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On 6/19/2017 at 10:29 AM, Usernames said:

You can have diversity or you can have peace and a civil society.  But you can't have both.

Well not if people keep throwing oil on burning ambers, whether it's actual oil or rhetorical oil.


Britain was once many nations, all of them white, all of them Christian. Yet they were often at war. 


The way to end strife is not for the world to split up into smaller and smaller units of homogeneity, but to come together as one unit and find common purpose in our humanity.


It's  a lot harder to do than throwing actual or rhetorical bombs, but it's the only real solution.




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5 hours ago, simple1 said:

Looking to refute - LOL I quoted from the "The Times" article in the local Oz national newspaper. Below is another example for 2016, not 2017, but you will get the picture. BTW, can't be bothered to look it up for a link, as another example there were 800+ murders by white supremacists groups (domestic terrorists) in the US in the past 30 years. Ain't a one sided terror campaign is it.





Note that the Daily Mail says, "The Home Office, which published the figures today, does not break down the arrests by the type of suspected extremism. But individuals linked to far right groups would be included as well as Muslim converts."  Consequently, we don't know the breakdown.

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On 20/06/2017 at 4:12 AM, stevenl said:

If you start killing people because of their faith, or lack thereof, you're a terrorist.

It depends on the reason for the killing.  If it's purely recreational, then it isn't terrorism.  If it's trying to affect the faith of people like the victims, or drive them into exile, then it's terrorism, as it has a religious aim.

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38 minutes ago, Richard W said:

Note that the Daily Mail says, "The Home Office, which published the figures today, does not break down the arrests by the type of suspected extremism. But individuals linked to far right groups would be included as well as Muslim converts."  Consequently, we don't know the breakdown.


Seems you're intent in minimising the threat of right wing terror in the UK, so I assume you are familiar with the number of white Muslim converts arrested in the UK - the number is (?) out of the total of 87 whites held on suspicion of terror related matters in 2016 and more to the point how many charged.

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5 hours ago, simple1 said:

Seems you're intent in minimising the threat of right wing terror in the UK, so I assume you are familiar with the number of white Muslim converts arrested in the UK - the number is (?) out of the total of 87 whites held on suspicion of terror related matters in 2016 and more to the point how many charged.

It is the alt-left like Antifa that we should be concerned about. Nothing but violent imbecilic idiots with absolutely no valid argument or debate other than to cause criminal damage and violence upon those who 'they' perceive as a racist. Complete lunatics and hypocrites with a lower IQ than an Issan buffaloes turd.







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17 hours ago, simple1 said:

In the context of the OP one assumes a sympathiser for white ethnic terrorism. In The Times newspaper it has just been reported that 37% of terror arrests in reporting year up to  March 2017, in the UK, were of 'ethnic whites'. Goes to show the UK and other country security agencies were spot on regards the threat to stability and security represented by white extremists; perhaps more importantly diversion of resources to focus on Islamist terror threats by these self defined "Patriots".

I love larking about with uneducated people it really is amusing. Everytime some lefty quotes me they always guess wrong haha - Was Diane Abbott your school teacher?


I am not a sympathiser for white ethnic terrorism as Im not really sure that that is a 'thing' here in the UK. We dont have groups like the KKK (to my knowledge, yet, unlike you leftys, I stand to be corrected.


No, I am anti Islamic terror and believe me I make no apology for that. If you are not, then your parent must be so proud bless her, she brought up such a luvvy (kiss)

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13 hours ago, iReason said:


The master race.


Are you one of them?

Wow a question rather than a statement of fact, you do surprise me


Why not comb your way through my profile again and find something, or just make something up and call it a fact, that is your normal way

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13 hours ago, simple1 said:

If you want to comment, first of all read the content. The Australian  quoted from The Times who referenced HMG reported stats.


No one should attempt to justify murder of civilians, no matter your attempted disclaimer. Regards your last sentence, IMO white supremacists who carry out murder are 'ethnic white' terrorists.

Im in such an amazing position that I do not need to read ANY articles from the media or anywhere to know what is factual

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9 hours ago, simple1 said:

Seems you're intent in minimising the threat of right wing terror in the UK, so I assume you are familiar with the number of white Muslim converts arrested in the UK - the number is (?) out of the total of 87 whites held on suspicion of terror related matters in 2016 and more to the point how many charged.


Section 6 of this HoC Briefing Paper may give an indication of the extent of white Muslim involvement.

