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Yingluck rules out sister taking over as Pheu Thai leader


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5 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

In Thailand for more than a decade and believing in universal suffrage and hopeful that the people of Thailand will finally get their country back from a small group of elites   & politicians back by the military.


Would be amazing to have a democracy in which all elements were present, and that meant real political parties fought campaigns and if elected respected all laws and procedures.


Then the people of Thailand would be free from small groups of elites, like the Shinawttras and others, who want to put a strangle hold on the country for their own profit and agenda.


At last we agree Eric!

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6 hours ago, maxpower said:

We apologize for the delay. Your opposition is frantically searching Google for more ammunition.


Won't take them long - plenty to choose from. The crime family can't be accused of laziness!

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21 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Would be amazing to have a democracy in which all elements were present, and that meant real political parties fought campaigns and if elected respected all laws and procedures.


Then the people of Thailand would be free from small groups of elites, like the Shinawttras and others, who want to put a strangle hold on the country for their own profit and agenda.


At last we agree Eric!

Even if Prayut participate in the next election and he win and his coalition  government formed and anoint him as an elected PM, I will have no disagreement. The caveat is that he don't use his power and influence to armtwist other parties to be in his coalition like he did with Ahbisit government. 

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34 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Even if Prayut participate in the next election and he win and his coalition  government formed and anoint him as an elected PM, I will have no disagreement. The caveat is that he don't use his power and influence to armtwist other parties to be in his coalition like he did with Ahbisit government. 

'....like he did with Ahbisit government. '


Your obsessive hatred of Prayuth has caused you temporal malfunction. Or is that revised red history?

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7 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

In Thailand for more than a decade and believing in universal suffrage and hopeful that the people of Thailand will finally get their country back from a small group of elites   & politicians back by the military.

yes, back to a criminal leader and his brain washed sheep and a  terrorist group

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9 hours ago, Artisi said:

People don't mandate anything when bought, they are conned into rubber stamping the criminal activities of the criminals who believe they have the right to plunder and rape at will. Thinking otherwise is BS. 


Yes the peoples' mandate does matter el, but when the 'elected' party (gang of thieves) refuses to play by the rules /destroys the rules and when that party installs fake / puppet pm's then we have another situation which cannot be fixed 'at the ballot box' by voting.


Don't respond el with 'please provide a link etc.,' don't insult peoples intelligence.  

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Having her, Yingluck, of all members of the Shins' clan, 'rule out' anyone, the more so a member of the family, as the next (temporary, as long as her own ban lasts, she was told?) head of the cleptocratic gang now called PTP, or the next name ('he' will choose after TRT, PPP, PTP, until a next, deserved ban to come?)!

Could it possibly show how much Thaksin's political frontdoor lays in tatters? To have the sister/daughter 'he' chose to bring to the sacrifice altar, as his puppet/clone, embroiled into the consequences of 'his' (second) rice scam as she is, 'rule out' anyone? Go figure... Or, is it simply, that Yingluck, at the time, is the one and only presentable figurehead of 'his' sinking ship...?

Anyway, when political 'talent' would be the decisive matter, ...and Thaksin's sister Yaowapa would not have some poisoned potion brewing in her kettles (as w...hes are reknown to have), then , only one person presently seems to do the trick, IMO: Sudarat.

...Providing she would have the elegance, or is it: modesty, in becoming the leader of a popular/populist 'grassroots' (erm...?), poor people's party, to, clearly, and definitively, 'drop' that 'old elite' stuff of a 'Khunying' nobility title... But I bet she won't. And when so, it'd tell something about her ego, ...who she thinks she is. Imagine her arriving in a 'red village', (have to) mingle with 'the plebs' there, and tell them: 'just call me Khunying', LOL

Good luck PTP. Or rather bad luck for what you represent. Really, that 'junta' made a hotchpotch of it not wiping away all political parties and movements, politicians and all, when they grabbed power! ...But maybe it was not the idea, as keeping the population politically divided, is keeping it weak, and the military strong... 'Dividere sicut regnare', over 2,000years old, but still true?

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To the-person-presently-calling-itself-Eric Loh-on-TV: congratulations, considering the number of posts you recently produced, it seems you have got a full-time job now! Hope it pays well, ...and lets you save the money for a course in written english that could bring you on par with the person which formerly posted here as 'Eric Loh'. For what the lack of other essentials is concerned, compared to that person I do regret, I guess we will alas have to do with what you got...

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yes, back to a criminal leader and his brain washed sheep and a  terrorist group

" brain washed sheep". How revealing. All those voters who elected a government are "brainwashed sheep". I really can't decide which is greater, your contempt for the Thai people or your contempt for the democratic process.
Still, if it is OK to refer to the people who elected the last democratic government as "brainwashed sheep" I suppose that it is only fair to refer to you as an apologist for fascism?
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31 minutes ago, JAG said:

" brain washed sheep". How revealing. All those voters who elected a government are "brainwashed sheep". I really can't decide which is greater, your contempt for the Thai people or your contempt for the democratic process.
Still, if it is OK to refer to the people who elected the last democratic government as "brainwashed sheep" I suppose that it is only fair to refer to you as an apologist for fascism?

Come on 'JAG', maybe 'brainwashed sheep' is exagerated, and 'the few millions of bought-off votes making a majority' might have been more close to the reality of facts, but, please, please, don't serve us 'the last democratic government' stuff, as, when so, quod non(!), it would have been the first and only one competing for the tiltle! Or are you among those ...(fill the gap with something nice, but not smart) who happen to believe there, ever, was anything such as a 'revolution' in Thailand, or a 'Democracy', or anything it has seemed necessary to the ones in power to build a huge monument about, as a reminder to what never was?

