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PM puts forward 4 questions for the people to answer before the election

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1 hour ago, Smarter Than You said:

Democracy is not perfect, the only guarantee is that next government will provide better governance than the current government

no it is not. otherwise the US would have the perfect government already. is it so?

the only guarantee is that the winner will be the one with biggest money and biggest connections. and he will do whatever it takes to get invested money back while elected.


because people vote not according to logic but according to emotions. the majority always elect the populist who says what they want to hear.


1 hour ago, Smarter Than You said:

The same thing they do in every democracy in the rest of the world - vote them out.

after five years when a currupted populist is free to do whatever he wants? coup is better


1 hour ago, Smarter Than You said:

The process does not need coups!

democracies led to Hitler's win. did Germany need a coup or not?


1 hour ago, Smarter Than You said:

Parliament was dissolved and early elections were called - without military intervention. 

and on these election the winner was the same populist who buys votes and promise to incompetent losers to rob toilers and share their wealth. because the majority of any society are losers who will vote for the one who promises to rob and share.


1 hour ago, Smarter Than You said:

13 successful coups over 85 years and it is still a basket case

and two Thai economic booms happened during military dictators rule. and both economic recessions (in lato 70-ies and late 90-ies) happened during rules of elected governments.

 becuase the elite has a better ability to run the country than a populist.


but die-hard left-liberal anti-elitists cant accept facts which break your theories


1 hour ago, Smarter Than You said:

Elections are iterative.

no, they are not. it's left-liberal myth

otherwise democratic countries would have better governments after each election cycles. but in reality we can observe the opposite tendency


1 hour ago, Smarter Than You said:

Is buying overpriced, unusable Chinese submarines on credit regarding the future?

are you an expert on submarine prices? no

the problem of democracy that profanes like you can affect on key decisions through elections.

that's why democracy is wrong.

 same as with football -everybody believe that he knows it better how to manage the team and win. imagine what would happen if team composition would be defined by popular vote...


1 hour ago, Smarter Than You said:

whereas the absence of elections does guarantee bad governance

tell this to Chinese, who has no elections but jumped from the poorest to the second economy in the world in two decades.


1 hour ago, Smarter Than You said:

Who's definition of "bad"

those who buy votes and promise the majority to rob the minority - populists


1 hour ago, Smarter Than You said:

Anyone eligible to stand for election under the laws of the land should be allowed to.

are you Thai? why are you answering the questions which were addressed to citizen of Thailand?

I am always wandering why white daddies like to answer the question which nobody ask them, like to give advises to people who don't need them etc...

why can't you mind your own business at your own country? who told you you know it better how others should live? times of "misters in pith helmets" are long gone

why at first don't you apologize for what  your ancestors have done to the third world? drained resources, killed civilians, erased civilizations?

instead of this you come back to Asia and teach Asians how they should run their countries!

what an impudence...



Edited by Matt96
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26 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

no it is not. otherwise the US would have the perfect government already. is it so?

the only guarantee is that the winner will be the one with biggest money and biggest connections. and he will do whatever it takes to get invested money back while elected.


because people vote not according to logic but according to emotions. the majority always elect the populist who says what they want to hear.


after five years when a currupted populist is free to do whatever he wants? coup is better


democracies led to Hitler's win. did Germany need a coup or not?


and on these election the winner was the same populist who buys votes and promise to incompetent losers to rob toilers and share their wealth. because the majority of any society are losers who will vote for the one who promises to rob and share.


and two Thai economic booms happened during military dictators rule. and both economic recessions (in lato 70-ies and late 90-ies) happened during rules of elected governments.

 becuase the elite has a better ability to run the country than a populist.


but die-hard left-liberal anti-elitists cant accept facts which break your theories


no, they are not. it's left-liberal myth

otherwise democratic countries would have better governments after each election cycles. but in reality we can observe the opposite tendency


are you an expert on submarine prices? no

the problem of democracy that profanes like you can affect on key decisions through elections.

that's why democracy is wrong.

 same as with football -everybody believe that he knows it better how to manage the team and win. imagine what would happen if team composition would be defined by popular vote...


tell this to Chinese, who has no elections but jumped from the poorest to the second economy in the world in two decades.


those who buy votes and promise the majority to rob the minority - populists


are you Thai? why are you answering the questions which were addressed to citizen of Thailand?

