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39 minutes ago, CMKiwi said:

I fail to find what is baseless or ignorant and non factual of what I posted.


It was my finding, therefore my observation that vegans are strange at the best of times. And that is what I stated....because you don't agree does not mean it's incorrect.  Again it is MY finding.


You may find differently and I don't have a problem with that.



I stand corrected. Of course you are entitled to your opinion. Took umbrage to the 'nothing new there!' quip, which IMO is painting all vegans with a very broad brushstroke. I'm a 27 year vegan and personally only know about a dozen. Doubtful your "findings" can be based on a very large subject group. Assuming it is more based on the radicals that make the news?

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18 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Consider yourself introduced.


Animal flesh is not necessary in the human diet.


It is not difficult to live healthy on a vegan diet. On the contrary, a proper vegan diet may be the most healthy.


There is nothing superior or nutritionally unique about animal products that cannot be derived from non-animal products.


There are radicals in every aspect of thinking and ideas. This is not a "vegan" thing.


While true homo sapiens are omnivorous, we have more in common with herbivores than carnivores and our anatomy/physiology and ancestry prove it.



1. Carnivores have sharp molars/humans and herbivores are flat
2. Carnivores have claws and paws/humans and herbivores hands or hooves
3. Carnivores have large oral cavities/humans small
4. Carnivores have short digestive tracts/humans and herbivores long
5. Carnivores pant to cool the body/humans and herbivores sweat
6. Carnivores lap liquids/humans and herbivores sip
7. Carnivores produce their own vitamin C/humans and herbivores get it from their diet
8. Carnivores don't chew much and saliva doesn't have digestive enzymes/humans and herbivores chew and saliva has digestive enzymes
9. Carnivores are quick and cunning and kill with claws and teeth/humans are not and don't
10. Carnivores kill then eat raw meat/most humans buy pretty packages of pre-killed meat and usually cook it



That is exactly what I mean.. denying of science.. denying of the past. Men would not be what it is today without meat. 


Meat protein has all the essential amino acids.. most plant based proteins do not have this. 


I never said we were a carnivore... i said we are omnivores... and that meat has more nutrients and is more caloric dense. Even chimps have gone over to eating meat. For evolution we needed meat if we had eaten plants we would not have been the top dog in the world that we are now. 


Its fun that your kind makes an alternate version of history many scientists have proven that we were meat eaters.. not vegetarians.. We started to evolve get larger brain when we started eating meats.. because of the higher calories and better proteins. 




https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v531/n7595/full/nature16990.html  (far more respected source with decent research) 


That is the problem with vegans.. they treat it as a religion. 

32 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Consider yourself introduced.


Animal flesh is not necessary in the human diet.


It is not difficult to live healthy on a vegan diet. On the contrary, a proper vegan diet may be the most healthy.


There is nothing superior or nutritionally unique about animal products that cannot be derived from non-animal products.


There are radicals in every aspect of thinking and ideas. This is not a "vegan" thing.


While true homo sapiens are omnivorous, we have more in common with herbivores than carnivores and our anatomy/physiology and ancestry prove it.



1. Carnivores have sharp molars/humans and herbivores are flat
2. Carnivores have claws and paws/humans and herbivores hands or hooves
3. Carnivores have large oral cavities/humans small
4. Carnivores have short digestive tracts/humans and herbivores long
5. Carnivores pant to cool the body/humans and herbivores sweat
6. Carnivores lap liquids/humans and herbivores sip
7. Carnivores produce their own vitamin C/humans and herbivores get it from their diet
8. Carnivores don't chew much and saliva doesn't have digestive enzymes/humans and herbivores chew and saliva has digestive enzymes
9. Carnivores are quick and cunning and kill with claws and teeth/humans are not and don't
10. Carnivores kill then eat raw meat/most humans buy pretty packages of pre-killed meat and usually cook it



Humans are a product of evolution and yes, we were probably herbivores, note the appendix that used to contain bacteria that could digest cellulose. Yet, we have evolved to become opportunistic omnivores, note that the appendix is now a non-functioning vestigial organ. Meat is good for you, just not as much as we eat today.

The reason we are having so much trouble with obesity today is that our own bodily evolution has failed to keep up with our life-style. The body just loves fat and sugar and this wasn't a problem because fat and sugar was very rare in our prehistory. Only now when we have unlimited access to both is it a problem.

