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If not for women

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Broad question, if you'll excuse the pun.

-Do you mean if there were no women anymore anywhere in the world?

-Do you mean if there weren't any prostitutes in Thailand?

Still trying to sort this out.

Edited by Ruffian Dick
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Depends. Farangs leaning toward "honesty" would tend to answer with "yes, it's the woman".

Others will be outraged by the question itself: "How dare you! Do I look like a w**re-monger? My Thai-Wife of 325 years and I have a beautiful ...etc, etc,etc

I know why I visit Thailand and I know why the overwhelming majority of Farangs visit Thailand. It's the temples, what else.....

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I don't like Thai food very much, I've seen enough temples to last a life time, engaging in extreme sports such as driving on the road are becoming less of an interest. So if there were no women, be they a wife, g/f's or "new" friends available (maybe they have all been locked way) then I would be somewhere else. The answer to your question is YES.

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I am past being concerned about "loose" women ....in this life anyway. I stay in Thailand because it's cheap and affordable on a pension, the weather is great, it doesn't have the "rat race" feeling about it ....and I wouldn't leave "she who must be obeyed".....                 Simple really.

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Prior to marrying this time, i was only here 2/3 months at a time.

For the last 6 years i have been here full time, and the longer i am here the more dissolutioned i get.

As dotpoom said if it wasnt for my wife i wouldnt be here.

Edited by colinneil
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sure would, actually I do


getting rid of girlfriends and the like was a step forward, life became more pleasant,

now I can focus on my hobbies as much as I like, no worries


really enjoy the wife/girlfriend free life in LoS


(taxi drivers often ask me if I have Thai wife, normally I answer;

 don't have wife, don't have mia noi, don't have girlfriend, don't have gik

 don't have problems)


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Some might say they stay in spite of the women.....

If one were a pimp or bar owner, perhaps could call self "wh***monger"... most guys are consumers, not suppliers, if we use this definition of "monger": denoting a dealer or trader in a specified commodity.

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Thailand's charming women are just one part (albeit an important part) of an entire package that keeps me coming back. The casual lifestyle, relative affordability, my 30 year history of living or visiting here, my network of friends, the warm weather, and other things all play a part as well.

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It's a package deal. Weather, food, cheap lifestyle and yes the occasional bit of company.

Probably would not spend time in Thailand if any of the above mysteriously disappeared.

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47 minutes ago, alant said:

Same for me, as a nation I feel Thailand does not want foreigners. 

Negative, my wife draws us back to Thailand. If i had my way i would spend summer in Kazakhstan and then spend the Kazakh winters in South America. Comparable cost of living and diverse ethnic groups. 

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I live in Thailand to engage in drunken sex fueled parties with bar girls <but shhhhh, don't tell the teerak>.  


But seriously, I'm here because of my marriage.  If that situation ever changes I'll completely reassess my living situation considering the Machiavellian immigration policies rather irritate me.  How many people in this world hammer the West for its liberal immigration policies because they want them even more liberal.  Yet not a peep about Thailand's over-enthusiastic enforcement of their borders?  
My suggestions for anyone considering living here - do your research before committing to that plan, especially if you're considering marrying a Thai.  You'll never be accepted here, ever. Understand that before you commit.  Seriously.

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Once you know the reality behind the Land of False Smiles and spend time overseas away from the constant garbage that we are constantly bombarded with it becomes crystal clear what a sh*thole Thailand really is, and any reason to visit becomes increasingly obscure. It is so dis-functional that it is difficult to know how the country functions at all. I've just returned from a period overseas, and the contrast is huge. The ignorance of the locals and their immature behaviour is staggering. I would leave in a heartbeat, had I not made the error decades ago of marrying a local and moving to the country. The only thing the country offers to many is that it is cheap, but that is fast becoming a thing of the past and I can think of no reason to travel halfway around the world when better attitudes and infrastructure and often cheaper prices can be found nearer to home. No reason at all.

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4 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Once you know the reality behind the Land of False Smiles and spend time overseas away from the constant garbage that we are constantly bombarded with it becomes crystal clear what a sh*thole Thailand really is, and any reason to visit becomes increasingly obscure. It is so dis-functional that it is difficult to know how the country functions at all. I've just returned from a period overseas, and the contrast is huge. The ignorance of the locals and their immature behaviour is staggering. I would leave in a heartbeat, had I not made the error decades ago of marrying a local and moving to the country. The only thing the country offers to many is that it is cheap, but that is fast becoming a thing of the past and I can think of no reason to travel halfway around the world when better attitudes and infrastructure and often cheaper prices can be found nearer to home. No reason at all.

What happened to you?!


We make our own hell or heaven wherever we live. 


I have been here full time 11 years.  Not married and have no family.  I LOVE it here and going back to the UK is not something I would ever consider. 


I love the food, culture, people here (well most of them).  There are ignorant and stupid / nasty people in every country.  As for the governments and leaders... again they are much the same over the world too. 


I like the people here better than those in the UK on the whole because they are welcoming, friendly and funny.  They are also very loyal and true friends once they get to know you properly. 


Now, the tourist places are a different world.  Here there are lots of dishonest and crazy people, both the locals and the tourists.  Maybe you are living in one of these places?  I am out in a Thai village in the North.  Also I don't have any experience of living in Bangkok or big city... as I don't like cities.  I suspect people there are different... same as people in London are always busy and not friendly.. and crime is more common. 

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Yes I'd still be living in Thailand.

I got a better class of woman (in terms of education, financial standing, intelligence) back in my home land than I can find here so I'm definitely not here for that

I'm not into the hooker scene that so many other foreigners would apparently die without.

Edited by Thai Ron
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I enjoy the beautiful Thai women with their easy smiles, great legs, fabulous smooth skin, etc. but I also always wanted to live in a tropical country after being based in Singapore in the RN back in 1963. Of course a different world back then. So for me it is close to perfect with affordable prices, great women, jungle, love the weather, affordable internal plane flights, cheap rent, delicious variety of fruit, minimum clothes, living on the beach. All of these things would be unattainable back in California, especially the beautiful available women of any age on offer here. And I do not mean hookers or bar girls. I am a very healthy fortunate 73 with a 41 year old girlfriend. And she keeps me young and fit because she always is on the move doing stuff, happy, funny, sexy, and adorable. What more do I really need. The immigration stuff over a year is a minor inconvenience......but no country is perfect. So all you unhappy guys please leave at your convenience, and us happy ones will reap the benefits. Watch the door doesn't hit you in the ass as you leave. 555

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