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Phuket Police formally charge British boyfriend for death of Sophie Anderson

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Shame on you BiB, you let Thais get away with murder in the form of reckless driving in cases FAR worse than this, but when a farang is involved you have no qualms in locking him up, leaving a 5 year old now without a mother and a father. This man had been through enough, his life is in tatters, and now you throw the book at him when there wasn't much 'recklessness'  in this case as it is. I forgot, he isn't minted and you didn't get a brown envelope on your desk. Sort it out Thailand, you are a shambles when it comes to 'justice' 

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Is it maybe a heavy handed way of stopping him leaving LOS, until the Court has finished with it?

11 minutes ago, JustNo said:

Shame on you BiB, you let Thais get away with murder in the form of reckless driving in cases FAR worse than this, but when a farang is involved you have no qualms in locking him up, leaving a 5 year old now without a mother and a father. This man had been through enough, his life is in tatters, and now you throw the book at him when there wasn't much 'recklessness'  in this case as it is. I forgot, he isn't minted and you didn't get a brown envelope on your desk. Sort it out Thailand, you are a shambles when it comes to 'justice' 


Shame on you JustNo ... the 5 year old is in the care of his biological father. 

6 hours ago, LivinginKata said:

Clearluky he needed to be charged with the death. But he is no so cocky now. Before on Facebook.  No w hiding his face. Says it all ....

Such an unnecessary and sad comment. I know Danny and I know this guy is totally devastated. No need to be charged in this case. I wish him the best of luck under the so-called Thai 'justice' system.

7 hours ago, LivinginKata said:

Clearluky he needed to be charged with the death. But he is no so cocky now. Before on Facebook.  No w hiding his face. Says it all ....


i heard he was all over youtube too


What is all this about hiding his face the guy is obviously distressed sad and unsure about what justice 'weather dependant' will be given to him I would hide my face too! Look at the facts do you think the guy went out with the intention of killing his pregnant girlfriend?

Everyone is allowed an opinion but a little bit of common sense and humanity goes a long way guys

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All over the Internet this man has been exposed by people who knew him. I would suggest those who support him do a quick search. His videos for eg that detail how he rode his motorbike recklessly have been taken down. However the videos of his girlfriend stating he scared her are still there because he can't remove them. His excuse for the accident changed from one video to the next. His first video hours after the accident is to cover his ass and shows no remorse in fact at the end he says ah well life goes on. This guy is a nasty piece of work and it's there for all to see.

All over the Internet this man has been exposed by people who knew him. I would suggest those who support him do a quick search. His videos for eg that detail how he rode his motorbike recklessly have been taken down. However the videos of his girlfriend stating he scared her are still there because he can't remove them. His excuse for the accident changed from one video to the next. His first video hours after the accident is to cover his ass and shows no remorse in fact at the end he says ah well life goes on. This guy is a nasty piece of work and it's there for all to see.

Don't know the exact details and haven't looked at those videos but will try and check them out - if that is the case the guy is a dick that took reckless chance. The sad part of God is the girl that died. If there is evidence he was speeding, drunk or in any way caused the accident then he should be dealt with appropriately but looking at the jetski aussie incident someone will be charged tick in the box and the BiB (and two minute court) will never reveal how they reached their conclusion because the normal people the NCPO deem unworthy of knowing won't

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23 minutes ago, Nip said:

All over the Internet this man has been exposed by people who knew him. I would suggest those who support him do a quick search. His videos for eg that detail how he rode his motorbike recklessly have been taken down. However the videos of his girlfriend stating he scared her are still there because he can't remove them. His excuse for the accident changed from one video to the next. His first video hours after the accident is to cover his ass and shows no remorse in fact at the end he says ah well life goes on. This guy is a nasty piece of work and it's there for all to see.

Some links?


However, I find it quite strange. First he posted a video "Heart Breaking News My Pregnant Girlfriend Sophie Died" and a few days later he talks about Vitamine B3.

2 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

Some links?

Sun Fruit Dan is his You Tube channel. Anybody who checks him out will see exactly what he's like. This guy should change his channel to Fruit and Nut Case. He's scary.


Does seem like an idiot and I would not have got on a motorbike with him but all the assumptions and hearsay still don't show he caused the accident so like any democratic justice system in the world should we wait for the facts before aportioning blame?

Sent from my C103 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

9 hours ago, z42 said:

Utterly ridiculous and unnecessary. The same standards are not applied across the board (Red bull a-hole, Praewa, Anna Reese,drunken ChMai cyclist killer, and the pickup driver fined1000 baht for mowing down 2 cyclists while leaning down to get his hat off the floor).

All I see here is a pathetic flexing of muscles and abuse of power.

I wonder what investigation was undertaken to reach a conclusion of reckless driving. I suspect minimal at best.


An utter disgrace imo (the singling out of certain people i mean)


You are forgetting one very important fact. Gazillionaire status. The rich ones are left untouched. It was a promise the little guy seemingly made, when he was handed the reigns of power. 


When I'm driving I always keep a safe distance between me and other vehicles, this applies to when I'm on a bike as well, I haven't used the bike for a few years but it's the same.


Of course the other drivers behind you or in another lane see this gap in the traffic as the ideal place to overtake and get a couple of meters ahead of where they are. When they do that (all the time) I slow down and pull back a little maintaining the stopping distance.


