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Video: Who is to blame for this? Lucky escape for couple on expressway


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14 hours ago, berybert said:

I spend most of my days driving in and around London. I have no problems with the way that guy was driving.

Yes both drivers moved over before he overtook them but he had moved over so as to not have to slow himself down.

How do you know he is inexperienced ? Is it because you would have no problem in driving like the MB driver did.

One the one hand you are saying he shouldn't have moved over but he should have slowed down and stayed in the middle lane.

Then you seem to be defending the MB driver who could have slowed down and waited to pass.

Basically you are saying someone in a posh car has the right of way.



Do I really try to defend the MB driver? Absolutely not. I am not giving the cam driver a scapegoat either.

Driving in and around london isn't really a reference, I have been there and no real skills required. Driving around on highways is not the same as driving around 
in a busy city. I admit you might see even worse drivers in a city that usually have absolutely no clue about defensive driving. 

Drive in and around Bangkok might open your eyes a bit more. Driving around in Paris might even be more of a challenge than London.


Now consider this, as an assumption, the cam driver increased speed when changing to the fast lane not to hinder cars closing in on him, even at increased speed
at no point was he within 15m of the cars that already changed lanes, assume the distance between street lights in the video is about 50m minimum, you can see the distance was even larger, probably more like 25m. IMO just bad driving. 


I actually consider anyone who only averages 8000 km or less a year on the road as less experienced.  I know we don't know any of those facts from this video for any of the drivers
involved in this carnage, but switching lanes like the cam driver did, bad driving, you should be able to make better estimates of distance and time required for making any maneuver
that would allow you to continue driving safely, that right lane is not something you are entitled to it is there to allow better flow in traffic. And driving a MB doesn't make a driver a good driver at all. Those are the people that usually feel entitled to make up their own rules. And trust me, I see them on the road every day, similarly like BMW drivers, Monovolume drivers (see it as minivans) and those driving SUV's. They all usually feel entitled to pull in in front of you and hinder your sight instead of pulling in behind you. when ample space is available. 


So instead of trying to invalidate anything other people say that contradict any of your ideologies with nonsense, try to apply more common sense to given facts you see.



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For those who drives here often especially on expressways, you will come across many arrogant or ignorant drivers who hog the right lane either driving at their own sweet pace or not looking at rear mirrors. Most of the people here just overtake on the left with no questions asked. Truck driver driving on the leftmost lane and I'm pretty sure he tried his best to avoid because two idiots suddenly changed to his lane and braked for no reason.

Edited by shady86
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15 hours ago, shady86 said:

For those who drives here often especially on expressways, you will come across many arrogant or ignorant drivers who hog the right lane either driving at their own sweet pace or not looking at rear mirrors. Most of the people here just overtake on the left with no questions asked. Truck driver driving on the leftmost lane and I'm pretty sure he tried his best to avoid because two idiots suddenly changed to his lane and braked for no reason.

You can not even imagine what I have seen people do. Even on a completely empty highway you have those idiots that think they are allowed to drive on the fast lane (in my country that would be the leftmost lane).  

But one small remark, when you are in the middle lane or left lane and you drive faster then the car in the 'fast' lane or middle lane, you are actually not overtaking anybody, if you change lane at any point after you passed anyone, it is considered overtaking, if you stay in the same lane, it is not. You are not obliged to adapt your speed to the slowest car on the highway on either lane.

Edited by metisdead
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14 minutes ago, ben2talk said:

Sorry, that doesn't work. Generally - when traffic gets bad (and especially in three locations I pass fairly regularly) if you're not in the leftmost lane you can add 50% to your journey time. The left lane is the fast one because the moronic zombies buy fast cars and always move out to the right hand lane which is blocked.

Totally agree and those moronic zombies annoy the sh1t out of me too! I usually find the 2nd lane from the left to be the fastest on the highway. Trucks take up lane 1, lane 2 is usually empty and the fastest, and lanes 3 & 4 are w4nkers fighting over who is more hi-so.

But what I'm saying is that this whole ridiculous situation would not even exist if everyone just followed one simple rule: keep left unless overtaking! 


