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Video: "Graap" my feet footage causing a stir as female student gets nasty


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thailand is full of 'class' considerations

And the world usually only refers this to India and the caste system.
I think Thailand is not far from that.

Sometimes I have a chat with the security and housekeeping staff at my university.

One day one of my Thai friends asked me with a humiliating undertone, why I talk to these people, they are just cleaners....
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6 minutes ago, CLW said:

At my university they also have this kind of BS. Bullying, Inauguration, accepted violence, call it how you want it.
All under the blanket of introducing the new students. Well, nice introduction and makes them really welcome...

Once my (American) friend filmed one of these rituals (no violence but humiliation) they threatened him to impound his smartphone if he not delete the clip and further report him to dean of the university.
He said he won't share it public just keep for his own and that the uni grounds is a public place where everyone can take pictures.
He kept cool and refused to do anything.
Finally it was just hot air from the Thai youngsters...

Another example is the so called Wai Kruu or "paying respect to the teacher".
I usually avoid this ceremony but one time I was invited because I received a some certificate so I had to attend.
Wth, crawling on your knees and praying for the teacher. It doesn't have to do anything with respecting someone.
Never ever again I will go there.

If someone ask me to pay respect like this I shake his hands and say that is our way to pay respect to someone

this is Thailand - they wai they don't shake hands. This isn't you're home country and you are a guest here.

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2 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

One of the worst aspects of Thai society is this feudal hierarchical social system of bowing down and respecting people not on ability or worth but on position and money. These days I do not buy into it and never wai back and never wai anyone, none of them deserve it anyway.

Living in their country there is surely an element of respect and acceptance of their culture. Why would you not wai someone? It's no different to shaking hands in our culture.

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you run the risk of seriously insulting someone, someone who maybe quite pleasant who has no affect on your life but keep on doing it and the number will rise and then maybe it will affect you one way or another, it is after all only a social norm like shaking hands. How would you feel if back in your own country someone refused to shake hands with you because you 'aren't worth it'. 
I look after my own Thai / British son and two step daughters, on fathers day i am made to sit in a chair and one after the other, the youngest ,my son, first prostrate themselves on the floor at my feet as a sign of respect, i have politely asked them to stop doing this as i find it embarrassing and demeaning, my son is happy to oblige but my step daughters 16 and 20 years old insist on the practice, it is part of their culture and they don't find it demeaning at all so i go along with it and try to take it seriously.

Yep, and that is the point I would explain to my children that crawling on the floor and prostrate feets have absolutely nothing to do with respecting someone. Culture or not. No way I wanted my children do this to me
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The student bully assaults the school girl. She pulls her hair, slaps her and kicks her as well as humiliating her.


But the police will only act if the parents complain, and of course offer some motivation.


In any real country she would have been arrested, charged and be now waiting court.

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Living in their country there is surely an element of respect and acceptance of their culture. Why would you not wai someone? It's no different to shaking hands in our culture.

Real Life experience. One day one of my Thai professors​ took me aside and said: "You don't have to wai me every time we see, not necessary, a friendly smile and hello is enough"
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4 minutes ago, CLW said:

Yep, and that is the point I would explain to my children that crawling on the floor and prostrate feets have absolutely nothing to do with respecting someone. Culture or not. No way I wanted my children do this to me

Well i don't want it either but my children live here and will continue to do so when they are adults,they have to fit in with society, society wont fit in with them.

An English friend of mine sent his two Thai/British sons to a good private school, at the interview he was asked if his sons would continue to live in Thailand as adults, he asked why this was important, the dean told him that if he was to move back to the UK with his children after 4 or 5 years he would recommend that they be taught in English however if he was to stay permanently here with his children it would be better if they were taught in Thai (they are bi-lingual) so that they would absorb the Thai culture otherwise as adults they would stick out like sore thumbs and this would hold them back professionally.

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3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

And I wonder where the older girl got the idea she could treat people like this....

This "IS" and has "ALWAYS" been the culture practice of Thais from years ago ages.They learn from a very early age by observing others that when you have the advantage of rank,status,or position that the one considered higher up not only can abuse others but must from time to time exercise this "Right". That is why you see the two sets of laws here today and the "Do you know who my father is" syndrome.You see this all over Asia in the abuse of maids and house servants as the employer see it those that have to work for him or her are to be treated as such.  because it is so.This idea is slowly evaporating but still slowly. As Trink pointed out TIT

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3 hours ago, HooHaa said:

im glad my kid is in the US studying. 

serious social issues here. 

Yeah unlike the US. Zero social issues there. No bullies or suicides or kids shooting up high schools like in Thailand,  thank god. Wish I could live or study in the US where everything is so perfect and unlike Thailand.

