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Donald Trump Jr. hires lawyer for Russia probes


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Senate committee slaps subpoena on Glenn Simpson


"The Senate Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena Friday to the co-founder of the firm that commissioned the now-infamous dossier of unsubstantiated allegations about President Donald Trump after he declined to testify before Congress next week."


"Glenn Simpson's lawyer said he is on vacation and traveling overseas through early August, prompting Chairman Chuck Grassley and ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein to compel his attendance."


"The senators said Simpson’s attorney has asserted that his client will invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in response to the subpoena."




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8 minutes ago, iReason said:

Trump Jr. and Manafort reach deal with Senate panel to avoid public hearing 


"Last week, Trump Jr. told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he would testify under oath about his recently revealed 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians, where he attempted to get dirt on Hillary Clinton."
"But after the Senate Judiciary Committee invited him to attend a public hearing, the President's eldest struck the agreement to avoid it, instead going behind closed doors."
"The committee has issued a subpoena for Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the political firm that compiled a dossier of unverified information compiled for Trump's political opponents."

All that will be said by Trump Jr and Manafort will be "I claim my right to the 5th".

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Russian Lawyer Who Met Donald Trump Jr. Once Represented Spy Agency


"MOSCOW — The Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. last year after his father had won the Republican nomination for president had once represented Russia’s top intelligence agency in court, according to at least two public records."


"The service, known as the F.S.B., is the successor agency to the K.G.B. and was once headed by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia."


"Ms. Veselnitskaya insisted after her June 2016 meeting with Mr. Trump’s son was first reported by The New York Times two weeks ago that she had no ties to the Kremlin and never worked for the Russian government."



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5 minutes ago, tonray said:

It's all about to come crashing down:




Washington Post: Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador, per intel intercepts

From that link:


Sessions denied any campaign-related meetings with Russians at the confirmation hearings, saying, "I did not have communications with the Russians."


If this is proven, Session is gone and possible in jail.  Perjury at it's worst.

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

From that link:


If this is proven, Session is gone and possible in jail.  Perjury at it's worst.

Starting to unravel bit by bit.The key is now these guys testifying have no idea if NSA has taped their meetings and are likely to plead the 5th because anything they say could be contradicted by the tapes. 



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Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions

Special counsel examines dealings of Kushner, Manafort, Trump (sub-title)


"The U.S. special counsel investigating possible ties between the Donald Trumpcampaign and Russia in last year’s election is examining a broad range of transactions involving Trump’s businesses as well as those of his associates, according to a person familiar with the probe."


"FBI investigators and others are looking at Russian purchases of apartments in Trump buildings, Trump’s involvement in a controversial SoHo development in New York with Russian associates, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and Trump’s sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch in 2008"


"The investigation also has absorbed a money-laundering probe begun by federal prosecutors in New York into Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort."



Follow the money...:thumbsup:

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2 minutes ago, tonray said:

I think the next Beauty pageant the Trump boys might see is in Cell Block D as a 6'8'' 400 lb long term resident votes on who he likes best Don Jr. or Jeff Sessions.

Don Jr will be the guy's female dog, while Sessions will be his house elf.



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28 minutes ago, iReason said:

Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions

Special counsel examines dealings of Kushner, Manafort, Trump (sub-title)


"The U.S. special counsel investigating possible ties between the Donald Trumpcampaign and Russia in last year’s election is examining a broad range of transactions involving Trump’s businesses as well as those of his associates, according to a person familiar with the probe."


"FBI investigators and others are looking at Russian purchases of apartments in Trump buildings, Trump’s involvement in a controversial SoHo development in New York with Russian associates, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and Trump’s sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch in 2008"


"The investigation also has absorbed a money-laundering probe begun by federal prosecutors in New York into Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort."



Follow the money...:thumbsup:

Hopefully, they get to the BS Trump was doing in Azerbaijan.  The front man for that project had ties to Iran and their National Guard, which mean Trump and crew were violating US laws. 


So many dots to connect.  It takes time, but it's all coming together.  Much to the chagrin of his supporters, who can seem to see what's going on.  Or just don't want to see it.

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Jeff Sessions discussed Trump campaign with Russian ambassador – report

US intelligence intercepts show Sergey Kislyak told supervisors he discussed Trump campaign and policy issues during meetings with attorney general (sub-title)


"Jeff Sessions discussed Donald Trump’s White House bid with the Russian ambassador to Washington in 2016, according to reported US intelligence intercepts which contradict the US attorney general’s assurances that the campaign was not discussed."


"Sergey Kislyak told his superiors in Moscow he talked about campaign-related matters and significant policy issues during two meetings with Sessions, according to current and former US intelligence officials, the Washington Post reported on Friday."


"The ambassador’s accounts of the meetings – which US spy agencies intercepted – clash with those of Sessions and pile fresh pressure on the attorney general just days after the president publicly criticised him."



This whole sordid nest of lying snakes needs to be eradicated.




And will be. :thumbsup:

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New White House comms chief caught on Russian TV saying he wants to lift US sanctions


Donald Trump's new communications director thinks punishing Russia for interfering in the presidential election was "not the best decision."



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Manafort Was in Debt to Pro-Russia Interests, Cyprus Records Show


"Financial records filed last year in the secretive tax haven of Cyprus, where Paul J. Manafort kept bank accounts during his years working in Ukraine and investing with a Russian oligarch, indicate that he had been in debt to pro-Russia interests by as much as $17 million before he joined Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign in March 2016."


"The money appears to have been owed by shell companies connected to Mr. Manafort’s business activities in Ukraine when he worked as a consultant to the pro-Russia Party of Regions."


"The Cyprus documents obtained by The New York Times include audited financial statements for the companies, which were part of a complex web of more than a dozen entities that transferred millions of dollars among them in the form of loans, payments and fees."


