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Report: All foreign tourists will soon need insurance in order to enter Thailand


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5 hours ago, bheard said:


Can't see that it's idiotic.
What is idiotic is coming to Thailand as a tourist without travel insurance.


Why ????  I have been to Thailand 36 times and my total hospital bills were A$100. Why would I pay for insurance that cost that for a week ?

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5 hours ago, eggers said:

As usual, a very "sketchy"  report from Thai Visa;  no detail as to definition of "foreign tourists", who does it apply to? Just short stay tourists? Other foreigners staying? 

...if you look a little  more closely you will see that the article came from Bangkok Post..   but otherwise a good question..

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Would this work? For those whose age and preconditions make insurrance prohibitive, could they deposit in a government account a bulk sum of money - say $4 - 5000 - to be used for emergencies. This deposit would be returned to the traveller minus a small administrative fee.  Thereby the hosipitals will be assured of some money and the tourist wouldn't see his money disappearing down a hole. At 73 I would happily subscribe to this plan.

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3 minutes ago, jaiyen said:

Why ????  I have been to Thailand 36 times and my total hospital bills were A$100. Why would I pay for insurance that cost that for a week ?

Do you have no insurance at all? No car insurance, no home insurance, nothng? You rely on trusting nothing will happen to you (or yours in the case of travel companions) or you expect that someone else will pick up the bill for what you save!!! 

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I am well aware that the American system is a for profit system and in fact there is a debate gong on in the US at this moment about healthcare  and an eventual movement to a single payer system.  Many Americans have come to the same conclusion as myself that Healthcare is a human right.  Most of Europe; Canada; Australia; and Japan have figured that out decades ago.

Unfortunately , America is a materialistic capitalistic country that cares little for the disenfranchised and the poor and even the middle class. However, what happens in America if one does get treated without insurance- then sent a bill for many thousands of dollars and if it was catastrophic treatment at huge markup- one loses their home or becomes destitute.

Fast forward to Thailand- where the 30 Baht Health scheme has filled a gap missing for a long time- although those without means could always get treated to some degree. Many Government hospitals do not have adequate budgets and run deficits. There are also times when foreigners are treated and cannot pay, for various reasons. Many have insurance but the company refuses to cover the illness or accident. Expats have universal coverage in their own countries but their passport country refuse to pay for overseas coverage even though it's cheaper. None of this makes any sense except to the greedy.

All this can be worked out simply by all countries co-operating in the universal health scheme- a visitor gets emergency and catastrophic coverage anywhere and the passport country pays the servicing country back. Insurance companies should become redundant and Big Pharma will have to lower their costs considerably or they won't get paid.

Instead, what we have now in many countries is an insurance and pharmaceutical industry that holds people hostage to their rules and regulations all of which cause overpricing-  it's called greed and it's time the people of the World start electing leaders who understand what human rights really mean. 

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Reality  is we should all have insurance if we live away from out native country it simply makes sense. So many westerners riding bikes with no helmets it's crazy the sad fact is more often than not it's the 50 + that are the guilty ones, hence when there is an accident and a claim it's another reason why insurance companies raise their respective prices, worth thinking about.

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6 hours ago, eggers said:

As usual, a very "sketchy"  report from Thai Visa;  no detail as to definition of "foreign tourists", who does it apply to? Just short stay tourists? Other foreigners staying? 

It's called "clickbait".

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6 hours ago, CLW said:

For visa application, yes it can be done. Germany does the same to Thai people applying for a visa.

On the other hand, in case of Thailand with the majority arriving without visa, hopeless. Just imagine the difficulties at immigration

This is needed for all Schengen States in the EU. Not only Germany. 

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Seems just more simple to not force the hospitals to treat stupid people that don´t care about insurrance. If you ain´t got insurrance, then you just need a very fat wallet. If not just stay home!

Edited by Get Real
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The simplest and best idea would be to impose a small charge, say 1000baht, on entry to cover accident, emergency, and repatriation.  Everybody can pay it, very few would begrudge it, and it would be far simpler to administrate than any other way.

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7 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Seems just more simple to not force the hospitals to treat stupid people that don´t care about insurrance. If you ain´t got insurrance, then you just need a very fat wallet. If not just stay home!

If only life was so simple.

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1 minute ago, mommysboy said:

If only life was so simple.

That´s how simple it is! Get an insurrance and travel. Don´t believe that other countries should pay for your illness or accidents.
If you not get an insurrance, or gor enough funds to pay for whatever can happen, then just don´t travel.

Can it get more simple?

