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Australian who fled accident scene and was chased by police hits and kills woman 50 in Udon


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2 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Some people here just will not admit it when they are wrong. I wonder if they get paid to spend all day reading a web forum?

I know what I mean when I post, if others dont well you just have to live with it its called life

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1 hour ago, idman said:

Why this story has had the legs to go on this long is beyond me. The Earsling was drunk, did a hit and run, ended up killing and for days this has driven posts to try and find differences nuances and interpretations. BFD, Lads, it's over and let the Thai Justice System deal with this Aussie pile of garbage.

Sent from my SM-T805 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I agree, please Mods save yourselves some work and put a :mfr_closed1: sign on this thread.

When more updated news is posted by the Media, we can start a new thread

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On 22/06/2017 at 8:35 AM, MrPatrickThai said:

Maybe hurt himself, he's just been in two car accidents.

Probably cacked his pants after being shot at and seriously injuring some people. Sitting down prevents embarrassing runs down your legs

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1 hour ago, ben2talk said:

:passifier: Sorry, I hadn't noticed that I was 'venting spleen' about the mayhem on Thai roads. I also don't believe there is an 'average Thai road user'.


The event I was mentioning took place in the early 1970's when roads were far less developed than they are now. Even so, still better developed than most Thai roads are now (and better planned than Thai roads ever could be...).


Now I'm curious, after you've been held up in traffic for 30 minutes on your way home from work, and a policeman is beckoning you to employ empty tarmac in front of you to make progress and make your way home, you're actually saying that you won't make a 'valued judgement'. What you'll do is hold up traffic and explain to the policeman that whilst it's okay for everyone else to cross the solid white lines and make progress you will refuse to do so, right? or do police directing traffic over-rule the standing regulations in force?


Well good for you, and god forbid everyone else around you getting gridlocked due to your superbly stubborn respect for the law (even when it's a complete ass, not applicable to the current circumstances, or overlooked by local authorities in order to ease chronic traffic issues).


There's a huge difference - in the UK where laws are enforced it generally makes sense to follow them. They are often completely rigid - not always a good thing, but always enforced when cameras are present - so probably not worth the risk of being caught now (ignoring any safety issues).


Sorry Ben... it is Ben isn't it? Since your introduction of UK roads and traffic into this thread, I am not sure in what country your hypothetical scenario about the traffic cop giving me directions is located. If a traffic cop in the UK directs me to do something, of course I do it. In the very unlikely event of a Thai policemen ever intervening in rush hour traffic mayhem here, I would follow his instruction too. Why on earth would I do otherwise?


I know, you're crushed. Now stick that dummy back in eh?

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On 6/21/2017 at 7:15 PM, jenifer d said:

3 people on a m/c might be illegal, but even more illegal is fleeing the scene of an accident

then committing manslaughter by having another accident...

i see 3, 4, even 5 people on a m/c daily; i've done it both as driver and passenger, too often to count;

it's just what is done here

that said, would sure like to see REAL justice in the case of a certain energy drink scion who murdered a cop with his car

It's not about what's illegal and what's "more illegal". There is often shared responsibility in accidents. In this case, we have 3 who share some responsibility for this accident: 1. Police (chasing and shooting out tires on a narrow road). 2. Woman (3-up on a motorcycle). 3. Driver.


It's a lot harder to control a motorcycle with 3 people on it. She was not without blame.


Most likely, in this case, they will hang the Australian. He would need extremely good legal representation. I don't think any Thai lawyer would want to risk his reputation by defending this guy.


BTW, you may think it's OK to ride 3-up on a motorcycle. I've been fined twice for that in Pattaya. It's OK for Thai people to ride 3-up, but not for Australians. 

Edited by tropo
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2 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Did you actually read my post ?? ....... in paragraph 4, I said "It quickly became apparent to me, that understanding and accepting this status quo without adopting any of the risk laden manoeuvres, was the best and safest way to drive, both for myself and other road users"  .... quite how from that you could interpret that I have adopted a Thai methodology of driving, when I am stating the complete opposite, is a most perplexing mystery.


