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Trump says Comey not telling truth, willing to respond under oath


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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

                   I asked this question a week ago, and not surprisingly, no one could answer:   Here it is for the 3rd time: Please name ONE mainstream media report which was proven factually wrong.                        

all your conspiracy theories are a work in progress…..no smoking gun just a big fat smoke machine with a cnn logo on it.


your boy comey just testified under oath that there is nothing linking trump to collusion with the russians. something the nyt just blindly asserted based on a source that they cant seem to locate right now…lol.


all we established is that comey suffers from incontinence….a tendency to leak when he feels uncomfortable…555



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I hate to mimic the snarky "Where are the Trumpeteers now?" gloating drum beat but...... has anyone seen iReason?  He, and Andaman Al, have been on line, hanging out in the "Resistance" or Gulf/Qatar threads, but haven't commented on Trump/Comey related threads since Wednesday - the day before Comey's testimony.   


They seem to be in the same threads at the same time/same day,  and absent from others at the same time as well.   Just a casual observation.  Sure it's only a coinkadink.  :ph34r:

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44 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

I hate to mimic the snarky "Where are the Trumpeteers now?" gloating drum beat but...... has anyone seen iReason?  He, and Andaman Al, have been on line, hanging out in the "Resistance" or Gulf/Qatar threads, but haven't commented on Trump/Comey related threads since Wednesday - the day before Comey's testimony.   


They seem to be in the same threads at the same time/same day,  and absent from others at the same time as well.   Just a casual observation.  Sure it's only a coinkadink.  :ph34r:

guess nothing burgers don't taste as good.

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2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Au contraire.

Compared to his former $170,000 annual FBI salary, Comey stands to become wealthy measured by middle class standards.


Comey will get a multi-million dollar book deal, a movie, a mini-series, primetime special — Diane Sawyer, or why not George Stephanopoulos? Why not go totally in for the Clintons and probably a MSNBC contributorship? He wants to be booked on Rachel Maddow, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher http://www.breitbart.com/video/2017/05/17/hannity-predicts-book-deal-msnbc-contributorship-and-maddow-colbert-maher-bookings-for-comey/


Former FBI director James Comey could be in for a massive $10 million book deal. https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/politics/2017/06/09/james-comey-could-snag-10m-deal-tell-all-book/102687024/


He is an interesting person, but he is not very colorful, so any writers, editors and film makers are going to have to take some creative liberties with his character.   


I would suggest he not write his book just yet.    I don't think we up to the final chapter yet.   

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6 hours ago, pitrevie said:

Well Trump can always produce the tapes or was that a lie too?

He never said there were tapes - he said  "Comy had better hope there aren't any tapes of the conversation"

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2 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

He never said there were tapes - he said  "Comy had better hope there aren't any tapes of the conversation"

He must have known that when he made the statement and Comy called his bluff and asked him to go ahead and produce any tapes. I don't think anyone actually believed there were any tapes right from the start but that didn't stop Trump putting it out there.

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The more I think about Comey, what he said, and how he said it, the more I start leaning back toward my less favorable impression of him during the HRC email investigation.  Loretta Lynch, et al.   I had this nagging, gut feeling immediately following his testimony which otherwise, I thought was excellent, and probably good therapy for him too.


Comey may have been predisposed to hang Trump; a feeling that it was inevitable given Trump's long standing pattern of erratic behavior.   No doubt Trump had his reservations about Comey as well, hence the awkward dynamic and mutual distrust between them.  Trump should have replaced him early on, but as we've seen many times by now, if it wasn't for bad political timing, Trump wouldn't have any at all. 


Comey, and his "gang of 8" as he referred to them, discussed Trump's overtures, decided it wasn't enough on its own merits at that time, and agreed to tuck it away for later.  Comey came right out and said that.   In other words, possibly, wait and see what fleshes out with Flynn (and others), and if Trump is implicated, then his attempts to influence Comey would be a devastating kill shot. 


Comey knew his wild card would fizzle if thrown on the table prematurely, and it did.  It could certainly boomerang if Trump's fingers are found in the Russian cookie jar.

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all your conspiracy theories are a work in progress…..no smoking gun just a big fat smoke machine with a cnn logo on it.
your boy comey just testified under oath that there is nothing linking trump to collusion with the russians. something the nyt just blindly asserted based on a source that they cant seem to locate right now…lol.
all we established is that comey suffers from incontinence….a tendency to leak when he feels uncomfortable…555

Looks more like a very well directed controlled flow.


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1 hour ago, TunnelRat69 said:

He never said there were tapes - he said  "Comy had better hope there aren't any tapes of the conversation"

I agree, but there's that word "hope" again.  Trump knew damn well what he was doing, he's been slip sliding through depositions and word-game law suits for decades.   Comey knew what Trump was doing too, cause he's been engaged with slippery characters for decades.  And why his repeated "I was confused and stunned" statements started to wear a bit thin during testimony. 


The tape thing was a veiled threat, now as elusive as all those "anonymous" sources feeding NYT, Rueters, which of course, filters out to the MSM and the blogosphere.  That's political strategy 101.  Control the information battle space.  Just keep repeating it over and over again, keep it on Page 1 anyway you can, day in day out, and people will believe it as fact.


Only guy I have any faith in at this point is Bob Mueller. 

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

guess nothing burgers don't taste as good.

 A "not much" burger maybe.  Haven't seen any new revelations and leaks; it all just seems to have fallen off a cliff.   Wonder if they will continue next week? 


At any rate, I still get a chuckle out of this "nothing burger" cliche. 