Being a vegan is not easy to get all the nutrients we need. It's certainly doable, but, why? The only valid reason I see is ethical.....and that's fine, but, to disparage meat-eaters is not only stupid, it hurts their own cause.


Personally, a life without bacon is just not worth living.


This has nothing to do with anyone being a vegan and everything to do with pettiness and a lack of maturity.


A vegan lifestyle  requires discipline and common sense. It is not surprising to read some of the ignorant comments about vegans and their diet, because there are also ignorant people who believe that man lived with dinosaurs, that the earth is flat, that Obama is a foreigner etc. A balanced vegan diet includes all of the necessary  proteins and  essential vitamins, without the  saturated fats and  deadly diseases  associated with eating the flesh of other animals.  It is foolish to  turn this into an indictment of the vegan lifestyle, and I say that as a someone  who is technically a meat eater.


What I do know is that the character Sam who stirs the pot, is quite popular with the ladies and is pursued by women and men alike, all propositioning him.  He doesn't have creepy stalkers like that obnoxious missionary My Mate Nate , but he has his fan club all the same. I sense some of the comments here are motivated by jealousy, as this guy is lean and muscular while his most aggressive critics are fat slobs slowly dying of  coronary disease, or who can't walk  more than 5 minutes without gasping for air because of their smoking. The guy is a jerk because he is a jerk, not because he is a vegan.


You'll find various degrees of veganism from personal dietary considerations leading to better health on to those who crusade against the use of honey, wool, leather and other animal products. Any 'crusader' is likely to be deranged, according to the mainstream. 


Today the radical islamists are in essence crusaders and we can see their grip on the world.  I personally doubt the crusading vegans will ever achieve the world-wide ends they seek.


My personal belief is that too much emphasis is placed on meat in our western diet. But it's also the case that when really poor folks gain a bit more money, they are off to the butcher shop. Education of the middle class towards personal life betterment is, IMO, the only way to achieve the goals of less meat and fish in the diet.


Someday i may open a small restaurant..."No animal died to feed your face".

14 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Personally, a life without bacon is just not worth living.

Keep eating that concoction of artificially flavoured high salt, high fat concoction and you won't be living.  What passes for bacon in Thailand is in reality a chunk of lard, with a few streaks of muscle and connective  tissue dyed an  unnatural colour. This fat is saturated with antibiotics and other chemicals due to the factory farming methods used topped of with an abundance of nitrates that will screw up your cell biology.  One good thing about the product is that it supports  birth control since the chemicals found in bacon reduce  male sperm concentration and damage the tails, impairing motility. So, yes, please keep eating your bacon.

24 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

This has nothing to do with anyone being a vegan and everything to do with pettiness and a lack of maturity.


A vegan lifestyle  requires discipline and common sense. It is not surprising to read some of the ignorant comments about vegans and their diet, because there are also ignorant people who believe that man lived with dinosaurs, that the earth is flat, that Obama is a foreigner etc. A balanced vegan diet includes all of the necessary  proteins and  essential vitamins, without the  saturated fats and  deadly diseases  associated with eating the flesh of other animals.  It is foolish to  turn this into an indictment of the vegan lifestyle, and I say that as a someone  who is technically a meat eater.


What I do know is that the character Sam who stirs the pot, is quite popular with the ladies and is pursued by women and men alike, all propositioning him.  He doesn't have creepy stalkers like that obnoxious missionary My Mate Nate , but he has his fan club all the same. I sense some of the comments here are motivated by jealousy, as this guy is lean and muscular while his most aggressive critics are fat slobs slowly dying of  coronary disease, or who can't walk  more than 5 minutes without gasping for air because of their smoking. The guy is a jerk because he is a jerk, not because he is a vegan.

Point taken, but, there are also many meat-eaters that are also "cut and ripped". 


So all bacon is 'fake' then?  Everything in moderation I say.


 Personally nothing beats the aroma of bacon sizzling on a hotplate/ barbque.  Great stuff that gets the saliva flowing.


  Most people know about risks associated with many types of food.  It's also quite well known that Asian food practises can vary quite a lot compared to the regulated West.


  Is this a bad thing or a good thing?  As individuals it is up to each person to make up their own mind as to what they will or won't accept.


