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US comedian Kathy Griffin apologises for 'beheaded Trump' photo


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If Kathy's career is actually permanently damaged, maybe she really should move to Mexico and own the trump bloody head thing, and open a trump bloody head PINATA factory! 



Edited by Jingthing
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The right is mad over Kathy Griffin’s gruesome Trump video. The left asks: Remember Ted Nugent?

The left's sentiment: Both spewed hatred. Kathy Griffin was punished for it. Ted Nugent became a White House guest.


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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

If Kathy's career is actually permanently damaged, maybe she really should move to Mexico and own the trump bloody head thing, and open a trump bloody head PINATA factory! 



You finally came through with a great idea! Also, as a bonus, she might be able to get her supply a lot cheaper.


But if I were her, I wouldn't be holding up any fake (or real) severed heads of drug cartel associates (or any other Mexican citizens, for that matter). 

Edited by MaxYakov
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On 5/31/2017 at 4:52 PM, Luckysilk said:

Absolutely & whatever career she had I hope it's gone gone gone.


Its time lawsuits for defamation and slander be brought to these individuals, they are out of control. Finally I agree with the Thai law :) :)

All of those easy peaszy Vegas gig's .  kiss them goodbye, See yah!! It's back to Oak Park Hospital and workin the cash register again.

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On 2017-05-31 at 6:55 AM, lovelomsak said:

Just goes to show how far society has declined. In a true political correct world this could be seen as an assault or threat against the OPUS but hey he is Trump people can say and do as they please. He is there to be abused by all the ignorant,selfish,,bigots in America. unlike any president before him.

Many have ahort memories!





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On 5/31/2017 at 4:52 PM, Luckysilk said:

Absolutely & whatever career she had I hope it's gone gone gone.


Its time lawsuits for defamation and slander be brought to these individuals, they are out of control. Finally I agree with the Thai law :) :)

Guess you never heard of that whole "First Amendment" thingy. Just more mind-numbing ignorance coming from the extreme right.

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On 6/1/2017 at 4:29 AM, MaxYakov said:


A leaker's fate. I hope to see more of them go down.

Yeah, that whole "transparency" and "truth in government" thing has gone way too far. Can't have the American people know what their blindingly incompetent so-called President is doing. Interesting, though, that you insist that "leakers" go down. I thought they were all "fake"? If they're fake, then they don't exist. How can something that Trump insists doesn't exist be doing anything wrong? Ergo, how can they "go down"? Typical Trumpian logic. You people really do need to get your act together.

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On 31 May, 2017 at 0:55 PM, lovelomsak said:

Just goes to show how far society has declined. 


Errr … i like how you generalise…..I bet if you analyse kathy griffins record you will see that she voted for the loser in the election.


This is how these people are…..sore losers…..and I see that not one person from the losers team thinks this is disgraceful.

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On 2 June, 2017 at 1:06 AM, riclag said:

All of those easy peaszy Vegas gig's .  kiss them goodbye, See yah!! It's back to Oak Park Hospital and workin the cash register again.

Theres always hosting new years countdown with anderson cooper in times square….lol…useless annoying errrrr…..woman.

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4 minutes ago, stander said:

Liberal Logic - allow me to insult you while playing the victim card

"Conservative" logic - insist the "victim card" is being played while what is happening is an insistence that "conservatives" actually engage in consistency, rationality, reason, and accountability as opposed to rampant hypocrisy.


Griffin's exercise in protected free speech was in poor taste, but certainly no poorer than the mountains of vapid, ignorant, racist, hate-mongering, yet protected free speech directed at Obama and Clinton. Whatever consequences she has experienced are the direct result of her actions and no one on here is suggesting that she should be protected from them. What we are suggesting is some measure of consistency from the right. Instead, the vacuum heads in TrumpWorld demand a blank check to insult in whatever manner they please, while in the same breath insisting that anyone expressing an opinion, by whatever means, that they don't agree with, be drawn and quartered. Sorry if you got your delicate little feelings hurt. I'm sure you can find a safe space to crawl into with your blankie.

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On ‎31‎.‎05‎.‎2017 at 4:19 PM, sirineou said:

 whats good for the goose is good for the gander 

So it'll be OK for the same sort of abuse to be given to the next Dem. president then?


I saw parts of her latest interview on tv and she is coming across like a whiney victim. She even claims that the entire Trump family is out to destroy her life. I don't know if that is true or not, but I wouldn't blame them if they were. What did she expect when she showed herself holding Trump's bleeding head?

Just goes to show how self deluding anti Trumpers are if they think they can do anything, no matter how outrageous, as long as it's attacking Trump.

Imagine if someone had done the same with Obama!

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On 5/31/2017 at 1:12 PM, mamypoko said:

Come on Kathy, that's the sort of joke Trump would make. No need to sink that low. You can do better.


On 5/31/2017 at 2:46 PM, joecoolfrog said:

She was out of line but at least apologised , more than Trump or his fan club ever do.


On 5/31/2017 at 1:14 PM, iReason said:



And I agree, Griffen was out of line.


