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PM puts forward 4 questions for the people to answer before the election


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7 hours ago, kannot said:

Anything he does is fine by me, The  Thais  should  feel truly blessed to get such an upstanding virtuous, honest "man of the people" guy as this, implementing the  will of his beloved people thinking only of the poor and needy in all cases, Im tempted to  call him Grandpa, Thailand, land of the free the greatest on earth, lovely wonderful, if only.....if only I could have  been born into such a wonderful place

Whatever U  R  on Kannot can I have some......................:cheesy:.

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Whats the alternative?? 


Absolute Monarchy? (Pretty much is already [emoji6]


Edit to add: and I am all in favour for that. I love Rama X and Prayuth is probably the 2nd Greatest human being on earth right now. Not a day goes by where I don't thank my lucky starts that he saved me.

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The problem that U do have is a catch 22 problem , its the devil U do and the devil U don't,   U go back to pre Coup era and there will be trouble , U come up to now and U have a dictator in the making and a military Junta establishing itself for the long run , in both case this is not a satisfactory out come , Politically Thailand is in trouble big time, unfortunately you can't trust the previous crowd to govern properly, for U can bet your bottom dollar the PTP would win big time in a free election and U can't expect anything but totalitarian governance from the Junta, I'll back 50/1 an over throw within a decade if not sooner.........................................................:coffee1:.  

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4 hours ago, Matt96 said:

these are all your arguments? lol


No. Its not worth arguing with anyone who tries to justify the junta overthrowing the decision of the people and at the very same time expecting their own opinions to be taken seriously. Ill wait until the junta are appointed to proxy post on your behalf.





Edited by Reigntax
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1. Do you think, in the next election, we will get a government which has good governance?   do we have one now?

2. If not, what will you do?  vote them out next time - that's democracy

3. Election is an important integral party of democracy, but election alone without the regard for the future of the country and others is right or wrong?   right - that's democracy

4. Do you think bad politicians should be given a chance of political comeback; and if there is conflict again, who will solve it and by what means?  You talk about your government?   if you serve the elected government faithfully there will be no conflict - separation of powers

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Call me naive but I would have thought his relationship with the media would make it very easy to completely ignore him and anything/everything he says. I recall Thatcher saying something about denying the IRA the oxygen of publicity. This guy's a good candidate for that too, or is the Thai media in complete thrall?

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6 hours ago, robblok said:

SO much effort and your not even allowed to vote :smile:

I feel your far to lenient to politicians that mess up.. they should be held accountable..  If you launch something that everyone says is going to fail and damage the country and if you still do it and it damages the country they should be held accountable.. also corrupt politicians should not only be voted out but a court of law should take care of them too. So bad (as in convicted for corruption politicians) should never be able to come back and family should be banned too (controversial) so they can't act like proxies.. otherwise the system would never clean up.

The level of your gullibility is truly unfathomable.


Exaggerated accusations of corrupt politicians is no more than an excuse for the Generals to keep on overthrowing democracy.

Corruption in Thailand is omnipresent, always has been probably always will be.

Now the fact there has always been corruption doesn't justify its ongoing existence but to somehow single out one group (Reds) and say that they are unfit for office because they are corrupt and then not hold others (read Generals who are at the very least equally corrupt but more likely to be much, much more corrupt) to the same standard is dishonest.


Some PTP politicians are corrupt - Thailand cannot have democracy

Some* Generals are corrupt - unelected military rule is just fine

Your logic is flawed


Newsflash for you here - the system will never clean up as long as the military keep breaking the law and overthrowing elected governments by coup.

If you want a clean(er) system - then you must stop supporting military interventions and let democracy do its work.

Things won't change overnight, but they will eventually.

If you keep supporting the current cycle, things will never improve.


General Sarit, previous Thai General / Dictator


"After Sarit's death, his reputation took a blow when an inheritance battle between his son, Major Setha Thanarat, and his last wife, Thanpuying Vichitra Thanarat, revealed the massive extent of Sarit's wealth, which totaled over US$100 million.He was discovered to have owned a trust company, a brewery, 51 cars and some 30 plots of land, most of which he gave to his dozens of mistresses." 


I wonder what people will be reading about the current mob 20 years from now.


Why are you so lenient to the Generals?

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He added that he wanted to see democracy fail in Thailand, but would like Thailand to be democratic with a government that practices good governance and capable of leading the country towards sustainable prosperity and stability.


Why the hell this bloke is thinking to be the judge of good governance and good leadership?........... Because he can.


See Cambodia: The leading party "representing" all people is ruling almost half a century. Will it be same here in Thailand with the soldier?

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6 hours ago, Matt96 said:

are you Thai? if not - nobody asked YOU to answer anything. go back to you home country and answer whatever question you want there.

where you are  most  likely to  be able to give "any" answer you like without fear..................unlike the land of the "free"

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1 hour ago, chainarong said:

Whatever U  R  on Kannot can I have some......................:cheesy:.

a  large dose of sarcasm, needs to be taken daily, many fail to see it.

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9 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

I only have a Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychologist and taught for many years in Thailand.