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1 hour ago, JAG said:

" brain washed sheep". How revealing. All those voters who elected a government are "brainwashed sheep". I really can't decide which is greater, your contempt for the Thai people or your contempt for the democratic process.
Still, if it is OK to refer to the people who elected the last democratic government as "brainwashed sheep" I suppose that it is only fair to refer to you as an apologist for fascism?

Well they were brainwashed sheep - Why couldn't they come up with the desired vote even with the dogs chasing them back to their pen? Couldn't they take the hint?

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Come on 'JAG', maybe 'brainwashed sheep' is exagerated, and 'the few millions of bought-off votes making a majority' might have been more close to the reality of facts, but, please, please, don't serve us 'the last democratic government' stuff, as, when so, quod non(!), it would have been the first and only one competing for the tiltle! Or are you among those ...(fill the gap with something nice, but not smart) who happen to believe there, ever, was anything such as a 'revolution' in Thailand, or a 'Democracy', or anything it has seemed necessary to the ones in power to build a huge monument about, as a reminder to what never was?

It is a very simple but fundamental point Bangrak. The Pheu Thai government, Yinglucks government if you like, was elected in accordance with the constitution. It was removed by the military coup and replaced by a junta, when it was in the process of holding fresh elections, again in accordance with the constitution.


References to "brainwashed sheep" or even your "few million bought votes" all seek to screen that fundamental point. Some (sheep) reveal an open conempt for the views of the people as expressed through the ballot box, others ( a few million votes) are less offensive but equally dismissive of those views. I make this point regularly. It goes unanswered because none of the supporters of the junta will face up to it.





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5 hours ago, JAG said:

It is a very simple but fundamental point Bangrak. The Pheu Thai government, Yinglucks government if you like, was elected in accordance with the constitution. It was removed by the military coup and replaced by a junta, when it was in the process of holding fresh elections, again in accordance with the constitution.


References to "brainwashed sheep" or even your "few million bought votes" all seek to screen that fundamental point. Some (sheep) reveal an open conempt for the views of the people as expressed through the ballot box, others ( a few million votes) are less offensive but equally dismissive of those views. I make this point regularly. It goes unanswered because none of the supporters of the junta will face up to it.







Most of your post sounds just wonderful and impresses but it's twist of the actual realities, all debunked a thousand times before.

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9 minutes ago, scorecard said:



Most of your post sounds just wonderful and impresses but it's twist of the actual realities, all debunked a thousand times before.

Is it? Come on then - the chance all you junta enthusiasts must have been waiting for... answer the  fundamental point "The Pheu Thai government, Yinglucks government if you like, was elected in accordance with the constitution. It was removed by the military coup and replaced by a junta, when it was in the process of holding fresh elections, again in accordance with the constitution."


Justify that?

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56 minutes ago, JAG said:

Is it? Come on then - the chance all you junta enthusiasts must have been waiting for... answer the  fundamental point "The Pheu Thai government, Yinglucks government if you like, was elected in accordance with the constitution. It was removed by the military coup and replaced by a junta, when it was in the process of holding fresh elections, again in accordance with the constitution."


Justify that?

Deaths on the street at the behest of  a certain fugitive ex politician, reasonable justification?

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18 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Deaths on the street at the behest of  a certain fugitive ex politician, reasonable justification?

You seem to hold exclusive critical proof. Why not share it with the RTP or the military? :coffee1:

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13 minutes ago, candide said:

You seem to hold exclusive critical proof. Why not share it with the RTP or the military? :coffee1:

Grow up, get off your arse and do a bit of research, it's all well documented and had been extensively covered at great length in Thaivisa over and over. 

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2 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Grow up, get off your arse and do a bit of research, it's all well documented and had been extensively covered at great length in Thaivisa over and over. 

You should take a bit of your own advice, grow up and do some research

Just like you did not do, when you spouted off about a school director when you were totally ignorant of the facts

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33 minutes ago, candide said:

You seem to hold exclusive critical proof. Why not share it with the RTP or the military? :coffee1:


No need, you have been on this site for quite  while, the incidents mentioned were well reported in the Thai media and have been discussed on TV, in detail, many times.

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Deaths on the street at the behest of  a certain fugitive ex politician, reasonable justification?

No because:


1. Elements on both sides of the divide committed acts of violence.

What evidence or proof is there that it was ordered by any politician, fugitive or otherwise? And before anyone accuses me of supporting violence, I unequivocally condemn them. Red, yellow and green for that matter.


2. There was violence, but its scale was limited, it was perpetrated by both sides and was nowhere near enough to prevent the election being completed. The military could have stopped it in a matter of hours, and allowed the election to proceed. They didn't.


We're back to my original point. What justification is there for a coup midst election?


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On 7/7/2017 at 6:04 PM, snoop1130 said:

Yingluck said all candidates have capability but there is a mechanism in the party to select the leader.

capability ? matched to the job ? history does not show that

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On 07/07/2017 at 10:13 PM, Dobredin Ghusputin said:

Clearly, Chalerm would be the right man for the job.

Possibly but maybe it's time for the bald man with the round face. He used to be FM. Forget his name but he seemed like a good, smart chap and without baggage, IIRC.

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On 7/9/2017 at 2:16 PM, candide said:

You seem to hold exclusive critical proof. Why not share it with the RTP or the military? :coffee1:


And perhaps you or your ilk could share some specific details of how the udd / reds 'elect' their leaders and share how the process is transparent and ethical. In other words explain how it's a fully democratic process.



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42 minutes ago, scorecard said:


And perhaps you or your ilk could share some specific details of how the udd / reds 'elect' their leaders and share how the process is transparent and ethical. In other words explain how it's a fully democratic process.



I never made this assertion. But you did make an assertion in the post I replied to. :coffee1:

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