I am always wandering why white daddies like to answer the question which nobody ask them, like to give advises to people who don't need them etc...

why can't you mind your own business at your own country? who told you you know it better how others should live? times of "misters in pith helmets" are long gone

why at first don't you apologize for what  your ancestors have done to the third world? drained resources, killed civilians, erased civilizations?

instead of this you come back to Asia and teach Asians how they should run their countries!

what an impudence...




Obviously a Prayuth fan or relative protecting their appointed positions in the military controlled trough.

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11 minutes ago, baboon said:

If not why are you demanding answers from posters on here?

the ability to ask question does not correspond with citizenship lol


but I don't answer questions which were made not for me. do you understand the difference?

Edited by Matt96
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Just now, baboon said:

What about answering?

about answering it's different. I only answer the questions which were made for me.


if somebody asks someone else - I don't answer.


is it too hard for you to understand?

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Those are really worthy questions for voters if ever they have an election. However coming from a General who seized power, imposed harsh punishment for dissent while practicing all the bad governance, nepotism and looking away at corruptions in the military; he seriously lack the integrity to be asking the questions.


Thailand is not a nanny state and the military is the lest qualified to lecture the country when they have zero accountability to the citizens. The problem of continuous populist policies by all governments are much blamed on the military working on the behest of the elites to keep the mass of the population poor by staging regular coups.

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Just now, Eric Loh said:

Thailand is not a nanny state

why not? Singapore as a nanny state succeeded


Just now, Eric Loh said:

and the military is the lest qualified to lecture the country

how do you know? did you check their qualification. or it's just your prejudice against military?


1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

to keep the mass of the population poor by staging regular coups.

to keep away populists who promise the loser majority to rob the minority and share it's wealth among the majority.


populism is the weakest spot of any democracy. this the reason why all democracies sooner or later fail.

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14 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

about answering it's different. I only answer the questions which were made for me.


if somebody asks someone else - I don't answer.


is it too hard for you to understand?

Empathy is the richness of inspiration, and of us. Bear that in mind.

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10 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

why not? Singapore as a nanny state succeeded


how do you know? did you check their qualification. or it's just your prejudice against military?


to keep away populists who promise the loser majority to rob the minority and share it's wealth among the majority.


populism is the weakest spot of any democracy. this the reason why all democracies sooner or later fail.

Obfuscate comparison and shallow comment.  Too odd to give a reply. You will post anything to kiss up to the bandits. 


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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

sorry jon, I only answered yes to all because of all the No's.

correct answers :

1. Do you think, in the next election, we will get a government which has good governance? Not unless it's the Junta in control.

2. If not, what will you do?  leave thailand

3. Election is an important integral party of democracy, but election alone without the regard for the future of the country and others is right or wrong? wrong

4. Do you think bad politicians should be given a chance of political comeback; and if there is conflict again, who will solve it and by what means? No chance of comeback

Steve - the big problem I have with your answer to Q1 is that without an open media how are we to know that the Junta are good at governing? Do we accept it a face value? There are no real checks or balances in place for the people to verify this with the current lot  - I personally think they are okay at best (but that is an opinion no more or less).


As for Q2 - well the option of leaving Thailand is not one most Thai people have, so what will they do? Do the accept the level of governance or try to change it? 


As for Q3 - an election is an integral part of democracy as it provides the people with the opportunity to decide the future path the country will take - once that path has been decided rightly or wrongly / for better or worse, it needs to be allowed to play out. Until the next election allows the course to be maintained or corrected. Hitting the reset button is not a solution. Democracies like anything worth doing take effort, persistence and require people to be resilient in the face of set backs (aka - corruption, nepotism, etc etc) . That level of maturity will never be achieved by resetting to day zero. 


I agree with Q4.- There needs to be a system to get to rotten apples out of the cart, however that needs to be overseen by an independent, open and impartial body to ensure people are not labelled bad for political expediency. 


The one thing I have learned from my many years on this planet and Thailand (and I've lived through three coups here, something my younger self would have never imagined! )  is that all governments (the good, the bad and the ones in between) have an expiry date. There will come a time when the Junta will have to go. How they go - quietly or with a bang will shape Thailand's future in almost immeasurable ways. 


I think the tide is turning - like all juntas, the economy will be their undoing. 



