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Police rush to London Bridge after reports of van hitting pedestrians


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1 minute ago, saminoz said:

Nice try at diversion but my point remains.  The intolerance of this sick religion is simply demonstrated in that they will ban Christianity but the converse is not true.

You, on the other hand, contributed zero and are just trolling, at this point.


I have no desire to get in a pointless argument with you, nor am I trolling, but as I pointed out, the OP was presenting a patent falsehood as if it were fact. When he was challenged, you leapt to his defence and pointed out that 1 country (later amended to 2), banned Christianity. The fact remains that SA and the Maldisve do not represent the majority of Muslim countries. The discussion was the OP's assertion to the contrary - it is you who is guilty of diversion.

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6 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Another horrendous attack in the name of Islam. No other religion is associated with 30,000 global terror deaths per year. The west cannot wait for Islam to reform the cancer of terror within it. Time to face facts and take action.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In the last 30 days,  there were 182  Islamic attacks in 27 countries, in which 1372  people were killed and 1662 injured., not including this latest attack in the name of the Religion of Peace.

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4 minutes ago, saminoz said:

Nice try at diversion but my point remains.  The intolerance of this sick religion is simply demonstrated in that they will ban Christianity but the converse is not true.

You, on the other hand, contributed zero and are just trolling, at this point.


Ruamrundy, has no point.


It is a sick, perverted religion. So sick they have to kill any of their members who convert to Christianity. Sick...sick ...sick.

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3 hours ago, Bannoi said:

Perhaps its time to arm all police in the UK and replace or reinstate the 20,000 police officers that Theresa May got rid of when she was Home Secretary in charge of the police. 


Arming all police will not stop terrorists.

There were armed police on scene within minute. 

They shoot dead the terrorists and no one else.

We have one one the best police forces in the world, if not the best.

Not all police officers want to carry guns, and not all police officers are of the right calibre to carry guns.



More police

More police armed with Tasers 




Edited by Basil B
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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

I have no desire to get in a pointless argument with you, nor am I trolling, but as I pointed out, the OP was presenting a patent falsehood as if it were fact. When he was challenged, you leapt to his defence and pointed out that 1 country (later amended to 2), banned Christianity. The fact remains that SA and the Maldisve do not represent the majority of Muslim countries. The discussion was the OP's assertion to the contrary - it is you who is guilty of diversion.

NO.  Try polishing your reading glasses, or maybe you just have tunnel vision?

I responded to his post asking for the name of one country that banned Christianity.  I gave one, then another.  Then I asked him to provide the name of one country that banned Islam.  There none apart from the basket case North Korea which bans all religion as an "opiate".

As I asked before.  What is your point?  What are you trying to achieve if not just being contrary for the sake of it?

Now you are guilty of something worse than trolling.  You are just being repetitive and boring.

You're on ignore now as you clearly have nothing interesting or worthwhile to say.

Have a good one!!

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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I have no desire to get in a pointless argument with you, nor am I trolling, but as I pointed out, the OP was presenting a patent falsehood as if it were fact. When he was challenged, you leapt to his defence and pointed out that 1 country (later amended to 2), banned Christianity. The fact remains that SA and the Maldisve do not represent the majority of Muslim countries. The discussion was the OP's assertion to the contrary - it is you who is guilty of diversion.

Not to mention the Maldives rely on 'christians' as paying tourists (edit - and the vast majority of island staff are from poorer countries.....)  They're hypocrites - hardly unusual in the political world..


But again, this is off-topic.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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1 minute ago, Basil B said:


Arming all police will not stop terrorists.

There were armed police on scene within minute. 

They shoot dead the terrorists and no one else.

We have one one the best police forces in the world, if not the best.

Not all police officers want to carry guns, and not all police officers are of the right calibre to carry guns.



More police

More police armed with Tasers 

Problem is the majority of those murdered were killed by a speeding van.


More police can end the attacks, but until the Muslim community contributes, the attacks will not stop.



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Most countries of Europe will become muslim countries. May be between the transition there are some civil wars. But the goal is clear. Very similar to Lebanon.


Well, go on and vote for Merkel, Macron & Co. and see where it ends.



Edited by alocacoc
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5 hours ago, steven100 said:

Just watching the news on TV now. Very tragic indecent of a terrorist attack on London Bridge.  The world has to stop these muslim Islamic killers in there tracks ....  

Stop going to any muslim countries.


My prayers are with those Londoners ....


I agree we should stop going to Muslim countries and, in particular, interfering in their internal affairs.  But it may well be too late to prevent many more Manchesters.


The British people are paying a terrible price for being led by the likes ofTony Blair and David Cameron into wars most of us never wanted and wars we cannot win.


