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Keep your gates closed! Dog owners told to be more responsible after another little girl is savaged by a vicious pet dog

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2 hours ago, wildewillie89 said:

Agree gates should be closed if have dogs. Not only to protect outsiders, but also protect your dog (from attack/diseases etc). 


To avoid accidents, can simply have a chain with a clip near the gate to remind you to tie the dog for the brief minutes the gate has to be opened.


But! If have you young children, keep them behind your own gates also. You know what country you live in, you know the potential risks (dogs, cars, etc), why let a child so young run around the place.

Good on the owner for paying the damages. 

You are 100% right!

Children should be locked up in their rooms.

According to Darwin the dogs were here first!


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What about the implications of being bitten by a dog in thailand i.e. Rabies and the very unpleasant injections after the bite...... 


This is not a Thai only incident.  Bites happen everywhere.  I am sorry the little girl was hurt and will be afraid of dogs for life. 

 I deliberately take my mutt and pitbull everywhere and let them interact with Soi dogs and local owned dogs and anyone who wants to pet or play with them while I manage the level of acceptable excitement and intensity.  I have also obscured my face and tested their reaction to a "stranger" creeping around the house to which they react as they should.  I have introduced my dogs to my nearest neighbors who know the dogs names and know they are safe to approach.  I have seen someone try to break into a hotel room I was staying in one night and I was glad my big mix was with me.  I would never live in this country without a dog.  Training is the responsibility of the owner.  


Walking a back soi in Hua hin I passed a thai talking on his phone holding a leash but no dog


I Thought it was one of those little fur balls that thais love when about 10 meters further down appeared a beast of a pit bull. Saw me and stood rigid staring.

The owner sprinted past me and sat on its back holding the collar with both hands and waves me on?


What the <deleted> ? what was it doing off it's leash if it required that level of restraint?





5 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

Walking a back soi in Hua hin I passed a thai talking on his phone holding a leash but no dog


I Thought it was one of those little fur balls that thais love when about 10 meters further down appeared a beast of a pit bull. Saw me and stood rigid staring.

The owner sprinted past me and sat on its back holding the collar with both hands and waves me on?


What the <deleted> ? what was it doing off it's leash.



Something similar happened to me in Belgium, with a Rotweiler.

It licked my leg.

Lucky man I was.

The psychology of dog owners is beyond my understanding.






8 minutes ago, csabo said:

This is not a Thai only incident.  Bites happen everywhere.  I am sorry the little girl was hurt and will be afraid of dogs for life. 

 I deliberately take my mutt and pitbull everywhere and let them interact with Soi dogs and local owned dogs and anyone who wants to pet or play with them while I manage the level of acceptable excitement and intensity.  I have also obscured my face and tested their reaction to a "stranger" creeping around the house to which they react as they should.  I have introduced my dogs to my nearest neighbors who know the dogs names and know they are safe to approach.  I have seen someone try to break into a hotel room I was staying in one night and I was glad my big mix was with me.  I would never live in this country without a dog.  Training is the responsibility of the owner.  

Well done on socialising the dogs :)


How should they react? I am assuming playfully due to the fact I am not sure obscuring your face would trick a dog. I am guessing that you would want the dog to 'defend' in that situation?  I have tried both the silent creeping and covering my face/body with all dark clothing, and came running with a long stick/yelling in the middle of the night even. All times she pretended to run away, bolted around the whole house, and then silently crept up and jumped on me from behind...as she knew it was me the whole time so just thought it was a game we were playing. 

They do have noses haha...


But once when I came back late night after going to inspect a litter of puppies and sneaked up on her it was a different matter. As my smell had obviously been taken over by a whole new smell. 

7 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Accidents do happen and if what the owner said is true then I am impressed he stood up took responsibility .

Usual response would be "not my dog"! Unless of course, the dog happened to be run over by a car, and then it would be a pedigree Best of Breed winner at Crufts! 


