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At G20, Ivanka Trump takes the spotlight - and a seat


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56 minutes ago, Morch said:


Can't help you with the contrived blind-spot thing. Pretty sure if this story was about Obama letting a family member participate in a meeting with more fitting and qualified choices at hand, Trump supporters would be all over it. Nepotism is not a requirement for advancing whatever platform.

Maybe, but the coverage would be gushing instead of prickly.

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7 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Look at ding dong donnie's face. Seems like he's not pleased his love daughter is being so friendly to another.

Maybe he is worried that troll might bite Ivanka's hand off.

Edited by canuckamuck
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5 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Maybe, but the coverage would be gushing instead of prickly.

There would have been no coverage, because such a scenario wouldn't occur.

The pace at which some are willing to accept anything and everything Trump does as proper, is quite amazing.

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Interesting. While dad is busy screwing up America and the world, his daughter is helping women entrepreneurs and championing women's rights across the globe. Maybe Donald should step aside and let Ivanka take over.


Lets' wait and see, given the past record of this family, I have reservations about who she's helping.

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19 minutes ago, Morch said:

There would have been no coverage, because such a scenario wouldn't occur.

The pace at which some are willing to accept anything and everything Trump does as proper, is quite amazing.

If such a scenario couldn't occur than what good is the rebuttal where you invented the scenario to challenge my post? Did you change your mind?

Edited by canuckamuck
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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

If such a scenario couldn't occur than what good is the rebuttal where you invented the scenario to challenge my post? Did you change your mind?


The point is that some behaviors which would have been previously been unimaginable now become the norm, and that the level of partisanship expressed by posters is, to quote Trump, "very sad".


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31 minutes ago, Morch said:


The point is that some behaviors which would have been previously been unimaginable now become the norm, and that the level of partisanship expressed by posters is, to quote Trump, "very sad".


Both sides are equal in hyperbole. It's just that the liberals are wrong.

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She was sitting between May and Chinese president and did not take part in discussions being held unsurprisingly.

I think he is just unaware of how his actions are perceived by others hence his crass Tweets. A bit thick in other words

Edited by Dave67
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"German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has worked with Ivanka on related issues, dismissed the kerfuffle at a news conference after the G20 summit ended.  'The delegations decide who will sit at the table if the president isn’t there, which can happen from time to time. And Ivanka belongs to the U.S. delegation,' Merkel said, noting other delegations do the same thing. 'It’s well known that she works in the White House and is responsible for several initiatives,' Merkel said."


Once again, mainstream media focuses on anything that they can twist into an excuse to denigrate President Trump.

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9 hours ago, mesquite said:

Ivanka is being groomed to become the first woman president after her father completes his second term.  Hopefully she, too, realizes climate change is a hoax.

Currently she behaves more like the White House Alternate First Lady.

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2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Both sides are equal in hyperbole. It's just that the liberals are wrong.


Thanks for demonstrating the partisan angle. I'd like to think that privately, at least some of the posters supporting Trump cringe, just a little at his actions and style. Not expecting this to be admitted, considering said partisan angle.

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11 hours ago, tonray said:

I don't know why we just won't give little Princess a break. She has so earned this ! Why, she and Prince Jared are the closest thing to royalty that we will ever have (that is ever since the UnaBomber was jailed anyway). Let's just enjoy it and maybe plan for the 50 year Jubilee ?




And she sat in the presidents' chair. She seems to have assumed that it's all her families' show and she can make the rules as she pleases.


I'm wondering if she's has just ignorantly / arrogantly stepped in front of some highly competent well known and respected US diplomatic folks. 

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18 minutes ago, Morch said:


Thanks for demonstrating the partisan angle. I'd like to think that privately, at least some of the posters supporting Trump cringe, just a little at his actions and style. Not expecting this to be admitted, considering said partisan angle.

I wasn't a fan of Trump, but he has been walking the walk and talking the talk, so for now he's getting the benefit of my doubt. Not that I would be surprised if the puppet masters finally found his strings. Of course the whole thing could just be theater, It definitely has people obsessed and distracted. 

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Just now, canuckamuck said:

I wasn't a fan of Trump, but he has been walking the walk and talking the talk, so for now he's getting the benefit of my doubt. Not that I would be surprised if the puppet masters finally found his strings. Of course the whole thing could just be theater, It definitely has people obsessed and distracted. 


Still to see the walk-the-walk bit. Talk...he sure does. Perhaps a tad too much. But both have nothing to do with endorsing his style or conduct. I think that many of his less than avid fans aren't really happy with that - but that expressing such criticism is seen as providing the other side with ammunition. Which goes back to the partisan issue.

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18 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

I wasn't a fan of Trump, but he has been walking the walk and talking the talk, so for now he's getting the benefit of my doubt. Not that I would be surprised if the puppet masters finally found his strings. Of course the whole thing could just be theater, It definitely has people obsessed and distracted. 

