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Hello after some advice, i am a 60 year old Australian, girlfriend 39 old Cambodian, we have a 3 year 6 month old baby, who has  Australian and Cambodian passports, we are living in Thailand, can we come to Cambodia to get married, i understand the is little to no chance of getting married because i am to old ( over fifty ) is it any different with having the baby

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As above. you can't marry in Cambodia (even if your age was less, you'd find it a difficult and very expensive prospect).


The ministry of the Interior, which has to give authorization for a Cambodian national to marry a foreigner, has set up a very lucrative money-making enterprise around this and no one seems able to circumvent it.


You will also have trouble marrying her anywhere that requires a certificate from the Cambodian Embassy stating she is eligible to marry, because they usually will not issue them.


I believe that to marry in Sg you have to be resident there for a certain period of time, I think 15 days. In addition, I think Sg requires proof of single status and getting that from Cambodian embassy in Sg may be difficult or imposisble.


Hong Kong I believe is the easier option.



That or do it in Oz




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As above. you can't marry in Cambodia (even if your age was less, you'd find it a difficult and very expensive prospect).

??of course u can marry if under 50


  no proof needed of being single in Singapore ( all u had to do was look at the link)

Only one person has to have been in Singapore for 15 days


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I didn't day you can't marry if under 50. I said it was a difficult and expensive prospect, and so it is.


My Cambodian niece recently married a farang (her own age) and I researched this extensively, trying to help them find a way out of paying the exorbitant bribes required. There wasn't one.  In the course of this I corresponded with many others, including quite a few couples who gave up on getting legally married altogether and/or went back to the West to do it.


$3,000 - $5,000 is the going rate and that is just the pay off to the MOI, not including the wedding etc. A fair amount of bureaocratic hoops as well, but it is the "fee" that is the stumbling block for most couples.



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On 2017-6-19 at 11:39 AM, Sheryl said:

I didn't day you can't marry if under 50. I said it was a difficult and expensive prospect, and so it is.


My Cambodian niece recently married a farang (her own age) and I researched this extensively, trying to help them find a way out of paying the exorbitant bribes required. There wasn't one.  In the course of this I corresponded with many others, including quite a few couples who gave up on getting legally married altogether and/or went back to the West to do it.


$3,000 - $5,000 is the going rate and that is just the pay off to the MOI, not including the wedding etc. A fair amount of bureaocratic hoops as well, but it is the "fee" that is the stumbling block for most couples.



Hey i and my Cambodian gf are planning to get married i am 27 and she is 25 but coz of the law we are unable to marry legally in Cambodia as we stay in Cambodia so we want marriage certificate from Cambodian government. Could you please tell us a way to obtain that certificate? 

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al lu need to know

https://cambodiaexpatsonline.com/post174349.html?hilit=getting married#p174349


if they delete the link

First of all, you will need to go to the MoFAIC in Phnom Penh and meet and speak to Mr Ung Vantha in the Legal & Consular Department, this man will give you the application forms and lists of required documents, he will not accept any money. Do not deal with anyone else, as they will all ask for ridiculous sums of money. Mr. Ung Vantha's (MoFA) phone number, 016608586.

You will need to present the following to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

1. "Application for foreigner to marry Khmer citizen" (provided by MoFAIC) 
2. Certificate of non-impediment/single status/divorce certificate (if applicable)/ex-spouses death certificate (if applicable) 
3. Criminal record check from your country of citizenship 
4. Passport with valid E type (Ordinary MEEV) visa, minimum 6 months validity 
5. Letter of employment/proof of salary minimum $2500USD p/m (Male only). Work permit/work book/business license if employed in Cambodia. 
6. Letter from your Embassy - permission/consent to marry 
7. Pre-nuptial Medical certificate from Calmette Hospital (no older than 3 months) 
8. 2x passport photos

NOTE: Foreign males must be under 50 years old to legally marry a Cambodian citizen in Cambodia.

All above documents must be notarised/certified from your nearest Embassy except 1,6 and 7.

Khmer partner will need to present;

1. "Certificate of celibacy, widowhood, divorce" (single status) from Sangkat 
2. National ID card 
3. Birth Certificate 
4. Family Book and/or Carnet de Residence 
5. Pre-nuptial Medical certificate from Calmette Hospital (no older than 3 months) 
6. 2x passport photos

Note: The blood tests are for HIV, Hepatitis, and a few other diseases, chest x-ray is for TB. Cost from Calmette for the blood tests, x-ray and medical certificate is $120 per couple ($60 each). You will need to take your passport/national ID card, as well as 1x passport photo per person.

Once the MoFA processes the documents which takes about 1-2 weeks, you will be issued a letter which you must submit with all of your documents to the Ministry of Interior. You will both be interviewed by someone in the MoI, and if they are satisfied it will take approximately another 2+ months for them to issue an authorisation to marry letter, which you will then need to submit to your partners Sangkat, who will then issue you with your marriage certificate.


I'm not great at explaining directions, but I hope this helps...
When you go to the MoFA, enter the compound via the side entrance, do not go to the large main entrance on the riverside. There is a guard hut where you and your partner will have to show ID, and they will give you a visitors pass. Walk straight ahead to the large building straight ahead and to the right, and enter via the first side entrance. 

As you enter, immediately on your left you should see a sign for e-visa on your right hand side, continue walking straight down the corridor. The 3rd or 4th door on the right hand side is Vanthas office. As you look at his office door, there should be a small alcove with a Buddhist statue to the left of his door, this is how you will know which office is his. Remember that this is a Cambodian Ministry, and they keep strange working hours...I think they take lunch from about 1100 - 1400.