As for ending up dead or in jail, my death is inevitable, although hopefully not imminent, and I abide by the laws of the country, so unless I get "fitted up" I should be able to avoid that particular avenue of pleasure  PEACE ✌️✌️??

Taken literally he's saying he drives exactly the way he would in his own unspecified country (impossible if it's the UK) without adopting any foreign practices, referred to here as 'risk laden manoeuvres'...


Most readers probably interpreted this as meaning that we adjust and adopt some Thai driving practices and avoid some which we regard as being dangerous... Sometimes 'common sense' serves to confuse issues and our brain interprets it in a way that makes sense, not in the way that he meant it to be understood.


My favourite example of this is to write on paper and have people look, and then tell me what they read...



in the

the forest


Most people who can read manage to 'filter out' one of the 'the' words without even realising it is happening.


It's clear that expecting anyone to 'understand' what you're thinking by reading what you're writing isn't as simple as it appears.

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59 minutes ago, tropo said:

It's not about what's illegal and what's "more illegal". There is often shared responsibility in accidents. In this case, we have 3 who share some responsibility for this accident: 1. Police (chasing and shooting out tires on a narrow road). 2. Woman (3-up on a motorcycle). 3. Driver.


It's a lot harder to control a motorcycle with 3 people on it. She was not without blame.


Most likely, in this case, they will hang the Australian. He would need extremely good legal representation. I don't think any Thai lawyer would want to risk his reputation by defending this guy.


BTW, you may think it's OK to ride 3-up on a motorcycle. I've been fined twice for that in Pattaya. It's OK for Thai people to ride 3-up, but not for Australians. 

Police shot the tyre out after the collision. 

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

It's not about what's illegal and what's "more illegal". There is often shared responsibility in accidents. In this case, we have 3 who share some responsibility for this accident: 1. Police (chasing and shooting out tires on a narrow road). 2. Woman (3-up on a motorcycle). 3. Driver.


It's a lot harder to control a motorcycle with 3 people on it. She was not without blame.


Most likely, in this case, they will hang the Australian. He would need extremely good legal representation. I don't think any Thai lawyer would want to risk his reputation by defending this guy.


BTW, you may think it's OK to ride 3-up on a motorcycle. I've been fined twice for that in Pattaya. It's OK for Thai people to ride 3-up, but not for Australians. 

Where does the shooting out of tyres come from, this was clearly shown it followed the accident.

If basic facts can not be got straight it really indicates that any other comments made are just as suspect as being BS. 

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At a stretch, the women might have made an error judgement and turned herself in to an obstruction.


Nevertheless, the car driver was speeding/driving recklessly.  We are told in fact that he was fleeing.  When driving fast it greatly increases the chance of an accident in two ways: the driver cant stop in time, and any other vehicle involved can't get out the way.  Purely and simply, provided the reports are right the car driver is primarily at fault.


Looking at other factors, imo,  is just an exercise in small differences to abstract a different result: saying black is white and white no colour at all!

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17 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Where does the shooting out of tyres come from, this was clearly shown it followed the accident.

If basic facts can not be got straight it really indicates that any other comments made are just as suspect as being BS. 

There was an initial story, then someone commented with some facts with no timeline - so we were questioning whether the police shooting the tyres out to stop the car caused the accident.


We didn't realise he tried to move after 'mounting' the bike until we saw the video.

We're not really aware of the police until after the accident occurs. This wasn't a 'hot pursuit'... but the Aussie might have known they were coming to get him. It's unclear.


It's quite possible that something happened that scared the bejeebies out of him and he was legitimately scared and trying to escape - we have no facts, only conjecture.


We see the consequences, however. Enough to convict (on TV at least) him of undue care and attention, driving with excessive speed, possibly dangerous driving.


There's dispute as to whether the woman is to blame for not properly crossing the road (again, with just one or two people on a bike it's a manoeuvre requiring extreme caution).


