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Far fewer Brits coming to Thailand - but they are behaving much worse


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5 hours ago, captspectre said:

now you are talking! Racist! that is what all fools resort to when they have nothing to say. it is not "racist" to call people out for what they are! just sit in any outside bar on soi 4 or soi cowboy and watch the sloppy looking homeless looking drunks walking the street talking their cockney accent. the truth hurts don't it? and I am used to taking a person at his word, not loosley,  Ta Ta for now.

Try switching to Coke Zero. You obviously become far to aggresive on the high octane stuff. Sitting waching blokes indeed. Most real men wach the girls. Oh, and I would prefer not being classed as a fool thank you.

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So is Thai Visa going to do a behavioral analysis of every nationality visiting Thailand?

How about a comparative analysis of every country/nationality visiting Thailand?

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I think there is certainly a drop in visitor numbers from GB, but also from other EU countries. The focus on this topic should be why? And for me the reason is obvious and been debated on this forum a thousand times. Military rule, unfriendly, xenophobia, nationalistic attitude bordering racism, a general feeling that Thailand is unsafe, nothing but Sex tourism, scams, deaths in short acres of bad publicity. So much bad publicity that all you have left is a disproportionate amount of low life sex tourists and drug users / abusers. Basically quality tourists just dont come here so much anymore and the high numbers are simply dwindling as Thailand is no longer considered "the place" to have a beach holiday. There are far better options closer to home that are not expensive.


I live in Jomtien (Pattaya) and when I look around and see what there is on offer I honestly could not say it is worth coming here if what you want is a high quality vacation with great beaches, great scenery, friendly people and restaurants to remember. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. However, if you want cheap beer, cheap room to stay in, Go Go bars and an army of prostitutes to chose from then fill yer boots.


Cant see it changing anytime soon...

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On May 23, 2017 at 1:21 PM, Toscano said:

British holiday makers have been behaving badly abroad for many years , I can remember an instance in Italy in 1960 .  Spain is a top destination for the common masses , so no surprise of misbehavior there .  I first came to Thailand in 2004 , that time I encountered young Germans who behaved badly .  A few years later in Koh Samui I was very shocked by the loud and vulgar misbehavior of British people .  Thailand is better off without the British common masses , who are drunken and disorderly and have no respect for the country they are visiting . 

What does "common masses mean?", I mean specifically.


There are destinations in Europe where drunken teenagers rampage, absolutely true but thats not the majority. The majority of Brits enjoy themselves without causing trouble.

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The figures suggest that the troublemakers are still coming while decent folk are staying away. I have noticed this over the last couple of years.


They've killed the goose that lays the golden eggs. It's downhill all the way and it started a couple of years ago.


I at least partially blame their stupid unfriendly visa regulations and 'too many visits' mentality. Counting the number of days / entries per year, land border crossings, etc, etc.


People don't want to do visa runs when they're on holiday. I know people who have cut yearly winter trips short so they don't need to do a visa run to a border. They stay for 5 or 6 weeks less every year now as they're fed up with the regulations and can't be bothered to comply - so they just go home.


Most people would not come here and work illegally for a crappy salary apart from those who come from nearby countries. The immigration seem to think that everyone wants to come and work in Thailand for peanuts, they're deluded.


Those who work a proper job get a work permit and are paid as such.

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28 minutes ago, ukrules said:

The figures suggest that the troublemakers are still coming while decent folk are staying away. I have noticed this over the last couple of years.


They've killed the goose that lays the golden eggs. It's downhill all the way and it started a couple of years ago.


I at least partially blame their stupid unfriendly visa regulations and 'too many visits' mentality. Counting the number of days / entries per year, land border crossings, etc, etc.


People don't want to do visa runs when they're on holiday. I know people who have cut yearly winter trips short so they don't need to do a visa run to a border. They stay for 5 or 6 weeks less every year now as they're fed up with the regulations and can't be bothered to comply - so they just go home.