We should learn from the Russians,  now desperately seeking an escape route from their involvement in the Syrian conflict. They must still be smarting from the humiliation of being thrown out of Afghanistan in the Eighties after nine years of bitter fighting and the loss of thousands of young lives.


The Soviet defeat was largely due to ferocious opposition from an Islamic fundamentalist group called the Muhajadeen known to the CIA as Al Qaeda,  led by a wealthy young Saudi called Osama Bin Laden and backed by US intelligence and US money.


As the US rolled out its agenda of regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Syria,  Al Qaeda grew into the hydra-headed monster of Islamic terrorism that we confront today. IS, ISIL, ISIS - the names may change but the unifying theme of hatred of all things Western does not.


The US have now been in Afghanistan longer than they were in Vietnam and the Taliban remain a powerful force. Many Iraqis and Libyans polled say they are worse off now than when Saddam Hussein and Muammar Ghaddafi were in power. Millions of Syrians have already been displaced and 500,000 killed in a conflict seemingly without end that could be a flashpoint for a war between superpowers US and Russia.


With unknown numbers of Islamic fundamentalist already in our midst and refugees from Syria and other war zones continuing to arrive in

Britain it is all too clear from the devastating terrorist attacks in Manchester and London that leaders cannot guarantee the safety of its citizens from random attacks of this nature.


But we can at least try to limit our exposure to further damage. With Donald Trump ramping up the rhetoric against Russia, Iran and North Korea, we must not allow our "special relationship" with the American people to be used as an excuse to drag us into yet more immoral wars of conquest and exploitation.

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29 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

The OP made the statement that the majority of Muslim countries banned Christianity - patent nonsense spurned either by ignorance or the desire to foster hatred in those who are malleable to such insidious untruths.

Where did the OP (ThaiVisa) make this statement?


Anyone who thinks that Chrsitians are welcome or indeed tolerated in Muslim countries should go there and try to practice the religion. See how tolerant the local Muslims are.

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1 minute ago, steven100 said:

Governments in the UK, AUST, US and others need to get tougher on these muslims.

The people need to demand more action.   The public want to see more done   !!

How can the UK cops follow near 3 million Muslims.....?.....It is an impossible task....


When the UK finds out who these creeps are then perhaps a "light" will come on as to where their radical stuff started...Links will appear....


But, in my opinion the UK has lost the plot regarding Muslim folk, they like living in the UK but they don't like the native inhabitants...They do not live in their life's calendar...


The ordinary native UK gal/guy on the street knows that.......I hope Corbyn is binned because stuff now must be dealt with by someone with balls, he ain't got em, you think stuff is bad now, just wait and see if he has the reigns.....


London folk voted in a staunch Muslim as London Mayor, didn't make one bit of difference to the Muslim community nutters....

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17 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

The OP made the statement that the majority of Muslim countries banned Christianity - patent nonsense spurned either by ignorance or the desire to foster hatred in those who are malleable to such insidious untruths.

I thought the OP was Thaivisa news and they didn't say that did they.


Dunno about banned but a majority of Muslim dominated countries are hostile towards Christians,  Burma's Buddhists ain't keen on em either also some Indian Hindus,  there's also a few other countries that see them as a threat too.


Not that l give dam about any religion all of em are nothing but trouble in some way IMO.


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3 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

I thought the OP was Thaivisa news and they didn't say that did they.


Dunno about banned but a majority of Muslim dominated countries are hostile towards Christians,  Burma's Buddhists ain't keen on em either also some Indian Hindus,  there's also a few other countries that see them as a threat too.


Not that l give dam about any religion all of em are nothing but trouble in some way IMO.


Religions are collections of mythical beliefs. Most are benign. Islam is the evilest.

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9 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Where did the OP (ThaiVisa) make this statement?


Anyone who thinks that Chrsitians are welcome or indeed tolerated in Muslim countries should go there and try to practice the religion. See how tolerant the local Muslims are.


6 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

I thought the OP was Thaivisa news and they didn't say that did they.


Dunno about banned but a majority of Muslim dominated countries are hostile towards Christians,  Burma's Buddhists ain't keen on em either also some Indian Hindus,  there's also a few other countries that see them as a threat too.


Not that l give dam about any religion all of em are nothing but trouble in some way IMO.



I think Rudy has been putting Scotch in his porridge.


Rudy, it would help if you linked you post to the one you were referring to.

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15 minutes ago, Flustered said:

In the last 30 days,  there were 182  Islamic attacks in 27 countries, in which 1372  people were killed and 1662 injured., not including this latest attack in the name of the Religion of Peace.

Perhaps we should go back over the last 20 years?


