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I bought sex, politician admits

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“The girl saw my picture in uniform on my cellphone and asked me what I do for a living so I said provincial governor,”


How come these under aged girls are having conversations with strange men on their cellphones? So far we are only hearing about the creeps who are buying the services. Who are the ring leaders that are pimping out these girls? What are the backgrounds of these girls? Are their families being investigated? Are the social services involved?


I think once those using these service and taking advantage of vulnerable young girls (children) are dealt with, then it`s going to be business as usual unless the ring is totally broken and all those involved are named, shamed and dealt with accordingly.

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2 minutes ago, Fulwell53 said:

You can buy sex in any town/city in the world including the vatican.

You can probably buy underage sex everywhere also. But there is no need to accept this as being normal or acceptable.

Most people are enraged and entitled to be enraged about child sex trafficking, no matter where on earth it occurs.

To just accept it as being somehow normal, not worthy of being hunted down and finished as a business shows just how morally inept some people are.

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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

Who amongst us has NOT bought sex ? Let,s not be hypocritical now, and the rest of the money we waste !

So if you paid for sex with someone who had little option but to accept the offer that makes this whole tragic story acceptable???

I truly am astonished when I read some posts on this site.

The apathy, disregard and disrespect for those a lot less well off than themselves is bewildering.

I'm alright jack doesnt begin to describe the rationale some will enploy to justify their position.

Facts are that vulnerable teens have been trafficked and pressganged into prostitution by despicable low lifes. That people in high places have bought into this heinous event only compounds the horror.

This sort of thing is not peculiar to thailand. It happens in the uk, the us, OZ, 

Again the same people are hijacking these threads and making out 'ONLY IN THAILAND'. This is utterly wrong in all meaning and interpretation of the word wrong.

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1 minute ago, spiderorchid said:

You can probably buy underage sex everywhere also. But there is no need to accept this as being normal or acceptable.

Most people are enraged and entitled to be enraged about child sex trafficking, no matter where on earth it occurs.

To just accept it as being somehow normal, not worthy of being hunted down and finished as a business shows just how morally inept some people are.

I am not and never would imply its normal or acceptable.

I am trying to point out and repudiate the misconception that this act is something that is part and parcel of the thai psyche.

You know this is true.

I am a big defender of thailand and uts people.

I also a big defender of human rights.

Read any of my posts.

I have been banned several times for trying to defend the integrity of thai people so dont lay this ridiculous accusation on me.

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6 minutes ago, Fulwell53 said:

So if you paid for sex with someone who had little option but to accept the offer that makes this whole tragic story acceptable???

I truly am astonished when I read some posts on this site.

The apathy, disregard and disrespect for those a lot less well off than themselves is bewildering.

I'm alright jack doesnt begin to describe the rationale some will enploy to justify their position.

Facts are that vulnerable teens have been trafficked and pressganged into prostitution by despicable low lifes. That people in high places have bought into this heinous event only compounds the horror.

This sort of thing is not peculiar to thailand. It happens in the uk, the us, OZ, 

Again the same people are hijacking these threads and making out 'ONLY IN THAILAND'. This is utterly wrong in all meaning and interpretation of the word wrong.

This thread and the circumstances leading up to it is about Thailand NOT the rest of the world.

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Just now, Fulwell53 said:

I am not and never would imply its normal or acceptable.

I am trying to point out and repudiate the misconception that this act is something that is part and parcel of the thai psyche.

You know this is true.

I am a big defender of thailand and uts people.

I also a big defender of human rights.

Read any of my posts.

I have been banned several times for trying to defend the integrity of thai people so dont lay this ridiculous accusation on me.

I read your previous post and I agree with what you said.

I never implied you were accepting of child sex.

I merely used your initial post as a lead in to my written opinions. 

Because you think I implied you were accepting, I profoundly apologise.

I am also a big fan of Thailand and most of its people.

I also get banned for trying to defend what happens here. 3 times so far.

Again I am sorry for inadvertently slurring you. Cheers 

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This will fizzle away like the rest ........ just wait. Depending on what "underage" really means in years they would be locked up for good in other countries and the keys thrown away too. 

"As the scandal has unfolded, nine policemen have been dismissed from civil service and seven civilians have been taken into custody." In other words, the policemen are inactivated, on payroll, while the civilian pigs are in custody. I was told that everyone is equal in front of the law or did I, again, miss something here? 

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7 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

Depending on what "underage" really means in years they would be locked up for good in other countries and the keys thrown away too. 


You mean all those convicted British pedos that are arrested here, all escaped from prison in the UK?

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3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

'A Nonthaburi local politician was arrested and reportedly confessed to buying sex services from a minor last September and also misrepresenting himself as the governor of Mae Hong Son' - We don't care that you had sex with children ha ha! We just need to know it wasn't someone influential doing it. 


Well, ladies and gentleman, that is that. Wrapped up very nicely with time for a celebratory drink and pat on the back. Moral of the day: important people don't do bad things. Scapegoats do. 


Thailand's morality is safe once again. Get on with your lives, people. Well, until there's another cover-up. 

...no dessert for them and in bed by 8pm.

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3 hours ago, naboo said:

One moment he's telling the media he didn't claim to be MHS Governor, the next he says he did.


I wouldn't want to speculate on what might have caused the change of heart.

