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Military hospital blast suspect admits several other bomb attacks, says source


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In an earlier thread on this topic I posted " Congratulations on being the first in what I expect to be a long string of denials, obfuscations, diversions, insults, claims of political persecution, justifications of terrorism and outright lies."
The usual suspects have performed splendidly, as expected.

Happy to see you finally found a topic about politics you dare to post in again.

We missed you in all the discussions about the military giving themselves more money, the articles about stiffling the press even more, and the many funny stories about a PM acting like a big baby by refusing to speak or yelling at reporters.
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Happy to see you finally found a topic about politics you dare to post in again.

We missed you in all the discussions about the military giving themselves more money, the articles about stiffling the press even more, and the many funny stories about a PM acting like a big baby by refusing to speak or yelling at reporters.

[emoji85] [emoji86] [emoji87]

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1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

Happy to see you finally found a topic about politics you dare to post in again.

We missed you in all the discussions about the military giving themselves more money, the articles about stiffling the press even more, and the many funny stories about a PM acting like a big baby by refusing to speak or yelling at reporters.

While I am working I have little time for trivial pursuits. But I'm back now for several months, happy to compare and contrast your silly little complaints with the criminal conspiracy that called itself a democratic government.


BTW while the current PM has his peccadilloes, you may notice that he does actually attend parliament, and appears to have more substance than his predecessor. Thank you three times.

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48 minutes ago, halloween said:

While I am working I have little time for trivial pursuits. But I'm back now for several months, happy to compare and contrast your silly little complaints with the criminal conspiracy that called itself a democratic government.


BTW while the current PM has his peccadilloes, you may notice that he does actually attend parliament, and appears to have more substance than his predecessor. Thank you three times.

Parliament? You mean the group of sycophants hand picked by the General himself?? More substance???

Thank you six times for a good laugh!


Edited by Becker
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10 hours ago, robblok said:

Did we read the same article... bombs were found. Plus the guy is a red sympathizer. Again showing what a dangerous lot they are. Kids, hospitals its all fair game to them. Then you had red supporters on here claiming the army did it.. they all stay away from this news else they had to admit they were wrong.

So if this guy (if he's guilty) defines the red movement then the nutter of a Sanders supporter who shot the US congressman defines that group of people too?


You know what, I'm just gonna refer to post # 42 written by Bob12345. Well said, Bob. I think you expressed what most of us believe to be true.

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11 hours ago, robblok said:

See post 54.. already retracted.. but lets get back at this bomber with red sympathies. The guy that bombed a hospital with innocent people, the same bombing event most red supporters on this forum said was a false flag operation.. and not one has come back accepting they were wrong. Quite different from me who does accept when he makes a mistake. What was your opinion on that bombing at first.. or do I have to look it up ?

Aah, you've retracted... but why did you post it in the first place??


The mistake, one which you consistently make, is that rather than looking for the truth, you only looked for things that supports your position.

You further compound your initial mistake by never vetting anything that you agree with whilst always dismissing anything you don't agree with out of hand, without review.


"If anyone can refute me - show me I'm making a mistake or looking at things from the wrong perspective - I'll gladly change. It's the truth I'm after, and the truth has never harmed anyone. What harms us is to persist in self deceit and ignorance". - Marcus Aurelius


Your perspective?


Your continued need to describe Reds as corrupt and murdererous when neither of these are applicable to even the smallest fraction of Reds reveals your perspective.

15 million Thai voters consistently vote Red.

Like any large group there are extremists and fanatics amongst the Reds.

The extremists and fanatics are a tiny minority amongst the Reds (as they are amongst the Yellows).

The fact is that 15 million normal, everyday, unremarkable Thais consistently vote Red because they believe that a Red government will improve their and their families quality of life.

The adjectives that most aptly describe the Reds are "poor", "northerner" and "working class" not "murderer", "corrupt" or "terrorist".


Are you able to alter your perspective to see 15 million human beings who no longer want to live in huts with dirt floors or watch their relatives die of curable sicknesses through lack of funds or see their children trudge of to school with holes in their shoes... or to you will they all forever be corrupt and murderous mobs hell bent on destroying this nation who deserve spend generation after generation in extreme poverty?


Which brings us to the Yellows...


Go back and review the boards and I think you'll see that many posters here voice disapproval with the Yellows not because they are "corrupt and murderous" but because they are anti-democracy.

Do posters get dragged into the swamp in tit-for-tat arguments with Junta-strokers about who did what - yes, but only because the Junta-huggers only refuge is the swamp and they rarely venture beyond its putrid shores.

Anti-democracy is a defining feature of Yellows.

Be they one of Sutheps thugs, an old money elitist, a General, a mid level bureaucrat, an ultra-nationalist, etc.. - they are all strongly anti-democratic.

There is corrupt and murderous individuals amongst them, but they are the exception, not the rule.

Being anti-democratic is a core Yellow trait - well over 95% of Yellows are opposed to "one person, one vote" democracy.

