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PM asks people not to hate military


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5 hours ago, GarryP said:

I find that hard to believe. But then I suppose it depends on your interpretation of corruption. Would you include the lobby industry in the US for example.

Yes of course I would, is that not corruption?

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On 6/21/2017 at 5:35 AM, fforest1 said:

Could some one here please explain...


“less for more” rather than “more for less.”



He means getting paid more for providing less.  He is using ideas from selfish capitalism to appeal to the selfish desires of Thais.  What he will stir up is individualism.  This will be dangerous perhaps in such a rigidly controlled system.  

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31 minutes ago, wealthychef said:

He means getting paid more for providing less.  He is using ideas from selfish capitalism to appeal to the selfish desires of Thais.  What he will stir up is individualism.  This will be dangerous perhaps in such a rigidly controlled system.  

Thanks....I was thinking some thing along these lines...But what you

said made things more clear than what I was thinking...lol


“less for more” rather than “more for less.”  Is a pretty nasty little saying

if some one actually takes the time to think about it...





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1 hour ago, fforest1 said:

Thanks....I was thinking some thing along these lines...But what you

said made things more clear than what I was thinking...lol


“less for more” rather than “more for less.”  Is a pretty nasty little saying

if some one actually takes the time to think about it...





I agree. It is very adversarial in tone. But this is what you expect perhaps from a military government. I'm thinking I'm going to leave Thailand for a while at least until this military circus leaves town. 

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35 minutes ago, wealthychef said:

I agree. It is very adversarial in tone. But this is what you expect perhaps from a military government. I'm thinking I'm going to leave Thailand for a while at least until this military circus leaves town. 

I can understand why you would want to take a break from Thailand at

this time...

One more thought on the “less for more” rather than “more for less.”


Pretty much for the entire history of advertising the message has been

we will give you ''more for less''...And how many advertisements has a person heard in a lifetime? A whole crapload is how many...

I think peoples brains are so full of the ''more for less'' message that the

''less for more'' message just does not compute...

One of the cornerstones of Thailand 4.0 is ''less for more''

Now there is some thing to think about....



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9 minutes ago, fforest1 said:

I can understand why you would want to take a break from Thailand at

this time...

One more thought on the “less for more” rather than “more for less.”


Pretty much for the entire history of advertising the message has been

we will give you ''more for less''...And how many advertisements has a person heard in a lifetime? A whole crapload is how many...

I think peoples brains are so full of the ''more for less'' message that the

''less for more'' message just does not compute...

One of the cornerstones of Thailand 4.0 is ''less for more''

Now there is some thing to think about....



I've thought about it and to be honest I'm not sure what you are saying ..........

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Haha.  He wants to be the prime minister for everyone.  Well yeah, he took over and made it so.  Wish fulfilled.  Now handover power to the citizenship, let the Thais struggle and wrestle with power by civilian rule and elections, etc.  It will be tough going for a while, but sometimes you have to tear things down in order to build things better.  Continually doing coup after coup and tossing out constitutions is not progress

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Mr. Little P. Please give us at least one good reason not to hate you, and you band of neophytes. Just one please. Have you done anything to benefit your people? Have you improved the economy? No. Have you improved tourism? No. You just keep kissing Chinese ass. But, are you helping the millions who are involved in tourism here? No. Have you improved traffic safety, despite all of the hyperbole to the contrary? No. So, what have you done lately?


Growth is slowing, exports are dropping, the nation is just not progressing, nor is it showing any willingness to be the slightest bit progressive, on dozens of different levels, the incompetent leaders are doing nothing about traffic safety, public safety, slavery, human trafficking, highway construction, improvement of the existing railway system, or airports, mini van safety, and dozens of other areas. And they do not seem to be keeping up with their neighbors, when it comes to ease of visa policy, ease of ownership of land or investments for foreigners, tax breaks for such, and so many other areas.


If this administration could be describe as anything, it would be incompetent beyond imagination, completely lacking in creativity and vision and strategy, totally indifferent to the well being of the average Thai, completely oblivious to the well being of the average ex-pat living here, and totally out of touch. In addition to being as corrupt, or more corrupt than any previous administration, and unwilling to address corruption on any meaningful level. I give them a failing grade. 

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12 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Mr. Little P. Please give us at least one good reason not to hate you, and you band of neophytes. Just one please. Have you done anything to benefit your people? Have you improved the economy? No. Have you improved tourism? No. You just keep kissing Chinese ass. But, are you helping the millions who are involved in tourism here? No. Have you improved traffic safety, despite all of the hyperbole to the contrary? No. So, what have you done lately?


