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A scary dangerous three days

Gary A

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Borax powder sprinkled regularly will stop centipedes, scorpions, ants, cockroaches and any other insect with an exoskeleton from getting near the house if you lay a regular dose around. I used lay a perimeter of the house once a month and it stopped most of the crawlers.

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10 hours ago, twizzian said:

Got bitten on the ankle by a large Centipede here some years ago whilst going out for an evening walk, just after it stopped raining.

Very painful experience & couldn't walk properly for 3 days even though I was given antibiotics, painkillers and Tetanus injection.

Nasty aggressive creatures!

I have heard that the best remedy is to remain drunk for three days.

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4 hours ago, Tofer said:

Once had a baby cobra climb out of the wall panelling and rear up in our cardboard box (read shack) in Phuket, thought nah.. Too small to get it's teeth into me then realised I was in the altogether and there was a small appendage below the waste line - didn't hang around.....


A few sleepless nights after that wondering what else was living / breeding in our walls.


Also had nests of snakes living in the thatch of the restaurant we owned  which would slither down the tree in the middle. Customers were often curious to see me swinging pick axe handles at the tree trunk. Never did try eating them though.

But did your customers?

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I reckon snake could be a tasty one. Anyone ever? 

I was at a night market in Taiwan years ago. Big cage full of snakes, pick your own, they swing it round their heads and smack its head against a pole to stun/kill it then slit it's throat and squeeze the blood out.
They then skin it and cook it , the buyer drinks the blood as the snake is cooking.

I was watching and the guy offered me the snake blood, no way !!, I did eat some of the snake with him though, it was okay .

Have had it since in China, it's okay, not great not bad !
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2 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

I was at a night market in Taiwan years ago. Big cage full of snakes, pick your own, they swing it round their heads and smack its head against a pole to stun/kill it then slit it's throat and squeeze the blood out.
They then skin it and cook it , the buyer drinks the blood as the snake is cooking.

I was watching and the guy offered me the snake blood, no way !!, I did eat some of the snake with him though, it was okay .

Have had it since in China, it's okay, not great not bad !

Would you have drank the blood with a large splash of vodka though? I think I would tbh. Will stick it on the list actually.

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7 hours ago, joebrown said:
9 hours ago, jack2964 said:

Had this one resting next to my rice cooker on top of a table this morning. Managed to coax it onto a dust pan and released it in the backyard. Only a tiny one not more than 18 inches and possibly driven indoors by the rain.

Anyone knows what it is?


Looks like a Golden Tree Snake. Non-poisonous  and not usually aggressive.

That doesn't look like the golden tree snakes I've seen.  Maybe another variety of tree snake?  Also, the golden tree snakes I've encountered (in my house...) are extremely fast.  I can't imagine coaxing one into a dust pan.



(Golden tree snake pic from Google)



(Golden tree snake from my kitchen)



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Would you have drank the blood with a large splash of vodka though? I think I would tbh. Will stick it on the list actually.

Probably not ! , higiene wasn't high on the market sellers list.
I only ate the snake cos I was egged on by my colleagues [emoji16]
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3 hours ago, ThaiWai said:


He does indeed look like a common wolf snake https://www.thailandsnakes.com/common-wolf-snake-lycodon-capucinus-harmless/


From that page :-



These snakes have a very reflective shine that doesn’t make for great photos with flash!





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15 hours ago, Aussieroaming said:

Borax powder sprinkled regularly will stop centipedes, scorpions, ants, cockroaches and any other insect with an exoskeleton from getting near the house if you lay a regular dose around. I used lay a perimeter of the house once a month and it stopped most of the crawlers.

Where do you get borax in Thailand? I thought it was a banned substance due to vendors putting it in there food.

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14 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

Would you have drank the blood with a large splash of vodka though? I think I would tbh. Will stick it on the list actually.

My BIL killed a Cobra on his land that had been eating his chickens. He offered me the blood mixed with Loa Khao and a little honey. Not bad at all.

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