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Trump says U.S. to withdraw from Paris climate accord


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Just now, simple1 said:

Brown has raised the issue of insects & climate change before with beetles killing trees in CA, some agree, some don't.

Saying "insects" isn't a good idea then. He should be more specific. Insects inhabit every part of the world with the exception of the poles. Without them life would probably not be possible.

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1 hour ago, stander said:

The real fear of Climate Globalists is Americans standing together again and doing what's best for America.

No, the fear of the world was losing a powerful and respected leader in America. Well you are gone now so enjoy your isolationism. America is currently not the 'greatest country on earth', it is the loneliest. You wanted it, live with it. I hope all these jobs keep coming back when nobody choses to buy American again.


What I have learned from this is how the single voice of a countries leader (i will no longer call Trump a world leader) can condemn all of that countries citizens to national ridicule and hate. This is something well worth remembering for everyone in the future during election periods. The person you elect will be the voice and image of your country, an your country will be seen as a reflection of the person you elect. What a pity for all the truly good and great American people I have met and worked with in my time, that their reputations should be so badly tarnished by Trump. I was talking to an American yesterday who said he had taken up saying he was from Canada if people asked him where he was from. Sad!

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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Saying "insects" isn't a good idea then. He should be more specific. Insects inhabit every part of the world with the exception of the poles. Without them life would probably not be possible.

It is 'insects'. The world could happily survive without mosquito's. Global warming is a reality. Around kilimanjaro local herdsmen would take their cattle further up the mountain to the cooler air to escape the mosquito's which spread disease to their cattle. Now there is nowhere to go. The climate there has warmed up just enough to allow the mosquitos to live in the higher altitudes on the mountain, as a result there is now a crisis in terms of shortage of dairy and meat products in the area. There is also a big problem with the increase in mosquito spread diseases amongst humans, but hey if it's not in your back yard who gives a crap eh!  Crops are now being subject to infestations of insects that otherwise would not be around due to colder climates warming up.

Edited by Andaman Al
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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Saying "insects" isn't a good idea then. He should be more specific. Insects inhabit every part of the world with the exception of the poles. Without them life would probably not be possible.

Why? What have the Poles done? Leave them alone....

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3 hours ago, stander said:


An actor who pretends for a living playing fictional characters now trying to solve fictional problems.

So who "controls" this man and tells him what to say? With at least four huge houses to his name and off course a private jet or two his environmental footprint is massive, yet people will listen as he is "famous" & paid for!

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1 hour ago, sujoop said:

Sorry, I can't take credit as the point was made by Trump's top General and leading Military strategists. But apparently Trump's minority of followers as well as Trump himself 'know more than the Generals'... (plus more than 97% of climate scientists;) thus are qualified to 'take that risk' - on behalf of everyone else....


There's an even larger gaggle of Global Group Thinkers that say god exists, and among them, plenty of discord over the details. More likely to be killed by one of them, than a falling chunk of glacier ice.


And let's be clear-eyed about your cited Center for Climate and Security.  It is not a group of leading military strategists.  It is a recent political action group with a specific agenda, showcasing retired military officer$ for the appearance of credibility, because their charter is focused on getting Defense "on board".


The quotes by SecDef (I think you cited in previous post) were from his confirmation hearing, where you have to, at times, say the "right" thing in order to placate all sorts of fruits and nuts on the vetting panel.  Mattis (and DoD in general) acknowledges climate change, as do most deniers.  Not that humans are the cause of it though. 


You’d think Secretary of Defense James Mattis was as concerned with man-made climate change as the head of Greenpeace based on reporting of leaked written statements he sent to lawmakers in January.



Mattis is an educated man, an experienced war fighter and leader.   Which means he is open to all manner of natural and man-made calamity scenarios.  He has to be.  There are locked cabinets full of "What If" plans in the Puzzle Palace.  It's part of what they do for a living. 


Don't read too much into it.  Don't allow your Trump bias to overshadow reality and reason.  Don't allow yourself to get carried away by the shrieking media, bloggers and SJWs, no matter how good it makes you feel to be accepted into the group think coalition.