Growth is slowing, exports are dropping, the nation is just not progressing, nor is it showing any willingness to be the slightest bit progressive, on dozens of different levels, the incompetent leaders are doing nothing about traffic safety, public safety, slavery, human trafficking, highway construction, improvement of the existing railway system, or airports, mini van safety, and dozens of other areas. And they do not seem to be keeping up with their neighbors, when it comes to ease of visa policy, ease of ownership of land or investments for foreigners, tax breaks for such, and so many other areas.


If this administration could be describe as anything, it would be incompetent beyond imagination, completely lacking in creativity and vision and strategy, totally indifferent to the well being of the average Thai, completely oblivious to the well being of the average ex-pat living here, and totally out of touch. In addition to being as corrupt, or more corrupt than any previous administration, and unwilling to address corruption on any meaningful level. I give them a failing grade. 

Actually, they have improved things in dealing with officialdom and I am talking from personal experience ( and although it pains me to say it, I am very grateful for the changes introduced and commend the government for taking action). I have mentioned it before, but in brief they have introduced clear time frames within which various government agencies have to complete tasks when dealing with the public. In the past there was no such thing and often the only way to get the ball rolling was to cross palms with silver. Now failure to undertake those tasks within the stipulated time frame can result in disciplinary action.  In other words, you no longer have to pay backhanders to get things done.


Unfortunately, this is about the only thing that I can compliment the government on. In nearly every other area there is been no improvement and the economy is stagnating as a result.  I also despise what the junta has done in regard to suppression of freedom of expression.  

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On 6/22/2017 at 1:08 PM, Father Fintan Stack said:

Usual Muslim suspects?


You mean the ethnic Malay majority in the Southern provinces?


You demonstrate staggering ignorance in nearly every post on this thread. 

I think you will find that the Chinese and Turkistan muslims had no common cause with southern Thai muslims in the bombings in Bangkok.

Regardless. If you want to support southern Thai muslims in their  targeting of doctors, nurses, teachers and administration clerks, that is your issue but it damns you also. Murder is murder. If the southern Thais elect to vote for muslim  candidates, they may find a voice.  Meanwhile, look at a map, it may refresh your memory as to which countries control which land and sea mass.

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Well I gotta admit, I kind of like the guy. He uses force and authority to do things but don't forget one thing: the masses of people are stupid following what everyone is doing. For this reason, I think a "true" democracy is not good for a country. For example, if you want a train rail built, everyone will argue and want shares and try to stall the project - without democracy, the PM can simply say "shut up, we're going ahead with the project now, end of story". It saves millions to taxpayers, get things moving, and improves the country.
When watching the NCPO on TV, we clearly see that he doesn't know how to talk like a politician. And this is good. He focuses on getting things done rather than trying to find out which word will sound politically correct and offend as little people as possible. We have to offend people if we want things done, otherwise everything will stall.
Look which countries on the planet have a fully democratic system, and make a correlation with birth rates, mass immigration, and loss of culture. Pretty easy to answer.
Of course this implies that the leader must know what he is doing - but in this case, I think most of his ideas are good - except the submarine deal.

I wonder how real democracies ever got a train built?
Take Switzerland: certainly a democracy, they don't even have a general. Seriously! And yet they just built and finished the longest tunnel in the world for a train connection North - South. Costs a couple of billions and the "stupid" people understood it and agreed to it in a vote.
Generals and the Military are the biggest threat to freedom and democracy.
No wonder educated people don't like them.
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On 22/06/2017 at 4:14 PM, wealthychef said:

He is using ideas from selfish capitalism to appeal to the selfish desires of

And I thought it was communism as his two biggest friends are that way inclined and do exactly the same as he does


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As far as education goes. 

My first recommendation above and beyond the 4 question title is the following....

Please please please install AC in all classrooms and enclose the room to avoid outside noise. Setup the right environment then the student has at least a chance of focused learning. Thanks for letting me share.



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1 hour ago, wakeupplease said:

And I thought it was communism as his two biggest friends are that way inclined and do exactly the same as he does


Well not really, unless the Thai elite are suddenly all for the workers owning the means of production and a classless society. I can't say that we are seeing much evidence of either...

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14 minutes ago, robblok said:

There won't be many good ones that is for sure.. I agree. However in certain countries in certain situations its better than a democracy. 

Like where? Sure, the notion is certainly better but the reality proves different. 

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

I am all for helping farmers if they change... but not into pumping more money into something that fails all the time. (Vietnam and other countries produce more per Rai and have less costs)

Don't you think this is the government job to provide the training, incentives and resources for the farmer to change. You seem to keep blaming the farmers who are resources and educationally challenged to change themselves. 

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3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Don't you think this is the government job to provide the training, incentives and resources for the farmer to change. You seem to keep blaming the farmers who are resources and educationally challenged to change themselves. 