A few hundred, thousand baht, i would think!

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3 hours ago, scorecard said:


Well I have some hope that Deputy national police chief Srivara Ransibrahmanakul, will continue his no nonsense quick and structured approach as seen with this event and several others recently.


As an aside, he's much more active and more focused than the actual national RTP chief.


Time for job rotation.

ok but you know it is like with dogs, big dog eats small dogs untill the big dogs meats a bigger one and than he leaves with his tail between his legs and all is soon forgotten

he is just chasing his minors

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

As the scandal has unfolded, nine policemen have been dismissed from civil service

No transfers actual dismissals. Am I reading this right? Wonder if this guy cut a deal and took a fall for the team sorry the gov. Looks like this investigation will turn into a maze of events with some dead ends. 

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

After the Interior Ministry investigation cleared his name, Governor Suebsak said he had no plan to pursue legal action against those who had made the allegation against him. 

Again rather strange with all the defamation of character laws at his disposal and considering his position most unusual. 

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Meanwhile, Federation of Assistant District Chiefs of Thailand chairman Boonyarit Nipawanit said that the mother of the teenage girl who reportedly provided sex services to a senior official had claimed she had been asked not to pursue charges against the accused official. She was told that it was for the sake of country’s reputation, he said. 

This zinger always appears doesn't it. The damage has already been done. Give me a break for he sake of the governments reputation. End before I say something I will regret.   

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

Buying sex in Thailand is akin to buying a glass of beer in Germany

or a hotdog in NY, and who's among us is to cast the first stone?

but is sound completely more sinister when it comes to the Hi-so

and the leaders of this country.....


You seem to have missed the raping children part out entirely !!! 


Just consensual adults operating in private was it ?? 

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

chairman Boonyarit Nipawanit said that the mother of the teenage girl who reportedly provided sex services to a senior official had claimed she had been asked not to pursue charges against the accused official. She was told that it was for the sake of country’s reputation, he said. 

Don't authorities understand that legal/criminal procedure against offenders in this scandalous situation is essential. Failure to act ethically and morally will be what damages the countrry's reputation. All enquiri3s and investigations should be conducted in an open, public court, not a secretive military court. When "face" seems to be so important to individuals here I can't understand why authorities don't have any realistic appreciation of the need to protect their nation's "face".

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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

'A Nonthaburi local politician was arrested and reportedly confessed to buying sex services from a minor last September and also misrepresenting himself as the governor of Mae Hong Son' - We don't care that you had sex with children ha ha! We just need to know it wasn't someone influential doing it. 



Actually pretending to be someone influential or in authority can have something to do with it as a) it might have influenced the under age girl to partake in the activity (what is sometimes called "normalising" what is deviant behaviour and B) It might also normalise the behaviour among the population - if the provincial governor does it, then it must be ok.

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Ok i just  worked out will happen   1 the guy who confessed 2 months 500 baht fine 2 governor walks and has dinner cooked from his wife when he goes home 3 All top officials walk free 4 9 police discharged  no charges 5 girl who opened her mouth probaly end up at the bottom of a river Case closed  Thai justice in full swing

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So many groups coming out to represent these under age girls? Where were they 12 months ago? A few arrests don't change an embedded culture. Government need to support and educate people on their rights and obligations. The General has his finger stuck in the dyke.

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2 hours ago, Fulwell53 said:

Sex scandals and high ranking government officials have been around since adam was a boy.


He was abused and sent out into a life of pain, work and mortality by a woman.


Not much has changed since then.

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

Buying sex in Thailand is akin to buying a glass of beer in Germany

or a hotdog in NY, and who's among us is to cast the first stone?

but is sound completely more sinister when it comes to the Hi-so

and the leaders of this country.....


You missed the point.It would be illegal for a 10 year old to buy a beer in Germanyas it is illegal to have/buy sex in most countries in the world,if you are underage,includinging Thailand.

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"As the scandal has unfolded, nine policemen have been dismissed from civil service and seven civilians have been taken into custody."


The only scandal is that the nine policemen seem to have escaped the custody part!  They should be in custody with the civilians, with a cast iron certainty that it will become a permanent residense.

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...."Meanwhile, Federation of Assistant District Chiefs of Thailand chairman Boonyarit Nipawanit said that the mother of the teenage girl who reportedly provided sex services to a senior official had claimed she had been asked not to pursue charges against the accused official. She was told that it was for the sake of country’s reputation, he said....."


:cheesy:...far to late for that......

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It should be. But you need to define "minor". When in Europe on holiday a few years back, I was told that many Europe countries had an age of consent of 14 years.
My best friends mother was married at 15 and had 6 children. Both parents are in their late 80"s and have a hoard of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
I am not excusing sex with minors. It is that attitudes have changed over the decades since the 1900's and before.
The thing with sex with forced child trafficking, is more than indecent assault. It is something that I doubt the children can ever recover from.
Long time jail terms may let the users contemplate their crimes and perhaps deter others from even thinking about it.

Paying for sex from someone under 18 is illegal, no matter what the age of consent is.

buying sex in Thailand .....  well who would have thought    !  .....:shock1:        next  ...

Read the post. It's about paying for sex with a child. While paying for sex is an everyday activity here, paying for underage sex is, thankfully, not.
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