That's how I was taught to drive many years ago. I've never driven into anyone in front of me so far. I've had to break hard to avoid crashing into others and I always managed to stop in time, this is only because I keep the stopping distance large enough so I can in fact stop. It's driving 101. If you don't do this you should be banned from the road for tailgating.



7 hours ago, LivinginKata said:

Clearluky he needed to be charged with the death. But he is no so cocky now. Before on Facebook.  No w hiding his face. Says it all ....

I didn't see his comments on Facebook, but any quotes from him that  have read didn't come across as "cocky" -  far from it - he seemed genuinely distraught. Maybe you can provide a link so we can see the "cocky" bits?

When I'm driving I always keep a safe distance between me and other vehicles, this applies to when I'm on a bike as well, I haven't used the bike for a few years but it's the same.
Of course the other drivers behind you or in another lane see this gap in the traffic as the ideal place to overtake and get a couple of meters ahead of where they are. When they do that (all the time) I slow down and pull back a little maintaining the stopping distance.
That's how I was taught to drive many years ago. I've never driven into anyone in front of me so far.

And how exactly does this help? The roads are mad in Thailand especially in the evening time with a mixture of foreign and Thai drink drivers it didn't mean cautious motorcyclists can't have accidents

Sent from my C103 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

8 hours ago, LivinginKata said:

Clearluky he needed to be charged with the death. But he is no so cocky now. Before on Facebook.  No w hiding his face. Says it all ....

Why should he allow the reporters to photograph him if he wishes otherwise?


They shouldn't be allowed into the place where he is being charged in the first place.

4 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

I couldn't see what happened from the video evidence, but its very hard to keep track of everything that's going on around you -  which is essential when riding a scooter, necessitating frequent glances in the rear view mirrors.


A quick glance in the rear view mirror can result in having to suddenly brake, when the vehicle in front has unexpectedly braked for one reason or another.  Its happened to me a few times.


Of course its easy to say that when this happens the rider wasn't keeping a safe distance, but in slow moving traffic keeping a safe distance becomes even more difficult as other vehicles cut into the 'safety gap' available....

Yes, regarding your last sentence,  that happens all the time - especially to farangs on motorbikes. It seems that Thais always want to get ahead of you in the traffic, as if riding behind you some how makes them feel inferior. It may be that because they have been riding motor bikes since they were children, they feel that they are doing it better, which in actual fact is probably the opposite because they have had no proper instruction regarding the "rules of the road", hence the frightening motor bike death statistics.

14 minutes ago, PomPolo said:

And how exactly does this help? The roads are mad in Thailand especially in the evening time with a mixture of foreign and Thai drink drivers it didn't mean cautious motorcyclists can't have accidents

Sent from my C103 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

It helps because I'm far enough behind vehicles in front of me that I can see when they suddenly stop.


There's only a problem if some idiot cuts in front of me, this didn't happen in this case did it ?



15 minutes ago, sambum said:

I didn't see his comments on Facebook, but any quotes from him that  have read didn't come across as "cocky" -  far from it - he seemed genuinely distraught. Maybe you can provide a link so we can see the "cocky" bits?

Have a look at his You Tube page Sun Fruit Dan and see that he may not be corky but he's an insensitive moron and more important a scary individual. 

34 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

Some links?


However, I find it quite strange. First he posted a video "Heart Breaking News My Pregnant Girlfriend Sophie Died" and a few days later he talks about Vitamine B3.

You got it Sun Fruit Dan is his You Tube page. He's heartbroken yet still finds time to promote his business?

1 hour ago, Nip said:

All over the Internet this man has been exposed by people who knew him. I would suggest those who support him do a quick search. His videos for eg that detail how he rode his motorbike recklessly have been taken down. However the videos of his girlfriend stating he scared her are still there because he can't remove them. His excuse for the accident changed from one video to the next. His first video hours after the accident is to cover his ass and shows no remorse in fact at the end he says ah well life goes on. This guy is a nasty piece of work and it's there for all to see.

I only watched the beginning of his first video after the accident - and it made me cringe...


Nonetheless, it was clearly a typical accident.


Reckless driving?  I can't see it as anything other than an accident - despite the accused's horrendous video :sad:.

11 minutes ago, Nip said:

You got it Sun Fruit Dan is his You Tube page. He's heartbroken yet still finds time to promote his business?

Thanks for the link, but the most recent thing I can see on there is 9 months old - any chance he just hasn't closed it down because he has other things on his mind?

34 minutes ago, PomPolo said:

Does seem like an idiot and I would not have got on a motorbike with him but all the assumptions and hearsay still don't show he caused the accident so like any democratic justice system in the world should we wait for the facts before aportioning blame?

Sent from my C103 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

In this case I don't think apportioning blame helps.


The boyfriend made a tragic error as a result of traffic conditions?  The truck driver ran off because he was horrified at what had happened and being held responsible?


An odious mummy's boy.

On the one hand he berates anyone who views him in a negative way, brushing their genuine emotions and feelings away. On the other, he uses her death to raise money for his legal case.

One moment, crocodile tears to invoke our emotion to send him money for his legal defence, then suddenly a change and it's all about the money.

Sorry Danny, but you don't get to choose how people see you. Especially when so soon after the incident, you uploaded a video I Don't Care About Peoples Opinion Of Me!


As to the car braking suddenly, I see no evidence of that in this CCTV footage: https://www.farang-deaths.com/wp-content/uploads/5c8db114.mp4

Take some responsibility man.



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