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Places To Find A Girlfriend In Bkk?

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I hope you're ok man. There is some girl on this forum who wants you bad, and I made some stupid a$$ remark about you banging a bar girl in a short time hotel.

It was in complete jest, please forgive me. I'm glad you're ok from your operation.

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Hi Rainman,

Understand your grief. I'm 24 and wanted to avoid a relationship with a girl working in a bar - Nothing against them personally, it just didn't work out.

Had a few relationships with BG's and non-BG's - all were fairly typical in the speed they wanted to get their toothbrush in my bathroom :o

In the end, decided to start dating a girl in the office (despite my boss telling me this was a no-no). It took months (and I mean months) to develop, but has turned into probably the most satisfying relationship I've ever had. The only problems we have are the occasional communication and culture barriers, but that's all part of the learning curve IMHO.



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[Not sure how your quest for a "normal" relationship is faring but this might help. First I will add a word to your (like mine) limited Thai vocabulary "Nitnoy" eng. Little Bit. Next I would like to introduce my sister-in-law of the same (nick)name. Nongnit was twenty March 2004 and attends St John's University in Bangkok. Nitnoy is studying International Marketing and Japanese Language. Her English is sufficient to get by on a date with patience and is improving as many of her classes are entirely in Angit.

Nitnoy is interested in exploring a relationship with the right man. She has never dated and if your were to kiss on the first date it would be her first. This might make her sound prim but I assure she is outgoing, athletic and a great gal to take to karaoke as she has a terrific voice. She is also beautiful as you should see using the URL's.

At the risk of making this a diatribe I have to dispell much of the disinformation you have recieved from well-meaning expats. Bangkok like NYC or SF has it's seemy side and it seems like every girl is a hooker. Using the same analegy that does not mean that Greenwich CT or St Helena Sonoma CA have the same profile. Thailand is much the same only more so. The country towns are peopled with everyday families who raise families in a decent and disserning way.

Nitnoy has four sisters three are married one to a Japanese Aerospace supplier(they met when Nee was the Concierge ate the Amari hotel), another to a Thai business man (they met at a Cosmetics Expo in Bangkok) and Fern my wife I met at ANUGA in Koln, Germany. Nitnoy's elder sister Jin (23) is unmarried and is studying in Tokyo and Bangkok alternately. She has also never dated and I assure she is as beautiful as Nitnoy.

My point, there are girls who have not resorted to prostitution in Thailand and the profile of Bangkok which is where 99% of expats get their impressions is not typical. Do I speak from experience? well I have lived and worked in six countries, visted and conducted business in 110 others. I have a Ranch in North Eastern Thailand a house in Bangkok and I have visited every major city. My first visit to Thailand ws as First Officer on HMS Belfast in 1969.

This may all be for nought if you have found what you were looking for, but if not please let Nitnoy know via [email protected] or this site and I am sure she will reply.]

Since sending the above there have been a few developments..You've had appendicitus (hope you recovery goes wel, "into each life a little Rain must fall Man." Nitnoy (subject above) see my Avater) has received three private replies to my posting all seeking a similar relationship. I have become the protective BinLaw and censored the post..Nitnoy has replied to one letter.

Maybe you could let me know if the opportunity appeals to you?


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If I was looking for a girlfriend, I'd try trolling around immigration. Some of the Thai immigration girls are quite hot, and it couldn't hurt having a friend there, but if you break up, you screwed.

Must be the uniform.

To be on a safer side try one of the Transport offices (where you apply for a Thai driving licence). If your break up you need to apply for a new licence only every 5 years. :o

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Rainman, I hope you are making a recovery. I've had the pleasure of making a few short trips to hospital in Thailand - don't suppose you made friends with any of the nurses?!

Just interested in your business. I'm presuming you have started it up in Bangkok. And if thats all above aboard you deserve a lot of respect. However its hard going back if you get to Asia young mind. I'm 26 now but I went out to Asia when I was 19 and have spent most of the time since there. I have spent some short spells in England (where I am now) and well, if youve lived the Asian life...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Rainman, I hope you are making a recovery. I've had the pleasure of making a few short trips to hospital in Thailand - don't suppose you made friends with any of the nurses?!