Edited by 55Jay
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The earth is doomed no matter what - eventually, part of nature / entropy - but it's up to us right now to protect it as much as possible while we're still in the sweet spot. Yes, climate cycles and depends on many natural factors, but GW based on human activity is also real - pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere can only have one effect; the trees can't handle it all folks. Saying that volcanoes do it as well as is immaterial and a cop out. I'm not a Trump basher, he isn't stupid and knows what's going on really... but he's being a right tit here as it's all about pandering to his people, not wanting to be talked down to by the euro-mob (can't blame him there) and the on-going te-ta-te with China.

Edited by daveAustin
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Just now, daveAustin said:

The earth is doomed no matter what - eventually, part of nature / entropy - but it's up to us right now to protect it as much as possible while we're still in the sweet spot. Yes, climate cycles and depends on many natural factors, but GW based on human activity is also real - pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere can only have one effect; the trees can't handle it all folks. That volcanoes do it as well as is immaterial and a cop out. I'm not a Trump basher, he isn't stupid and knows what's going on really... but he's being a right tit here as it's all about pandering to his people, not wanting to be talking down to by the euro-mob (can't blame him there) and the te-ta-te with China.

The earth is doomed no matter what

True. If nothing else happens eventually the sun will expand and consume the planets.


Re the trees. It might help a lot if people stopped cutting them down all the time, like the Brazilian rain forest being cut down to provide grazing for cows to become burgers.

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Macron speaks directly to AMERICANS in the wake of the cynical, evil, and downright perverted decision of trump to leave the Paris accord. This isn't only about climate. It's about American leadership in the world. trump is flushing that down the TOILET. Patriotic Americans that continue to support the insane clown president ... when will they wake up to the damage that he has ALREADY done to the American brand in the world?


This speech is rather unprecedented. It's like the anti-trump RESISTANCE is now INTERNATIONAL. As well as it should be. Americans supporting the anti-trump RESISTANCE most certainly welcome international support, especially from actually DECENT leaders from democratic nations like FRANCE. 



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Just now, Jingthing said:

Macron speaks directly to AMERICANS in the wake of the cynical, evil, and downright perverted decision of trump to leave the Paris accord. This isn't only about climate. It's about American leadership in the world. trump is flushing that down the TOILET. Patriotic Americans that continue to support the insane clown president ... when will they wake up to the damage that he has ALREADY done to the American brand in the world?


This speech is rather unprecedented. It's like the anti-trump RESISTANCE is now INTERNATIONAL. As well as it should be. Americans supporting the anti-trump RESISTANCE most certainly welcome international support, especially from actually DECENT leaders from democratic nations like FRANCE. 



This isn't only about climate. It's about American leadership in the world

Excuse me, but as a non American I and many others don't want American leadership. The USA gave us Vietnam, Nicaragua, Peru, Iraq and other travesties.

I am grateful that they saved us in WW2 from the Japanese, but from after Korea, the US has been going down an, IMO, wrong path.

We don't need conspicuous consumption, and planned obsolescence in the world- two poisoned gifts of the US. We need more trees, conservation, small population growth, more good public transport and less dependence on the private motor car to make a difference to the world's health.

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38 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

The earth is doomed no matter what - eventually, part of nature / entropy - but it's up to us right now to protect it as much as possible while we're still in the sweet spot. Yes, climate cycles and depends on many natural factors, but GW based on human activity is also real - pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere can only have one effect; the trees can't handle it all folks. Saying that volcanoes do it as well as is immaterial and a cop out. I'm not a Trump basher, he isn't stupid and knows what's going on really... but he's being a right tit here as it's all about pandering to his people, not wanting to be talked down to by the euro-mob (can't blame him there) and the on-going te-ta-te with China.

Largely agree but the entropy part is unclear. What are you referring to?



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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

from google



lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.


Everything ends eventually, and usually not in an orderly fashion.

