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'Enough is enough' PM May says after London attackers kill seven


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It's the religion of peace. They're not all the same. Let's bring more in.


More people die - but not all Muslims are like that. Bring more in.


BOOM, 20 dead. Not all muslims are like that. Bring more in.


See the point?

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That's it, feed right into what the terrorists want which is for us to effectively tar the entire community & religion with the same brush, thus create even more extremists & terrorists. Meanwhile we need more cooperation from the Muslim community, not further alienation, ie: 'Look, you lot are all scum wot should be sent off to shag goats in the desert see... oh, by the way mate, any inside intel on more potential nutters going off?'

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27 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

The curtain is closing rapidly.....Words/PC doesn't work....Action required NOW or all is lost & the Trojan Horse has won.....


And - compassion/give peace a chance also doesn't work either....Going back over 1,000 years.....

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

If you mean Japan makes it hard to immigrate, that comes at a cost to their economy. Especially for the near future.

No they just keep out people they don't want. You can get into Japan if you want to and are with in their immigration norms.

As for the cost of immigration and the benefits. At the initial phase of the muslim immigration which started back in the 60's and 70's it produced economic benefits, but as time goes by the effect of terrorism will wipe out the benefits of easy immigration. The answer is not a free for all immigration policy, but rather how to increase falling birth rates among Brits and Europeans.

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It is time that" Human rights went into the bottom drawer" until these scum & those that know what is going on but 

refuse to inform on their own fellow religious bigots are sent home to their country of birth

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3 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

No they just keep out people they don't want. You can get into Japan if you want to and are with in their immigration norms.

As for the cost of immigration and the benefits. At the initial phase of the muslim immigration which started back in the 60's and 70's it produced economic benefits, but as time goes by the effect of terrorism will wipe out the benefits of easy immigration. The answer is not a free for all immigration policy, but rather how to increase falling birth rates among Brits and Europeans.

What are the economic effects of terrorism? Presumably you wouldn't write this unless you had some data to back yup the validity of this assertion.

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1 hour ago, PremiumLane said:

Huge demonstration last week by thousand so British Muslims condemning violence, plus press statements by British Muslim associations condemning the attacks in Manchester.  Oh, and the Muslim communities in Manchester warned the authorities about that guy and said he was an extremist. That OK for a start?

 BBC news this morning spoke to a man (presumably moslem - face and voice hidden/changed) who said he reported one of the latest attackers to the authorities, as he had clearly become a radical.

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It can be rescinded if it was shown that they lied on their application. Which would make their citizenship invalid.And even then, it can't be rescinded for harmless lies or inaccuracies as the Supreme Court recently ruled.  It can't be rescinded as a punishment.

Correct ilostmypassword. 1. Falsification or concealment of relevant facts during the naturalization process (not just the application). 2. Refusal to testify before congress re: alleged involvement in subversive acts, within ten years of becoming a naturalized citizen. 3. Membership in subversive groups within five years of becoming a naturalized citizen. 4. Dishonorable US military discharge within five years of becoming a naturalized citizen.

For williamgeorgeallen : the US and many other countries allow dual citizenship.

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53 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

The curtain is closing rapidly.....Words/PC doesn't work....Action required NOW or all is lost & the Trojan Horse has won.....


Agree entirely with the following:-


Sharia councils shouldn't be allowed in Britain.

If there are any 'no go' areas, these shouldn't be allowed either.

Halal meat should be banned (slaughter methods even more cruel than 'normal' meat).  Unbelievable that schools only serve halal meat nowadays to keep the religious few happy....

Edit - Actions required now, not words.


Edited by dick dasterdly
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5 hours ago, chrisinth said:


First point in your comments, Security services did not say there are 3,000 extremists in the UK, what they did say was that this number is in a different monitoring tier to the other tens of thousands that are in their databases.


As to why they are still here, they are here because of laws that we the people, or rather our democratically elected representatives have ironically made for the protection of our societies. Laws that were naively made to maintain human rights. These very laws protect the guilty as well as the innocent. Even if found guilty by British law, there is always the option of the leniency of the European courts to appeal to.


The reason I emphasize on the above is the fact that most of the animals are home grown, not people on away-days from Syria, Libia, etc, etc. It is just another kick in the teeth to the British public, another tool used by the terrorist to spread distrust among communities. 


IMO, one of many points that need to be addressed is the definition of'Human Rights' and at what point do these animals forfeit these rights? Establish this, and you are half-way to taking a course of action.