Half the discussion is related to the character of the Aussie (yet unknown) with his career possibly lending a 'bias' towards arrogant pisshead... and then a small discussion of 'mental issues' he was requiring treatment for (in my opinion, such issues are generally only treated when they become a social problem). Questions about whether he was drunk, or taking pills and not fit to drive... it's all very open.


What's certain is that he will be guilty, liable for some pretty decent sized payments and possibly about to be ejected from the country to the dismay of his family - unless he can take them with him.


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3 hours ago, MrPatrickThai said:

lol, try being a little humble and not always wanting the last word. Speaks volumes about your character and not having the quality of listening.

May I humbly suggest Mr Patrick, that sometimes it is a prerequisite to read all comments in a thread before posting a comment oneself ....... it is the very essence of listening don't you know


If you had read the whole sequence, you would understand that I was replying to someone that had totally misrepresented what I had said, and had in fact assumed the complete opposite of what I had said to suit his own narrative;  I responded to put the matter straight, which I am entitled to do, it has nothing whatsoever to do with wanting the last word.


Feel free to assassinate my character if you wish, but I shall remain your most humble servant  PEACE ✌️✌️ ?? ?

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56 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Where does the shooting out of tyres come from, this was clearly shown it followed the accident.

If basic facts can not be got straight it really indicates that any other comments made are just as suspect as being BS. 

This is getting tedious .They shot his N/S Front tire at the very end of the chase to make sure that he did not take off again .The bullet casing was shown on the road next to it .

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1 hour ago, Artisi said:

Where does the shooting out of tyres come from, this was clearly shown it followed the accident.

If basic facts can not be got straight it really indicates that any other comments made are just as suspect as being BS. 

I'll give you one fact to ponder... few members here are reading 48 pages of comments.


Personally, I got up to about page 10 before I quit. I think that was a good effort. There were quite a few "reports" of the police shooting out the tyres while in pursuit, up to that point.


How about you update all of us with the facts up to present date so you can be assured of more accurate commentary and have less need to moderate.

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13 minutes ago, tropo said:

I'll give you one fact to ponder... few members here are reading 48 pages of comments.


Personally, I got up to about page 10 before I quit. I think that was a good effort. There were quite a few "reports" of the police shooting out the tyres while in pursuit, up to that point.


How about you update all of us with the facts up to present date so you can be assured of more accurate commentary and have less need to moderate.

The tyres are shot out after the pickup is grassed, as far as I can see to guarantee there is no more movement

This thread itself was a accident waiting to happen because of the nationality of one of those involved

Page 10, thats an excellent effort

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2 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

The tyres are shot out after the pickup is grassed, as far as I can see to guarantee there is no more movement

This thread itself was a accident waiting to happen because of the nationality of one of those involved

Page 10, thats an excellent effort

Maybe he was just looking for some excuse to fire his weapon, and that's the best he could come up with.

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2 minutes ago, tropo said:

Maybe he was just looking for some excuse to fire his weapon, and that's the best he could come up with.

It was totally unnecessary as the pickup driver had done, they just went around and removed him and sat him on the grass

He can now claim down the bar that he single handedly stopped the pickup must be worth a beer or two

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14 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

It was totally unnecessary as the pickup driver had done, they just went around and removed him and sat him on the grass

He can now claim down the bar that he single handedly stopped the pickup must be worth a beer or two


14 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

It was totally unnecessary as the pickup driver had done, they just went around and removed him and sat him on the grass

He can now claim down the bar that he single handedly stopped the pickup must be worth a beer or two

>>It was totally unnecessary<<

Disagree ,but too tired of this thread to even bother giving an explanation ,which will just lead on to further stupid comments .

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2 hours ago, anto said:


>>It was totally unnecessary<<

Disagree ,but too tired of this thread to even bother giving an explanation ,which will just lead on to further stupid comments .

But not too tired to post again to let us know you're too tired. LOL

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32 minutes ago, tropo said:

But not too tired to post again to let us know you're too tired. LOL

And you comment but are not prepared to read all the previous comments .You also want a synopsis .Keep typing i am out of here.

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