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Video: Foul mouthed Thai customer in full-on rant because Burmese woman went over his toe


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9 hours ago, BangkokNicky said:

Will not be so long until it's the other way round ..a lot money being pump into the  neighbouring countries at the moment .. 

My money, about $35K a year for the past 3 years no longer gets spent in Thailand... And never will again.

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2 hours ago, futsukayoi said:

In terms of infrastructure and current income per capita they are behind.  But in terms of human capital several of these countries are overtaking Thailand very fast.  The average Vietnamese 12 year old is better educated in Math and Science than the average Thai 16 year old and education in some of the other neighboring some of the other surrounding countries has already significantly surpassed Thailand.  10-15 years from now they will be the well educated managers supervising the low skilled Thai workers.

Agree to that, and I think even Cambodia will be more sophisticated than Thailand in 20 years from now. Massive developments all over Phnom Penh right now.

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8 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

They are 30-40 years behind Thailand, good luck with that. 

But they are decades ahead of Thailand regarding their attitude and understanding towards the need for the people to understand English (or at least some international language) particularly when they want to be the " hub "  of everything on earth:giggle:

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10 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

They are 30-40 years behind Thailand, good luck with that. 

They are getting are seeking out expertise from other countries~Thailand is not, and they don't have the expertise available here.  Thailand is going backwards.  Do you live in Thailand?

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10 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

They are 30-40 years behind Thailand, good luck with that. 

i take it you do not get out much , if you did you would never utter such tripe .

Edited by mikiea
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This leads me to an import question (at least for myself). Why do we really stay in this country ? After reading so much negative stuff about the Thais I decided to make a longer side trip to the Philippines. And WOW,  the Filipinos are super kind, friendly and helpful towards foreigners. What they don't like you behave like a "big boss". The country might have a bit of lower standard. But mind you, things are changing fast here. A lot going on in the big cities, Manila, Cebu and Davao. Ok, avoid Mindanao. But the city itself Davao is very safe. My favourite is  Dumaguete, Negro Oriental. Many foreigners. Let's face it, the Thai is a racist, moneysucker and does not like us. That applies for the whole society.  Lady from the bar,  landlords, immigration, police etc. Mind you, also in the Philippines they like your money. But never in this vicious and merciless way like the Thai. I have spent many years in Thailand and experienced so many negative things here (also my friends) I seriously plan to move east. I guess nobody will miss me . Especially not the Thais. That does not mean I will never visit Thailand again. I guess two weeks at the time will be OK. Thank you for wishing me, BON VOYAGE.

P.S. I will still be on this forum, if you let me :)

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2 hours ago, wirat69 said:

Anyone who suggests a person copulates with their Mother is reflecting their own poor character, and their own proclivities!!!! 

Yeah! About that. On page 1, I mentioned an incident I had had with a "well to to do Indian" who thought slapping an old lady about was acceptable, just because she was trying to make a living. While he was on his arse in the dust, a comment I threw at him in the local language, "neema akana dengu", basically said he was such a low life he had sex with his own sisters. I didn't mean it literally, just that he was a piece of scum. The locals thought it appropriate, it seemed though, as I was patted on the back several times as I left and no one helped the foul mouthed tosser back to his feet.

My own proclivities are far more normal, so don't make judgments too quickly,

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18 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

I would've rammed the trolley into his shinbones three more times and for good measure smashed a plate on his greasy bald head  just to give the a**h**e a real reason to spill his filthy mouth. People like this despicable specimen with his self-delusional superiority complex make me incredibly angry.

Reminds me of  a  time a non paying female tenant who was 2  months  late with rent laughed at me when I said " so you are the person who hasnt paid the rent" in the  lobby of the building.

She  looked at me like I was a piece of crap on her foot...............she wasnt laughing 5  minutes  later as i stood  outside her  room telling her she had 5  minutes to get all her stuff out or  it would be going off the balcony..........it then became "its  not fair" BS, like I gave a flying <deleted>............the Thai owners asked me to do this as they were too afraid to say anything just wanted her  out..............funniest thing  was they were standing farther down the hallway and after told my Wife  that they " didnt  like" the way I spoke to  the tenant..............incredible, couldnt decide who was the  biggest winker, owner or tenant

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8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I think the guy was wearing sandals... having the trolly pushed over his toe probably hurt like hell.


It was an accident - there is no need for him to rant and shout like that. He's just shown everyone around him what a spoilt abusive twit he is and thoroughly embarrassed himself, even more so now that this is on social media and the internet can see what a despicable bully he is. 


I also think it quite poor that the store did not offer more support to their staff. 


The double standards here with the Burmese laborers are quite disgusting.