I used to like watching the way that ceasor Milan the dog whisper would introduce an aggressive problem dog into a pack of dogs he had on the property

To watch that dog freak out and snap at the other dogs who quickly put it in its place as a pack and then then see the same dog after a few days having a ball and playing with the pack was amazing
Dogs obviously need to socialise with other dogs


Dogs outnumber humans 15 to 1 in thailand....


i I wonder if there is more incidents/events/crimes of humans vs humans or dogs vs humans or humans vs dogs?  


Lets see a motor vehicle incident vs a dog attack...I wonder  What the stats say?


a little bit of precautions and awareness the probability of a random dog attack is near zero...


i am more worried about snakes than dogs when riding my bike in the villages...damn Cobras....






It was the girls fault  How dare she play in front of the house Come on the dog has rights in Thailand The owner did offer to pay expenses As far as i am concerned that should be enough We are not going to worry about how that affected the mental side of the poor girl  Poor doggie I have found out now when i walk i take a stick with me I was attacked by 4 dogs Whack Whack sorted that out and  walk continued  I did hear some voices in the background yelling at me but thought  its me or the dogs Tough luck As far as i am concerned the dog that bit that little girl should be put down It will do it again now that it has the sniff of doing it


God what is Thailand becoming Dogs first humans second


The same type of owner mindset , I forgot, thus NOT important, when they let their dogs roam and go after motorcycles and loose to cars.....

49 minutes ago, sambum said:

Usual response would be "not my dog"! Unless of course, the dog happened to be run over by a car, and then it would be a pedigree Best of Breed winner at Crufts! 

Schroedingers dog :)


Schroedingers cat is dead or alive until you check. Schroedingers dog is "not mine" or "pedigree best of breed winner at Crufts" until you determine if it was killed or if it killed.


The doctor should be a plastic surgeon so there will be less scarring.


All loose dogs should be rounded up and sent to the farm including those at the temples.


I don't see a reason to protect stray dogs as many are dangerous.







4 hours ago, helloagain said:

He should still be fined and dog put down

I may be incorrect- but I don't think a Vet will put a dog down- not the Buddhist way.


Just about every house in my village has a dog- I take my little mite walking every morning and evening - we have one Thai woman who every now and again lets her dogs out to roam- one is a really really nasty piece of work that's bares its teeth and growls.


There have been endless complaints - but there's not much we can do.


All soi dogs should be rounded up by dog wardens and kennelled for a month . If the dog is claimed , the owner should be fined for allowing the animal to stray on the streets with the potential to attack people , cause road accidents , soil pavements and breed . If not claimed the dog could be offered for sale or failing that should be put down . All dogs should wear a collar with their owners I.D.

Finally , why do people want to own dangerous dogs i.e. pitbulls , rottweilers etc is not a good idea to me but each to their own . 

20 minutes ago, dorayme said:

The doctor should be a plastic surgeon so there will be less scarring.


All loose dogs should be rounded up and sent to the farm including those at the temples.


I don't see a reason to protect stray dogs as many are dangerous.







   Where are the dog catchers... round them up for a  profitable trip to the northeast... 


My heart bleeds when I think of all those innocent lizards, snakes, chickens, flies etc that get killed by those murderous dogs.

It is about time that we animal lovers put an end to that.

Didn't Orwell the pig once write: all animals are equal?

Kill 1 dog, save hundreds of other animals.





Not only dogs i was walking around our village with my wife trying to keep fit, when we were attacked by a chicken (Cockerel) i was laughing when it went for my wife, then suddenly it went for me, and received a well aimed kick but not before it pecked my foot drawing a little blood, on a more serious note there are many small children that play on the little green we have here in the village  and it would have been a traumatic experience if one of them got attacked by this feral bird, the wife promptly took a picture of my wound and presented it to the owner who now keeps the thing in her garden!

5 hours ago, oldhippy said:



you can make any dog false and can attack when told  even the smallest can do great dammage 

Beat the dog  dont feed well Always speak angry


7 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

Not only dogs i was walking around our village with my wife trying to keep fit, when we were attacked by a chicken (Cockerel) i was laughing when it went for my wife, then suddenly it went for me, and received a well aimed kick but not before it pecked my foot drawing a little blood, on a more serious note there are many small children that play on the little green we have here in the village  and it would have been a traumatic experience if one of them got attacked by this feral bird, the wife promptly took a picture of my wound and presented it to the owner who now keeps the thing in her garden!

