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US comedian Kathy Griffin apologises for 'beheaded Trump' photo


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9 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

People have the right to do this stuff. However, there is a difference between random people on the streets and people in the public eye. comedians, celebrities, actors, etc etc.

All have the same rights to say what they want, true! But those in the public eye will reap the consequences, if they go too far.

What is considered too far currently in regards to Trump is magnitudes ahead of what previously would have been acceptable against Obama, or indeed any politician.

Vileness abounds, it's a new and irreversible state of affairs perpetrated by the anti Trump media.

It's not just attacks on Trump either. It's open season on anyone that doesn't toe the anti Trump line, as we see even on TVF.

The biased anti Trump media in the States and other countries also attacks anyone that is pro Trump.

Apparently the era of reasoned debate is over, and has been replaced by a constant stream of anti Trump vitriol, regardless of truth.

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43 minutes ago, iReason said:

Imagine if someone had done the same with Obama!


39 minutes ago, iReason said:

And yes, similar happened to Obama and his family.


I clicked on the wrong posts and therefore the attributions are wrong. My apologies to iReason. The quotes are from thaibeachlovers.


That's what is called an "about face". First, you ask the question, "Imagine if...", which is a specific inference that nothing similar had ever happened to Obama. Four minutes later, you contradict yourself by saying that you agree that similar things DID happen to Obama. That is NOT "flaming", it is pointing to a specific incidence of contradiction.


You are certainly entitled to espouse your opinion, including the frequent occasions when you jump into the middle of a thread and go off without having bothered to read all of the posts. This is an excellent case in point. However, when you do engage in this type of activity, don't be surprised when you get called out on it.


Obama suffered vastly more attacks than the orange one has. Your initial post indicated that he hadn't. The difference is that Obama's were not warranted due in large part to those attacks being based on race, the birther stupidity, and the brain-dead assertion that he was a Kenyan-born Muslim who supported ISIS and encouraged terrorism against the U. S. You assert,

49 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He allowed IS to flourish and he left a divided America.

but fail to offer any supporting facts to bolster such silliness, which happens to be your "trademark" commenting style...a lot of accusations and assertions absent any facts. As I have challenged you before...put up or shut up.

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4 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

I clicked on the wrong posts and therefore the attributions are wrong. My apologies to iReason. The quotes are from thaibeachlovers.


You are certainly entitled to espouse your opinion, including the frequent occasions when you jump into the middle of a thread and go off without having bothered to read all of the posts.

This is an excellent case in point.

However, when you do engage in this type of activity, don't be surprised when you get called out on it.

You assert, but fail to offer any supporting facts to bolster such silliness, which happens to be your "trademark" commenting style...

a lot of accusations and assertions absent any facts.

As I have challenged you before...put up or shut up.


"I clicked on the wrong posts and therefore the attributions are wrong. My apologies to iReason. The quotes are from thaibeachlovers."

No worries. :thumbsup:


As for the latter part of your post, I couldn't agree more.

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20 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

People have the right to do this stuff. However, there is a difference between random people on the streets and people in the public eye. comedians, celebrities, actors, etc etc.

All have the same rights to say what they want, true! But those in the public eye will reap the consequences, if they go too far.

What is considered too far currently in regards to Trump is magnitudes ahead of what previously would have been acceptable against Obama, or indeed any politician.

Vileness abounds, it's a new and irreversible state of affairs perpetrated by the anti Trump media.

I would strongly disagree. Trump brings his criticisms on himself with his continual demonstrations of ineptitude, incompetence, ignorance of even the most basic workings of government, consistent comments such as, "Who knew healthcare was so complicated?", his perpetual contradictions of what his staff said just hours before,  his refusal to listen to advisors or participate in security briefings, his willingness to throw even his most loyal supporters under the bus when it suits him, his incessant lies, his 140 character-long attention span, his embrace of conspiracy theories, his lack of knowledge of crucial policy matters...the list is almost endless. THESE  are the justifiable reasons for the never-ending stream of criticisms of Trump, coupled with his tacit embracing of the white supremacists who love him so much.


