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Trump still standing, but damaged by Comey's testimony


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3 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

I think you will find that Qatar is recognized as the biggest sponsor of terrorism, and the surrounding countries don't want any heat put on them, so this action is self serving, but they didn't do it without being prodded.........severely.   I agree that Saudi Arabia is said to finance terrorism, but they have OIL, so he'll lay off them for the time being.

Total nonsense.


SA is the big terror sponsor, and the big enemy of Iran. And that is the problem of this, it is only about Iran.


But can we get back on Trump still standing now please.

Edited by stevenl
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Once again, we're hearing, "This is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump!"  LOL


He will serve two full terms.  Count on it.  And he will indeed make America great again. 

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I doubt that they will come up with a direct link to Trump in the Russian investigation, primarily because it would have required way too much focus by Trump to be bothered.   He can't focus on much of anything for long.


It is very likely that it will hit some of his staff and potentially hit them hard.   In doing so, it is going to take a seriously disabled administration and cripple it further.   


As far as impeachment goes, I think many liberals are not in favor of impeaching Trump, in spite of all the rhetoric.   Trump is the biggest do-nothing President so far we have ever seen.  Pence, on the other hand, knows the system, knows how to work it and he would get things done and the things he would get done are definitely against the liberal agenda.   


Any politically astute democrat/liberal would not want impeachment; any astute republican/conservative would.   

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39 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Once again, we're hearing, "This is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump!"  LOL


He will serve two full terms.  Count on it.  And he will indeed make America great again. 

Won't count on it. 

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Their is definitely a Russian link with someone in the White House and all the evidence is not in yet.  There also may be some truth to the dossier that was leaked regarding Trump and his 'entertainment choices' while in Russia.  The question that must be answered is what did Trump know and when did he know it.  Even if  Trump was not personally involved with the Russians- if he knew one of his minions was and did nothing and tried to cover it- he is finished.  If the alleged Russian dossier is correct and the evidence is firm-he is finished.

I doubt he will be impeached but plenty of pressure will be put on him to resign. Even a few Fox news people are starting to turn on him.

He can't govern- he has no real mandate and even his own Republican Party has no real respect for him.   He is disliked by much of the World leaders because they recognize exactly what he is- a narcissistic meglomaniac that is more interested in himself than anything else.

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6 hours ago, Usernames said:

Disagree.  He took notes regarding his questions of the president on an investigation.  He had his FBI hat on.  He wasn't at home making a grocery list. He was on FBI time, doing FBI work, and he leaked it.

Keep barking. No one in Washington is listening. Were anything you were saying true, don't you think the orange one would have pounced on that by now? Private notes regarding a private, unclassified meeting. Trump did not invoke Executive Privilege, the avenue he would have taken to block Comey's revelation of the contents of the memos. He didn't. No one from DoJ has said a word, which he would have been warned about if your position had any merit. It doesn't.

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6 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Their is definitely a Russian link with someone in the White House and all the evidence is not in yet.  There also may be some truth to the dossier that was leaked regarding Trump and his 'entertainment choices' while in Russia.  The question that must be answered is what did Trump know and when did he know it.  Even if  Trump was not personally involved with the Russians- if he knew one of his minions was and did nothing and tried to cover it- he is finished.  If the alleged Russian dossier is correct and the evidence is firm-he is finished.

I doubt he will be impeached but plenty of pressure will be put on him to resign. Even a few Fox news people are starting to turn on him.

He can't govern- he has no real mandate and even his own Republican Party has no real respect for him.   He is disliked by much of the World leaders because they recognize exactly what he is- a narcissistic meglomaniac that is more interested in himself than anything else.

If this was a TV series, the guilty person is always someone no one suspects.  My money is on Melania.  :smile:

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Trump's credibility is permanently compromised (as if it wasn't already, LOL). Taking on Comey, who has a reputation for integrity and honesty almost to a fault, was a h-u-u-u-ge miscalculation on his part.

