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Midweek rant: Bikers deserve some respect too, you know


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Midweek rant: Bikers deserve some respect too, you know




Yes, I accept I am a second class citizen.


I can see why you might think I am near the bottom of the vehicular food chain.


I admit I don’t have film tint on my windows.


I don’t even have windows.


I am just a downtrodden motorcyclist. Just a bloody biker….


But you know there are quite a lot of us and despite what some car owners say we are human. We have feelings…..all we are after is a little respect and consideration.


And some fair treatment from the cops – if you can do fair.


In return I promise to stay off the sidewalks. Promise to obey the rules of the road. I’ll even stop if I inadvertently scratch your car…


Bikers in Bangkok – or any other major Thai city – are treated as the lowest of the low.


It is rather unfair. Some of us have cars but we just want to get from A to B as quickly as possible. We have jobs to do and families to feed – in fact there are an awful lot of us about.


And we take up much less space on the roads and rarely block other people.


Firstly can I say to the police……


Would you mind not ripping us off and preying on us just because we are unlikely to be people of influence and are relatively easy pickings. How about show some parity with the car drivers who break all the laws – and often kill us because they don’t bother to look where they are going.


How about stopping these ridiculous checkpoints that are used to fleece us for using various bridges and tunnels? It is absurd to stop us using such roads and thoroughfares.


We accept that we have no right on the expressway or motorways – fine. But we all know why we are stopped in the middle of most days. And how you like us to bring out our wallets for disobeying the ridiculous.


Wouldn’t your time be better spent making sure that cars are not making illegal U-turns, are not pushing in and holding everyone up are not running red lights? You can get your fines that way, and be doing everyone a favor into the bargain.


Secondly to car drivers…..


Would it be possible for you to stick to the markings on the road, stick to your lanes? That way we can get through easily and there will be less danger of damage to your precious paintwork or your expensive wing mirrors.


It’s called consideration, even good driving – you may have heard of it.


Also please try to look when coming out onto a main road. This involves using the eyes that are positioned just above your nose. It may be necessary to look for a few seconds to make sure you have not missed us.


That way you can avoid damage to your car and it will have the added benefit of helping us return to our families at the end of the day. Win-win!


To building owners……


Could you remember that we are also your customers? Would it be possible not to pen us in in these underground dungeons that pass for what you call parking lots.


Apart from being very bad for the health of your own staff it is almost impossible at times to get our bikes out after they are crammed in.


We are admittedly poor and low class but we have spent what little resources we have on our transport as well as car owners.


Also to the places that charge for bike parking. It can easily build up to 100 baht in some places. That is a lot for a biker. Would a car that costs twenty times as much be prepared to pay 2,000 baht just to park…..I think you’d have a riot on your hands.


For some who have what you call “big bikes” the situation is a bit better as you cordoned off another area. But I note that many of you have changed this to 400cc up. What about the thousands if not millions of us who have 250cc bikes – there is barely room to swing a cat in some of your parking lots.


Some better signage about where we should go would also be appreciated – a bike with a big arrow would fit the bill. And not just one – keep the directions going until the parking is in view.


To pedestrians…..


Would you mind staying on the sidewalks and using pedestrian overpasses. If you have to cross the road try looking…..using those eyes I spoke about earlier. Jaywalking and appearing suddenly in a biker’s path is likely to result in your serious injury – and our death as likely as not.


To the people responsible for the road surface……


Could you get out there and fill in some of the potholes. You see for cars it might be a little jolt or mean a spot of wheel aligning is in order. For us bikers we tend to come off and get our brains splattered on the tarmac.


It’s messy and very unsightly. If we don’t die instantly just because of a small hole or ridge left unattended we are often flattened by oncoming cars.


This can result in damage to expensive cars……


Finally to our dear friends the security guards who are most likely bikers just like us…


Would you mind awfully pointing to where we can park first rather than let us park, take off all our protective gear, start walking to our destination……before you tell us that we can’t park there.


Then we won’t get so cross.


In return for all this we promise to behave ourselves and act as responsibly as you in your cars and trucks.


Who knows – some of us may even live long enough to enjoy our grandchildren.


We may even feel respected.

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-06-21
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To pedestrians…..