Most people would not come here and work illegally for a crappy salary apart from those who come from nearby countries. The immigration seem to think that everyone wants to come and work in Thailand for peanuts, they're deluded.


Those who work a proper job get a work permit and are paid as such.

A language school teacher would likely be paid around 40k tops, and that hasn't much changed in 15 years.  Meanwhile, the cost of living must have increased 50%.  He faces more difficulties in obtaining a teaching licence. 

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4 hours ago, mommysboy said:

A language school teacher would likely be paid around 40k tops, and that hasn't much changed in 15 years.  Meanwhile, the cost of living must have increased 50%.  He faces more difficulties in obtaining a teaching licence. 


Yes, teachers are no longer welcome in Thailand.


“The most commonly used language today is of course English. If it was Thai, we’d be a great power already. Is there a chance? Yes. If you do what I say, one day Thai will be the world’s lingua franca,” Prayuth said.

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11 minutes ago, modafinil said:


Yes, teachers are no longer welcome in Thailand.


“The most commonly used language today is of course English. If it was Thai, we’d be a great power already. Is there a chance? Yes. If you do what I say, one day Thai will be the world’s lingua franca,” Prayuth said.

Looks like he says a lot of crap, must be when he is on those new flavoured YaBe he has been testing for the market.


we’d be a great power already?


Thats the apple flavour for you

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Compared to 7 or 8 years ago, a lot less British tourists around. But more retired ones. More British tourists these days are either backpackers or sex tourists. The rest live here, at least part of the time. Because their are more retired people, more deaths. Simple.


Living costs have risen about 100% in GBP terms in the last 8 years, while incomes in the Uk have risen only 10-20%. And with visas now harder to get,  a fall of 50% in visits sounds about right. And even the long stayers are now declining. At out local immigration office, the only queues are about 10 am, my last 3 visits i didn't even have to sit down - 5 years ago you could wait for an hour easy. And i have never been to Pattaya ......

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I can't tell from the data, but some of it implies it is a much younger crowd than before and that is skewing the statistics.  Less Brits retiring in Thailand than in the past due to visa issues, coups, etc?  Younger people presumably commit more of the types of crimes being reported?

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On ‎23‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 4:59 PM, whaleboneman said:

I see you're a newbie here. There's still time to turn your life around. Delete your profile here and all links quickly.

fear not my friend. been reading these comments for years and I still haven't married a bar girl, lost all my cash and topped myself ; )

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5 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

I can't tell from the data, but some of it implies it is a much younger crowd than before and that is skewing the statistics.  Less Brits retiring in Thailand than in the past due to visa issues, coups, etc?  Younger people presumably commit more of the types of crimes being reported?

The young are primarily guilty of being young :neus:

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44 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

The young are primarily guilty of being young :neus:

i came here when i was 19. that was 20 years ago. the stats tell absolutely nothing. and yes i had a run in with the police back then as i was a silly kid. young people have always been coming here. you don't have to mix with them, they generally hang out in places frequented by a younger crowd, same anywhere. i suspect that less retired people here has nothing to do with the government or visa issues but more due to a rise in cost of living and having a pension that doesn't make it viable for them.

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On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 2:51 PM, KenKadz said:

So is Thai Visa going to do a behavioral analysis of every nationality visiting Thailand?

How about a comparative analysis of every country/nationality visiting Thailand?

Including those from planet Zorb ?

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On 5/23/2017 at 11:45 AM, halloween said:

Either the UK visitors are behaving much worse, or there had been a much higher level of drug law enforcement, which itself may be an indication the BIB are less likely to accept a bribe rather than enforce the law. 

What could have caused a change in BIB behaviour since 2013?

Very good news that there has been drop in Brits tourist by 50%. I have noticed myself that they just drink and look for a fight. I almost had problem with at least 20 of them in couple of years but fortunately I did not respond to their insult. 

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Very good news that there has been drop in Brits tourist by 50%. I have noticed myself that they just drink and look for a fight. I almost had problem with at least 20 of them in couple of years but fortunately I did not respond to their insult. 