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3 minutes ago, jonclark said:

Steve - the big problem I have with your answer to Q1 is that without an open media how are we to know that the Junta are good at governing? Do we accept it a face value? There are no real checks or balances in place for the people to verify this with the current lot  - I personally think they are okay at best (but that is an opinion no more or less).


As for Q2 - well the option of leaving Thailand is not one most Thai people have, so what will they do? Do the accept the level of governance or try to change it? 


As for Q3 - an election is an integral part of democracy as it provides the people with the opportunity to decide the future path the country will take - once that path has been decided rightly or wrongly / for better or worse, it needs to be allowed to play out. Until the next election allows the course to be maintained or corrected. Hitting the reset button is not a solution. Democracies like anything worth doing take effort, persistence and require people to be resilient in the face of set backs (aka - corruption, nepotism, etc etc) . That level of maturity will never be achieved by resetting to day zero. 


I agree with Q4.- There needs to be a system to get to rotten apples out of the cart, however that needs to be overseen by an independent, open and impartial body to ensure people are not labelled bad for political expediency. 


The one thing I have learned from my many years on this planet and Thailand (and I've lived through three coups here, something my younger self would have never imagined! )  is that all governments (the good, the bad and the ones in between) have an expiry date. There will come a time when the Junta will have to go. How they go - quietly or with a bang will shape Thailand's future in almost immeasurable ways. 


I think the tide is turning - like all juntas, the economy will be their undoing. 



I take your point Jon and with comments.  I won't be leaving Thailand anytime soon, that was answered more in jest.  Although the Junta and Khun Prayuth are not perfect,  I believe that Thailand will not succeed with anyone else at the helm ... it has been proven time and time again that there are too many who want the power and that's when the fighting starts and the protests and then it escalates.  I know the Junta is not correct with some things they implement and there are areas that need much harder work to convince the Thai people, however I would prefer the Junta in command then any of the other clowns.   I can go anywhere freely ...  also there is stability & safety, so in my book it's fine and I am happy. 

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1. Do you think, in the next election, we will get a government which has good governance?


2. If not, what will you do?

Nothing, because the government power in this country usually controls people right to speak.

3. Election is an important integral party of democracy, but election alone without the regard for the future of the country and others is right or wrong?

Freedom of speech is essential.

4. Do you think bad politicians should be given a chance of political comeback; and if there is conflict again, who will solve it and by what means?

I asked the same question of Americans who have Trump for president. If the majority of people support the bad president, then there is not too much then you can do.

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1. Do you think, in the next election, we will get a government which has good governance?

2. If not, what will you do?

3. Election is an important integral party of democracy, but election alone without the regard for the future of the country and others is right or wrong?

4. Do you think bad politicians should be given a chance of political comeback; and if there is conflict again, who will solve it and by what means?



What....the actual...!@#$%^& ???

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6 hours ago, kannot said:

Anything he does is fine by me, The  Thais  should  feel truly blessed to get such an upstanding virtuous, honest "man of the people" guy as this, implementing the  will of his beloved people thinking only of the poor and needy in all cases, Im tempted to  call him Grandpa, Thailand, land of the free the greatest on earth, lovely wonderful, if only.....if only I could have  been born into such a wonderful place

Whoever said sarcasm is the lowest form of wit was probably a Thai General.

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2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Obfuscate comparison and shallow comment.

pure emotions, no facts

2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

You will post anything to kiss up to the bandits. 

you will justify anybody if he managed to get enough votes.

if you can't accept how thing being do in Thailand - why cant you go back home?

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It seems like there were on-going discussions about delaying "a return to democracy" for another five years prior to the hospital bomb blast.


Now that they have an "excuse" it seems like a done deal.


In five years maybe they can revisit a "Thai-style" democracy.

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7 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

I only have a Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychologist and taught for many years in Thailand.  Still, sometimes, I have problems understanding how Thais think.  I read that there are four questions to be answered.  However, maybe because I am only a stupid person, compared to Thais, but reviewing the questions I read more than four.  Some of the so called four questions appear to contain multiple questions, rather like, in English, we often ask multiple questions in one sentence.  For example, and this type often leads to bafflement when asked of a Thai, "Would you like soup or salad?" Two questions in one.  Hey ho the merry Oh.

Well if you cannot figure it out I guess the rest of us are truly lost. 

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