14 minutes ago, ben2talk said:

So please clarify - if the traffic is actually moving a bit slower and you're in the right hand lane, and you 'believe' you can 'see' your speedometer on 125km/h and you're overtaking other cars in the left lane, why should you move over when some idiot is coming behind you with flashing lights?

Nope. Didn't say that either! In this case you certainly shouldn't move over because you are actively overtaking cars to your left. But it seems like you're saying you shouldn't move over because your speed is already over the limit.

Actually I think we more or less agree on this, it's just I don't think the speed limit has anything to do with it.

Let's take the example you just gave: say you're doing 125 km/h in the right lane and there's someone in front of you doing only 120. He should move over and let you pass, right? From what you're saying it sounds like he has every right to stay in that lane because he's driving at the limit. And that's the part I disagree with.


Anyway. Boring. We're on the same page, let's get back to our beers ;-) 


14 minutes ago, ben2talk said:


Anyway, it's clear to me - the Mercedes is guilty of dangerous driving, and the other two of varying degrees of 'driving without due care'. 


It's really comical that the woman in the camera car (while the guy is blubbering like a 6 year old kid) is trying to work out what made the Merc driver angry... and actually I agree that his style of driving (hogging the right lane) should be punished far more often because it is provocative.


I don't actually think that conjestion is helped much - we have too many 5/6 lane highways heading towards little feeders into gridlocked city streets. Unless the right hand lane or two are enforced as straight ahead only lanes, then they will always be congested at every junction.




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20 minutes ago, Bastos60 said:

But one small remark, when you are in the middle lane or left lane and you drive faster then the car in the 'fast' lane or middle lane, you are actually not overtaking anybody, if you change lane at any point after you passed anyone, it is considered overtaking, if you stay in the same lane, it is not. You are not obliged to adapt your speed to the slowest car on the highway on either lane.

Think you're making an interesting point there but forgive me - I don't really understand what it is! Could you elaborate?


If you're talking about "undertaking", ie overtaking on the wrong side, then my understanding is that this is perfectly legal in Thailand. I believe in Europe it's illegal, therefore if someone is hogging the fast lane you actually ARE supposed to adjust your speed to his rather than undertaking.


But this is common practice here. Again, if everyone just stuck to the rules instead of moving to the fast lane because of stupidity / arrogance then there would be no need to ever do this!

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7 minutes ago, eeyang wah said:

Think you're making an interesting point there but forgive me - I don't really understand what it is! Could you elaborate?


If you're talking about "undertaking", ie overtaking on the wrong side, then my understanding is that this is perfectly legal in Thailand. I believe in Europe it's illegal, therefore if someone is hogging the fast lane you actually ARE supposed to adjust your speed to his rather than undertaking.


But this is common practice here. Again, if everyone just stuck to the rules instead of moving to the fast lane because of stupidity / arrogance then there would be no need to ever do this!

If someone is hogging the faster lane, it is illegal to undertake anyone. Correct.

But if for instance you are in the middle lane, and the person in the fast lane is driving slower for any reason, you are actually not undertaking, you just drive the speed limit in your lane.


It is just at the moment that you change lane to be in front of the guy in the fast lane, at that moment you are considered to undertake someone and therefor illegal. But nobody cares anywhere in the world as long as you are not caught.


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23 minutes ago, eeyang wah said:

Let's take the example you just gave: say you're doing 125 km/h in the right lane and there's someone in front of you doing only 120. He should move over and let you pass, right? From what you're saying it sounds like he has every right to stay in that lane because he's driving at the limit. And that's the part I disagree with.


From what I understand he was trying to say is that even at 120km you can overtake anyone in the fast lane and the person driving 125 km needs to adapt his speed.

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4 hours ago, Bastos60 said:



Do I really try to defend the MB driver? Absolutely not. I am not giving the cam driver a scapegoat either.

Driving in and around london isn't really a reference, I have been there and no real skills required. Driving around on highways is not the same as driving around 
in a busy city. I admit you might see even worse drivers in a city that usually have absolutely no clue about defensive driving. 

Drive in and around Bangkok might open your eyes a bit more. Driving around in Paris might even be more of a challenge than London.