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AP Exclusive: Before Trump job, Manafort worked to aid Putin


"WASHINGTON (AP) — Before signing up with Donald Trump, former campaign manager Paul Manafort secretly worked for a Russian billionaire with a plan to “greatly benefit the Putin Government,” The Associated Press has learned."


"Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and former Soviet republics to benefit President Vladimir Putin’s government, even as U.S.-Russia relations under Republican President George W. Bush grew worse."


“We are now of the belief that this model can greatly benefit the Putin Government if employed at the correct levels with the appropriate commitment to success,” Manafort wrote in the 2005 memo to Deripaska."


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Harvard Gazette

New questions in Russia probe  

Ex-CIA officer discusses how Trump Jr. emails, meeting might affect Mueller investigation


"Rolf Mowatt-Larssen is the director of the Belfer Center’s Intelligence and Defense Project at Harvard Kennedy School. Before coming to Harvard, he served as director of intelligence and counterintelligence at the U.S. Department of Energy and was a distinguished intelligence officer in the CIA for two decades."


"MOWATT-LARSSEN: It has become clear that the Russian intention was to attempt to enter into a collaborative or cooperative relationship with the Trump campaign in order to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s campaign to their mutual benefit."


"To that end, the Russian government employed hacking activity to collect information and then embarked on an ambitious intelligence operation to leak that information to Trump’s advantage and to Clinton’s detriment."



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wow……cut and paste has been fast and furious today…all from dnc approved media sources as usual.


reports upon reports….using what kislyak allegedly said to ascertain what sessions did….interesting….

like kislyak has no idea that nsa can see his correspondence. All a bit of over reach here….and designed to disrupt 

the trump admins ability to govern.


at te one of the day, what matters is what comes of all this huffing and puffing.


I predict nothing much will…..and then someone will have to come up with another username to continue 

talking rubbish here.



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12 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

wow……cut and paste has been fast and furious today…all from dnc approved media sources as usual.


reports upon reports….using what kislyak allegedly said to ascertain what sessions did….interesting….

like kislyak has no idea that nsa can see his correspondence. All a bit of over reach here….and designed to disrupt 

the trump admins ability to govern.


at te one of the day, what matters is what comes of all this huffing and puffing.


I predict nothing much will…..and then someone will have to come up with another username to continue 

talking rubbish here.



DNC approved media?  Seriously? :cheesy:


Sad you can't see how this all ties together.  Though I agree, not much might come of this due to the Republican controlled congress.  Just wait till the mid year elections.  The republicans are going to get crushed due to this and the healthcare BS. LOL

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Seems like Chuck Grassley has smoothed the path for Jr. and Manafort, in a deal late Friday. Assume he'll do the same for Jared.


Grassley seems more focused Fusion GPS and turning this into Hilarygate. (Narrative: Hilary colluded with the Russians to help her lose the election.)


But once the intercepts are made public pardons will be necessary. All of these Russians were hot-miced via an SSS7 exploit.



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44 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

wow……cut and paste has been fast and furious today…all from dnc approved media sources as usual.

All a bit of over reach here….and designed to disrupt the trump admins ability to govern.

I predict nothing much will…..and then someone will have to come up with another username to continue talking rubbish here.


"designed to disrupt the trump admins ability to govern."


He's doing a stellar job of that himself. And incapable of doing so anyway...

Lovin' it. :thumbsup:



Youse guys just don't get it...


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The many unearthed interactions between Trump-world and Russia, documented


"All of them were discovered through leaks and media reports."


"If any White House and administration officials intentionally omitted meetings with Russian foreign nationals on their security clearance forms, that could be a federal crime."
"A number of previously undisclosed interactions with Russians have been revealed in the past six months since Trump took office, and White House officials and Trump associates have since confirmed the following such interactions with Russians."
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1 hour ago, iReason said:


"designed to disrupt the trump admins ability to govern."


He's doing a stellar job of that himself. And incapable of doing so anyway...

Lovin' it. :thumbsup:



Youse guys just don't get it...


The Twilight Zone was good, thought-provoking entertainment. The Trump supporters everywhere are more like Wile E. Coyote, but instead of cockamamie schemes, they have cockamamie arguments.


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Trump claims Trump Jr. 'openly gave his emails to the media'


"Trump’s eldest son released the emails just minutes before The New York Times published a report detailing the contents of the emails, which show that Trump Jr. was told before the meeting that the information about Clinton was part of a Russian government effort to help his father’s presidential campaign."


"Special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the federal probe into the Russia issue, sent a document preservation request to the White House on Friday asking staff members to preserve all documents related to Trump Jr.’s meeting such as text messages, notes and voicemails"


The inept one lying and feebly attempting a spin.
Jr., only after the White House lied about any meeting taking place, released them after NYT contacted him and told him what they had.
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On 2017-07-23 at 5:57 AM, iReason said:

The many unearthed interactions between Trump-world and Russia, documented


"All of them were discovered through leaks and media reports."


"If any White House and administration officials intentionally omitted meetings with Russian foreign nationals on their security clearance forms, that could be a federal crime."
"A number of previously undisclosed interactions with Russians have been revealed in the past six months since Trump took office, and White House officials and Trump associates have since confirmed the following such interactions with Russians."

Vladimir Putin’s fake “retaliation” against U.S. sanctions bill is a shot across Donald Trump’s bow


Now that the House and Senate have both passed a bill in near unanimous fashion which takes away Donald Trump’s ability to ease sanctions on Russia, Trump has been left with no choice but to swallow it. In turn, Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced swift and severe retaliation against the United States, vowing to expel more than seven hundred U.S. diplomats from Russia. The trouble: most of those diplomats don’t exist.



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