Unfortunately this is where things are going. All over there is a massive media blitz to stigmatise and demonise the poor. Working people are being actively encouraged to turn on one another, to kick those below them on the ladder. It is a revolution by the rich, for the rich. The rank and file are becoming mere drones to serve the interests of capital.

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A post containing inflammatory deflection comments has been removed as well as the reply. 


Posts containing comments in violation of the UPDATED NOTICE TO MEMBERS POSTING IN THAILAND NEWS have been removed.  As that notice is still pinned, it is still active.  Perhaps some members could take some time to review that notice. 

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it seems all thais know is disrespect and lawlessness...mabey the military is the only chance this country had...hopefully in the future ''breaking the law will be the exception and not the rule''

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5 hours ago, mok199 said:

it seems all thais know is disrespect and lawlessness...mabey the military is the only chance this country had...hopefully in the future ''breaking the law will be the exception and not the rule''

Seriously?  The Thai military makes and breaks laws at will.  It does the same with constitutions.

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Take a look at what is happening today and then say there is no reason to hate the military. They are rounding people up better than a border collie rounds up sheep.

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6 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Don't you think this is the government job to provide the training, incentives and resources for the farmer to change. You seem to keep blaming the farmers who are resources and educationally challenged to change themselves. 

Yes I believe that that is the way to go.. that is different from handing them a heap of money without them changing a bit. 

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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes I believe that that is the way to go.. that is different from handing them a heap of money without them changing a bit. 

Changing to what?

If they're not going to be farming, what are they to do for a living?


This problem exists because for decade after decade there has been coup after coup to ensure all of the nations wealth is funnelled into Bangkok leaving the rest of the country underdeveloped.

And what happens when an elected government finally starts to direct some expenditure outside of Bangkok ... that's right - coup.


The only way for the problem of rural poverty to be effectively tackled is for democracy to be given a chance.


The farmers aren't the cause of the problem, they are its victims.

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15 hours ago, Smarter Than You said:

Changing to what?

If they're not going to be farming, what are they to do for a living?


This problem exists because for decade after decade there has been coup after coup to ensure all of the nations wealth is funnelled into Bangkok leaving the rest of the country underdeveloped.

And what happens when an elected government finally starts to direct some expenditure outside of Bangkok ... that's right - coup.


The only way for the problem of rural poverty to be effectively tackled is for democracy to be given a chance.


The farmers aren't the cause of the problem, they are its victims.

In Vietnam and other countries they are farmers too.. but producing much more rice per rai and lower cost per rai. So the Thais are doing something wrong. YL her plan of just sending out money (and letting her minions steal from it) did not work and benefitted mainly the big rice producers.. not the smaller ones. If she was genuine then there would have been a maximum to be brought in so it would benefit the small farmers more. 


Anyway if the farmers won't change their methods and / or learn more then pumping in money time after time is not going to change a bit. Education is the key many farmers who have changed are doing well. Having read reports and news-articles many farmers just don't want to change its easier to get a handout.  


Its totally unfair that all that money is being spend on farmers while the whole of Thailand could have benefited if the 500 billion had gone into healthcare. Only reason the farmers get that money all the time is that they are a voting block. That is a big problem as they don't want to change (re educate do new stuff set up cooperatives ect) and they have power. I guess you would not mind it as if you were a taxpayer in your own country and the people in welfare would be the ones controlling the amount of money they got.. while not wanting to study to get a paying job.. and you as a taxpayer paying it all.


It just does not work like this and farmers should be forced to either study and apply new stuff or not get money. I am all for handing out loans without any interest (would be tricky to check it all) for new farm equipment and or bridging credits when they change the way they farm.


I grew up in a farming community in Holland I know a thing or 2 about farmers.. the old ones died out and went broke because they would not change the  younger and innovative ones grew and made money. 


Its totally unfair to help farmers all the time.. but not others.. if somchai starts a noodle shop and it goes bust.. too bad for him.. but a farmer gets the help all the time.... why.. voting block. 

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Its totally unfair that all that money is being spend on farmers while the whole of Thailand could have benefited if the 500 billion had gone into healthcare. Only reason the farmers get that money all the time is that they are a voting block.

And that's why the NCPO after it abolished the 2007 Constitution that largely prevented the Yingluck regime from paying the rice farmers made sure farmers were paid out of treasury bonds - the junta wanted a quick political support of the rice farmers to help justify its coup.

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30 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

And that's why the NCPO after it abolished the 2007 Constitution that largely prevented the Yingluck regime from paying the rice farmers made sure farmers were paid out of treasury bonds - the junta wanted a quick political support of the rice farmers to help justify its coup.

YL just did not make any provisions its only on her.. not on the military. She should have thought about it when she stepped down. Why let others clean up her mess and take responsibility. She should have done that before.. she was the one that chaired this total disaster.

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