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6 hours ago, fatdrunkandstupid said:

Retirement extension fee...  1900 THB


Compulsory insurance...   36,000 THB


Getting to stay in a country where you are despised...  Priceless...

Priceless is right. In more than the sense you mean.   Many people currently here on long stay extensions to retirement and other visas already cannot afford or cannot even get health insurance  at any price.  Most if not all insurance companies are topping out at the age at which their cover ceases at between  65 and 80 and that affects the rest of us.  My company stops its cover at 80 and  I am not sure that there are any compainies who will insure past 80.  One of the most popular huge international health insurers told me they stop at 65 no matter how long you have been insured already and regardless of your claim record.  Where does this leave us?  Very worryting to those who have assets &/or funds and had made the decision to see it out here, with or without Thai marital ties. 


Where does that leave us? 


PS 36,000 THB!!!!  I wish!!!!    36,000 baht will buy NO USEFUL COVER AT ALL for 65 year olds with most companies still insuring over 65's.  

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Just now, Get Real said:

That´s how simple it is! Get an insurrance and travel. Don´t believe that other countries should pay for your illness or accidents.
If you not get an insurrance, or gor enough funds to pay for whatever can happen, then just don´t travel.

Can it get more simple?

Ideas are simple: putting them in to action is another matter. In short, people do not act rationally a lot of the time, and often only when they mature.


Simple plan!

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With all the policy exclusions, recent policy conditions, combined with all the well known, aggressive, unfair claim practices; I wonder how much difference it will make?

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Ridiculously misleading headline : 'All foreign tourists will soon need insurance in order to enter Thailand' 

It think it should read: 'Foreign tourists may need insurance in order to apply for an extension of stay if proposal isn't shot down'


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6 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

The simplest and best idea would be to impose a small charge, say 1000baht, on entry to cover accident, emergency, and repatriation.  Everybody can pay it, very few would begrudge it, and it would be far simpler to administrate than any other way.

I begrudge it! I don't know what proportion of visitors enter Thailand or any destination without travel insurance but it is the first thing on any responsible traveller's check list as soon as they book their holiday. In the UK you can get annual world wide multi visits up to 30 or 60 days each single trip for less than £20!!! We have never had a holiday, even a mini-break for a few days, without it. Why should we have to pay again to subsidise those who don't take it out! When my wife was having treatment for breast cancer in Phuket International Hospital having been diagnosed during our stay (and covered in full by our travel insurers) as I waited during her various treatment and doctor sessions I observed many people limping in or in wheelchairs or even stretchers presumably for scooter accidents, taken to the admission desk in front of me where you are asked for treatment payment details and many of them were Russian, Chinese and some young Aussies, all of whom said they had no travel insurance. Do you really think they wouldn't begrudge or try to dodge even a 1000 baht fee?! 

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Travelling without health insurance to another country where you are not covered by neither your public nor private health insurance is not only headless but also in sane unless you have no less than US-$ 500,000.00 in cash in your bank.


I think every country should refuse entry for all foreigners not having proper health insurance covering the time for staying in any country. There are too many stupid in sane youngsters. criminals and heavy drinkers making accidents not only to themselves but to others as well.


Why on earth should other countries pay medical care for reckless absent-minded individuals not taking health insurance serious

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4 minutes ago, Ulrik DK said:

Travelling without health insurance to another country where you are not covered by neither your public nor private health insurance is not only headless but also in sane unless you have no less than US-$ 500,000.00 in cash in your bank.


I think every country should refuse entry for all foreigners not having proper health insurance covering the time for staying in any country. There are too many stupid in sane youngsters. criminals and heavy drinkers making accidents not only to themselves but to others as well.


Why on earth should other countries pay medical care for reckless absent-minded individuals not taking health insurance serious

You're assuming all travelers are sane. they're not - but I agree with you. Out of interest, how many countries insist on this? Big western countries (maybe) who don't rely on tourism and not many others probably. It's time to start looking at a quick one-stop travel insurance booth before customs. King Power are probably already onto it.

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5 hours ago, Wake Up said:

Who in their right mind would ever live or visit a place where they feel they are despised by the locals???

Hard to grasp some of the odd humor bitter posts on TV. Do more of what makes you happy and do it in a place you enjoy ----any place that you enjoy --but don't waste precious time in a place you despise or feel despised. Peace ?

Fresh off the boat?  Or you don't speak fluent Thai yet?

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how about the million Burmese and Cambodians who are on visas, including my maid? 
different policy depending on your nationality? 

Sure they are excluded. They are also excluded for strict working permit contrary to western foreigners
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