Would you mind staying on the sidewalks and using pedestrian overpasses. If you have to cross the road try looking…..using those eyes I spoke about earlier. Jaywalking and appearing suddenly in a biker’s path is likely to result in your serious injury – and our death as likely as not.



+++++++++++++ And if we are walking on a Zebra crossing will you be using those eyes you spoke about earlier, or will you be rushing in between cars that have slowed to allow us to cross (unlikely I know) or will you also slow down before smashing in to us ?+++++++++++

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And will you realise that traffic lights apply to you as well as to cars so that you will not go through a red light when there is no oncoming traffic thinking it's probably safe,overlooking any pedestrians who only have this time to cross the road.

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Unfortunately crap flows downhill and bike riders are at the bottom of that hill. And they are far from innocent. Big problem is bike riders getting in cars still thinking and driving like they are on a bike.





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The idiots that ride the moped/scooters and crappy step throughs do not deserve any respect.  Respect goes both ways.  

Most must have found their licence in a cereal packet and do not have a clue about road safety (or should I say pavement/sidewalk safety), and I am not just talking to Thais, Westerners are just as bad, they to seem to think is perfectly excusable to ride on the pavement, to nearly run you over on a zebra crossing, not fasten the chin strap on the helmet (if they have one on at all).  

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4 hours ago, berybert said:

To pedestrians…..


Would you mind staying on the sidewalks and using pedestrian overpasses. If you have to cross the road try looking…..using those eyes I spoke about earlier. Jaywalking and appearing suddenly in a biker’s path is likely to result in your serious injury – and our death as likely as not.



+++++++++++++ And if we are walking on a Zebra crossing will you be using those eyes you spoke about earlier, or will you be rushing in between cars that have slowed to allow us to cross (unlikely I know) or will you also slow down before smashing in to us ?+++++++++++

To motor cyclists would you mind staying off the sidewalks

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

It´s not all that bad?? Is it?

Its quite bad that some tunnels and bridges are off limits. It totally makes no sense. There is a flyover at Ngam Wong Wan, your allowed to take it towards BKK, but your not allowed to take that same flyover returning from BKK. There are many other stupid flyovers that are off limits while motorbikes seldom cause problems or stop traffic. I can see that they don't want those food cart motorbikes there that go slow and block things, but normal bikes are not a problem at all. 

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1 hour ago, Caps said:

The idiots that ride the moped/scooters and crappy step throughs do not deserve any respect.  Respect goes both ways.  

Most must have found their licence in a cereal packet and do not have a clue about road safety (or should I say pavement/sidewalk safety), and I am not just talking to Thais, Westerners are just as bad, they to seem to think is perfectly excusable to ride on the pavement, to nearly run you over on a zebra crossing, not fasten the chin strap on the helmet (if they have one on at all).  

Those pesky pedestrians who are even lower as us motorbikes should shut up and know their rightful place at the bottom. They deserve not any respect at all as they are the lowest of them all. They seem to think its ok to cross anywhere they want without looking or having their eyes glued to a phone while crossing a road. Too lazy to use the pedestrian bridges that are made for crossing roads.:partytime2:


Bikes that go on pavements / sidewalks should all be shot as its dangerous

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Would you mind not ripping us off and preying on us just because we are unlikely to be people of influence and are relatively easy pickings.

Or as happened to me yesterday, the motor cyclists who lost control and smashed into my new stationary BRV became the people of influence and the farang became the easy pickings.  It cost me 55K.

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2 hours ago, leeneeds said:

None of you use your mirrors,, never look, just pull out and wonder out into traffic, so many of you have no tail lights,

your infringements are many many,

Well it is kind of hard to use a mirror if it is turned towards the inside to make the bike narrower.Some don't have mirrors and complain when they get a fine.

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20 minutes ago, mikebell said:

Or as happened to me yesterday, the motor cyclists who lost control and smashed into my new stationary BRV became the people of influence and the farang became the easy pickings.  It cost me 55K.

I guess you weren´t all innocent if that was the price tag. Off course I might be wrong. Shit happens!

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4 minutes ago, Get Real said:

I guess you weren´t all innocent if that was the price tag. Off course I might be wrong. Shit happens!