Now consider this, as an assumption, the cam driver increased speed when changing to the fast lane not to hinder cars closing in on him, even at increased speed
at no point was he within 15m of the cars that already changed lanes, assume the distance between street lights in the video is about 50m minimum, you can see the distance was even larger, probably more like 25m. IMO just bad driving. 


I actually consider anyone who only averages 8000 km or less a year on the road as less experienced.  I know we don't know any of those facts from this video for any of the drivers
involved in this carnage, but switching lanes like the cam driver did, bad driving, you should be able to make better estimates of distance and time required for making any maneuver
that would allow you to continue driving safely, that right lane is not something you are entitled to it is there to allow better flow in traffic. And driving a MB doesn't make a driver a good driver at all. Those are the people that usually feel entitled to make up their own rules. And trust me, I see them on the road every day, similarly like BMW drivers, Monovolume drivers (see it as minivans) and those driving SUV's. They all usually feel entitled to pull in in front of you and hinder your sight instead of pulling in behind you. when ample space is available. 


So instead of trying to invalidate anything other people say that contradict any of your ideologies with nonsense, try to apply more common sense to given facts you see.



Oh come on my friend, don't slam all BMW drivers, admittedly most of us are arrogant Lane hogging, super entitled buttheads but there must be some good guys out there in BM's




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7 hours ago, Bastos60 said:



Do I really try to defend the MB driver? Absolutely not. I am not giving the cam driver a scapegoat either.

Driving in and around london isn't really a reference, I have been there and no real skills required. Driving around on highways is not the same as driving around 
in a busy city. I admit you might see even worse drivers in a city that usually have absolutely no clue about defensive driving. 

Drive in and around Bangkok might open your eyes a bit more. Driving around in Paris might even be more of a challenge than London.


Now consider this, as an assumption, the cam driver increased speed when changing to the fast lane not to hinder cars closing in on him, even at increased speed
at no point was he within 15m of the cars that already changed lanes, assume the distance between street lights in the video is about 50m minimum, you can see the distance was even larger, probably more like 25m. IMO just bad driving. 


I actually consider anyone who only averages 8000 km or less a year on the road as less experienced.  I know we don't know any of those facts from this video for any of the drivers
involved in this carnage, but switching lanes like the cam driver did, bad driving, you should be able to make better estimates of distance and time required for making any maneuver
that would allow you to continue driving safely, that right lane is not something you are entitled to it is there to allow better flow in traffic. And driving a MB doesn't make a driver a good driver at all. Those are the people that usually feel entitled to make up their own rules. And trust me, I see them on the road every day, similarly like BMW drivers, Monovolume drivers (see it as minivans) and those driving SUV's. They all usually feel entitled to pull in in front of you and hinder your sight instead of pulling in behind you. when ample space is available. 


So instead of trying to invalidate anything other people say that contradict any of your ideologies with nonsense, try to apply more common sense to given facts you see.



Driving in Paris. I have probably had more accidents driving in Paris than you have had hot dinners.

Try driving a wagon and drag around any city in Europe then tell me again how hard it is to drive a car on the motorway.

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On 6/15/2017 at 9:14 AM, colinneil said:

All 3 drivers at fault, dash cam driver hogging the fast lane, MB driver for road rage, truck driver driving too fast, unable to stop/manoevre.

Just your normal day on Thai roads then.


They can't even control a shopping cart and you let them have cars!

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On 6/14/2017 at 9:53 PM, shady86 said:

I doubt the truck can brake on time since this is expressway. Luckily the truck driver managed to veer off to the right lane on time. The dashcam driver could have crashed on the Benz for braking for no reason.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

you should always leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front of you for exactly this reason. You should be prepared and able to stop if the vehicle in front of you comes to a complete stop.  Here there were several seconds between the car slowing down and stopping and being hit by the truck. 

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15 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

you should always leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front of you for exactly this reason. You should be prepared and able to stop if the vehicle in front of you comes to a complete stop.  Here there were several seconds between the car slowing down and stopping and being hit by the truck. 

"the dashcam driver could have crashed on the Benz for braking for no reason." who can define this statement Thais TOUCH their brakes for no reason at all.....they do not realise that when take foot off gas pedal the revs of the engine actually slow vehicles down..many are "brake tappers" for no reason.