Well this is drifting off topic but the polar gradient is decreasing, becoming more homogenous.

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22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

ALREADY done to the American brand in the world?

Just what is the "American brand" when I think of the USA the first things that spring to mind are nice people who are kept in the dark by a consistent media, owned by the same companies that wage war at will, controlled by bankers, they have a national debt that is staggering! The people take too many drugs both recreational and pharmaceutical and are generally over weight due to a very poor diet! & there are lots of poor people as "Brand America" always has money to spend on wars, but not take care of its own people.

Just my humble opinion, sure many will disagree! :shock1:

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It's about having any credibility for soft power / moral leadership.


trump is not interested in that at all!

Over time, soft power pays huge dividends. trump is not about long term. He's happy to throw it all away. 


Without that, there is a wide opening for others, Europe of course, which might be able to fill the void, and also powers with less moral credibility, China and Russia. 


Pro democracy.

Pro free and fair elections.

Pro civil rights for racial minorities.

Pro civil rights for religious minorities.

Pro civil rights for women.

Pro civil rights for GLBTQ.

Pro free speech.

Pro free press.



Pro science.

Pro innovation.

Pro international free trade.

Pro transparency in government.

Pro foreign aid for education/health care in nations with large suffering populations (not dominated by theocratic ideology)


Last but not least --




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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's about having any credibility for soft power / moral leadership.


trump is not interested in that at all!

Over time, soft power pays huge dividends. trump is not about long term. He's happy to throw it all away. 


Without that, there is a wide opening for others, Europe of course, which might be able to fill the void, and also powers with less moral credibility, China and Russia. 


Pro democracy.

Pro free and fair elections.

Pro civil rights for racial minorities.

Pro civil rights for religious minorities.

Pro civil rights for women.

Pro civil rights for GLBTQ.

Pro free speech.

Pro free press.



Pro science.

Pro innovation.

Pro international free trade.

Pro transparency in government.

Pro foreign aid for education/health care in nations with large suffering populations (not dominated by theocratic ideology)


Last but not least --




It's about having any credibility for soft power / moral leadership.


Absolutely spot on!

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Obama was a fantastic speaker, brilliant orator, excellent reader of other peoples' speeches on a teleprompter.
Pity about his party's policies.
Trump is a lousy speaker, but passable reader of other peoples' speeches on a teleprompter.
How is he doing? All you have to do is look at the stock market. Funny how the left never talk about it.

Hurray for the Elites who invest in the stock market. Rich get richer. What about the world climate that billions of humans share that Trump just dumped on?
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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Just saw Jerry Brown on tv saying that because of Trump, insects will inhabit parts of the world not currently populated by them :shock1:.

With stupid statements like that it's no wonder people like me scorn them.

Considering that you once claimed that there were 3 eyewitnesses who disputed that an attack by Gianforte on that reporter occurred, I'm dubious that you are accurately reporting what he said.

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12 minutes ago, jerojero said:

What about the world climate that billions of humans share that Trump just dumped on?

Do you honestly believe that? or is it just another excuse, that despite having "free & fair elections" to voice your dislike of Trump and complain that your choice was dumped?


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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Considering that you once claimed that there were 3 eyewitnesses who disputed that an attack by Gianforte on that reporter occurred, I'm dubious that you are accurately reporting what he said.

I saw Jerry Brown on tv saying that. I'm sure it's reported on the internet, but whether you believe or not of no concern to me.

Have a nice day.

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2 hours ago, jerojero said:

Hurray for the Elites who invest in the stock market. Rich get richer. What about the world climate that billions of humans share that Trump just dumped on?

Hmmmm. Are you saying that the "elites" don't breath the same air or don't care about their children's future lives?

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Just saw Jerry Brown on tv saying that because of Trump, insects will inhabit parts of the world not currently populated by them

16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I saw Jerry Brown on tv saying that. I'm sure it's reported on the internet,


Just making stuff up.



More outrageous, unsubstantiated gibberish supported by nothing. 

As usual.


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