The price tag has nothing to do with innocence or guilt only what can be extracted.  As it happens I was 100% correct.  How guilty can you be waiting to turn right at a U-turn?

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And when you see my car parked. Please have the brains to calculate how much space i will require to reverse a little and drive away. Having done that, would you then proceed, not to park your bike as close to my front and rear bumpers as is humanly possible. Oh yes, and could you please refrain from giving me looks of absolute hatred, when i ask you to move your bike, so that i dont damage it upon my leaving the said parking space.

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An excellent post, I am a biker myself, and agree with the things you are saying, now here comes the "but".


I have only hatred for the scum who have overloud exhaust systems, speed too much in built up areas. and compete in racing on public roads.

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7 hours ago, Caps said:

The idiots that ride the moped/scooters and crappy step throughs do not deserve any respect.  Respect goes both ways.  

Most must have found their licence in a cereal packet and do not have a clue about road safety (or should I say pavement/sidewalk safety), and I am not just talking to Thais, Westerners are just as bad, they to seem to think is perfectly excusable to ride on the pavement, to nearly run you over on a zebra crossing, not fasten the chin strap on the helmet (if they have one on at all).  

I keep hoping one of these farangs riding on the sidewalk comes near me, I can assure them that it will not be pleasant.

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7 hours ago, robblok said:

Its quite bad that some tunnels and bridges are off limits. It totally makes no sense. There is a flyover at Ngam Wong Wan, your allowed to take it towards BKK, but your not allowed to take that same flyover returning from BKK. There are many other stupid flyovers that are off limits while motorbikes seldom cause problems or stop traffic. I can see that they don't want those food cart motorbikes there that go slow and block things, but normal bikes are not a problem at all. 

I could not agree with you more Robblok, I now refuse to go into Bangkok at all on the motorbike due to not being allowed on the carriageway. before and after Don Muang airport on both sides. You have to use the overcrowded frontage road. I do see the point in smaller bikes not being allowed on the carriageway, but not these over 250cc. It is just plain ridiculous.

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7 hours ago, mikebell said:

Or as happened to me yesterday, the motor cyclists who lost control and smashed into my new stationary BRV became the people of influence and the farang became the easy pickings.  It cost me 55K.

I assume that would be because the motorcyclist was not insured, so he gets away with it. If that is the case, I sincerely hope that he is not fit enough to ride a motorbike again.

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6 hours ago, Get Real said:

I guess you weren´t all innocent if that was the price tag. Off course I might be wrong. Shit happens!

The BRV was stationary, I would partly agree with you if the BRV was parked in a dangerous position, but even so, the motorcyclist should have been able to stop in time.

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Even securityguards treat bikers as being lowclass citizens, also when you're farang.


Many times i use  the motobike for quick shopping and want to park close to the entrance. Securityguards love to send me away to park behind the building in the motobike parking FOR PERSONELL.


But last week i got so tired of that so i emailed the shop (Foodland) that i won't come back to spend money in their shop because of their idiot new securityguard who wants me to walk 500 meters to the parkinglot.


The guard got reprimanded and from now on i can park right infront of the door, just like a car.:clap2:

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Bullocks! Motorcycles are treated with far more leniency here than any other country in the world. They have the ability to travel on sidewalks and the wrong side of the road and basically wherever that bike can travel. They don't have to wear safety gear and can travel 3 or 4 or more up on a vehicle designed for 2 at best. Generally if in an accident with a larger vehicle it is rarely found to be the fault of the biker. Also bit rich talking about looking for other vehicles when most "Bikers" here don't even turn their <deleted> head slow down or cover their brake when merging into traffic. I was riding motorcycles well  before I could drive but I got taught to ride correctly to say motorcyclists have a hard time of it here is a <deleted> farce (big bikes should be allowed on highways though :(  ) Complete rubbish story.

Edited by starky
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Yep, some good points. It's another TIT problem.

There are indeed a very large percentage of Thai bikers that don't obey the rules, and some farangs that just gave up and do what they do...

I rode a big bike here every day for over 10 years and had been a biker in the UK for donkeys years before that.

Holiday makers hire scooters and some you would think have never been on a push bike before, and get into trouble.

Push bikes are a menace though, anyone riding a push bike in Bangkok needs to have his/her head examined before it gets crushed!

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