Edited by starky
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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

Good job we are not there then and this story has nothing to do with the USA.

Mate normally on your side except for this case and the few posters lauding the US and its education system

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30 minutes ago, CLW said:

And the world usually only refers this to India and the caste system.
I think Thailand is not far from that.

Sometimes I have a chat with the security and housekeeping staff at my university.

One day one of my Thai friends asked me with a humiliating undertone, why I talk to these people, they are just cleaners....

Yes I have come across this sort of attitude but the other way around, when my wife was at the village shop one day several people enthused about me to her saying it was so nice of me that i spoke with them and treated them as equals.

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15 minutes ago, starky said:

Mate normally on your side except for this case and the few posters lauding the US and its education system

It just irritates me when apologists come up with ''yeah but what about [insert country of choice]...'' posts.


I have no illusions about USA education system.

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6 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

It just irritates me when apologists come up with ''yeah but what about [insert country of choice]...'' posts.



This post here was the first to ''yeah but what about [insert country of choice]...''



...but, that posts fits right in with your Thai bashing agenda so it didn't 'irritate you'.

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2 hours ago, jmccarty said:

The younger one looks about a head taller and quite a bit heavier, she should have stamped on the bare feet of the bully and slapped her back.  Fight fire with fire!

Something tells me the bullying one has parents who say exactly this kind of thing around her ...

Intelligence is obviously not in the picture, and you just proved it one more time ...

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1 hour ago, HooHaa said:


yeah, and what is the context of the photo.  nice try though. 

you do realize this is atypical right? 




The context of the photo was in response to your self making sweeping generalisations about the quality of society in different countries....based on one video you saw on the internet, you then, hypocritical claim my photos are atypical, not the norm.


There are are far more security, hand scanners, police etc in US schools than there are in Thailand...their existence is indicative of something going on in American society and the school system in general and the lack of the same in Thai school is also indicative.



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42 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

This "IS" and has "ALWAYS" been the culture practice of Thais from years ago ages.They learn from a very early age by observing others that when you have the advantage of rank,status,or position that the one considered higher up not only can abuse others but must from time to time exercise this "Right". That is why you see the two sets of laws here today and the "Do you know who my father is" syndrome.You see this all over Asia in the abuse of maids and house servants as the employer see it those that have to work for him or her are to be treated as such.  because it is so.This idea is slowly evaporating but still slowly. As Trink pointed out TIT

Yea, spoken to foreigners about this who simply say "it's their culture. There's no wrong or right". There absolutely is. It's completely wrong. 


The majoroty of oppressed didnt get together one day and think up ways to oppress themselves even more. The old 'culture card' is wearing very thin and people are slowly understanding there are universal rights and wrongs. Culture is often used as an excuse to carry on your wrongs. 

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36 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


This post here was the first to ''yeah but what about [insert country of choice]...''



...but, that posts fits right in with your Thai bashing agenda so it didn't 'irritate you'.

Oh dear, that old line of ''thought'' that any view that does not come equipped with rose tinted glasses and a complete lack of ability to state a view based a personal code of right and wrong or shows that a person is able to state the view they have based on the OP topic regardless of who is involved is bashing.


Do people still ''think'' like that...

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Incredible that the older girl thinks that she has gained some credibility just by leaving school. Silly custom that should have been done away with 100 years ago. Would I ever 'graap' anyone? Would I<deleted>. Even waiing people makes me feel queasy. I have grasped a few though, will that do?

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Blame the Internet.


For several years there has been Russian and Chinese videos circulating online that shows either one bully girl or gangs of girls humiliating one girl that can involve beatings, stripping and beating and even lynchings by mobs and these are often quite vicious. The OP video is an exact carbon of that. Once this kind of behaviour starts catching on here, there is no telling how far it will go.


Hope the school and the police can nip this in the bud real soon. 





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needs to be charged with assault and for some one to smack her out. I taught my daughter to punch properly when she was going to secondary school for instances like this, one hit and they are floored. She eventually had to use it at school when she was bullied and was suspended for it, she dropped the girl that was pushing her around ,I was actually happy she stood up to the group of girls doing it, they never did it to her again either. All these bullies need is for someone to stand up to them and smack them out, once they realize they are not so high and mighty they soon do a runner

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3 hours ago, Tilacme said:

Some will pay good money for that in Pattaya.

The nasty girl with the short skirt needs a bloody good ass spanking. I'll do it if no one else wants to :post-4641-1156694083:

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4 hours ago, Bonobojt said:

she's twice the size of the bully, I bet if she just had some confidence she could beat the crap out of that bitch 

That was my initial thought too but then I got to thinking that perhaps the bully's dad is a cop or something important and that's what made the bigger girl think twice about retaliation. 

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