  As an example I won't eat Tilapia fish. Why?  Because I don't like it's farming practice but mainly because it's not to my liking taste wise.  But I don't take out a crusade against those that do like it.


  I have nothing against vegans and for some it appears to become a religion.  Each to there own (Again)....


 What does annoy me somewhat is when it borders on extremism and that 'religion' is pushed into the 'non-belivers' face.  End result is that it's not healthy for either side.


IMHO mind.

Just now, CMKiwi said:

So all bacon is 'fake' then?  Everything in moderation I say.


 Personally nothing beats the aroma of bacon sizzling on a hotplate/ barbque.  Great stuff that gets the saliva flowing.


  Most people know about risks associated with many types of food.  It's also quite well known that Asian food practises can vary quite a lot compared to the regulated West.


  Is this a bad thing or a good thing?  As individuals it is up to each person to make up their own mind as to what they will or won't accept.


  As an example I won't eat Tilapia fish. Why?  Because I don't like it's farming practice but mainly because it's not to my liking taste wise.  But I don't take out a crusade against those that do like it.


  I have nothing against vegans and for some it appears to become a religion.  Each to there own (Again)....


 What does annoy me somewhat is when it borders on extremism and that 'religion' is pushed into the 'non-belivers' face.  End result is that it's not healthy for either side.


IMHO mind.

Agree that these guys are vegan extremists....very unsavoury individuals. Let's hope they leave and never come back.


My great, great grandma died in 1927 at the age of 102.  Smoked a corn cob pipe since before the Mexican-American War....and of course ate meat.  OTOH, an expat in his early 70s, can't take a leak or a Shiite without medical help, but the first and most important thing he can tell you is that he is Vegan.  Takes all types.

1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

This has nothing to do with anyone being a vegan and everything to do with pettiness and a lack of maturity.


A vegan lifestyle  requires discipline and common sense. It is not surprising to read some of the ignorant comments about vegans and their diet, because there are also ignorant people who believe that man lived with dinosaurs, that the earth is flat, that Obama is a foreigner etc. A balanced vegan diet includes all of the necessary  proteins and  essential vitamins, without the  saturated fats and  deadly diseases  associated with eating the flesh of other animals.  It is foolish to  turn this into an indictment of the vegan lifestyle, and I say that as a someone  who is technically a meat eater.


What I do know is that the character Sam who stirs the pot, is quite popular with the ladies and is pursued by women and men alike, all propositioning him.  He doesn't have creepy stalkers like that obnoxious missionary My Mate Nate , but he has his fan club all the same. I sense some of the comments here are motivated by jealousy, as this guy is lean and muscular while his most aggressive critics are fat slobs slowly dying of  coronary disease, or who can't walk  more than 5 minutes without gasping for air because of their smoking. The guy is a jerk because he is a jerk, not because he is a vegan.

It has everything to do with them being vegan. They stick that label on themselves and pat themselves on the back for being vegan. They have Youtube channels about veganism, blogs etc. They have 'go vegan' on their bikes and on their clothing.


But as soon as it's bad news they're allowed to drop that label and its 'nothing to do with being vegan'.


Sorry, it doesn't work like that.




3 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Humans are a product of evolution and yes, we were probably herbivores, note the appendix that used to contain bacteria that could digest cellulose. Yet, we have evolved to become opportunistic omnivores, note that the appendix is now a non-functioning vestigial organ. Meat is good for you, just not as much as we eat today.

The reason we are having so much trouble with obesity today is that our own bodily evolution has failed to keep up with our life-style. The body just loves fat and sugar and this wasn't a problem because fat and sugar was very rare in our prehistory. Only now when we have unlimited access to both is it a problem.

Being a vegan is not easy to get all the nutrients we need. It's certainly doable, but, why? The only valid reason I see is ethical.....and that's fine, but, to disparage meat-eaters is not only stupid, it hurts their own cause.


Personally, a life without bacon is just not worth living.

First off...I have not disparaged anyone. (Disregard if not referring to me, but since your comment came after quoting my post...)


What truly is disparaging is so many here stereotyping all vegans as strange elitist villains who are mentally and nutritionally deficient. 


Secondly...as a vegan for 27 years, you are incorrect in your assumption that that it is somehow 'not easy' to get necessary nutrients. You are flat out wrong on this one.