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1 minute ago, Gecko123 said:

Trump's credibility is permanently compromised. Taking on Comey, who has a reputation for integrity and honesty almost to a fault, was a h-u-u-u-ge miscalculation on Trump's part.

Trump likes to rely on intimidation, based on his business experience.  Comey was intimidated.  But, not enough to buckle to the 'hand-crusher'.

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2 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Trump's credibility is permanently compromised. Taking on Comey, who has a reputation for integrity and honesty almost to a fault, was a h-u-u-u-ge miscalculation on Trump's part.

Credibility???  What credibility?


He didn't have any as a candidate. And if it's at all possible, he's proven himself as "president" to have even LESS than any.


The question of the current era is... just how low can he go?

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Just now, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Credibility???  What credibility?


He didn't have any as a candidate. And if it's at all possible, he's proven himself as "president" to have even LESS than any.


The question of the current era is... just how low can he go?

No limits for that clown. 

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It was a huge miscalculation- but a person who is so blatantly narcissistic as Trump believes anything he does is right. He just can never see that there are more sides to an issue other than his own. He lies so much- he comes to believe his lies are the truth and he keeps telling them so often some of his supporters have adopted these lies as fact. From that aspect- he is dangerous as he believes in the philosophy of  Josef Goebbels, Propaganda Minister of the Third Reich- who stated that -if you continue to lie enough- eventually people will accept the lie as the truth.

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21 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Comey is held in very high esteem and has widespread respect from both parties.  Trump is just a liar.  It is just a matter of time now

Can't be so sure. The republicans still showing strong signs of party "loyalty" over rule of law, protecting democracy, and nation. 

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3 hours ago, Credo said:

I doubt that they will come up with a direct link to Trump in the Russian investigation, primarily because it would have required way too much focus by Trump to be bothered.   He can't focus on much of anything for long.


It is very likely that it will hit some of his staff and potentially hit them hard.   In doing so, it is going to take a seriously disabled administration and cripple it further.   


As far as impeachment goes, I think many liberals are not in favor of impeaching Trump, in spite of all the rhetoric.   Trump is the biggest do-nothing President so far we have ever seen.  Pence, on the other hand, knows the system, knows how to work it and he would get things done and the things he would get done are definitely against the liberal agenda.   


Any politically astute democrat/liberal would not want impeachment; any astute republican/conservative would.   

The only thing I would dispute is your assertion that it's unlikely there's no direct link due to Trump's 140 character attention span. It's not that he would have had to be directly involved. All that would have to be proven would be his knowledge of what was being done (if anything). If he knew anything and did nothing, either before or after, that's link enough.


And you are dead right about Pence.

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7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It was a huge miscalculation- but a person who is so blatantly narcissistic as Trump believes anything he does is right. He just can never see that there are more sides to an issue other than his own. He lies so much- he comes to believe his lies are the truth and he keeps telling them so often some of his supporters have adopted these lies as fact. From that aspect- he is dangerous as he believes in the philosophy of  Josef Goebbels, Propaganda Minister of the Third Reich- who stated that -if you continue to lie enough- eventually people will accept the lie as the truth.

There is much truth to what you say, and many of Trumps supporters do continuously spout Donald's fabrications as fact. The major difference from today and the Goebbels era though, is that today many people are much smarter and can see through the lies. There are people from all nations posting here and 90% or more can see him for what he is and understand that his lies are in fact lies. Sadly, some still have an IQ not much above a chicken, and they are the ones generally still squawking his praises.

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3 hours ago, Credo said:

I doubt that they will come up with a direct link to Trump in the Russian investigation, primarily because it would have required way too much focus by Trump to be bothered.   He can't focus on much of anything for long.


It is very likely that it will hit some of his staff and potentially hit them hard.   In doing so, it is going to take a seriously disabled administration and cripple it further.   


As far as impeachment goes, I think many liberals are not in favor of impeaching Trump, in spite of all the rhetoric.   Trump is the biggest do-nothing President so far we have ever seen.  Pence, on the other hand, knows the system, knows how to work it and he would get things done and the things he would get done are definitely against the liberal agenda.   