Maybe you hang out in the wrong places? How did you provoke them? I've had a problem with zero of them
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A very simplistic and naive interortation of the stats.

There is scant regard to demographics, comparison  with other visitors and reference to the cgangibg5 Thai domestic scene.

I think the OP is based on what the OP wants to see rather than a serious analysis of the statistics...rather lo-brow reporting.

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11 hours ago, mrfaroukh said:

Very good news that there has been drop in Brits tourist by 50%. I have noticed myself that they just drink and look for a fight. I almost had problem with at least 20 of them in couple of years but fortunately I did not respond to their insult. 

really. think the problem might be you then. I've met loads of them and they do a lot more than drink and look for fights. where do you hang out? why did they insult you? are you a bit of a knob?

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On 5/23/2017 at 1:55 PM, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Personally, I find British to be most rude, selfish and badly behaved "visitors" in Thailand. Bottom of the barrel, really.


Also the first one who will whine and complain about the their "nanny state", but will fly home like a speedy Gonzales when they get enough from their "crowdfunding" campaign in case of the accident. 


And they are probably the first one to complain about Chinese and Russian tourists who are hi-so in comparison.

I did notice that there is a chart for  Mental Health Issues.          Errrr which country are you from by the way ?

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On 5/24/2017 at 0:29 PM, maximillian said:

Out of solidarity with the two young Brits killed on Koh Tao and the following farce with the two scapegoats from Myanmar I would not visit Thailand in a life time. That might teach someone a lesson. Or not, who knows ?

I live in Thailand and its ok generally. But i sure as hell will never go to Koh Tao.

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On ‎25‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 1:50 AM, rickudon said:

Compared to 7 or 8 years ago, a lot less British tourists around. But more retired ones. More British tourists these days are either backpackers or sex tourists. The rest live here, at least part of the time. Because their are more retired people, more deaths. Simple.


On ‎23‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 6:10 AM, TheLobster said:

Number alones do not tell the true story, if you look at 'incidents' as a percentage then pro rata 16 times more visitors to Thailand died when compared to Spain.

There are plenty of Brits that retire to Spain so your comment is irrelevant based on the analysis of the figures .............


I'm finding the 'Brit bashing' here are bit off, maybe most of the offenders live in Pattaya where most of the 'bad boys' go.

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On 5/24/2017 at 1:41 AM, SiSePuede419 said:

Why are KOH TAO far fewer KOH TAO Brits KOH TAO coming to KOH TAO Thailand?


Maybe they learned to read between the lines?



Having trouble making sense of this ?


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On 5/24/2017 at 6:39 AM, wakeupplease said:

The Man speaks many truths, well said Bill

No better eyes than someone on the outside looking in . Well said


On 5/24/2017 at 6:39 AM, wakeupplease said:

The Man speaks many truths, well said Bill


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On May 24, 2017 at 9:30 AM, GAZZPA said:

I think there is certainly a drop in visitor numbers from GB, but also from other EU countries. The focus on this topic should be why? And for me the reason is obvious and been debated on this forum a thousand times. Military rule, unfriendly, xenophobia, nationalistic attitude bordering racism, a general feeling that Thailand is unsafe, nothing but Sex tourism, scams, deaths in short acres of bad publicity. So much bad publicity that all you have left is a disproportionate amount of low life sex tourists and drug users / abusers. Basically quality tourists just dont come here so much anymore and the high numbers are simply dwindling as Thailand is no longer considered "the place" to have a beach holiday. There are far better options closer to home that are not expensive.


I live in Jomtien (Pattaya) and when I look around and see what there is on offer I honestly could not say it is worth coming here if what you want is a high quality vacation with great beaches, great scenery, friendly people and restaurants to remember. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. However, if you want cheap beer, cheap room to stay in, Go Go bars and an army of prostitutes to chose from then fill yer boots.


Cant see it changing anytime soon...

You been filling your boots?

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