Yes, at least in the US and some other places he would have either: pulled out a gun and shot her dead or, more likely, collapsed to the floor in agony in anticipation of a mega payout for actual injury, pain and suffering, ongoing treatment with a therapist and a therapy animal ( or, more likely still, accepted the profuse apology with good grace). I'm sure that overwhelming majority of people everywhere, including Thailand, would have done the decent thing.. That said, Thailand does have an extraordinary number of the hiso types....and as everyone knows , in the main they are no class, new money, head up their <deleted> both in respect of their own worth and international views of Thailand.

Edited by Prbkk
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11 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:


11 hours ago, ezzra said:

This is not a secrete that Thais consider themselves superior to

the citizens of the surrounding countries, even the 'Goo and Mung'

cultured locals feel that way....

Well, Burma did burn and loot the ancient capital in the 1700s, I can see why some Thais would still be pissed about that, even though it was centuries ago.


But just like the Japanese.......... You can't hold the present day people responsible for anything that they had nothing to do with....... And I certainly would not support being angry at this poor working woman for what happened back in the 1700's, as you seem to support........

You can see why...... I can't see it.........

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11 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

Well, Burma did burn and loot the ancient capital in the 1700s, I can see why some Thais would still be pissed about that, even though it was centuries ago.

Yeah, i feel the same way about Italians. Ive never forgiven them for invading us in the last century BC. Running around with the SPQR poles, lulling us into a false sense of security Pax Romanus Sum, my arse.

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43 minutes ago, Swedenlars said:

This leads me to an import question (at least for myself). Why do we really stay in this country ? After reading so much negative stuff about the Thais I decided to make a longer side trip to the Philippines. And WOW,  the Filipinos are super kind, friendly and helpful towards foreigners. What they don't like you behave like a "big boss". The country might have a bit of lower standard. But mind you, things are changing fast here. A lot going on in the big cities, Manila, Cebu and Davao. Ok, avoid Mindanao. But the city itself Davao is very safe. My favourite is  Dumaguete, Negro Oriental. Many foreigners. Let's face it, the Thai is a racist, moneysucker and does not like us. That applies for the whole society.  Lady from the bar,  landlords, immigration, police etc. Mind you, also in the Philippines they like your money. But never in this vicious and merciless way like the Thai. I have spent many years in Thailand and experienced so many negative things here (also my friends) I seriously plan to move east. I guess nobody will miss me . Especially not the Thais. That does not mean I will never visit Thailand again. I guess two weeks at the time will be OK. Thank you for wishing me, BON VOYAGE.

P.S. I will still be on this forum, if you let me :)

You have not  spend enough time there yet,be very careful of your belongings and make sure the taxi doors are locked.


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Human decency should be something common to any country. What does one expect when males in certain countries feel they are superior to the  females? Had I been there, I would have had a few choice words for the classless POS. I feel sorry for the woman who attempted multiple apologies. I always say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The elderly's "tree" obviously was wrought with a lack of principle. I'm tired of the overly-abused "saving face" excuse. Why? Because YOUR face is no different  than the ones you abuse. I'm not saying that all Thais are like this- simply that people such as this coward or those who become so enraged in traffic lack the very essence of decency or emotional health.And to those workers who witnessed this shameful episode, you are just as guilty to remain silent and not back the poor woman.

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One day and hopefully very soon, these nice , kind Buddhist Thai folk will feel the rath of the Cambodian, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnamese people that are abused on a daily basis.


And I for one will step back and enjoy watching them get their just rewards.

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The idiot feels inferior and lacked self confidence also he might had a bad time at home therefore he decided to take it out on the poor Burmese defenceless woman.Many Thai are good only in speaking out online but not to intervene on the ground unless to support a fellow Thai against farangs?

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7 hours ago, mikosan said:

I hope that she doesn't lose her job because of all the publicity this incident has been given on social media.  I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.  Poor lady, I know what I'd like to do to the arrogant tosser.


    If a Brit tried this in the UK they'd be arrested and pilloried.

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19 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Man has a bad attack of that very common Thai disease called angryitis. The lady should consider herself lucky he didn't pull a gun or machete.

It would hav been too heavy for the arrogant old fart. ?

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20 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I experienced something similar when I was living in India. A little old lady was selling maps of Bangalore and India and a rich Indian slapped her for approaching him and started going off at her. I instantly saw red, and knocked him to the floor and gave him a piece of my mind in English and the local dialect, Kannada. He genuinely could not understand why I was sticking up for someone he saw as beneath him. Just proves there is scum everywhere.


I'd ike to buy you a beer. I've just shown the vid to a relative's wife who is Thai, and she is seething. 

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