I agree with you that enough space should be between vehicle on front and yourself...this is taught in the Uk and, I assume in the States BUT NOT THAILAND

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It seems the Mercedes Benz driver was up set with the Cam vehicle driver.

You see cam vehicle driver moved over to the fast lane and proceeded to drive considerably faster than the slower traffic in the left lanes....but, it turns out to be considerably slower than the Mercedes driver who was most likely driving much faster still and came up from behind the slower moving cam vehicle driver.

You can assume the cam vehicle driver began to move over to the middle lane because the Mercedes driver was on his tail so he moved over to allow the Mercedes driver to pass...and give way.

You can assume the Mercedes driver is pissed off  because the Cam Vehicle driver was, in effect, blocking his way from going as FAST as he was trying to go in the fast lane....but,  in effect, considered speeding excessively.    

So rather than simply get past the cam vehicle driver the Mercedes driver cuts in front of him and stops momentarily and flashes his brake lights as the means to let the cam vehicle driver know that he interfered with his much FASTER driving ( speeding) being done in the "fast lane"

Here in Thailand the drivers commonly use the fast lane to speed excessively..... when they can..... and expect everyone else using the faster lane to give way to their much higher speed and get out of their way....... believing any vehicle already using the fast lane and already traveling faster is interfering with their much higher speed still and in the wrong and to be admonished for not driving as fast as them.

In other words they think if you do use that higher speed "fast lane" then you should also be driving as fast as they are and in effect excessively speeding...or why use that lane at all..... is their mentality.

In their mind "that lane" is the race car, motor sports lane and you should not be in that lane unless you use it the same way they do and travel really fast ..like 150 to 200 Kilometers per hour.

This is the common Thai driver mentality that causes accidents by the percentage of Thai drivers that basically do what they want and expect the other drivers to see what they are doing and forced to give way or have to accommodate their often risky and often reckless and dangerous driving conduct.  


Edited by gemguy
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7 minutes ago, gemguy said:

It seems the Mercedes Benz driver was up set with the Cam vehicle driver.

You see cam vehicle driver moved over to the fast lane and proceeded to drive considerably faster than the slower traffic in the left lanes....but, it turns out to be considerably slower than the Mercedes driver who was mostly likely driving much faster still and came up from behind the slower moving cam vehicle driver.

You can assume the cam vehicle driver began to move over to the middle lane because the Mercedes driver was on his tail so he moved over to allow the Mercedes driver to pass...and gave way.

You can assume the Mercedes driver is pissed off  because the Cam Vehicle driver was, in effect, blocking his way from going as FAST as he was trying to go in the fast lane....but,  in effect, considered speeding excessively.    

So rather than simply get past the cam vehicle driver the Mercedes driver cuts in front of him and stops momentarily and flashes his brake lights as the means to let the cam vehicle driver know that he interfered with his much FASTER driving ( speeding) being done in the "fast lane"

Here in Thailand the drivers commonly use the fast lane to speed excessively..... when they can..... and expect everyone else using the faster lane to give way to their much higher speed and get out of their way....... believing any slower then their speed vehicle is interfering with their much higher speed and in the wrong and to be admonished for not driving as fast as them.

In other words they think if you do use that higher speed "fast lane" then you should also be driving as fast as they are and in effect excessively speed...or why use that lane at all..... is their mentality.

This is the common Thai driver mentality that causes accidents by the percentage of Thai drivers that basically do what they want and expect the other drivers to see what they are doing and forced to give way or have to accommodate their often risky and often reckless and dangerous driving conduct.  


agree full with you...........they are brain dead when it comes to driving.........will never change and we can not change what is in their heads when they are on the roads

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19 hours ago, eeyang wah said:

That's not my argument - I don't think it's ok for people to drive over the speed limit. I'm saying it's not ok to hog the right lane just because you believe you are travelling at the speed limit. Especially when you can't even make up your mind what is an acceptable speed limit to you! Is it 70, 75 or 80? All 3 seem to be fine in your book! 