Any politically astute democrat/liberal would not want impeachment; any astute republican/conservative would.   

It's not nearly that simple.

Grounds for impeachment aren't strongly there yet and may never be there.

Just being an incompetent, mentally deranged clown sadly isn't going to cut it.

The American people (with Putin's push) more or less legally elected the orange mistake. 

I'm certain democrats are thinking about after 2018. Taking congress, gaining in the senate, and THEN if there are grounds that a strong majority of the nation can get behind, boot him then.

Then, yes Pence for awhile, but BLOCKED in congress. 

So basically, impeachment is possible, but it is not probable, and yes timing of it may determine how desirable it is to the majority of Americans that aren't far right wing extremist. 

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6 hours ago, Usernames said:

The big question is going to be if Comey is indicted and convicted for leaking.  He admitted leaking his notes to a source that passed them to the NY Times.  As this concerned the Russia investigation more broadly, it could be construed that Comey leaked documents dealing with national security.  A felony.

you don't understand the US legal system : don't think Comey would be so stupid to leak classified intelligence because he knows the consequences /  the leaked notes were his own non classified writings which he shared after being fired i.e. as a private person.

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's not nearly that simple.

Grounds for impeachment aren't strongly there yet and may never be there.

Just being an incompetent, mentally deranged clown sadly aren't going to cut it.

The American people (with Putin's push) more or less legally elected the orange mistake. 

I'm certain democrats are thinking about after 2018. Taking the house, gaining in the senate, and THEN if there are grounds that a strong majority of the nation can get behind, boot him then.

Then, yes Pence for awhile, but BLOCKED in congress. 

FWIW, I believe I read the other day that in one of the latest public polls in the U.S., a larger percentage of people favored impeachment for Trump than the proportion that gave him a favorable rating as "president."




However, as you've pointed out above, the Republicans in Congress seem nowhere near being willing to do anything against their besotted King... A truly sad state of affairs.


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

But Paul Ryan, the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, said Trump's interactions with Comey may have reflected his lack of political experience

I'm so darn old I can still Remember when the GOP said Obama was too inexperienced to be President. Their solution seems to have been to support someone even more inexperienced and then have the gall to use that inexperience as a defense for his incessant screw ups and abuse of power.


And their supporters mindlessly buy all this horse manure as if it's normal.

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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's not nearly that simple.

Grounds for impeachment aren't strongly there yet and may never be there.

Just being an incompetent, mentally deranged clown sadly isn't going to cut it.

The American people (with Putin's push) more or less legally elected the orange mistake. 

I'm certain democrats are thinking about after 2018. Taking congress, gaining in the senate, and THEN if there are grounds that a strong majority of the nation can get behind, boot him then.

Then, yes Pence for awhile, but BLOCKED in congress. 

So basically, impeachment is possible, but it is not probable, and yes timing of it may determine how desirable it is to the majority of Americans that aren't far right wing extremist. 

I have to agree. However, what I see happening is not impeachment, but one of two other options.


Trump is posing more and more of a threat to the GOP majorities in Congress. The GOP is not about to let one man destroy their wet dream. Ergo, I see them employing the 25th Amendment. Pence would love to be President. Several of his cabinet members are already not fond of him. Cue the Congressional leaders to start applying serious pressure and it wouldn't take much for him to be declared mentally incompetent (hell, he's already there, lol.) The threat of them invoking such would be enough to get Trump to resign. No way he would permit himself to go out on such a negative note. He could save face by claiming exhaustion, or that it's taking too big a toll on Melania and Barron, or his doctor recommended it for his health, or, or, or...


The damage he is causing to the GOP will not go unaddressed. If many more negatives pop up, look for him to be bowing out. Wouldn't surprise me to see it happen before the end of the year, especially if there is one more fiasco like the Comey firing. He'll be toast.

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7 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

So far, in fact since his election, and before, we've heard accusations about inappropriate links with Russia, but NOBODy has turned up any actual evidence.  