Third...just because you only see one valid reason (ethical) in yet another blanket assumption...doesn't make it so. Ethical as well as health and environmental benefits are also valid reasons. 


Enjoy your decaying shredded swine flesh, which in reality is precisely what you refer to as bacon.


Here are just a few tidbits to chew on other than your beloved bacon...










41 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

First off...I have not disparaged anyone. (Disregard if not referring to me, but since your comment came after quoting my post...)


What truly is disparaging is so many here stereotyping all vegans as strange elitist villains who are mentally and nutritionally deficient. 


Secondly...as a vegan for 27 years, you are incorrect in your assumption that that it is somehow 'not easy' to get necessary nutrients. You are flat out wrong on this one.


Third...just because you only see one valid reason (ethical) in yet another blanket assumption...doesn't make it so. Ethical as well as health and environmental benefits are also valid reasons. 


Enjoy your decaying shredded swine flesh, which in reality is precisely what you refer to as bacon.


Here are just a few tidbits to chew on other than your beloved bacon...










Nah.....I'll stick to my decaying, shredded swine flesh with fried eggs, though, thanks for the suggestion.

4 hours ago, robblok said:

That is exactly what I mean.. denying of science.. denying of the past. Men would not be what it is today without meat. 


Meat protein has all the essential amino acids.. most plant based proteins do not have this. 


I never said we were a carnivore... i said we are omnivores... and that meat has more nutrients and is more caloric dense. Even chimps have gone over to eating meat. For evolution we needed meat if we had eaten plants we would not have been the top dog in the world that we are now. 


Its fun that your kind makes an alternate version of history many scientists have proven that we were meat eaters.. not vegetarians.. We started to evolve get larger brain when we started eating meats.. because of the higher calories and better proteins. 




https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v531/n7595/full/nature16990.html  (far more respected source with decent research) 


That is the problem with vegans.. they treat it as a religion. 

Interesting article and study, but we have evolved since those primitve origins and clearly a vegan diet is the most healthy, sensible, ethical and environmentally sound diet for humans of today, as well as for the planet. The Time article agrees.


555 "your kind" nice! :cheesy: 

12 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Nah.....I'll stick to my decaying, shredded swine flesh with fried eggs, though, thanks for the suggestion.

Fried chicken embryos, to be precise! 


Enjoy! :bah:

20 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Fried chicken embryos, to be precise! 


Enjoy! :bah:

Not if they're unfertilized. Eggs are really good for you (the latest news on them), though, probably not fried.

On 5/27/2017 at 7:38 PM, junglechef said:

Think there might be a correlation to number of hits, or views, they get to income received.

Perhaps with the previously mentioned Sprite consumption too. 

Yes, his income comes from clicking the monetize button when he publishes a YT video.  

6 hours ago, jobin said:



Someday i may open a small restaurant..."No animal died to feed your face".


Funny as my brother was a vegetarian and relaxed his dietary requirements to "anything without a face"


He did this for health reasons as when traveling it not only was hard to be a vegetarian, of course depending on what country one was in, and to get all ones' nutritional needs (esp as not able to cook).

But also he was missing out on some of the cultural experiences limiting himself on what he could eat.

6 hours ago, robblok said:

That is exactly what I mean.. denying of science.. denying of the past. Men would not be what it is today without meat. 


Meat protein has all the essential amino acids.. most plant based proteins do not have this. 


I never said we were a carnivore... i said we are omnivores... and that meat has more nutrients and is more caloric dense. Even chimps have gone over to eating meat. For evolution we needed meat if we had eaten plants we would not have been the top dog in the world that we are now. 


Its fun that your kind makes an alternate version of history many scientists have proven that we were meat eaters.. not vegetarians.. We started to evolve get larger brain when we started eating meats.. because of the higher calories and better proteins. 




https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v531/n7595/full/nature16990.html  (far more respected source with decent research) 


That is the problem with vegans.. they treat it as a religion. 

Not a vegan, but couldn't early man get the same protein from eggs and insects along with the protein that comes with other foods in smaller amounts?


If I had the choice to eat some eggs, worms, and nuts vs trying to take down an animal, I'd probably take the easy route, especially if said animal is dangerous.