Edit: My point is that the rule is very simple: keep left unless passing, regardless of your speed. If everyone just followed that one basic rule the roads would be much less congested and much safer. Find me one person that disagrees with that!



Exactly, hate these brainless people staying in the right lane thinking that it's their right. IT IS NOT. Nobody gas any reason to stay in the right lane. But if even foreigners don't know this, it's so hopeless to expect that Thai will know it before we all die...



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22 minutes ago, gemguy said:

It seems the Mercedes Benz driver was up set with the Cam vehicle driver.

You see cam vehicle driver moved over to the fast lane and proceeded to drive considerably faster than the slower traffic in the left lanes....but, it turns out to be considerably slower than the Mercedes driver who was most likely driving much faster still and came up from behind the slower moving cam vehicle driver.

You can assume the cam vehicle driver began to move over to the middle lane because the Mercedes driver was on his tail so he moved over to allow the Mercedes driver to pass...and give way.

You can assume the Mercedes driver is pissed off  because the Cam Vehicle driver was, in effect, blocking his way from going as FAST as he was trying to go in the fast lane....but,  in effect, considered speeding excessively.    

So rather than simply get past the cam vehicle driver the Mercedes driver cuts in front of him and stops momentarily and flashes his brake lights as the means to let the cam vehicle driver know that he interfered with his much FASTER driving ( speeding) being done in the "fast lane"

Here in Thailand the drivers commonly use the fast lane to speed excessively..... when they can..... and expect everyone else using the faster lane to give way to their much higher speed and get out of their way....... believing any vehicle already using the fast lane and already traveling faster is interfering with their much higher speed still and in the wrong and to be admonished for not driving as fast as them.

In other words they think if you do use that higher speed "fast lane" then you should also be driving as fast as they are and in effect excessively speeding...or why use that lane at all..... is their mentality.

In their mind "that lane" is the race car, motor sports lane and you should not be in that lane unless you use it the same way they do and travel really fast ..like 150 to 200 Kilometers per hour.

This is the common Thai driver mentality that causes accidents by the percentage of Thai drivers that basically do what they want and expect the other drivers to see what they are doing and forced to give way or have to accommodate their often risky and often reckless and dangerous driving conduct.  




Do you really think that you know anything ?


OF COURSE the fast lane is for us driving German cars who want to go fast !


OF COURSE anybody staying more than few minutes in the right lane when there is space on the left lane is wrong !


OF COURSE the fast lane is made to drive faster than people in other lanes !


So incredible is you can believe that the BS you wrote is right !



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48 minutes ago, bangkokairportlink said:



Do you really think that you know anything ?


OF COURSE the fast lane is for us driving German cars who want to go fast !


OF COURSE anybody staying more than few minutes in the right lane when there is space on the left lane is wrong !


OF COURSE the fast lane is made to drive faster than people in other lanes !


So incredible is you can believe that the BS you wrote is right !



Another person who insinuates he drives like the Thais and wonders why accidents happen with that kind of mentality and attitude.

The right lane is not meant for excessive speeding as YOU are adamantly implying .

It is meant to be used if the left lanes are occupied by motor vehicles traveling at less than the speed limit.

The cam vehicle used the right lane to pass the slower vehicles seen in the left lane and middle lane

 Eventually, as seen in the video, the cam vehicle does began to move over to the middle lane to give way to the Mercedes driver who was traveling much faster ( no doubt about it )  ... and wants to pass by at a even higher speed and considered dangerous and reckless and illegal.


*The lane on the right is a passing lane not a speeding lane or go as fast as (you) want lane...as you are explicitly implying.

The lane on the right is not the drag racing lane or Grand prix lane to be used for speeding excessively and aggressively  and endangering the other people by you and others that feel it is OK to speed when ever you get the opportunity to do so and ignore the speed limit laws and practice reckless driving conduct to suit yourself.


@ Folks...listen up here as we now know "Bangkokairportlink" defends aggressive and reckless driving conduct perpetrated by himself and all the other reckless drivers and in effect is arguing on behalf of the Mercedes Benz driver and his small minded angry conduct that caused an accident.