Does Ch-o-ch know of your presence???


He needs you!

The country needs you!

We all need you!

And most of all the wife's family need you!





I'll have a double, single malt if you would

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3 hours ago, Matt96 said:

pure emotions, no facts

you will justify anybody if he managed to get enough votes.

if you can't accept how thing being do in Thailand - why cant you go back home?

To roam the path is to become one with it.

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5 hours ago, Matt96 said:

no it is not. otherwise the US would have the perfect government already. is it so?

the only guarantee is that the winner will be the one with biggest money and biggest connections. and he will do whatever it takes to get invested money back while elected.

The only guarantee is that the next THAI government will be better than the current THAI government.

5 hours ago, Matt96 said:


because people vote not according to logic but according to emotions. the majority always elect the populist who says what they want to hear.

If you believe people are too stupid to vote then it's no wonder you are such a Junta fanboy.


5 hours ago, Matt96 said:


after five years when a currupted populist is free to do whatever he wants? coup is better

Corrupt populists can do whatever they want for 5 years, Juntas can do whatever they want forever yet you somehow think a coup is better - this makes no sense, its just dumb

Elections enable the citizenry to remove governments - there is no mechanism to remove Juntas - democracy is better than coups!


5 hours ago, Matt96 said:


democracies led to Hitler's win. did Germany need a coup or not?

Democracy did not lead to Hitler.

Read the attached to see how Hitler came to power.

Myth: Democracy elected Hitler to power.

5 hours ago, Matt96 said:


and on these election the winner was the same populist who buys votes and promise to incompetent losers to rob toilers and share their wealth. because the majority of any society are losers who will vote for the one who promises to rob and share.

The majority of any society are losers (fits in nicely with your views that people are too stupid to vote).

I am curious, do you see yourself as a loser or a toiler?

I bet you think you're a toiler, sadly for you, the crap you write exposes you as one of the losers.

BTW - If your theory is correct then all the Democrats have to do is make bigger and better populist policy proposals at an election and they're guaranteed a win after which they can just scrap the policies. Given people are so stupid and greedy this plan can be used election after election, unless of course you're wrong and people aren't too stupid.


5 hours ago, Matt96 said:


and two Thai economic booms happened during military dictators rule. and both economic recessions (in lato 70-ies and late 90-ies) happened during rules of elected governments.

 becuase the elite has a better ability to run the country than a populist.

I do believe 1997 there was an economic collapse in the "Asian Tiger" countries.

This collapse preceded the drafting and enactment of the 1997 constitution which in part came about because it was acknowledge that modern economics was much too difficult for laypeople (Generals) to manage.

The elites don't administer better than elected governments, they do however know how to line their own pockets better than elected politicians.


Speaking of elites, how's that Red Bull kid going these days?

5 hours ago, Matt96 said:


but die-hard left-liberal anti-elitists cant accept facts which break your theories

If anyone is immune to facts (and logic) it would appear to be you.

Enough said here I think.


5 hours ago, Matt96 said:


are you an expert on submarine prices? no

I can't say I've been in the market for a sub, I'm sure they're expensive though.

It is a fact, no matter what country - that defence spending has extremely high levels of corruption.

Thailand is no exception

5 hours ago, Matt96 said:

the problem of democracy that profanes like you can affect on key decisions through elections.

that's why democracy is wrong.

 same as with football -everybody believe that he knows it better how to manage the team and win. imagine what would happen if team composition would be defined by popular vote...


1 person, 1 vote (that includes profanes and fascists as well)

You should read this book 


The Wisdom of Crowds - Wikipedia


5 hours ago, Matt96 said:


tell this to Chinese, who has no elections but jumped from the poorest to the second economy in the world in two decades.

I would tell the Chinese, however I can't find any Chinese Facebook friends - I wonder why that is.

(China's amazing economic growth has not come without a price)

5 hours ago, Matt96 said:


those who buy votes and promise the majority to rob the minority - populists

I am curious to know how you think the minority came to be in possession of their wealth?

Earned honestly, with talent alone?

Thailand has one of the most unequal discrepancies in government expenditure of any country in the world.

In 2012 Bangkok had 17% of the population and received 75% of government expenditure whilst the north had 52% of the population and received just 12% of government expenditure.

So you see the fact is the ones sponging of the government tit (through populist policies) are not the poor of the north but the middle class of Bangkok.

The rich have been robbing the poor in Thailand for decades - modern Bangkok was built by taxing the rice grown with the blood and sweat of the rural poor.

Democracy started putting an end to this thievery - that is why there was a coup.


5 hours ago, Matt96 said:


are you Thai? why are you answering the questions which were addressed to citizen of Thailand?

From your google translate language it is quite obvious that you are Thai.