The Yellows do not want "better democracy" they want no democracy.

Thailand has great inequality due to decades and decades of rule under what can be best described as an apartheid system of government.

A minority were (are) able to exploit the majority.

Democracy ends the apartheid.

The simple fact is any system that even slightly resembles a democracy is going to elect a Red government and so, the Yellows put all their efforts in to eradicating democracy - this is their crime.


In conclusion...


Your positions are not built on solid foundations, that is why you need the likes of Tony Cartalucci to prop you up.

The problem is the only ones buying crap from the likes of Cartalucci are the "true believers".

This leaves you only preaching to the converted with nonsense.

This also leaves you a long, long way from the truth.


You cannot be a supporter of democracy and the Junta/Yellows - choose one or the other.

There is no circumstance where Junta/Yellow control leads to democracy - it absolutely cannot occur, ever.

Democracy OR Junta/Yellow, not both.


"If it's not right, don't do it. If its not true, don't say it". - Marcus Aurelius

Edited by Smarter Than You
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without knowing the details of the bomb or the hospital area it went off in, or where the people were, etc.  it just seems odd that 25 people were injured that none were killed.  Certainly possible that nobody was right next to the bomb.  Just seems odd, and lucky for the people

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1 minute ago, halloween said:

Is one bomber representative of the millions who voted for the Shinawatra criminals, just as a US crazed gunman is representative of US Democrats? Of course not. OTOH the Democrats didn't set up up a team of mercenary rabble agitators to incite violence. Nor did they give them party list MP positions to help them avoid prosecution for their crimes.

If you wish to claim that the party list is a fair democratic way of selecting MPs, doesn't it follow that the 15 million people who voted for that party list containing violent criminals approved of that violence?


BTW Just one bomber? I seem to recall a few others.

Isn't it interesting that the likes of you always define the Junta, not in positive statements about the Junta, but in negative statements about the Reds?

It is a tacit admission that the Junta has nothing good going for it.

Add to this the fact that a good 98% of what you write about the Reds is utter nonsense or exaggeration and the futility of your position becomes abundantly clear.


Of the millions of Thais that vote Red - how many do you believe support murder - bombing of hospitals or markets?

I would suggest that, just like the Yellow side - very, very few do.


How many?


How this question creates a problem for you is that the pro-democracy argument does not need to be propped up with nonsense whilst the anti-democracy idiocy does.

Take away this false tentpole and the whole facade collapses leaving nothing but the true foundations of anti-democracy greed, bigotry, prejudice and self-loathing.

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Aah, you've retracted... but why did you post it in the first place??
The mistake, one which you consistently make, is that rather than looking for the truth, you only looked for things that supports your position.
You further compound your initial mistake by never vetting anything that you agree with whilst always dismissing anything you don't agree with out of hand, without review.
"If anyone can refute me - show me I'm making a mistake or looking at things from the wrong perspective - I'll gladly change. It's the truth I'm after, and the truth has never harmed anyone. What harms us is to persist in self deceit and ignorance". - Marcus Aurelius
Your perspective?
Your continued need to describe Reds as corrupt and murdererous when neither of these are applicable to even the smallest fraction of Reds reveals your perspective.
15 million Thai voters consistently vote Red.
Like any large group there are extremists and fanatics amongst the Reds.
The extremists and fanatics are a tiny minority amongst the Reds (as they are amongst the Yellows).
The fact is that 15 million normal, everyday, unremarkable Thais consistently vote Red because they believe that a Red government will improve their and their families quality of life.
The adjectives that most aptly describe the Reds are "poor", "northerner" and "working class" not "murderer", "corrupt" or "terrorist".
Are you able to alter your perspective to see 15 million human beings who no longer want to live in huts with dirt floors or watch their relatives die of curable sicknesses through lack of funds or see their children trudge of to school with holes in their shoes... or to you will they all forever be corrupt and murderous mobs hell bent on destroying this nation who deserve spend generation after generation in extreme poverty?
Which brings us to the Yellows...
Go back and review the boards and I think you'll see that many posters here voice disapproval with the Yellows not because they are "corrupt and murderous" but because they are anti-democracy.
Do posters get dragged into the swamp in tit-for-tat arguments with Junta-strokers about who did what - yes, but only because the Junta-huggers only refuge is the swamp and they rarely venture beyond its putrid shores.
Anti-democracy is a defining feature of Yellows.
Be they one of Sutheps thugs, an old money elitist, a General, a mid level bureaucrat, an ultra-nationalist, etc.. - they are all strongly anti-democratic.
There is corrupt and murderous individuals amongst them, but they are the exception, not the rule.
Being anti-democratic is a core Yellow trait - well over 95% of Yellows are opposed to "one person, one vote" democracy.
The Yellows do not want "better democracy" they want no democracy.
Thailand has great inequality due to decades and decades of rule under what can be best described as an apartheid system of government.
A minority were (are) able to exploit the majority.
Democracy ends the apartheid.
The simple fact is any system that even slightly resembles a democracy is going to elect a Red government and so, the Yellows put all their efforts in to eradicating democracy - this is their crime.
In conclusion...
Your positions are not built on solid foundations, that is why you need the likes of Tony Cartalucci to prop you up.
The problem is the only ones buying crap from the likes of Cartalucci are the "true believers".
This leaves you only preaching to the converted with nonsense.
This also leaves you a long, long way from the truth.
You cannot be a supporter of democracy and the Junta/Yellows - choose one or the other.
There is no circumstance where Junta/Yellow control leads to democracy - it absolutely cannot occur, ever.
Democracy OR Junta/Yellow, not both.
"If it's not right, don't do it. If its not true, don't say it". - Marcus Aurelius