The Mercedes Benz driver could have simply carried on and passed by after the cam vehicle ( did ) move over allowing the Mercedes driver to pass, as clearly seen in the video...but no.... he is angered so he thinks it is OK to deliberately cut him off and deliberately force the cam vehicle driver to stop while the Mercedes driver flashes his brake lights to let the cam vehicle driver know he is angry.


And you, in effect, argue this while you are defending this reckless mentality and attitude and implying that is the same way you drive.


@ Website Administers: Please take note of this and know where to correctly apply your discretion if "Bangkokairportlink" wants to foolishly and belligerently argue this matter relevant to important road safety issues that are a matter of life or death.


Edited by gemguy
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15 hours ago, berybert said:

Driving in Paris. I have probably had more accidents driving in Paris than you have had hot dinners.

Try driving a wagon and drag around any city in Europe then tell me again how hard it is to drive a car on the motorway.

If you had any accident in Paris you sure are one hell of a bad driver and the really the last person to even make a remark on this video.

Some people really have problems if they are put in their place.


At least I dare to say the only accidents I have been involved in was during the first 2 years I was driving and all due to inexperience and mostly to the same mistakes as the cam driver.

Edited by Bastos60
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6 hours ago, gemguy said:

Another person who insinuates he drives like the Thais and wonders why accidents happen with that kind of mentality and attitude.

The right lane is not meant for excessive speeding as YOU are adamantly implying .

It is meant to be used if the left lanes are occupied by motor vehicles traveling at less than the speed limit.

The cam vehicle used the right lane to pass the slower vehicles seen in the left lane and middle lane

 Eventually, as seen in the video, the cam vehicle does began to move over to the middle lane to give way to the Mercedes driver who was traveling much faster ( no doubt about it )  ... and wants to pass by at a even higher speed and considered dangerous and reckless and illegal.


They don't necessarely need to be driving less than the speed limit. You are just not allowed to speed in any lane.


6 hours ago, gemguy said:


*The lane on the right is a passing lane not a speeding lane or go as fast as (you) want lane...as you are explicitly implying.

The lane on the right is not the drag racing lane or Grand prix lane to be used for speeding excessively and aggressively  and endangering the other people by you and others that feel it is OK to speed when ever you get the opportunity to do so and ignore the speed limit laws and practice reckless driving conduct to suit yourself.


@ Folks...listen up here as we now know "Bangkokairportlink" defends aggressive and reckless driving conduct perpetrated by himself and all the other reckless drivers and in effect is arguing on behalf of the Mercedes Benz driver and his small minded angry conduct that caused an accident.


The Mercedes Benz driver could have simply carried on and passed by after the cam vehicle ( did ) move over allowing the Mercedes driver to pass, as clearly seen in the video...but no.... he is angered so he thinks it is OK to deliberately cut him off and deliberately force the cam vehicle driver to stop while the Mercedes driver flashes his brake lights to let the cam vehicle driver know he is angry.


And you, in effect, argue this while you are defending this reckless mentality and attitude and implying that is the same way you drive.


@ Website Administers: Please take note of this and know where to correctly apply your discretion if "Bangkokairportlink" wants to foolishly and belligerently argue this matter relevant to important road safety issues that are a matter of life or death.


But you are right in what you say. The MB driver was completely in the wrong, there is absolutely no excuse for what he did.

No matter how much money he has, this needs to go to court and be seriously covered in newspapers and on tv. If he only gets of with a fine, he will be pulling the same shit on other drivers.

We actually had a similar issue with a BMW driver in Belgium which got covered extensively in the news landing this guy in jail. He pulled that shit over and over again until one cam recorded his antics and
stayed in the news for several months. He initially got off with a fine, lost his drivers license for  a few weeks. But he didn't stop and being on the news so much everyone was actually looking out for him.

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1 hour ago, Bastos60 said:

If you had any accident in Paris you sure are one hell of a bad driver and the really the last person to even make a remark on this video.

Some people really have problems if they are put in their place.


At least I dare to say the only accidents I have been involved in was during the first 2 years I was driving and all due to inexperience and mostly to the same mistakes as the cam driver.

My last accident in Paris was some guy could'nt be bothered to wait in the queue to leave the motorway like everyone else and decided to drive to the front and push in at the last minute. He mistake was to try and pull in front of me.  He drove in to my wheel nuts and ripped the side of his car wide open.