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A question to the form members.

The Donald hired a private lawyer to defend him and to file charges agains Comey for leaking. This lawyer only charge $1500 a hour.

So who is going to pay for this, The Donald or the taxpayer?

If he is filing this as POTUS, because that's what's going on, than, in my opinion it will be the taxpayer  that will pay the bill!

I honestly don't know how this works in a he USA.

So I hope someone can explain this.

Thank you all.




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@dutchisaan    It's "Politico" so try to ignore the jabs and snark, sounds like it's a personal expense, except in rare cases, if approved by DoJ.  Also seems the WH Counsel doesn't include client/attorney privileges, and can not be used for issues outside the scope of POTUS' duties. 


President Donald Trump has deep pockets to pay for personal lawyers to defend him from the evolving federal investigation into his campaign’s contacts with Russian officials. It’s a very different story for his staff.

White House aides bracing for subpoenas and grand jury summons have already begun making inquiries for legal help to navigate the unfamiliar terrain, according to lawyers who have been contacted, opening critical lines of communication in a bid to avoid serious harm to their reputations and careers, and perhaps even jail time.


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2 hours ago, 55Jay said:

I hate to mimic the snarky "Where are the Trumpeteers now?" gloating drum beat but...... has anyone seen iReason?  He, and Andaman Al, have been on line, hanging out in the "Resistance" or Gulf/Qatar threads, but haven't commented on Trump/Comey related threads since Wednesday - the day before Comey's testimony.   


They seem to be in the same threads at the same time/same day,  and absent from others at the same time as well.   Just a casual observation.  Sure it's only a coinkadink.  :ph34r:

Discussing members in the open forum is trolling and off-topic.  


Sometimes an absence from the forum is forced upon members.   


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Just now, Scott said:

Discussing members in the open forum is trolling and off-topic.  


Sometimes an absence from the forum is forced upon members.   


Ok, sorry.  Delete if you need to.

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1 minute ago, 55Jay said:

Ok, sorry.  Delete if you need to.

Thank you, I don't think it is necessary.    Just remember not everyone stops posting because they want to; sometimes they have to.  


Now, back to the topic.

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

He is an interesting person, but he is not very colorful, so any writers, editors and film makers are going to have to take some creative liberties with his character.   


creative liberties indeed…..555...will we need to look for this in the fiction section? 

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6 hours ago, bandito said:

If Trump is going to testify on oath then either Comey or Trump is lying, under oath.

Interesting scenario, who is?

Just put the names side by side and it is clear who is lying,  Donald Trump is a compulsive liar whereas Comey has the respect of all who know him.

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Comey seems to tell the truth to his wife.  But this is the NYT, so not sure if this is real or something they made up to keep the momentum going.  I can feel where Comey's coming from, but wow, this guy had daggers for President Trump.



On Jan. 6, James Comey, then the director of the F.B.I., met for the first time with President-elect Donald Trump. In subsequent weeks, as we now know, they met and spoke over the phone on several occasions. We have the exclusive transcripts of texts sent by Mr. Comey to his wife, Patrice, about his dealings with Mr. Trump.


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11 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

So do I!  No apologies for that

Best Mr. Comey moved along.  Trump should have replaced him months ago to save both from keeping up the act.

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9 hours ago, bandito said:

If Trump is going to testify on oath then either Comey or Trump is lying, under oath.

Interesting scenario, who is?


Gee, I wonder.  Is it the guy who has been well-respected crime fighter under both republican and democratic administrations and who has enjoyed broad bipartisan support, or the guy who said Obama is from Kenya?

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I dont get it!!

Trump gets on TV and says " Hardy knew the guy, would I request allegiance from some one I hardly know?"

and some people buy it!  

Don't he request loyalty from hundreds of people in his administration that he hardly knows?and  Rightly so.

except he should not from  the FBI,. The FBI enjoys a special status , it's independence is indispensable, and it's only loyalty should be to the Law

Regardless of where we stand in our politics, we are all Americans, where are our priorities? 

This is just a jock, a bad jock.

Some one said "Comey  has knives for trump".  Did anyone stop and think  why? 

Why he did not have" knives" for Obama, or Bush, but has "knives " for Trump.


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11 hours ago, Becker said:

Wow, what a comeback! Blew the proven fact that the man-child is a notorious liar clean out of the water!!


BTW, here is what Faux News were attacking President Obama for at a similar point in his presidency:



Oh, how I miss those scandalous days when The President ordering a hoity toity condiment was the scandal of the day.

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4 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Comey seems to tell the truth to his wife.  But this is the NYT, so not sure if this is real or something they made up to keep the momentum going.  I can feel where Comey's coming from, but wow, this guy had daggers for President Trump.



Im amazed at just how indiscreet and disloyal this guy Comey is.

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9 hours ago, Credo said:

He is an interesting person, but he is not very colorful, so any writers, editors and film makers are going to have to take some creative liberties with his character.   


I would suggest he not write his book just yet.    I don't think we up to the final chapter yet.   

That would be Volume II. It is being reported he stands to be paid $10m for Volume I. 

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:

Im amazed at just how indiscreet and disloyal this guy Comey is.

Loyal to country enough to put it on the line for country in Vietnam. Not like your draft dodging President. How much $$$ did Pops Trump hand over in the brown paper bag  to the enlistment office? 

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12 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

statistics are like a bikini…what they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital…..happy googling.

So tell us what are they concealing? But to do that, you'd have to cite facts. Resort to cutting and pasting to establish that what you assert isn't simply an invention.  Not your forte.

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