The opposition to his presidency has had seven or eight months to turn up some real evidence, but failed to do so, so isn't it about time, in the absence of that evidence, that the accusation be put out to pasture??  



I think it's best to wait until all the investigations are completed. And then maybe we'll know what really happened.

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I guess the saner folks among us could look at the following as a good thing instead of a bad thing.


In the news the other day, there were reports about how a group of very senior State Department officials (career civil servants) had publicly come out in opposition to Trump's policies. The acting ambassador to China resigned rather than support the Administration's climate change pack withdrawal. The acting Amb. in the UK tweeted out support for Mayor Khan at the same time Trump was belittling him, etc etc. Another resigned over the anti-ME travel policy.


And the interesting upshot of the reporting was -- all throughout the Administration, there are and remain tons of very senior position vacancies that aren't getting filled. Sometimes it's because the Democrats are opposing the appointee. But in other cases, as with the FBI director candidates, the more Trump sinks into his own swamp, the more other people don't want to become part of that so they drop out or don't apply. And needless to say, the focus and energy of the current Administration these days is more than a bit distracted from actually undertaking the day-to-day business of setting up a functioning government.






It's bad enough Trump managed to get people like AG Sessions and Ed. Sec. DeVoss confirmed thru Congress. But it would be a whole lot worse if his Administration actually had the time and opportunity to fill out the rest of the federal bureaucracy with similar, like-minded numb nuts who are willing to pledge their undying loyalty to the soulless Emperor.



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7 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Exactly.    The left of the Australian press was doing a job on him a couple of nights back for having two scoops of ice cream at some dinner recently.   If that's the best the left can do they should give it away and let somebody else have a go.

They were hardly "doing a job on him" 

They were making fun of him, I think unfairly. My guess is he asks for two scoops with a cherry on top of each because it reminds him of breasts. Whatever rocks his boat, I guess.


I do it myself, but, for health reasons, not often. You see, I like big breasts, I cannot lie.

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Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews said Thursday the accusation that President Trump directly colluded with Russia to interfere in the U.S. election "came apart" following former FBI Director James Comey's testimony in front of Congress.


Yes there was collusion---but not with Trump and the Russians----it was between Comey, Lynch, Hillary and more than likely Obama....this investigation is about to take a much different turn than the Democrats expected.


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7 hours ago, Usernames said:

Disagree.  He took notes regarding his questions of the president on an investigation.  He had his FBI hat on.  He wasn't at home making a grocery list. He was on FBI time, doing FBI work, and he leaked it.

Not all leaking is not a crime. Leaking classified or confidential information is a crime. 

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1 hour ago, rijb said:

If this was a TV series, the guilty person is always someone no one suspects.  My money is on Melania.  :smile:

With her origin in former Soviet satellite state and her Eastern European accent? Come on, too obvious. Unless it's based on a Jeffery Archer novel, then you're probably right.

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56 minutes ago, jb61 said:

Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews said Thursday the accusation that President Trump directly colluded with Russia to interfere in the U.S. election "came apart" following former FBI Director James Comey's testimony in front of Congress.



I guess we know where you're getting your alt right news from...




BTW, here's the main headline on Matthews' own MSNBC site today:




Matthews: This is going to end bad

You know you're in trouble when you have to bring in a $1500 an hour lawyer from the big city. Donald Trump was driven to that today by the sworn testimony of the FBI director he fired.


And this was his site's headline from the day before:


This is a snapshot of Trump's behavior. A bully.

06/08/17 07:00PM

Chuck Todd thinks the Justice Department had as bad of a day as Trump. And Former Federal Prosecutor Paul Butler says that the President is in legal trouble. watch



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McCain seemed to be saying that Clinton cooperated with the Russians that instigated her email scandal so that she could loose the election to Trump so that everyone could then blame Trump for cooperating with the Russians so that Trump would be impeached.


Have I got it right?


He then reportedly went on to say, "I knew J Edgar Hoover. J. Edgar Hoover was a friend of mine. Comey's no J Edgar Hoo... Wait, who's Comey again? Did he bring any cake?"

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