He then asked me to pull over so we could sort it out. I told him I would stay where I was and wait for the police to come, with that he jumped in his car and departed. 

It was an accident that wasn't my fault but one I could easy have avoided.

Most accidents involving trucks are not the  truck drivers fault. it is impatient car drivers who think because a lorry is big it isn't going as fast as the rest of the traffic.

Oh and next time you are in Paris take a look at the cars, most of them are battered because French people are horrendous drivers.


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2 hours ago, Bastos60 said:


They don't necessarely need to be driving less than the speed limit. You are just not allowed to speed in any lane.


But you are right in what you say. The MB driver was completely in the wrong, there is absolutely no excuse for what he did.

No matter how much money he has, this needs to go to court and be seriously covered in newspapers and on tv. If he only gets of with a fine, he will be pulling the same shit on other drivers.

We actually had a similar issue with a BMW driver in Belgium which got covered extensively in the news landing this guy in jail. He pulled that shit over and over again until one cam recorded his antics and
stayed in the news for several months. He initially got off with a fine, lost his drivers license for  a few weeks. But he didn't stop and being on the news so much everyone was actually looking out for him.

Glad to know sensibilities prevail while the laws are enforced when and where and upon whom they need to be enforced.


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On 6/17/2017 at 1:34 PM, gemguy said:

Glad to know sensibilities prevail while the laws are enforced when and where and upon whom they need to be enforced.



Unfortunately sensibilities won't prevail here. The truck will be 100% liable as he had ample time to stop (9 seconds from when the car entered his lane). A fully loaded semi could've stopped in that time.


Road rage is criminal which is the job of the police to pursue, not the victims, not their insurers. The police aren't going to bother, not because he's driving a Mercedes but because this is Thailand, unless people died or were seriously injured it's just not serious enough to warrant their time. As the MB driver has no inherent contributory liability, without a successful criminal conviction any civil claims against him will probably fail.


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On 6/15/2017 at 0:15 PM, LazySlipper said:


Actually, back in the west. car parks are one of the places that according to insurance companies where accidents occur the most.

What sort of "accidents"? Bump and scrape or more serious speed related accidents? Either you or the insurance companies should be more specific about the type of accident. I would not think that accidents in car parks carry the same risks as accidents on highways. In the context of this news item you should not compare apples with oranges!

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4 hours ago, lvr181 said:

What sort of "accidents"? Bump and scrape or more serious speed related accidents? Either you or the insurance companies should be more specific about the type of accident. I would not think that accidents in car parks carry the same risks as accidents on highways. In the context of this news item you should not compare apples with oranges!

Wow... ok. As the first post said..."I have even seen accidents in car parks" --By ortonB I just pointing out that statistically more accidents do happen in car parks than anywhere else. You are just going after semantics. An accident is an accident (e.g. bumping your head on a wall) and no one was discussing the seriousness of an accident until you came along. 


Enjoy another sunny day in LOS.

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46 minutes ago, LazySlipper said:

Wow... ok. As the first post said..."I have even seen accidents in car parks" --By ortonB I just pointing out that statistically more accidents do happen in car parks than anywhere else. You are just going after semantics. An accident is an accident (e.g. bumping your head on a wall) and no one was discussing the seriousness of an accident until you came along. 


Enjoy another sunny day in LOS.

Touchy touchy............ :smile:

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On ‎2017‎-‎06‎-‎18 at 11:26 PM, wprime said:




Unfortunately sensibilities won't prevail here. The truck will be 100% liable as he had ample time to stop (9 seconds from when the car entered his lane). A fully loaded semi could've stopped in that time.


Road rage is criminal which is the job of the police to pursue, not the victims, not their insurers. The police aren't going to bother, not because he's driving a Mercedes but because this is Thailand, unless people died or were seriously injured it's just not serious enough to warrant their time. As the MB driver has no inherent contributory liability, without a successful criminal conviction any civil claims against him will probably fail.


I was referring to the other persons example of how the laws were enforced in his country....you know...a civilised country...lol

Thailand???......is another matter....

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