Specifically, these are the figures for number of terrorist prisoners in UK prisons as at 31 December 2015:

Total number - 143

Of which:

Self defined as white - 14

Declared as Muslim - 139 (So, 10 out of 14 whites could be said to be Muslims)


Similar data for those held / charged may not be easily available, also whether Muslims noted are converts or not.



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4 hours ago, MRTELLYOUSTRAIGHT said:

It is the alt-left like Antifa that we should be concerned about. Nothing but violent imbecilic idiots with absolutely no valid argument or debate other than to cause criminal damage and violence upon those who 'they' perceive as a racist. Complete lunatics and hypocrites with a lower IQ than an Issan buffaloes turd.







This 'rally' was organised to out the problems some mosques in that area have been linked to. It was organised by the right wing. Automatically the left will picture a knuckle dragging bonehead in their little Utopias but it wasnt a right wing rally, it was a rally anyone could be part of in opposition to muslim extremist teachings in said mosques.


Now - anyone who condemns this rally and its reasons for existing, must be a sandwich short of a picnic, or an Islamist terror sympathiser. But wait, rather than stay at home and not get involved, these clowns come out in opposition to the rally taking place!!!!???? What?? 

What a way to show your respect for the dead and the families of the dead. Not only was this a disgrace, but the left have been out on nearly all right wing rallies. Rotherham where hundreds of kids were groomed and raped by scores of horrible horrible muslims, the right came out to demonstarte as no-one was doing anything. Who turned up? Yep Antifa (soon to be known as Profa). They oppose everything a right wing rally is for, even if that is wanting justice for the victims. These people are worse than the extremists. If you oppose a rally that wants to out such vernin, but you go and oppose that rally, I fear the brain is missing an earth somewhere. 


I fear they dont even know what they are doing themselves. After all when Corbyn and Abbott are your heroes then there is not much hope for them

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7 hours ago, MRTELLYOUSTRAIGHT said:

It is the alt-left like Antifa that we should be concerned about. Nothing but violent imbecilic idiots with absolutely no valid argument or debate other than to cause criminal damage and violence upon those who 'they' perceive as a racist. Complete lunatics and hypocrites with a lower IQ than an Issan buffaloes turd.



Well you and your fellow weirdos from the right obviously have no factual answers, so usual diversionary attack. Guess there must be some web site you all read, 'cause all the attack responses are the same

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4 hours ago, dabhand said:


Section 6 of this HoC Briefing Paper may give an indication of the extent of white Muslim involvement.

Specifically, these are the figures for number of terrorist prisoners in UK prisons as at 31 December 2015:

Total number - 143

Of which:

Self defined as white - 14

Declared as Muslim - 139 (So, 10 out of 14 whites could be said to be Muslims)


Similar data for those held / charged may not be easily available, also whether Muslims noted are converts or not.



Thanks for the link. As you point out no empirical data pointing to white Muslim converts , though from my preliminary Google searches around five were charged and imprisoned in the UK in the past ten years or so. Interesting to note members posting hyperbole can't be bothered to research even basic  info. Moving along a bit more detail from the report.


"The overwhelming majority (97%) of prisoners in custody for terrorism related offences on 31 December 2015 declared they were Muslim. 10 prisoners who were considered extremists said they were of no religion, and 10 were of various Christian denominations"

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9 hours ago, Walter Travolta said:

Wow a question rather than a statement of fact, you do surprise me

Why not comb your way through my profile again and find something, or just make something up and call it a fact, that is your normal way


"Oh and "the master race" is now fighting back."


You appear to rejoice in that.


So, given the fact that your response above is an incoherent deflection, I'll ask you once again; Are You One Of Them?


It is a simple yes or no question.

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1 hour ago, iReason said:


"Oh and "the master race" is now fighting back."


You appear to rejoice in that.


So, given the fact that your response above is an incoherent deflection, I'll ask you once again; Are You One Of Them?


It is a simple yes or no question.

It's a baiting post.   Many, many people believe their race, their religion or their country is superior to others.   Many families think their family is better than others, many men think they are better than women and some women think they are better than men.....and on it on it goes.


Let's not bait each other.  


Please stay on topic.  

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On 6/21/2017 at 10:57 AM, Thakkar said:

Well not if people keep throwing oil on burning ambers, whether it's actual oil or rhetorical oil.


Britain was once many nations, all of them white, all of them Christian. Yet they were often at war. 


The way to end strife is not for the world to split up into smaller and smaller units of homogeneity, but to come together as one unit and find common purpose in our humanity.


It's  a lot harder to do than throwing actual or rhetorical bombs, but it's the only real solution.




Whilst I agree with the sentiment - it can never work.