By contrast, Obama was a highly intelligent, cultured, sophisticated, diplomatic individual, capable of holding an intelligent conversation while speaking in coherent sentences above a fifth-grade level who was ceaselessly maligned in the basest manner possible. Obama never once asserted that he was "smart", that he had the "greatest" anything, that he knew more than his generals, that the solution to any one problem facing the country was "simple", or that only he knew how to solve a problem. He, unlike Trump, did not desperately and endlessly crave approval. He accepted criticism as a President should, without lashing out like a child at his critics. He frequently objected, but always in measured, civil, rational terms. He never engaged in promoting conspiracy theories. In short, unlike Trump, he wasn't a man-child.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

There is a difference between being "called out" on something and being the target of personal abuse as I get from some posters on TVF.

Frankly, if I were to post about all the posts referencing unverified sources ie rumours, all Trump threads would be twice as long.


As I have challenged you before...put up or shut up.



Sorry, but you have never been subject to "personal abuse". Were that the case, the moderator would have deleted the post and disciplined the offending commenter. I have never once seen that happen. I have, on the other hand, been warned by a moderator, and rightly so, for using a "name" for Trump other than his actual name. Your whining and perpetual claim of victimization for your support of Trump is tiring. Try to man-up and accept that participating in a highly divided political conversation come with the risk of having your opinion vehemently rejected and your reasoning powers called into question. That's part of the game. A game, I might once again point out, that requires playing by the "rules", part of which include BACKING UP YOUR UNFOUNDED OPINIONS WITH FACTS. You are incapable of debating in a rational manner, a clear indication of either a profound lack of intellect or a pathological need to cling to and promote falsehoods. So, once again...


PUT UP OR SHUT UP.  :post-4641-1156693976:

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She made a mistake. She apologized. Sponsors like the Potty company and CNN (no relation) have a right to end their business relationship with her.

HOWEVER, I think something really disturbing is happening to her. VENUES that have sold tickets to her live shows and surely can continue to sell tickets to her live shows are cancelling her live shows with the reason being SECURITY concerns.

Something smells with that.

Security concerns about what?

It seems to me they're saying they're concerned about violence from trumpists.

Again, she made a mistake, consequences are part of that, but now it seems like trumpists are literally out to BURY her.

The same kind of people that buy tickets to Nugent concerts, and nobody is worried about anti-trumpist violence at his events.

Hypocrisy much? 

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Frankly, if I were to post about all the posts referencing unverified sources ie rumours, all Trump threads would be twice as long.


Regardless of your baseless assertions, (i.e: "unverified sources" ) there are rules and ethics:





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Just now, Traveler19491 said:

Being as you are incapable of responding in an intelligent, mature, adult manner and rebut your critics, with intellect, reason, logic, and fact-based passion, and absent your incessant whining about being "abused", "attacked", and "victimized", I would have to agree that that particular emoticon is very fitting for you. It's about all you are intellectually capable of.


I get that you love Trump. Most people capable of reading and absorbing facts don't. I would welcome one response from you...just one...that was actually based in fact and that you posted a link to such fact. Absent that, the rest of us understand you for what you are...a typical fact-averse whiner.


Griffin was, in my opinion, out of order with her picture. But, your claim, along with the claims of all the other trumpanzees, that this was somehow a new low in political discourse, is unfounded. Try dealing with reality.


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15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:



When you cannot defend the indefensible, you resort to classic Trolling.

Ya got nothin'.


And how cheesy to completely alter your other flaming, Troll post:

Credibility: LESS THAN ZERO



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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He just called anyone that doesn't agree with him an ape. Need I say more?

Actually, I was referring to the simian-like inability of Trump supporters to deal with any criticism of their orange messiah and their penchant for flinging poop whenever they encounter such. And, no, your inability to deal with being called out for your incessant fact-free drivel does not entitle you to say more.


