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"My mummy sold me for sex with an old man on the council" - teacher goes to Chonburi cops with 12 year old's school essay


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It appears to me that the Thais don't think raping little children is a serious crime, otherwise why are there so many cases.

If no severe punishment is seen then it would go on and on.

These are reported cases what about those not reported? There must be a lot more.

Are there some kind of laws in this country?

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Our Thai Minister of Tourism a few months ago was claiming that Thailand was not a 'sexual' place and she coined a slogan..... "No SEX Please,   We ARE THAI"...........

After Mae Hong Son and Korat and Rayong and Khon Kaen (among others).... I haven't heard her promoting that slogan any longer....... The 'PROOF' is here that SEX isn't a thing that 'only farangs' are coming here for............... LOL.......

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I hope this child is able to tell her story anomalously so other children understand they do not have to do it and there are people out there to help.


I also here the child has been sent to a children's home, how terrible they still have those awful place these days, much better the child be fostered out to a trusted and vetted family.

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So why didn't the police act more quickly and actually go to the offices themselves?

Seems like the press were hot-off-the-foot to get there for a story, now the man in question has obviously done the usual runner !

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21 hours ago, darksidedog said:

That is utterly tragic for the poor little girl, and doubly tragic that it came at the hands of her own mother.

I hope the mum and the council man are both absolutely hammered by the courts, for their utterly disgraceful actions.

Well done to the teacher for doing the right thing. This is an evil that has to be wiped out.

I don't understand why this case is so particular.
Almost everywhere in Thailand, Thai girls who have their first menstruation are sold for sex to the highest bidder.
I have witnessed that myself on a few occasions.
It's a "tradition" of Thailand.
Stop this Hypocrisie and carry on with your traditions.

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43 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

I don't understand why this case is so particular.
Almost everywhere in Thailand, Thai girls who have their first menstruation are sold for sex to the highest bidder.
I have witnessed that myself on a few occasions.
It's a "tradition" of Thailand.
Stop this Hypocrisie and carry on with your traditions.

I hope increased social media coverage will highlight this case (and any other), that appropriate punishment is received by both the mother and the pervert - and then maybe there will be a cleaning up of such illegal 'traditions'. Social media is a powerful weapon in today's world towards righting 'wrongs' and shaming/blaming those who procure such despicable acts on underage girls. There is no hypocrisy in that.

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10 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

I hope increased social media coverage will highlight this case (and any other), that appropriate punishment is received by both the mother and the pervert - and then maybe there will be a cleaning up of such illegal 'traditions'. Social media is a powerful weapon in today's world towards righting 'wrongs' and shaming/blaming those who procure such despicable acts on underage girls. There is no hypocrisy in that.

For me, it is the same Hypocrisy as mutilation of a baby girl genitals by Islam and by Juifs.
It is a tradition for them, and social media has little or no impact on that tradition.
A lot of traditions around the world are not acceptable or even unlawful.
Do you really believe that Social Media will stop these traditions?
The you are delisional.

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12 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

"When you lift a stone ANYWHERE where men have power.  Always something nasty."


There, fixed it for you.

I protest, I am a man and have raised two step daughters from little girls to well adjusted adults, I, as a man, like many others here, consider myself to be a decent human being.

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6 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

For me, it is the same Hypocrisy as mutilation of a baby girl genitals by Islam and by Juifs.
It is a tradition for them, and social media has little or no impact on that tradition.
A lot of traditions around the world are not acceptable or even unlawful.
Do you really believe that Social Media will stop these traditions?
The you are delisional.

I sincerely hope you are wrong. And amazed that you consider this particular Thailand 'tradition' appropriate. I also understand that more educated societies that (used to) perform genital mutilation are moving towards letting the girl choose her way of life. That has been reported/discussed in social media.  

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3 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

I sincerely hope you are wrong. And amazed that you consider this particular Thailand 'tradition' appropriate. I also understand that more educated societies that (used to) perform genital mutilation are moving towards letting the girl choose her way of life. That has been reported/discussed in social media.  

I never said that I find this or any other "tradition" appropriate.
That must be an invention of your mind to score a point.
Can you show me where I said that I find this appropriate?

And as I said, social media can discuss/report these things as much as you please.
But in reality NOTHING CHANGES.
Thai are discussing already a lot of time on social media and by Law to reduce traffic accidents, but they still drive without a helmet, without a proper insurance and defiying the basic rules of traffic.