Do not go to the Main MoI compound. You need to go to an office called “National Committee to Lead the Suppression of Human Trafficking, Smuggling, Labour Exploitation and Sexual Exploitation in Woman and Children” (S.T.S.L.S), which is at the General dept of Identification building at this location…

https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Gen ... ation+(GDI )/@11.5344525,104.9511904,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x4d2d71f75dee8eb6!8m2!3d11.5343962!4d104.9550942

Take all of your completed documentation and letter from the MoFAIC with you and try to arrive early (by 0900hrs at the latest). There all of your documentation will be checked, and if anything is not in order they will inform you of what you need to fix. 

Once everything is in order, you will pay the official $200 fee, which you will receive a receipt for, and then be interviewed by several people, mostly regarding things like how you met your partner, how long you’ve been together, have you travelled together on holiday, how long have you lived/been travelling to Cambodia, what is your job, family members names and contact details, what are your plans, do you plan to take her overseas and exploit her, etc…Its not as daunting as you may think. Your partner will be near you the entire time, so if there any language barriers, ask her to translate for you.

Once everything is in order, it can take anywhere up to 4 months before you receive the letter of permission to marry from the MoI, which you then take to your partner's Sangkat in order to be issued your official marriage certificate. There is no requirement for a wedding ceremony in order to be issued a marriage certificate.

For foreigners marrying a Cambodian citizen, the only official fees payable are;

- $200 fee paid to the 'National Committe to Lead the Suppression of Human Trafficking, Smuggling, Labour Exploitation and Sexual Exploitation in Woman and Children (S.T.S.L.S)' , which is a department of the MoI. The fee covers admin, interviews and background check costs. An official receipt is issued.
- 20,000 Riel fee paid to the Sangkat which issues the official Marriage Certificate. An official receipt is issued.

(Note: The interviewers at the MoI expect a small "donation" each, about $5 each covers it...probably a good idea to just pay this to ensure your application is approved)

Many people no doubt end up dealing with the wrong people and/or fixers and end up getting fleeced purely because the information on the whole process is not readily available and can be confusing.


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I do not know anyone -- and this includes people with inside connections/relatives working at MOI - who managed to do this paying only official fees at MoI.


Most people pay about $5,000. some have successfully bargained it down to 3 or 4 k. Though that process adds to time required.


MoFA part can be done for only official fees. It is MOI part that costs.


There is some flexibility around the income requirement provided the officials are convinced you aren't a deadbeat or criminal.






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According to  Cambodian marry  forigner rule

1.a person should be below age 50

2.he or she should earn at least 2500 dollars a month. 

Me and my Cambodian gf are settled in Cambodia and are married but i want to legally marry in Cambodia and want Cambodia marriage certificate but unable to apply because of this rule our age is 25 and 27 but we don't earn 2500 dollars a month. Please let us a way to legally get married in Cambodia. 


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1 hour ago, chauhanrohan said:

According to  Cambodian marry  forigner rule

1.a person should be below age 50

2.he or she should earn at least 2500 dollars a month. 

Me and my Cambodian gf are settled in Cambodia and are married but i want to legally marry in Cambodia and want Cambodia marriage certificate but unable to apply because of this rule our age is 25 and 27 but we don't earn 2500 dollars a month. Please let us a way to legally get married in Cambodia. 


did u bother to read my post at all  ?


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As I mentioned, there can be flexibility - without lying - regarding salary, the officials have some discretion but it would depend on their impression of you. My Khmer niece was able to marry a Brit who did not yet have a job in Cambodia let alone that salary. However he was just completing a masters degree from an internationally respected university, as was she; they had met at uni as grad students and were clearly professional people with good long-term economic prospects,  so the official approved it. They might not do this if the man's economic prospects seemed poor. BTW that 2500 is the man's salary only in case of foreign man marrying Cambodian woman, it is not joint earnings.


However you say you are already married, I assume you mean you married outside of Cambodia. If so, there is no need to get married again. You  need to register the marriage you already had. at the Cambodian Embassy in the country where the marriage took place. You should  also register the marriage certificate with the commune authorities where you live now.

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9 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

do u work legally?  Have a wp?
ask ur employer to exaggerate ur salary on paper.

I do business in Cambodia and you cannot just show in papers like that.. You have to show your bank account statement and income tax returns as proof.. Buddy i feel don't no.. As in the forum we need correct information 

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9 hours ago, Sheryl said:

As I mentioned, there can be flexibility - without lying - regarding salary, the officials have some discretion but it would depend on their impression of you. My Khmer niece was able to marry a Brit who did not yet have a job in Cambodia let alone that salary. However he was just completing a masters degree from an internationally respected university, as was she; they had met at uni as grad students and were clearly professional people with good long-term economic prospects,  so the official approved it. They might not do this if the man's economic prospects seemed poor. BTW that 2500 is the man's salary only in case of foreign man marrying Cambodian woman, it is not joint earnings.


However you say you are already married, I assume you mean you married outside of Cambodia. If so, there is no need to get married again. You  need to register the marriage you already had. at the Cambodian Embassy in the country where the marriage took place. You should  also register the marriage certificate with the commune authorities where you live now.

No, i just got married in Cambodia in a traditional way.. And i do business and live in Cambodia . Even if i get married on some other country Cambodia government will not accept it.. As i already tried that too.. As my aim is to get legal marriage certificate because in future i shouldn't get any trouble for visa issues coz my home now is Cambodia coz of i have business here. 

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Marriage will not help you in terms of visa for yourself.


But if you want to be legally married for othet reasons, go on through the process. Explain that you are a self-employed business owner.







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