plucking chickens in processing plants. America needs this kind of labor because Americans will not do these jobs. Trump is not going to bring back manufacturing jobs because they are already off shore or being done using robotics. In addition, he wants to give the defense department $54 billion more on top of a $632 billion defense budge already the largest in the World.


Where is the $1 Trillion infrastructure plan that will put millions to work building bridges and roads?  Where is a real health care bill that will cover everyone at affordable rates?  Where are the incentives for education reform to allow people to go to University tuition free?  Where is real tax reform that will redistribute the wealth away from the greedy wealthyand allow the poor and middle class to realize their dreams. Where is the increase for people on Social Security so the elderly can live in dignity.?


If you believe the nonsense that Donald Trump is spewing- you likely still believe that Santa Clause will appear on Christmas Day; the Easter Bunny will be giving you chocolate eggs and the tooth fairy will leave money under your pillow. The sad truth is that Trump has sold the American people a myth and none of the things that would make America a great country are ever going to be done under Donald Trump. And even if he was impeached  and convicted or resigned- VP Pence's agenda will not be Progressive but an alr right concept in which the middle class will become poorer and the poor will remain hopeless.

There is an alternative scenario to impeachment. Trump could be removed if he is considered unable to fulfil the office of President.
While he hasn't stepped over into mental incompetence, he is closer than any President so far.

Yes but unlikely.
12 minutes ago, stander said:

The Democrats and the MSM are openly looking for ways to impeach him not because he's done anything illegal, but because they disagree with his policies. Like elections don't count unless they win. 



Doesn't much matter what the MSM wants, no doubt a majority of Dems would like to see him gone and an impeachment could be a way to do it. At this point though the decision pretty much comes down to what Mueller finds. Very strong chance of him finding something,  It doesn't need to be Russian connected, just illegal. Smart money's on an impeachment.

45 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Gone in 6 months. Probably a resignation with some kind of immunity. 1st stop as Pres is Saudi Arabia. If anyone needed proof that he's a nutter, it's right there in that decision. Bonkers.

As President, Trump can just pardon himself and whoever else he likes before he resigns from office should it come to that.

1 hour ago, DiamondKing said:

AND ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE he has not followed those 

Stop dribbling on your keyboard, your caps lock key is sticking.

1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

We shall see what develops in the fullness of time.

In the meantime, please desist from slurs.

I normally desist in replying to anything you write, but to say " please desist from slurs" is way OTT.

The Trump haters on TVF write almost nothing BUT slurs. If they don't want to be described as loonies, it would pay to stop posting offensive and horrid things about the PRESIDENT of the USA.

Whatever you may think of him, you do not add to the debate by using vile language about someone. He won. PERIOD.

1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I wasn't aware that it was the special counsel's remit to look for impeachable offences. Far as I know he's just looking into whether there was or was not collusion on Russia. However, his remit ( under "other matters" ) may extend to investigating whether the DNC colluded to illegally stab Bernie in the back, or if in fact HRC is a crook.

Anyone who has read the documents released by Wikileaks knows there is no there there as regards the DNC colluding to illegally affect the elections. Not even close. Basically there was some discussion of what they would like to do, which also wasn't illegal,  and that was that.


1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I normally desist in replying to anything you write, but to say " please desist from slurs" is way OTT.

The Trump haters on TVF write almost nothing BUT slurs. If they don't want to be described as loonies, it would pay to stop posting offensive and horrid things about the PRESIDENT of the USA.

Whatever you may think of him, you do not add to the debate by using vile language about someone. He won. PERIOD.

Spot on.


I found the ignore button one of the best features on the forum and now at least I don't see their vile name calling anyone who voted for President Trump a mass murderer.


Donald Trump did win and I would agree that slurs and offensive language should not be part of the narrative. Please tell President Trump to stop using slurs and mockery regarding people he does not agree with or like such as Muslims; the disabled; illegal immigrants and the news media

1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Even the beginnings of a strong threat of impeachment could lead to a resignation. He's got stuff to protect ... his loyal base of deplorables, his family business empire, his likely new right wing media empire, his narrative as a victim. If he can spin losing as a win, that fits with his lifetime pattern. 

Just a few back you were offended by the term "looney left", but you just described Trump's base as deplorables. Are you unable to see that that is just as offensive as what you don't like?

The biblical quote "first cast out the beam out of thine own eye....................... etc" comes to mind.

6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I normally desist in replying to anything you write, but to say " please desist from slurs" is way OTT.

The Trump haters on TVF write almost nothing BUT slurs. If they don't want to be described as loonies, it would pay to stop posting offensive and horrid things about the PRESIDENT of the USA.

Whatever you may think of him, you do not add to the debate by using vile language about someone. He won. PERIOD.

"almost nothing but slurs".  Actually, that comment would be more accurately directed at the tweeter-in-chief.  Your problem, like other Trump supporters, is that you're supporting a guy who massively and provably lies and slurs people all the time.  So I understand how upsetting it can be to support someone who keeps on cutting off his supporters at the knees. As for the "vile language", it's very odd coming from the side of the argument which has devoted so much space to calling their opponents a name that is also used for a certain meteorological phenomenon.

Spot on.  

I found the ignore button one of the best features on the forum and now at least I don't see their vile name calling anyone who voted for President Trump a mass murderer.


Nobody here ever said that. Stop lying.

You did that before and you were called out.



12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Anyone who has read the documents released by Wikileaks knows there is no there there as regards the DNC colluding to illegally affect the elections. Not even close. Basically there was some discussion of what they would like to do, which also wasn't illegal,  and that was that.




The DNC DID sabotage Bernie's selection. That's why DWS was sacked. The present head of the DNC DID give the debate questions to HRC.

If that's not illegally affecting an election, Cheeta is my uncle.

6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Nobody ever said that.

Saying Trump is a Nazi is the same as calling him a mass murderer. Plenty of that going on from anti Trump TVF members a while back.

1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

Donald Trump did win and I would agree that slurs and offensive language should not be part of the narrative. Please tell President Trump to stop using slurs and mockery regarding people he does not agree with or like such as Muslims; the disabled; illegal immigrants and the news media

Yes, as two of them are impeachable.


The 1st Amendment bars “abridging the freedom of the press.” But Trump’s labeling the press “the enemy of the people,” and choosing who he invites to news conferences based on whether they’ve given him favorable coverage, violates this provision. As does labeling any news that uncovers one of his lies as "Fake News"


The 1st Amendment to the Constitution bars any law “respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” But Trump’s ban on travel into the United States from 6 Muslim countries – which he initiated, advocated for, and oversees – violates that provision.

2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:



The DNC DID sabotage Bernie's selection. That's why DWS was sacked. The present head of the DNC DID give the debate questions to HRC.

If that's not illegally affecting an election, Cheeta is my uncle.

She wrote memos about it. She did virtually nothing.  What crime did Donna Brazile commit?  And I don't think Cheeta is any relative of yours. He was a pretty savvy primate.

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