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7 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

I never said that I find this or any other "tradition" appropriate.
That must be an invention of your mind to score a point.
Can you show me where I said that I find this appropriate?

And as I said, social media can discuss/report these things as much as you please.
But in reality NOTHING CHANGES.
Thai are discussing already a lot of time on social media and by Law to reduce traffic accidents, but they still drive without a helmet, without a proper insurance and defiying the basic rules of traffic.

Refer to your post 42 where you said you have witnessed this 'tradition' (despite it being unlawful). IMO it implies that you have accepted it. Therefore, without any contradictory clarification it could be read that you endorse such behaviour as being appropriate. Maybe you should share your opinion on such 'tradition' instead of fudging the issue/sitting on the fence.


For the record, I don't consider this Thai tradition as being appropriate, particularly as it is unlawful to have sex with an underage girl. And I hope that both the buyer and seller are convicted of rape and assisting rape.

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23 hours ago, sweatalot said:

"They .. . applied .... for an arrest warrant ...."

Why do Thai police wait?  Why do they send a telegram in advance of a raid? The rapist has already ignored a summons - why don't the police go round & drag him down to the station by the scrotum.

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1 hour ago, stephenterry said:

Refer to your post 42 where you said you have witnessed this 'tradition' (despite it being unlawful). IMO it implies that you have accepted it. Therefore, without any contradictory clarification it could be read that you endorse such behaviour as being appropriate. Maybe you should share your opinion on such 'tradition' instead of fudging the issue/sitting on the fence.

I put YOUR OPINION there where the sun never shines.

It is not MY TASK to mess up with the locals when staying in a foreign country and witnessing something unlawful.
That is the task of the police.
I still put MY OWN LIFE more valuable than trying to be the new Robin Hood.

I stop here this senseless discussion with you as you base everything you STATE AS TRUE on YOUR OWN OPINION.

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Please don't give us the impression this is the normal tradition in Thailand.  In some poor villages it happens , it's not the normal behavior of a protective Thai mom . So stop this nonsense. 




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On 6/24/2017 at 8:09 AM, Confuscious said:

Almost everywhere in Thailand, Thai girls who have their first menstruation are sold for sex to the highest bidder.

Absolute and complete stuff of nonsense.


On 6/24/2017 at 11:01 AM, Confuscious said:

I stop here this senseless discussion...

Good idea.

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On ‎23‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 11:16 AM, colinneil said:

Poor girl, having a disgusting piece of excrement for a mother.

How could any mother subject her own flesh and blood to such disgusting acts.

Again it is somebody in government involved, what is it with these disgusting pieces of scum, that they get p[leasure from raping young kids?

Reading this post makes me want to vomit.

Unfortunately in Thailand it happens all to often.

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change can ONLY come about if people ''speak up'',don't be afraid to make enimies..we all have a choice,live stuck in

silence and fear,or do the right thing and speak out..evil grows where fear lives..













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On 23/06/2017 at 2:16 PM, colinneil said:

Poor girl, having a disgusting piece of excrement for a mother.

How could any mother subject her own flesh and blood to such disgusting acts.

Again it is somebody in government involved, what is it with these disgusting pieces of scum, that they get p[leasure from raping young kids?

Reading this post makes me want to vomit.

Very sad jaunta closing bars , karaoke,  will only get worse  , a shocking story. Mother and old man should get life bangkok hilton" will get off politically connected local or other look last child stuff up north underage sex ring operated by police, government officials etc, Quiet now !!!

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On 2017-6-23 at 5:58 AM, Lammbock said:

I blame the Thai government. They do not support the poor people enough to live a decent life.

Poverty doesn't warrant prostitution/ it's not an excuse for stealing or committing crimes.

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On 6/24/2017 at 10:10 AM, mikebell said:

Why do Thai police wait?  Why do they send a telegram in advance of a raid? The rapist has already ignored a summons - why don't the police go round & drag him down to the station by the scrotum.

I asked my lawyer who is a barrister the very same question a couple of years ago

From memory I think the response was that unless the police witness the crime they have to apply to the court for an arrest warrant

I think something similar applies in relation to questioning suspects they have to be summoned first then if they do not appear an arrest warrant is issued

I suppose even here people are entitled to the assumption of innocence and the right to obtain legal representation 

Thats what is supposed to happen but as in other countries it doesn't always occur in practice








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