In the same way that communism is a great idea, but can never work.  The worst aspects of human nature make it impossible. :sad:


i.e. a few will always care more about their own personal wealth and power - leaving most others struggling to survive and having good reason to protect their own interests before others.

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On 2017-6-20 at 11:12 PM, DaveE13 said:

Interesting. I live there. Will have to make a few calls to see if genuine or some wannabes on facebook

It happened today , good turnout apparently FLA  Football lads alliance . 

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4 hours ago, Dave67 said:

It happened today , good turnout apparently FLA  Football lads alliance . 

Yes knew a few that went good few thousand turned out.  No trouble but there was an EDL march at Victoria and Anti-facist march too.

the FLA was st.Paul's to London bridge laid wreaths in various football colours at London Bridge. 



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5 hours ago, DaveE13 said:

Yes knew a few that went good few thousand turned out.  No trouble but there was an EDL march at Victoria and Anti-facist march too.

the FLA was st.Paul's to London bridge laid wreaths in various football colours at London Bridge. 



Good to see people stand up and show they are not going to keep quiet about whats happening, Government needs to act and remove potential terrorists not watch them until they kill innocent people

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2 hours ago, Dave67 said:

Good to see people stand up and show they are not going to keep quiet about whats happening, Government needs to act and remove potential terrorists not watch them until they kill innocent people

Yeah right, the banners displayed the usual bigotry, messaging was not focused on Islamists. These people are a waste of space.


"The group held banners calling for a ban on mosques, halal meat, sharia courts and Islam in Britain"



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9 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Yeah right, the banners displayed the usual bigotry, messaging was not focused on Islamists. These people are a waste of space.


"The group held banners calling for a ban on mosques, halal meat, sharia courts and Islam in Britain"



Is that worse than blowing up killing children at a concert or driving a car into people and jumping out and stabbing them. Do you not think they are encouraging "Bigotry" by their actions. You call it Bigotry, I call it a natural reaction to being subjected to attacks and their rape gangs , but thats a different issue

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29 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Yeah right, the banners displayed the usual bigotry, messaging was not focused on Islamists. These people are a waste of space.


"The group held banners calling for a ban on mosques, halal meat, sharia courts and Islam in Britain"



Oh ,so they were saying on their banners what most people think ,  it bugs me day after day when i see in the news and on the tv ,immegrants to Britain whinging and complaining and expecting us to change our ways to suit them ,well it is not going to happen ,the worm will turn . 

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1 hour ago, Dave67 said:

Is that worse than blowing up killing children at a concert or driving a car into people and jumping out and stabbing them. Do you not think they are encouraging "Bigotry" by their actions. You call it Bigotry, I call it a natural reaction to being subjected to attacks and their rape gangs , but thats a different issue

Why be an apologist for the stupidity? Messaging which has been repeatedly called out by professional security people as lacking any constructive input whatsoever, in fact detrimental.

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1 hour ago, bert bloggs said:

Oh ,so they were saying on their banners what most people think ,  it bugs me day after day when i see in the news and on the tv ,immegrants to Britain whinging and complaining and expecting us to change our ways to suit them ,well it is not going to happen ,the worm will turn . 

Yes, the Pakistanis tried to bring curry to the UK and that attempt failed miserably.

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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

Yeah right, the banners displayed the usual bigotry, messaging was not focused on Islamists. These people are a waste of space.


"The group held banners calling for a ban on mosques, halal meat, sharia courts and Islam in Britain"



They're right in that halal meat and sharia courts should not be allowed in the uk!

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2 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

Oh ,so they were saying on their banners what most people think ,  it bugs me day after day when i see in the news and on the tv ,immegrants to Britain whinging and complaining and expecting us to change our ways to suit them ,well it is not going to happen ,the worm will turn . 

"immegrants to Britain whinging and complaining and expecting us to change our ways to suit them"


I agree, but suspect its only a minority of moslems (overall) who 'expect us to change our ways to suit them'.


The real question is why uk politicians allowed uk 'norms' to be changed in so many ways??

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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Must admit that I didn't read the article, as there is no excuse for the even greater cruelties of halal meat.


So I could be wrong in thinking that if it was not allowed at all, brit business wouldn't suffer?

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1 minute ago, dick dasterdly said:

"immegrants to Britain whinging and complaining and expecting us to change our ways to suit them"


I agree, but suspect its only a minority of moslems (overall) who 'expect us to change our ways to suit them'.


The real question is why uk politicians allowed uk 'norms' to be changed in so many ways??

What UK "norms" have been permitted to change in the UK by politicians? I assume you can quote the Acts of Parliament?

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