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A scary dangerous three days

Gary A

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It started with a 7 inch centipede in the bathroom, I killed it. The next day we found our cats playing with a black scorpion. Fortunately the black ones are not dangerous but they do have a pretty painful sting. I l chased the cats away and let him alone so he went on his way. Later that day another big centipede by the door of the garage, I killed that one too. Today I heard my wife yelling. A spitting cobra had climbed up the back screen door. It hissed and spit at her, fortunately the poison landed on her arm and missed her eyes. She slammed the screen door and ran. The snake was caught in the door. I don't normally kill snakes but I put on my glasses and killed that one. It was well over a meter long. If you ever hear a cobra hiss, it will put the fear in you.


I had not seen any centipedes or snakes for over a year. Maybe the heavy rains drove them out. Why the cobra climbed up the screen door was strange.

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tell me about it...


in January there was an onslaught of baby centipedes in my kitchen and I went crazy with the chandrite in a search and destroy operation...


got them all but neglected to clean the oily bug spray off the floor and then WHAM...in shock staring at my dislocated ankle whose centerline was displaced from the leg about 2 inches, later requiring orthopedic surgery...


as I lay in the bug spray there was a discernible chorus of laughing centipedes...



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Since we have had chooks, geese and guineas nothing ground-based and bigger than a flea has made it to the house.


The exception being those tiny ants that bite like the devil, nothing seems to like to eat them, aardvark anyone?


The resultant eggs are delicious too :smile:

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3 hours ago, bannork said:

The centipedes for sure were fleeing the rain and floods. The snake almost certainly too. 

Gary do you have a dog? He or she should have been barking at the first sign of a snake.



No dog now, he died and I don't have the heart to get another one.

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Got bitten on the ankle by a large Centipede here some years ago whilst going out for an evening walk, just after it stopped raining.

Very painful experience & couldn't walk properly for 3 days even though I was given antibiotics, painkillers and Tetanus injection.

Nasty aggressive creatures!

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Had this one resting next to my rice cooker on top of a table this morning. Managed to coax it onto a dust pan and released it in the backyard. Only a tiny one not more than 18 inches and possibly driven indoors by the rain.

Anyone knows what it is?


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11 minutes ago, jack2964 said:

Had this one resting next to my rice cooker on top of a table this morning. Managed to coax it onto a dust pan and released it in the backyard. Only a tiny one not more than 18 inches and possibly driven indoors by the rain.

Anyone knows what it is?


Its definitely a snake mate..

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15 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

I reckon snake could be a tasty one. Anyone ever? 


My wife uses one of the village drunks for what handyman tasks he can do. She showed him the snake and the next time I looked,  he was gone and so was the snake.

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1 hour ago, jack2964 said:

Had this one resting next to my rice cooker on top of a table this morning. Managed to coax it onto a dust pan and released it in the backyard. Only a tiny one not more than 18 inches and possibly driven indoors by the rain.

Anyone knows what it is?


Looks like a Golden Tree Snake. Non-poisonous  and not usually aggressive.

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28 minutes ago, Gary A said:


My wife uses one of the village drunks for what handyman tasks he can do. She showed him the snake and the next time I looked,  he was gone and so was the snake.

Did the snake eat him that fast? and made a runner?

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29 minutes ago, Gary A said:


My wife uses one of the village drunks for what handyman tasks he can do. She showed him the snake and the next time I looked,  he was gone and so was the snake.

Do you mean  the naked man in your bedroom closet ?

I was not drunk!!

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2 hours ago, twizzian said:

Got bitten on the ankle by a large Centipede here some years ago whilst going out for an evening walk, just after it stopped raining.

Very painful experience & couldn't walk properly for 3 days even though I was given antibiotics, painkillers and Tetanus injection.

Nasty aggressive creatures!

It is normal you can not walk for 3 days.......if you take antibiotics+painkillers+Tetanus injections.........

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2 hours ago, jack2964 said:

Had this one resting next to my rice cooker on top of a table this morning. Managed to coax it onto a dust pan and released it in the backyard. Only a tiny one not more than 18 inches and possibly driven indoors by the rain.

Anyone knows what it is?



Is that a colour photo? Seems to be a monochrome snake.



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1 hour ago, Crossy said:


Is that a colour photo? Seems to be a monochrome snake.



Yes Crossy it was taken on my concrete driveway in auto mode on my cellphone. Sky was overcast this morning. Here's another shot.


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4 hours ago, jack2964 said:

Had this one resting next to my rice cooker on top of a table this morning. Managed to coax it onto a dust pan and released it in the backyard. Only a tiny one not more than 18 inches and possibly driven indoors by the rain.

Anyone knows what it is?


Keelback I think, but that's a very uneducated guess.

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Once had a baby cobra climb out of the wall panelling and rear up in our cardboard box (read shack) in Phuket, thought nah.. Too small to get it's teeth into me then realised I was in the altogether and there was a small appendage below the waste line - didn't hang around.....


A few sleepless nights after that wondering what else was living / breeding in our walls.


Also had nests of snakes living in the thatch of the restaurant we owned  which would slither down the tree in the middle. Customers were often curious to see me swinging pick axe handles at the tree trunk. Never did try eating them though.

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