You, like your tiny-handed emperor, are unable to tolerate having your lies challenged. Ergo, the comparison to a less-than-human intellect. And this is illustrative of one of the deepest, most challenging problems with Trump and his so-called administration...his tactic of appealing to the low-information, low education portion of the electorate for his support. It is you people who refuse to recognize that he is consistently lying and is willing to abuse the very people who supported him in order to enrich himself and his already wealthy friends at the expense of the taxpayer. It is you people who are willing to abandon the Constitutional protections that have made America what it has been for the last 240+ years, all so that you can delude yourself into feeling "safe". Your perpetual intolerance of anything you don't agree with is in direct contradiction to everything that is America. It isn't so much Trump who represents the genuine existential threat to the U. S. as it is those like you who will support him regardless of the crimes he commits, the regulations he violates, the inequities he foists on real people, and the authoritarian hell he seeks to unleash on all of us. I submit that it is YOU who pose the bigger threat...just like an uncaged ape. Hence the, to my way of thinking, more than appropriate comparison.

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26 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:


Case in point.

If the shoe fits...


Which, when referring to people who refuse to deal with reality, embrace racism, ignore facts, and seem to believe that their genetic makeup (to which they contributed nothing) somehow entitles them to preferential treatment...definitely does.

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4 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

If the shoe fits...


Which, when referring to people who refuse to deal with reality, embrace racism, ignore facts, and seem to believe that their genetic makeup (to which they contributed nothing) somehow entitles them to preferential treatment...definitely does.

Really, what are you rambling about?

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16 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

Actually, I was referring to the simian-like inability of Trump supporters to deal with any criticism of their orange messiah and their penchant for flinging poop whenever they encounter such. And, no, your inability to deal with being called out for your incessant fact-free drivel does not entitle you to say more.




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This topic is about Kathy Griffin and her antics.   I suggest you stay on topic.


Continued baiting, flaming and inciting other members is not going to cut it. Suspensions will be forthcoming if it continues.   


(Post removed)

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12 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Many have ahort memories!





She crossed the line with her maliciousness by going after Barron Trump.This is what stirred the pot.She apologized after the incident, and after awhile she got death threats and lost most of her job opportunities.She hired lawyers and went on offense claiming Trump was attacking her and trying to ruin her career.Then the  race card came into play she  said "If I was a male this wouldn't be happening " and "There is a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me".Although she apologized she also said you picked the wrong red head to come after. It was apparent she was after Barron when,back in 2016 she said in a article in "Vulture" that she was going after Barron and Donald  Trump.Seeing pic's of Obama really is disturbing but her being a celebrity as opposed to protesters showing this vile isn't the same.




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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

She made a mistake. She apologized. Sponsors like the Potty company and CNN (no relation) have a right to end their business relationship with her.

HOWEVER, I think something really disturbing is happening to her. VENUES that have sold tickets to her live shows and surely can continue to sell tickets to her live shows are cancelling her live shows with the reason being SECURITY concerns.

Something smells with that.

Security concerns about what?


LOL. She didnt say ' boo trump'.


She brandished a decapitated model head of the president elect….that could be construed as threatening the life of the head of state.

And now she must take the consequences. I think the Don will be magnanimous and the word on the street will be that she isn't to be touched

but who knows how an emotional trump follower might react.


The worst is yet to come for this crazy &^%^@



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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


LOL. She didnt say ' boo trump'.


She brandished a decapitated model head of the president elect….that could be construed as threatening the life of the head of state.

And now she must take the consequences. I think the Don will be magnanimous and the word on the street will be that she isn't to be touched

but who knows how an emotional trump follower might react.


The worst is yet to come for this crazy &^%^@



Yes, that kind of threatening behavior got Ted Nugent an invitation to Trump's White House. Actually, Ted Nugent's behavior was explicitly threatening. Kathy Griffin just posed with a mask.

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Meanwhile the paranoia sets in even deeper! It seems that there is no freedom of expression anymore. Say or do the wrong thing and you lose you're Job or career. Really this is quite pathetic that it was even construed as being threatening to the President. 


America's sense of humour, where did it go?  maybe it has disappeared up the proverbial backside of Political correctness, or just another form of censorship?  Great country shame about the people!

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

She brandished a decapitated model head of the president elect….that could be construed as threatening the life of the head of state.



"She brandished a decapitated model head of the president elect"


Did this happen before he was inaugurated? That's news to me.


"the president elect….the head of state."


Got news for ya bubba, you can't be both.


A sobering reminder that the Trumpeteers are clueless...


Edited by iReason
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