Indeed they do appear to be home grown. And, at the risk of being politically incorrect and stereotyping, they seem to be from ethnic Pakistani families in particular. As were a great number of the sex exploitation gangs who were caught grooming large numbers of non Muslim no ethnic Asian girls, raping them and using them as sex slaves among their community.


Many of these Pakistanis are in Britain because their families arranged marriages with the daughters of British Pakistanis or are first, second or third generation. For years their communities have cried race relations and persecution every time a member did something wrong. Left wing councils and politicians created an environment where the police were fearful of trying to enforce the law in these communities and we read about so called no go zones.


I have many Muslim friends from numerous countries. The vast vast majority are decent, nice, tolerant, family orientated, socially aware and abhor violence. So I don't consider the issue in the UK to be Islam. It's Pakistan and the desire to create a mini Pakistan in the UK that radicalizes many. France and Germany, Sweden and Belgium have their own disgruntled communities be they from ex colonial countries, guest workers or migrants, economic and refugee.


Successive UK governments have pandered to the Pakistani Muslim community to such an extent they feel empowered to try to enforce Sharia Law in some areas, have Sharia courts to apply their own social law, have young men patrol the areas near Mosques, tell non Muslims what they can and can't do, laugh at the police as they feel immune and above the law, and create their own restricted communities. We've seen councils and school governor boards become dominated by Pakistani Muslims.


If May thinks we need to be more on the offensive rather than responsive defensive, then she needs to examine these communities very closely. 

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We all know the protocol by now - 1. This has nothing to do with Islam. 2. The guy was a mentally ill 'lone wolf'. 3. Those who object to points 1 and 2 are racist bigots. 4. Change Facebook profile to flag of inflicted country. 5. Light some candles, hold a vigil and go on a peace march. 6. Wait for the next slaughter to happen. 7. Repeat.

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4 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

Where to start with this drivel. Muslims have been living in the UK for decades, many have fought in World Wars for us and serve today. The vast majority of British Muslims condemn these attacks. You are as bad as the extemists you say you are against, two sides of the same coin. 


And why are May and her marry band of idiots in government selling arms and providing money to Saudi,  who fund ISIS. Let's start looking there first.

If the vast majority condemn these attacks , they should be told to surrender the minority suspects to the authority's. If not all should be treated as suspects.

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4 hours ago, DickThrust said:

Terrorism in the west is a muslim problem. It is complete BS to suggest that families/friends have no inclination that one of their own has been radicalised. How long are we going to have to put up with this weak liberal crap.

I consider myself liberal, but would have no hesitation in deporting their entire families as I also agree that they know exactly who is radicalised. 

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Apparently not much has changed from Marco Polo's time.....

There's a reason the Vatican has 40' walls & the US Marines were born.....

History repeats & lessons from applied strategies unlearned/overlooked/forgotten whether real or fictional, (Trojan horse).....


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All the predictable posts as usual.  No point in responding to the knee-jerkers.


The Conservatives cut the number of police and were constantly warned that the terrorist threat was a matter of when and not if.  Still they cut back the numbers.  I suggest that they now reverse that policy and beef up the police and the security services numbers. Then tighter controls on internet sites that allow radicalisation.  Closer vigilance of people on the 3,000 list including close monitoring of their travel.  Keep encouraging the Muslim communities to stay focused on weeding out these wannabe terrorists.  These people are as much enemies of other Muslims as the rest of us.

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9 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

ok, enough is enough but whats the answer?  japan has a very effective policy but it is too late for that. even thailand has a good policy of not giving out citizenship very easily. many grumble but i agree with it. put people on long term visas and kick them out if there is any trouble. if a number of people in one religious center make a problem close that center down.

Unfortunately UK is kind of obliged to give citizenship to children born to British citizens - they are bot old-fashioned that way. It may well have been the way you obtained your citizenship, if you are a UK citizen.

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3 hours ago, dlodratsab said:

If the vast majority condemn these attacks , they should be told to surrender the minority suspects to the authority's. If not all should be treated as suspects.

Great - when do we start shooting hostages as a reprisal ?

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16 minutes ago, dunque said:

Unfortunately UK is kind of obliged to give citizenship to children born to British citizens - they are bot old-fashioned that way. It may well have been the way you obtained your citizenship, if you are a UK citizen.

i believe it is the policy of every country to give citizenship to anyone born to its citizens. 

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10 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Yes, it's very ok. And I'm optimistic that our muslim coomunities will be even more vigilant and expose even more extremists. Let's hope that the authorities act on this info from now on. These scumbags need taking out of circulation through internment before they get the chance to act. I know that that they bully and intimidate their communities, which will breathe sighs of relief once those scumbags are gone.