Mammoth or bird eggs? No brainer.  ;-)

11 minutes ago, dcnx said:

Not a vegan, but couldn't early man get the same protein from eggs and insects along with the protein that comes with other foods in smaller amounts?


If I had the choice to eat some eggs, worms, and nuts vs trying to take down an animal, I'd probably take the easy route, especially if said animal is dangerous.


Mammoth or bird eggs? No brainer.  ;-)

But.. hunting party returns to caves, half of them dragging a mammoth, muscles rippling and sweat glistening in the sun. The other group carrying  some eggs and worms.


Which group do you think the local wenches are going to greet most enthusiastically .......Mammoth or bird eggs  ? No brainer.




16 minutes ago, dcnx said:

Not a vegan, but couldn't early man get the same protein from eggs and insects along with the protein that comes with other foods in smaller amounts?


If I had the choice to eat some eggs, worms, and nuts vs trying to take down an animal, I'd probably take the easy route, especially if said animal is dangerous.


Mammoth or bird eggs? No brainer.  ;-)

Back then it was often kill or be killed.  The sheer density of large carnivores that considered humans food is hard to imagine now.  

3 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

First off...I have not disparaged anyone. (Disregard if not referring to me, but since your comment came after quoting my post...)


What truly is disparaging is so many here stereotyping all vegans as strange elitist villains who are mentally and nutritionally deficient. 


Secondly...as a vegan for 27 years, you are incorrect in your assumption that that it is somehow 'not easy' to get necessary nutrients. You are flat out wrong on this one.


Third...just because you only see one valid reason (ethical) in yet another blanket assumption...doesn't make it so. Ethical as well as health and environmental benefits are also valid reasons. 


Enjoy your decaying shredded swine flesh, which in reality is precisely what you refer to as bacon.


Here are just a few tidbits to chew on other than your beloved bacon...










I'm surprised your defending these clowns. You should be furious. It's your lifestyle choices / dietary choices these idiots are dragging through the mud.

3 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Interesting article and study, but we have evolved since those primitve origins and clearly a vegan diet is the most healthy, sensible, ethical and environmentally sound diet for humans of today, as well as for the planet. The Time article agrees.


555 "your kind" nice! :cheesy: 

Currently its easier to be vegan.. but easier just to eat meat.. and healthy.. depends a lot on what you eat even vegan. You wont hear me saying that all eating of meat is always healthier... I am saying its easier.. and meat was  what got us evolved because it contained all of the stuff we needed.. plants did not. Of course then we did not have the different vegetables available we have now. 


To be a good vegan it needs some studying.. but just eating some meat and veggies and your good. Veggies alone.. and you need to combine certain kinds ect.

1 hour ago, dcnx said:

Not a vegan, but couldn't early man get the same protein from eggs and insects along with the protein that comes with other foods in smaller amounts?


If I had the choice to eat some eggs, worms, and nuts vs trying to take down an animal, I'd probably take the easy route, especially if said animal is dangerous.


Mammoth or bird eggs? No brainer.  ;-)

You should watch stuff like naked and afraid.. quite enlightening about food when your living in the wild.. just veggies don't cut it. 

1 hour ago, Bassosa said:

I'm surprised your defending these clowns. You should be furious. It's your lifestyle choices / dietary choices these idiots are dragging through the mud.

I'm shocked the OP doesn't follow the thread, yet makes ridiculous, non sequitur comments. Read my posts...then try again. 


BTW...no one is affecting anything that has anything to do with me. Couldn't care less about the "clowns" nor what they stand for or do. They are not me. If you want to consume animal flesh and fluids...have at it. GF does every day.


My choices are mine and never impose them on anyone unless asked, confronted, provoked...or faced with extreme ignorance, bias and misinformation and even then don't impose but inform and defend.


To be crystal clear...My original concern was not defending anyone, but railing against unfair and ignorant grouping of seemingly all vegans into a ridiculous stereotyped group. 




It is perfectly possible to eat a vegan diet and be healthy, and most vegans do not go about assaulting people, breaking the law or otherwise behaving idiotically.


It is also perfectly possible to eat a non-vegan diet and be healthy and not an idiot.


It is even possible to be either a vegan/vegetarian or a meat eater without feeling the slightest need to prosletize about it or put down those whose diets differ.


since this topic has strayed way off topic, it is now closed.

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