Your making the same error you accuse me off. Demonizing the yellows so whats the difference just our POV. I stay with my remarks that the reds are more violent and got data to back it up.

Your right its not all reds but mainly the fanatics but they rack up far more violence then the yellows.
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Just now, robblok said:

Your making the same error you accuse me off. Demonizing the yellows so whats the difference just our POV. I stay with my remarks that the reds are more violent and got data to back it up.

Your right its not all reds but mainly the fanatics but they rack up far more violence then the yellows.

No - its is completely different.


You see the defining features of Reds as terrorism, murderer and theft.

I see the defining feature of Yellows as being anti-democratic.


You tar the Red majority with the actions of an extreme Red minority.

I tar the Yellow majority with the beliefs of the Yellow majority.


Who is aligned with the truth and who isn't - it's rather clear don't you think?


Show us the data that the Reds are more violent than the Reds - another Cartalucci link I'll bet :biggrin:.



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Does "an extreme red minority" include those party list MPs charged with terrorism, arson and other crimes of violence? They proclaim themselves (collectively as the UDD) as "red leaders" without any form of vote to endorse such a position. Are their leadership claims bogus, or are the "leaders" part of "an extreme red minority"?

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4 minutes ago, halloween said:

Does "an extreme red minority" include those party list MPs charged with terrorism, arson and other crimes of violence? They proclaim themselves (collectively as the UDD) as "red leaders" without any form of vote to endorse such a position. Are their leadership claims bogus, or are the "leaders" part of "an extreme red minority"?

Of the 15 million Thais who consistently vote Red, how many do you believe support murder or terrorism or arson or violence?

The reason you cannot answer this question is because your entire ridiculous position is based on the fallacy that the Reds are evil.

You cannot admit that 99.9% of the 15 million Red supporters are just decent everyday folk who want a government that treats them fairly - because if you do, you've not a leg left to stand on.


It is easy for me to say that 99.9% of Yellows do  not support murder or terrorism or arson or violence because I don't need lies to support my belief in democracy.

(I do believe that there are more Yellows who support political violence than Reds simply because the Yellows know they can't win by playing within the rules - but without sufficient facts I treat this for what it is  - an opinion).


How many?

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9 hours ago, halloween said:

Does "an extreme red minority" include those party list MPs charged with terrorism, arson and other crimes of violence? They proclaim themselves (collectively as the UDD) as "red leaders" without any form of vote to endorse such a position. Are their leadership claims bogus, or are the "leaders" part of "an extreme red minority"?

Complaining about that, while being satisfied of having a whole set of unelected government, NLA, etc...., suggests a very unbalanced attitude. :coffee1:

Edited by candide
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4 minutes ago, candide said:

Complaining about that, while being satisfied of having a whole set of unelected government, NLA, etc...., suggests a very unbalanced attitude. :coffee1:

Well I find it preferable to a criminal conspiracy posing as a democratic government. Making excuses for criminals simply because they are elected shows a lack of basic morality.

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10 minutes ago, halloween said:

Well I find it preferable to a criminal conspiracy posing as a democratic government. Making excuses for criminals simply because they are elected shows a lack of basic morality.

Are you always so ridiculous and funny all day. 

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On 6/17/2017 at 7:40 PM, halloween said:

Well I find it preferable to a criminal conspiracy posing as a democratic government. Making excuses for criminals simply because they are elected shows a lack of basic morality.

If you actually get elected than you're not really "posing" are you?

You are, in fact, an elected government.


What shows an abundance of morality?

Making excuses for criminals because they are unelected?

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7 hours ago, Smarter Than You said:

If you actually get elected than you're not really "posing" are you?

You are, in fact, an elected government.


What shows an abundance of morality?

Making excuses for criminals because they are unelected?

I wrote " posing as a democratic government."  Being elected does not make a government democratic. Democracy under PTP was a facade for a despot enriching himself from the wealth of the nation.

Why would you deliberately misquote me to make a point not worth making? Poor attempt at trolling? Does this have anything to do with the topic of the thread?


What shows an abundance of morality?

Making excuses for criminals because they are elected?

Edited by halloween
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