"This is how these people are…..sore losers…..and I see that not one person from the losers team thinks this is disgraceful."


You really do love to just jump into wherever the page opens and then toss out your ignorance based inanity, don't you.

Edited by Traveler19491
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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

So it'll be OK for the same sort of abuse to be given to the next Dem. president then?


I saw parts of her latest interview on tv and she is coming across like a whiney victim. She even claims that the entire Trump family is out to destroy her life. I don't know if that is true or not, but I wouldn't blame them if they were. What did she expect when she showed herself holding Trump's bleeding head?

Just goes to show how self deluding anti Trumpers are if they think they can do anything, no matter how outrageous, as long as it's attacking Trump.

Imagine if someone had done the same with Obama!

It would help you not to look so vacuous and out of touch were you to actually read the entire thread before just jumping in willy-nilly and inserting more of your uninformed silliness. There are numerous posts on previous pages showing exactly this type of thing being directed countless times at Obama. Lynching, burning, and innumerable pictures/placards depicting the vilest comments toward Obama. And not just him. His wife and daughters suffered continual attacks. The right had no problem engaging in the basest of attacks on him and his entire family. If you would do even the minimum of research before spouting such stupidity it would go a long way to improving the complete lack of intelligence based comments coming from your direction.


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10 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

You really do love to just jump into wherever the page opens and then toss out your ignorance based inanity, don't you.


I get the impression that they are just trolling in between beers...


With complete disregard for continuity.

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Just now, stevenl said:

I will do exactly what Traveler19491 just told somebody else off: jump in without reading the whole thread.


I ado agree that what she did is not done, and she should not have done this. But I also think the reactions are overdone, and believe Trump is milking it when he refers to his son here.


And yes, similar happened to Obama and his family.

And yes, similar happened to Obama and his family.

Agreed. It is my contention, and I've said it before on TVF, that the reason good, decent people do not get into politics in the USA is because they don't want their families subjected to such filth, which while it happens in other countries also, seems especially bad in the US.


So, in a way, the population of the US gets poor quality leaders because they allow such to go on.

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24 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Just goes to show how self deluding anti Trumpers are if they think they can do anything, no matter how outrageous,...


Imagine if someone had done the same with Obama!



The 332 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List


(and that's just Twitter)








"Imagine if someone had done the same with Obama!"


That's just not worthy of an answer.

As it has been pointed out, you often jump into the middle of a thread with your blather with no regard as to what has already been posted.

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13 minutes ago, stevenl said:

To a certain extend, yes. However the previous president disvows your contention: he was a very decent human being.

Agree he was probably a decent human being, but that's as far as it goes.

IMO he should have thought of his young family and held off his try for presidency till they were older. He is young; he had many years left to go for it.

The ironic thing is that had he not gone for it, HRC would have been a shoo in and he could have gone after her to make 16 years of Dem. rule.

As for Obama as president, I do not think he did a good job. He allowed IS to flourish and he left a divided America. A good leader unites.

No need to start with the anti trump stuff- he's not the best choice. Pity the opposition were so useless that he was the best of a bad bunch.

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why are you making this about me? I'm not the subject of the thread.



It's not about you.

Why are you trying to make it so?


It's about your indefensible, contradicting nonsense.


i.e.: Making blatantly untrue assertions.


And you can't man-up and admit you just completly contradicted yourself within a matter of minutes.

Instead, you, in true Trumpeteer fashion, choose to deflect.


Edited by iReason
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6 minutes ago, iReason said:



It's not about you.

Why are you trying to make it so?


It's about your indefensible, contradicting nonsense.


i.e.: Making blatantly untrue assertions.


And you can't man-up and admit you just completly contradicted yourself within a matter of minutes.

Instead, you, in true Trumpeteer fashion, choose to deflect.


Still with the personal ATTACKS I see.

I am allowed to say whatever is my opinion, within the rules.

However flaming is not allowed under the rules and IMO you have been constantly flaming me for a long time now.

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1 hour ago, Traveler19491 said:

It would help you not to look so vacuous and out of touch were you to actually read the entire thread before just jumping in willy-nilly and inserting more of your uninformed silliness. There are numerous posts on previous pages showing exactly this type of thing being directed countless times at Obama. Lynching, burning, and innumerable pictures/placards depicting the vilest comments toward Obama. And not just him. His wife and daughters suffered continual attacks. The right had no problem engaging in the basest of attacks on him and his entire family. If you would do even the minimum of research before spouting such stupidity it would go a long way to improving the complete lack of intelligence based comments coming from your direction.


People have the right to do this stuff. However, there is a difference between random people on the streets and people in the public eye. comedians, celebrities, actors, etc etc.

All have the same rights to say what they want, true! But those in the public eye will reap the consequences, if they go too far.

What is considered too far currently in regards to Trump is magnitudes ahead of what previously would have been acceptable against Obama, or indeed any politician.

Vileness abounds, it's a new and irreversible state of affairs perpetrated by the anti Trump media.

Edited by PattayaJames
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