You only need to look at history to know how cultures deal with religions.This is radical extremism,it's not your Seven Day Adventist coming and knocking on your door trying to persuade you to join or buy a bible .It's not passive or choose it if you like it teachings. Radical Islam is at war with the world .They have declared war on non believers.The part of the fix is to stop PC and round up the known 23k of radicals in the UK and deport them or intern them.Close the boarders to country's that support Sharia Law.Then have debate on the future of immigrant assimilation .

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9 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

No they just keep out people they don't want. You can get into Japan if you want to and are with in their immigration norms.

As for the cost of immigration and the benefits. At the initial phase of the muslim immigration which started back in the 60's and 70's it produced economic benefits, but as time goes by the effect of terrorism will wipe out the benefits of easy immigration. The answer is not a free for all immigration policy, but rather how to increase falling birth rates among Brits and Europeans.

There are about 70k Muslims in Japan, 10k being natives. But the Japanese are not stupid and have conducted surveillance on ALL of them, including looking at Bank accounts what they say and where they go. As far as I know there are no brainwashing madras Schools and very few Mosques. Japan is not going to put up with any nonsense from these minorities moaning for special rights, sharia, halal meals in Schools and the sort of creeping Islamisation of society that goes on in the west with it's resulting conflicts.

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7 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Apparently not much has changed from Marco Polo's time.....

There's a reason the Vatican has 40' walls & the US Marines were born.....

History repeats & lessons from applied strategies unlearned/overlooked/forgotten whether real or fictional, (Trojan horse).....




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22 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

So much to tolerance. Don't get me wrong but start by booting Sadiq Khan out of office with immediate effect. Not, because he is a Muslim but his statement last year that the threat of terror attacks are “part and parcel of living in a big city” is simply and utterly unacceptable. He went further on and encouraged Londoners to be vigilant to combat dangers.

As long as one side of the game, field, battle, name-it-what-you-want is to be played according to the rules (tolerance, political correctness, law limitations etc.) while the other party can go wild at will - you will NEVER get rule and order back, be it in London, then the UK, in Europe or anywhere else for that matter.


According to other sources (UKIP Nigel Farage) there are 3'500 other immigrants on the watch list, i.e. the authorities know of these fellows and follow them.

Change the law and declare terrorism in any form as an attack on the state. Anybody profoundly suspected or actually threatening the state is to be booted out immediately, which will create some collateral damage - so be it. Any naturalized UK citizen suspected is to get the UK citizenship revoked and kicked out again. UK citizens are to be dealt with fast-lane procedures, it cannot be that the authorities drag feet for years.

You don't have to introduce the death sentence again; these valuable citizens blow themselves up - as we see - or shot by the police at the scene. 

I appeal on the United Kingdom to take their matters back into their own hands - before it is too late. 

Another law you might want to change is that not everybody born on UK soil automatically qualifies for citizenship - like in other countries. The child is granted citizenship(s) by their parents and not by their place of birth. This allows screening of an applicant; facilitate it before coming of legal age but screen it - for heaven's sake! 

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May's government is suppressing the report commissioned by Cameron into the funding of Islamic extremism in western countries. Enough is enough but she's still protecting the Saudis. Both May and Trump are in bed with the Saudis for the arms sales cash. Surely both May and Trump could be doing more to protect their countries by looking directly at source?

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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14 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

There are about 70k Muslims in Japan, 10k being natives. But the Japanese are not stupid and have conducted surveillance on ALL of them, including looking at Bank accounts what they say and where they go. As far as I know there are no brainwashing madras Schools and very few Mosques. Japan is not going to put up with any nonsense from these minorities moaning for special rights, sharia, halal meals in Schools and the sort of creeping Islamisation of society that goes on in the west with it's resulting conflicts.

You're all missing the point. Japan is not a target for jihadist terrorism because Japan has had no role and no connivance in the fate of Palestine. That issue, the damage to Muslim pride involved, is the root of the terrorist phenomenon. They are bitter about it and they are kicking back. The pride issue has since extended to many other geopolitical arenas, but make no mistake as to what is at the root of it.

Corbyn is closer than May to an understanding of this, but he still doesn't see the root cause. I seem to be the only one who understands this. Put me in charge of the world and I'll fix it.

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Nothing about limiting musslim imigration or vetting them.

Theresa May came up with this

Theresa May says the internet must now be regulated following London Bridge terror attack.


Total Hoax

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