Just interested in your business. I'm presuming you have started it up in Bangkok. And if thats all above aboard you deserve a lot of respect. However its hard going back if you get to Asia young mind. I'm 26 now but I went out to Asia when I was 19 and have spent most of the time since there. I have spent some short spells in England (where I am now) and well, if youve lived the Asian life...

Sorry, didn't see your response. I started my business in the US/Canada, not BKK. You're right, there is something special about the way of life here and other things i can't really point out specifically, but its very different from North America or Europe. Nice. I like it. Very much.

As for my initial post of this thread ...i have since found a special someone with who i can very well think of starting a relationship. What can i say, i'm happy. :o

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I guess all 'Inquiring Minds' would like to know, Where'd you meet her? That's

what this thread is about, isn't it? Come on now, give us the goods on the situation.

Don't give us the shy guy BS treatment.

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I put 10 baht on it being Bangkokchat.org.  :D

Bet lost. Where can i pick up my 10 baht? :D I dont think its appropriate at this time to write out all the details at this stage. But as i said, its someone i can very well think of starting a serious relationship with and when that happens, i will let you all know. I hope you can all understand that. :o

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But as i said, its someone i can very well think of starting a serious relationship with and when that happens, i will let you all know. I hope you can all understand that. :D

Rainman, I do not want to give you any advice but I'm not sure "some" people in this forum will be very sympathetic to your relationship.

They are not sympathetic to ANY relationship with Thai girls.

So, better do not write too much about it.

Right or wrong.

Does not matter.

That's how it is.

Best of luck.

And I mean it. :o

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I think he's being totally selfish to tell you the truth. He's the one who started the tthread with the question: Places to find a girlfriend in Bangkok?, and now he's holding back. Now that's real helpful. I wouldn't hold it against him a bit if he found

her in Nana, Patpong, Cowboy, Emporium, McDonald's, Robinson whatever. They're all good places to find that special person. Rainman being the young, educated man that he is must have found a goody. This is an annonymous forum and I don't think it would hurt for him to tell us. What a Pud!

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This is an annonymous forum and I don't think it would hurt for him to tell us.


Maybe, for some time but not forever.

But it would probably not hurt him to tell us.

I mean privately.

We are curious people.

Aren't we? :o

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Maybe he thinks the Thermae is a good wholesome establishment to engage in worldly conversation with the fairer sex over a glass of Merlot and he just hasn't gotten round to telling us yet.

I wouldn't know, never been there. Though i walk by several times per week to go to Robinsons. I have an internet-related business and quite a few customers are Asia- or Thailand-based.

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It is not a male escort agency for Thai-Chinese 'widows' by any chance?

Come on, I never believed the 'appendix removed in hospital' excuse for a few days silence on the net.

Relax, its not a conspiracy. And no, its not a widows agency ...or a male escort agency. Neither is she a ladyboy or ...whatever. Geez :o

Believe me, having your appendix removed does hurt quite a bit and you can barely walk for the first 2-3 days. Sadly, they do not have in-room internet access at Bumrungrad Hospital.

I will write some details when/if i feel like there's something to write on it.

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Maybe he thinks the Thermae is a good wholesome establishment to engage in worldly conversation with the fairer sex over a glass of Merlot and he just hasn't gotten round to telling us yet.

I wouldn't know, never been there. Though i walk by several times per week to go to Robinsons. I have an internet-related business and quite a few customers are Asia- or Thailand-based.

whats yer website address/name of your business? Most people that post here are either thai/expats, ya might be able to get a few new clients... :o

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:D wanna go RCA? LOL Lucky u r 21! Actually if u r over 22 and u go RCA. U would be called uncles :D RCAs are places for teens actually. And normally are for Thais looking for Thais not Thais looking for farangs :D But u can try. :o
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