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Pattaya gentlemen's club raid: Caught in the middle of the act…


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many ladies now 'working' from social media off all kinds, but these raids will lose Thailand 000's of tourists

(to be honest like me) who like to visit for the sun ,golf and food and then have a bit of uncomplicated 'relaxation'and NOT

With the trafficked gals who work in the local thai only brothels found in the length and breadth of Los. (and are paid a few baht if at all)


those village families 'oop north' will be wondering whats happened to their regular income but im sure the generous thai government

will make up the difference of the income loss to millions of people engaged in the many associated aspects of the trade (street food, laundries, local eateries, 7/11's etc etc) those many many tourists will simply find other places to go,


what is curious is and i make this point again, the world and its dog could not give a fxxk about the sex tourist activity whether it closes or not, reports of the goings on in pattaya etc are only basically published in sensationalist rags such as the daily star here in the uk which is only read by morons, i would suspect likewise in the 'expose' news rags elsewhere, but the real problems of Pattaya are just ignored or glossed over




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Of course I suppose owners could just get together and em masse refuse to pay tea money and use that for staff wages. The police can't do anything since they are committed to stamping out corruption! Perfect. If anyone sees a flying pig please advise!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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2 minutes ago, wotaplonker said:


but it's quite obvious from your post she was not 'forced' to do as such, so to the rest of the world whats the problem?

Well, now that's the classic rhetorical question isn't it. I cannot explain Thailand to my American acquaintances - they invent problems and superimpose their prejudiced and naive views on things of which they know little or nothing, and sexual morés are a hot topic. The girls I know have nice families whom they help support, many go to school during the day, they're nice people who have chosen this profession, and they do it without regret or shame, and they are careful about it. 

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If there were real investigative journalists in Thailand, it would be great if they were to do their job and find out and then publish a list all the real owners of all the bars, massage parlours and Gentlemen clubs in Pattaya.  


I believe we would then fully understand why certain establishments are raided and others are left alone and also fully comprehend  the true extent of the massive and widespread hypocrisy and corruption in Thailand.  


Of course, these theoretical journalists would be reading their own reports inside a prison cell.

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The Report stated, that the Mama San had to go to the Police Station..... What happened to the hard "working" Girls?... where they just fined?

And more importantly - what happened to the "Gentlemen" in this Club?..... the ones that were being "serviced" .....in the private Rooms? And the ones that were serviced by Drink-wrenches ...in the Bar?

Anyone knows the drill??

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Can someone tell our  esteemed PM & his  Missus  of Tourism" that this activity happens in just about every country in the world including every country in ASEAN.

Obviously they wish to reduce the incoming tourists as the airports must be overloaded

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13 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

I'm not sure that posting photos of service girls is a good idea.

I'm not sure that posting details of any girls is a good thing.


These ladies lead double lives. Her family think she is a waitress or concierge, etc. Wouldn't want the whole village to know the truth would they?!

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For the guys that have lived in Thailand several years or more, is this a new thing for the army/cops to publicly go after bars, soapies, clubs? Or has this happened over the years due to owners nonpayment or some other issue?  Seems weird to me all these "raids."

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Why do they annoy hidden and confidential practices when they do nothing against the offensive and visible?

For example, the porn fliers they give to everyone in the Walking street... I find them much more damaging for Pattaya reputation than clubs where everything stays behind wall's discretion....

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Is anyone aware that such articles are considered having a field day for all those boring places in other countries? Such (ridiculous) news make headlines and everybody just wonders, what the BiB are doing. 

Legalize prostitution and promote it; it will do wonders to the industry and as long as it is mutually agreed and consented - where is the problem? 

Latter maybe is, because some palm greasing was omitted or the wrong gears where oiled? 

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7 hours ago, mark01 said:

he STRONG message is pay up or be raided!

Or maybe they , with the military in charge actually have been told to clean up Pattaya , because they want it to look like a family destination .  


It will fail of course but they will continue as long as the military is in charge. 




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2 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

How can the police walk in and find people still in the act?

Don't they have bolts on the doors at these places?

These gentlemens clubs rent out rooms, they don't engage into prostitution, well that is what they will claim anyway.

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1 hour ago, 727Sky said:

I do wonder just how much Islam is having to do with all this anti bar, anti sex, anti dancing with shorts on stuff ? Either way the cops should be on the roads addressing some of the more notorious drivers thereby saving lives instead of being the Hanky Panky police behind closed doors.

Islam ????

Looks like you're off your meds again 727 ... tsk tsk ...

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1 hour ago, BigDaddy66 said:

Why do they annoy hidden and confidential practices when they do nothing against the offensive and visible?

For example, the porn fliers they give to everyone in the Walking street... I find them much more damaging for Pattaya reputation than clubs where everything stays behind wall's discretion....

Because those places are not supplying enough brown envelopes.

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Mmmmmmmm I wonder why the Army blokes are needed to deal with a few old Farangs and some Thai girls. Maybe they need to wave their small caliber weapons around to scare everyone. Or maybe they are looking for Islamic extremists as is feared that's what this is all about...:shock1:

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10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Crazy. Sexual services can be bought at just about every bar in town, so hardly news. A better headline though, would have been "police continue futile effort to clean Pattayas reputation."

More likely it was about something else. Sort that and business can continue as normal.


It's a bit puzzling though. Thailand was ruled by the military for many years, but they never felt the need to have all these "crackdowns" on the nite scene.

Why is this lot different?

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

Why i'll be a monkey's ass... sexual services in a Pattaya? honestly, I'll be

more shocked if the police would have found a bunch of nuns with

rosary beads in in full pray while tending to the sick and poor....


Thats true! But would no be surprised if they found a budhist monk or Wally (Red Bull cop killer ) there. LMAO

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