Depressingly, I need to immediately add that obviously I loathe the recent terrorists attacks in England.....

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8 minutes ago, stander said:

Religions are collections of mythical beliefs. Most are benign. Islam is the evilest.

All religions have their roots in power over people, using people, spreading hatred of others, and of course they all have a common cause of amassing as much wealth as possible.   On a planet of around 6.8 billion around 90% fall into that category.  A true example that humans' number one interest, after procreation, is the intent of screwing others no matter what cost.

Edited by whatawonderfulday
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16 minutes ago, saminoz said:

NO.  Try polishing your reading glasses, or maybe you just have tunnel vision?

I responded to his post asking for the name of one country that banned Christianity.  I gave one, then another.  Then I asked him to provide the name of one country that banned Islam.  There none apart from the basket case North Korea which bans all religion as an "opiate".

As I asked before.  What is your point?  What are you trying to achieve if not just being contrary for the sake of it?

Now you are guilty of something worse than trolling.  You are just being repetitive and boring.

You're on ignore now as you clearly have nothing interesting or worthwhile to say.

Have a good one!!

"Then I asked him to provide the name of one country that banned Islam.  There none apart from the basket case North Korea which bans all religion as an "opiate"."


First good thing I've heard about N Korea :shock1:!

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How can the UK cops follow near 3 million Muslims.....?.....It is an impossible task....
When the UK finds out who these creeps are then perhaps a "light" will come on as to where their radical stuff started...Links will appear....
But, in my opinion the UK has lost the plot regarding Muslim folk, they like living in the UK but they don't like the native inhabitants...They do not live in their life's calendar...
The ordinary native UK gal/guy on the street knows that.......I hope Corbyn is binned because stuff now must be dealt with by someone with balls, he ain't got em, you think stuff is bad now, just wait and see if he has the reigns.....
London folk voted in a staunch Muslim as London Mayor, didn't make one bit of difference to the Muslim community nutters....

Are not the London ethnics outnumber in London so it stands to reason an Imegrants Vote won.?.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Perhaps we should go back over the last 20 years?


Depressingly, I need to immediately add that obviously I loathe the recent terrorists attacks in England.....

I looked at that. It ran into thousands and thousands of Islamic Terrorist attacks. It would have filled too many pages.


But I am comforted when I keep on reading that these are isolated attacks and the terrorists do not represent Islam. In fact none of the terrorists are Muslims.....They are just terrorists.....Thousands and thousands of them.

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8 minutes ago, transam said:

How can the UK cops follow near 3 million Muslims.....?.....It is an impossible task....


When the UK finds out who these creeps are then perhaps a "light" will come on as to where their radical stuff started...Links will appear....


But, in my opinion the UK has lost the plot regarding Muslim folk, they like living in the UK but they don't like the native inhabitants...They do not live in their life's calendar...


The ordinary native UK gal/guy on the street knows that.......I hope Corbyn is binned because stuff now must be dealt with by someone with balls, he ain't got em, you think stuff is bad now, just wait and see if he has the reigns.....


London folk voted in a staunch Muslim as London Mayor, didn't make one bit of difference to the Muslim community nutters....

It seems that most people I speak to are all of a similar opinion yet when the topic is debated on national t.v. the do gooders seem to prevail and few if any of the debate panel condemn the islamic religion . Often backed up by what appears to be a hand picked biased do gooder  audience . He may not be your favourite person but Trump seems to be the only world leader trying to do something but not getting the full ,backing of the senate .

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2 minutes ago, Ace of Pop said:

Are not the London ethnics outnumber in London so it stands to reason an Imegrants Vote won.?.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

You are probably right....UK natives are just pissed off with everything....Would not surprise me if there was a poor turnout by UK natives in the general election.....The other lot will for sure...

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1 minute ago, transam said:

You are probably right....UK natives are just pissed off with everything....Would not surprise me if there was a poor turnout by UK natives in the general election.....The other lot will for sure...

Looking at the amount of houses being built in the York area and the accent of the people moving in, I would hazard a guess that ethnic Londoners are now being driven up north by this take over.

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1 minute ago, Flustered said:

I looked at that. It ran into thousands and thousands of Islamic Terrorist attacks. It would have filled too many pages.


But I am comforted when I keep on reading that these are isolated attacks and the terrorists do not represent Islam. In fact none of the terrorists are Muslims.....They are just terrorists.....Thousands and thousands of them.

Maybe if we tell the terrorists that they don't represent Islam, they'll stop?

Perhaps that's why they also like scoring so many own goals by killing their own religion, albeit a slightly different shade of evil, a la Sunni vs. Shiite.

I'd have absolutely no issue if they would keep their action "in-house", so to speak.