"Has people Obsessed and distracted"

I'd go with "alarmed and diarrhoeal"


But that's just me. Don't mind that smell, I just need to change my adult diaper...again.




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12 hours ago, tonray said:

I don't know why we just won't give little Princess a break. She has so earned this ! Why, she and Prince Jared are the closest thing to royalty that we will ever have (that is ever since the UnaBomber was jailed anyway). Let's just enjoy it and maybe plan for the 50 year Jubilee ?



But she has no right to sit in for him and it just confirms what an amateur he is to let it happen. I have no axe to grind when it comes to Ivanka but nobody voted for her or her husband.  Her biggest handicap is having the father she has and she can't really do much about that.


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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Both sides are equal in hyperbole. It's just that the liberals are wrong.

                        And what were liberals wrong about:  That Obama is an American citizen?   That a woman should not be punished for seeking an abortion (Trump says they should be punished)  ....That Russia interfered with the election (Trump says it's a witch hunt, except when he can blame Obama).   Were liberals wrong about wanting to improve Obamacare, instead of knocking 22 million people off of health insurance? Are liberals wrong in wanting to keep miners and oil drillers out of national parks?  


28 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

I wasn't a fan of Trump, but he has been walking the walk and talking the talk, so for now he's getting the benefit of my doubt. Not that I would be surprised if the puppet masters finally found his strings. Of course the whole thing could just be theater, It definitely has people obsessed and distracted. 

                          Yea, you're right about Trump being top of the headlines every day.  That's what he wants, though he'd prefer it to be headlines praising him, rather than headlines revealing his many flaws and illegal actions.  Overall, he wants to be center of attention, even if he's portrayed as the dufus he is.  Not much different that NK's Kim, come to think of it.   In show biz, they say, "there's no such thing as bad publicity."   .....it appears the same is true for Trump and Kim.   With each passing week, they're looking more alike - not physically, but in their attention-grabbing actions.

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President Donald Trump skewered as ‘friendless’ and ‘awkward’ in viral take-down


“It’s the unscripted Trump that’s real: a man who barks out bile in 140 characters, who wastes his precious days as President at war with the West’s institutions like the judiciary, independent government agencies, and the free press.”


"The reporter added: “Mr Trump is a man who craves power because it burnishes his celebrity."


"To be constantly talking and talked about is all that really matters... and there is no value placed on the meaning of words, so what is said one day can be discarded the next.”




Massive FAIL.

In a nutshell folks. :thumbsup:

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On 7/9/2017 at 8:21 AM, maewang99 said:

pay attention..... to this.... this is not positive for USA....

a Trump dynasty?? instead of Kennedy's.. Bushes.... Clintons... now it's gonna be.... 

USA's standing goes hand in hand with the dollah. 

Trump's slide in polls is making the chances for repeal & replace even more less likely this year..... and so they are getting nowhere on Medicare and Medicaid.... that is deeply negative for the US public debt situation.  the dollah. 

all of this, including the Trump I, Trump II, Trump III instead of Bush 3..... and Michelle Obama???

makes USA look like it's at the end of it's long post WW2 string.



It was wrong for the HRC to involve herself in policy when she was not elected herself...and it's wrong for DT to insinuate his daughter...Couldn't stand Obama, and I think he's one of the worst presidents of the past century, but at least the FLOTUS knew the bounds of her influence.

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13 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Currently she behaves more like the White House Alternate First Lady.

Humnnnnnn maybe she is more qualified (1st Lady) considering some of the photos of her sitting on your father's knee when an adult and her father's propensity for perversion - alleged lol.

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14 hours ago, dunroaming said:

But she has no right to sit in for him and it just confirms what an amateur he is to let it happen. I have no axe to grind when it comes to Ivanka but nobody voted for her or her husband.  Her biggest handicap is having the father she has and she can't really do much about that.



I don't think she's qualified to, but doubt about the "no right" bit. She officially holds a post at the administration (even if her actual duties aren't all that clear), and doubt that there are specific binding regulations regarding who sits in for the president on such occasions. As for "nobody voted for her or her husband", I get your drift, but doesn't really apply - no one voted for Tillerson as well, for example. By that rationale the only one eligible to sit in for Trump would be Pence.

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18 hours ago, Morch said:


Thanks for demonstrating the partisan angle. I'd like to think that privately, at least some of the posters supporting Trump cringe, just a little at his actions and style. Not expecting this to be admitted, considering said partisan angle.

One would certainly hope so, but would you bet the house on it?

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24 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

I guess Ivanka has not spoken to the Chinese president about the jailed journalists who have made a report on the textile factories where she produce her fashion collection.


She certainly had the opportunity while sitting right next to him.

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37 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

I guess Ivanka has not spoken to the Chinese president about the jailed journalists who have made a report on the textile factories where she produce her fashion collection.

She did. She said, "Thanks. The guy was a pain in the ass."



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