Your views of the majority of your countrymen (stupid, losers, robbers) says a lot about you and your whistle blowing cohorts

Your views also reveal the real reasons for the coup - (Halloween and Robblok take note - it's not about PTP/Shinawatra corruption)

The truth is this:

All Thais are equal

All Thais deserve an equal say in how their country is administered

5 hours ago, Matt96 said:

I am always wandering why white daddies like to answer the question which nobody ask them, like to give advises to people who don't need them etc...

why can't you mind your own business at your own country? who told you you know it better how others should live? times of "misters in pith helmets" are long gone

why at first don't you apologize for what  your ancestors have done to the third world? drained resources, killed civilians, erased civilizations?

instead of this you come back to Asia and teach Asians how they should run their countries!

what an impudence...

How do you know I'm not African or Asian or mixed race?

It matters not who delivers the message, only whether the message is true.


Thailand is clearly going through a transition. 

You and your views are slowly being resigned to history.

An inclusive, open, egalitarian society is being born.

The longer you stand with your finger in the dam wall cracks, the greater the likelihood you are going to get flushed away when the walls come crashing down.


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3 hours ago, Matt96 said:

empathy does not mean answering questions which were made for someone else

Inseprability is a constant. The goal of FOUR dimensional superstructures is to plant the seeds of power rather than delusion.

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That post by 'smarter than you' was a monster.


The majority  up  here have very little; a shared tin shack, clean water on tap. and just started this month; rubbish collection. On the flip side they are happy(ish), enjoy a slug of lao khao, a fag or two,  a bit of high-low when someone kicks the bucket and regular trips to the local temple to get fragrant water flicked on them,.


By most  accounts these people  are 'losers'.


I reckon they are happier than a good deal of the military government supporters in BKK.


Just take my wife's family;;;;please!!!!!!!!!!

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The General/PM finally addresses the elephant in the room, not only with the questions themselves, but how he phrased them; a barely concealed annoyance, talking down tone.


What he's saying is the average Thai doesn't have the capacity to know what is best for Thailand and has no business involved with these complex issues.   The questions are rhetorical, and he expects the average Thai will shrug them off, and be satisfied with letting those of higher status, tend to these difficult issues and decisions.  They continue to line things up so that they have a firm grip on the controls, so might as well get used to it.


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46 minutes ago, baboon said:

Inseprability is a constant. The goal of FOUR dimensional superstructures is to plant the seeds of power rather than delusion.

could you please explain what are you talking about?

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2 hours ago, Reigntax said:

No. Its not worth arguing with anyone who tries to justify the junta overthrowing the decision of the people and at the very same time expecting their own opinions to be taken seriously

so if you are not going to defend your position - who people are going to follow your point of view?

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See I would have asked the Thai People these 4 questions:

1. Do you feel you have enough money in your pocket

2. What are your thoughts on the military and its influence in Thai Politics.

3.Is a free speaking press and political parties that express their view and question, paramount to good housekeeping for the Government in Power.

4.Should Thailand Politics be more focused on punishing past Governments, or should we let people back into politics that were charged with crimes and convicted.


I hope the General gets a chance to look at my set of 4 questions. A little bit different, but I am more of a humanist than a radical.

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1 hour ago, Matt96 said:

so if you are not going to defend your position - who people are going to follow your point of view?


Dont really need to defend my position. Every intelligent person can clearly see what the junta are doing, why they are, the negative burdens they have imposed on the country and how their continual interference has taken the country from one having Asia's greatest potential to what will end up being an Asian backwater dump.

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4 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Whats the alternative?? 

There are many alternatives. You can vote them into power and pretend there was a choice. It's all a matter of attitude - if you have trouble, then you just need some adjustment.


The fact of the matter is that, without the abolishment of the most famous law in the land, a real democracy is outlawed. 1932 is a big day in Thai history (hmmmm big day or big year?) which needs to be erased. Democracy should be scrapped, and these questions seem to be an attempt to elicit the required response - better the devil you know...


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4 minutes ago, Reigntax said:

 their continual interference has taken the country from one having Asia's greatest potential to what will end up being an Asian backwater dump.

pure wishful thinking. in fact both Thai economic booms happened under military governments.

but people like you see what you want to see.


if Thailand is so bad - why don't you go back home?

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1 minute ago, Matt96 said:

pure wishful thinking. in fact both Thai economic booms happened under military governments.

but people like you see what you want to see.


if Thailand is so bad - why don't you go back home?

Your final sentence tends to let you down rather a lot. For example, I now have no remaining contacts in the U.K. except one retired builder. I stayed here since 2001 and have a house. When you say 'go back home' do you mean 'go back to Thailand' or are you suggesting that I return to a country I haven't' visited in 12 years?

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1 minute ago, Matt96 said:

it's just you blah blah. show me a citation.

You are a fake and an embarrassment. You took something out of context and twist the words of a much revered statesman. You have not done your research and have the cheek to ask me for a citation. Just admit that you are wrong and move on. 


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Just now, ben2talk said:

When you say 'go back home' do you mean 'go back to Thailand' or are you suggesting that I return to a country I haven't' visited in 12 years?

you can stay in Thailand  with non-o visa as long as you wish (and Thailand allows, of course), but you will still be a guest here as long as you don't have Thai citizenship.


don't lie to yourself that if you live here for a long time on visas Thailand is your home. The law of Thailand does not agree with you



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