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20 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

I agree we should stop going to Muslim countries and, in particular, interfering in their internal affairs.  But it may well be too late to prevent many more Manchesters.


The British people are paying a terrible price for being led by the likes ofTony Blair and David Cameron into wars most of us never wanted and wars we cannot win.


We should learn from the Russians,  now desperately seeking an escape route from their involvement in the Syrian conflict. They must still be smarting from the humiliation of being thrown out of Afghanistan in the Eighties after nine years of bitter fighting and the loss of thousands of young lives.


The Soviet defeat was largely due to ferocious opposition from an Islamic fundamentalist group called the Muhajadeen known to the CIA as Al Qaeda,  led by a wealthy young Saudi called Osama Bin Laden and backed by US intelligence and US money.


As the US rolled out its agenda of regime change in Iraq, Libya, and Syria,  Al Qaeda grew into the hydra-headed monster of Islamic terrorism that we confront today. IS, ISIL, ISIS - the names may change but the unifying theme of hatred of all things Western does not.


The US have now been in Afghanistan longer than they were in Vietnam and the Taliban remain a powerful force. Many Iraqis and Libyans polled say they are worse off now than when Saddam Hussein and Muammar Ghaddafi were in power. Millions of Syrians have already been displaced and 500,000 killed in a conflict seemingly without end that could be a flashpoint for a war between superpowers US and Russia.


With unknown numbers of Islamic fundamentalist already in our midst and refugees from Syria and other war zones continuing to arrive in

Britain it is all too clear from the devastating terrorist attacks in Manchester and London that leaders cannot guarantee the safety of its citizens from random attacks of this nature.


But we can at least try to limit our exposure to further damage. With Donald Trump ramping up the rhetoric against Russia, Iran and North Korea, we must not allow our "special relationship" with the American people to be used as an excuse to drag us into yet more immoral wars of conquest and exploitation.

Great post. Thumbs up.

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7 hours ago, tomwct said:

The world must keep these Muslims contained otherwise these attacks will continue.. If they visit any Terroristic Nations,

such as, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Iran, ect they will lose their right to return to their adopted countries and lose their citizenship.

RIP to the innocent victims.

As long as the western countries allow muslim immigrants in....such horrors will happen...the writings are on the wall long ago...


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So here we are again. Same arguments, same rantings. No progress at all.


How many times do I need to keep saying it?: the problem is psychological, and addressing the root cause is the only way to deal with it. The root cause. Not immigration, or religion, or security, or :attacks on our civilisation/democracy" which are only the proximate interpretations. The root cause is one of international justice. Consider that this problem barely existed before 9/11 whereas Islam has peacefully coexisted for centuries before that.


Take this simple analogy: footballers get more yellow and red cards when they are losing. It's defensive-aggression. Muslims perceive themselves to be on the losing side. Why? I'm tired of explaining it - nobody is listening, and certainly the politicians aren't doing anything about it. There will be more attacks until they do. See you again in the next thread after the next attack.

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18 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Great post. Thumbs up.

We have known for over 1300 years the problems that Muslims create for the world.  Lack of funding in the middle ages then is possibly the root cause why they are such an evil group now.  Unfortunately the PC correct and other soapbox stars gain the headlines and the real issues and cures are simply forgotten.  What goes round comes round, Karma if you like, so don't get upset that these atrocities are undertaken by Muslims.  The PC correct of course say that they are radicalised Muslims when in fact they are just following their faith, as evil as it may appear to be. all religion is rooted in the hatred of other religions, Muslims are no different.


It is religion that is the root course of most massacres since Hebrew times. So as I said what goes round comes round.

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58 minutes ago, citybiker said:



Cancelling the election?

These cowardly scum are against democracy in all forms & cancelling would show they've won!, preventing random premative attacks is near on impossible unless they were on the surveillance radar and even then the security services have to ensure they're timing is right.

The sympathy element is simply part of the process, no different to the 'Prevent' terror programme, I assure you I detest the PC culture that's gripped the UK in its current form however the country will not under no circumstances allow it to change its way of life, our lifestyles and it's democratic system.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Till people admit that we are in a war, it's not going to change.

During war, there should be a coalition government to avoid petty politics interfering with defeating the enemy.

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23 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

All religions have their roots in power over people, using people, spreading hatred of others, and of course they all have a common cause of amassing as much wealth as possible.   On a planet of around 6.8 billion around 90% fall into that category.  A true example that humans' number one interest, after procreation, is the intent of screwing others no matter what cost.

I, like most atheists, believe the world would be a better place without religion. If religion helps believers feel better about dying, then that is fine, but for atheists, religion is of no use to us.

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