Th e picture done the trick But honestly i am a walker and i do take a stick to defend myself Someone said to me try walking in park so i did They have dogs there to and i got attacked by this hairy thing walking with it master I just did my block and shouted at her Should of seen the look on her face There is  a place for dogs So let me tell you parks are not safe also


Create a culture of dog meat eating.  There are few dog bite stories in Vietnam where dog owners must care for their prized fido. If they don`t, the dogs go missing and end up on a restaurant table.  Soi dog feeders should be eaten too.  Just saying.

35 minutes ago, mikecha said:

you can make any dog false and can attack when told  even the smallest can do great dammage 

Beat the dog  dont feed well Always speak angry



Yes that is true.

But my question "how" referred to BAN BAD OWNERS.

Unfortunately, we can only do something about the dangerous dogs, not about their owners.


7 hours ago, mbkk said:

Any dog, any breed, raised wrong, can be dangerous. BAN BAD OWNERS !

(me): How?

4 minutes ago, oldhippy said:


Yes that is true.

But my question "how" referred to BAN BAD OWNERS.

Unfortunately, we can only do something about the dangerous dogs, not about their owners.


(me): How?

Make laws holding owners responsible for bad behavior of their dogs. Enforce laws. Fine owners. 




2 hours ago, wildewillie89 said:

Well done on socialising the dogs :)


How should they react? I am assuming playfully due to the fact I am not sure obscuring your face would trick a dog. I am guessing that you would want the dog to 'defend' in that situation?  I have tried both the silent creeping and covering my face/body with all dark clothing, and came running with a long stick/yelling in the middle of the night even. All times she pretended to run away, bolted around the whole house, and then silently crept up and jumped on me from behind...as she knew it was me the whole time so just thought it was a game we were playing. 

They do have noses haha...


But once when I came back late night after going to inspect a litter of puppies and sneaked up on her it was a different matter. As my smell had obviously been taken over by a whole new smell. 

555 IDK maybe you have a stronger odor than I. When I sneak up on them wearing a helmet they take a wide low stance and offer a clear warning. My dogs turn on a switch at night. When I walk them and they see some one at a distance they give fair warning and the oncoming person always makes a U turn.  They also walk off the leash on one on each hip and when I ride my motorbike they run along side in similar fashion. Love a dog and they will return the favor.

10 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai people online urged dog owners to be more responsible

Thai and responsibility ... never the twain ...


Frankly, my patience with the Thai approach to dogs is limited to dogs that behave themselves. They attack my family, and I'll use whatever means of defence are to hand. I'll worry about any 'cruelty' accusations if/when they arise.


A country that needs Submarines and Tanks so badly and they can't even keep dogs under control..,

They need to give more thought to their kids......... More so than for war (and with who???????)

But make owners more responsible for their dogs.................

6 hours ago, SiamBeast said:


Last night I went to 7-eleven by scooter and had 2 dogs run after me. Fortunately I outdrove them but it can definitely be dangerous.

So you had a faster scooter than the dogs had to outdrive them ? Sorry, couldn't help it. Guess I need a coldie.


My wife has always stated that if a dog were to cause a motorcycle or bicyclist to have an accident, that the owners would be on the hook for all the damages.

Yet she continues to think the 90cm stainless gate is to heavy or to much of a bother to close,

so would rather leave it open after passing through.

My response to her is...if the owners are responsible for any damages resulting from their loose dog/ pet, 

why are the owners always letting their pets out to roam freely?

No one cares!

She replies.

I remind her, it appears she falls into that same category, 

yet cares to inform me,

so I can go crazy thinking about the possible damages our pet might cause, 

as a result of her not caring...

keeping in mind,

that she brought the pet home without any input from my side on the new addition to the family;

while all the dogs roaming freely throughout the day & night, 

continue to drive our dog crazy, as they stand / walk past our house.



10 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Accidents do happen and if what the owner said is true then I am impressed he stood up took responsibility .

I don't think he had a lot of choice in the matter.....the child was attacked by a dog and he is the owner of the dog.

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