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PM invites Thais to go booze-free during Rains Retreat months


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PM invites Thais to go booze-free during Rains Retreat months




BANGKOK, 26 June 2017 (NNT) – Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has invited the Thai public to abstain from alcohol during Buddhist Lent which will start on July 9th. 

On the auspicious occasion of Eid al-Fitr which marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting, Gen Prayut also offered his best wishes to all Muslims in Thailand, saying he wished that they all find peace, happiness, and prosperity. 

This year’s Eid al-Fitr is being celebrated between June 24th and June 27th. 

As for those getting ready for the annual Buddhist Rains Retreat, the prime minister invited them to refrain from drinking alcohol, do good deeds, and uphold the five moral precepts of Buddhism which are 1) refrain from harming living things, 2) refrain from taking what is not given, 3) refrain from sexual misconduct, 4) refrain from lying, and 5) refrain from taking intoxicating substances. 

He noted that the government led by the Ministry of Public Health will launch a number of activities to help Thais give up drinking during the holy period. 

This year’s Lent is celebrated from July 9th to October 5th.

-- nnt 2017-06-26
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I have been invited to have a drink... I have been invited to sex a woman other than my wife... But this invitation is a new soon on things.. Way to go P. Maybe these types of invitations will become commonplace in Thailand! NOT!. Can you imagine the loss of revenue and tourist dollars if thais actually took this seriously?
I think he will need to invoke a certain article to even attempt the population to accept his invitation

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My, my, and I've always been under the impression the rainy season was particularly welcomed by many Thais because it gave them the perfect opportunity to gather under sala and porch roofs for even wilder boozing sessions than during the rest of the year. What else to do when it's raining cats and dogs?

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2 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"refrain from sexual misconduct" :cheesy: Maybe he should close down whole of Pattaya also during this period!

That is not misconduct.  For the most part, you have two consenting parties just having a party.  The outcome is children going to school, putting food on the table, the purchase of pick up trucks and the building of homes. 

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Okay, let's be honest with each other here;

1) refrain from harming living things; okay I don't see this happen very often which is why the country is inundated with  Soi dogs and stray cats. Maybe Road rage should fall into this country in which case we all see it happen a lot?

2) refrain from taking what is not given; we occasionally see a kind taxi driver in the news who's returned someone else's property but on the whole the stories where someone wants B10k for a phone they found are more prevalent.

3) refrain from sexual misconduct, okay I guess the many sex venues, prostitutes, and stories of sexual abuse we read about tells us that this is a problem?

4) refrain from lying, the traffic was bad, it was raining, and many other "untruths" suggest that this is a problem too?

5) refrain from taking intoxicating substances ummm no need to say anything here.

So, on balance I'd go with 0/5 for most people in this Buddhist country. They're good at going through the motions, visiting temples, Wai-ing elders but putting the teachings into practice falls well short of Buddha's intentions.

The shops had better stock up on the alcohol.

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"As for those getting ready for the annual Buddhist Rains Retreat, the prime minister invited them to refrain from drinking alcohol, do good deeds, and uphold the five moral precepts of Buddhism which are 1) refrain from harming living things, 2) refrain from taking what is not given, 3) refrain from sexual misconduct, 4) refrain from lying, and 5) refrain from taking intoxicating substances."


There's more chance of the Red Bull Scumbag turning himself in!

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4 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"refrain from sexual misconduct" :cheesy: Maybe he should close down whole of Pattaya also during this period!

Hes trying his best to close all bar's ,criky hes a jaunta coup leader still 75 thais missing or kia via coup leaders he's 1 . Just about stuffed the entire economy, no one holidays much in thailand no fun anmore ,  only wants quality tourist from china , lndia,  russia who drink at 7/11 or family mart  he has shares in. Come for 4 days stop there  country owned hotels ! Money Spent before they arrive at home country, group tour companys in real quality tourist  contribute very little to thai local economy " no wonder  crime is rampant. La la land 100% jaunta ! thais are depressed enough , now refrain from a drink in rainy season. Just close the entire country down he's almost achieved that pol pot would be proud of them if only he had thought of that no need for killing fields let them kill each othet for a meal , great jusr starve them to death no jobs  no food , no Drinking , no pelvic thrusts,  its the rainy season lucky they can make some leow keow .

Good morning Vietnam .


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When it is raining all there is to do , is TV, or go to a movie in the mall, or go to a bar, go get a massage  and

extra services.  Sex and booze is big in Thailand especially for the Thai men.  I know as I have

many relatives and friends there.  It is not all about the Farangs, you know.



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5 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

"refrain from sexual misconduct" :cheesy: Maybe he should close down whole of Pattaya also during this period!

Almost closed the country down already and bars , No paradise  amazing thailand no pelvic thrusts , now refrain from a drink in wet season, just close the entire country and go to year zero next door  did once " infamous  pol pot " this pm will put the  entire thai people in reeducarion camps next " jaunta have had one to manny joints , they deffinatly on something and its not good ! feel sorry for the thais become so submissive , no this , no that , dont do this , no singers pelvic thrusts, what's  next . No go out , no tv ?

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I REALLY think that there are much more important priorities to be taken care of!

PM is NOT daddy!

And he should support and promote progress and NOT regress!

I sincerely doubt that the Thai Citizen are even listening to what the PM finds "appropriate" or "inappropriate".

From the "land of the free", "Land of smiles" to the "Land of the long faces"

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4 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

My, my, and I've always been under the impression the rainy season was particularly welcomed by many Thais because it gave them the perfect opportunity to gather under sala and porch roofs for even wilder boozing sessions than during the rest of the year. What else to do when it's raining cats and dogs?

I was told when it rains you get in bed with you SO and watch TV till something pops up.?


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