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Customer allegedly swindled by Kasikorn says that staff tried to pay him off to make the case go away


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11 hours ago, seajae said:

murkier and murkier, could this involve more that the teller and be a regular thing, very much doubt they would give them 40.000 baht if they were innocent

Happens all the time....I know people that excepted the bribe 3 times...(different occurrences same branch.)

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11 hours ago, colinneil said:

Sorry i cannot believe a major bank would do such a thing.

Maybe the teller and line manager were in it together, and were trying to make the problem go-away.

To think as you have stated, 

is exactly what the banks are hoping for.


From my personal experience with Kasikorn bank, 

just concerning their accident insurance renewal; 

it's very easy for me to say,

that even the big banks can and will take when they think they can get away with it.


In my case,

I went to the bank to renew my accident insurance,

which each banks sells for a period of 1 year coverage.

I showed the bank officer my original card,

my passport, my work permit, 

and they were happy to take my money.


Yet when it came time to get the card; 

which I was always issued on the spot or within a the next day, 

at other branches in the past. 


This branch of Kasikorn bank denied such.

Simply stating that I would have to wait for two weeks.

When I asked,

why they not inform me of this before they took my money, 

the bank manager came forward.


I initially thought that was a good thing, 

but the manager in this case had more excuses,

which made even less sense than the bank officer had given.


Appearing each were out to cover each other.

When I asked for my money back,

so I could go to the branch I had bought the insurance from previously...

the statement was the receipt had already been written,

so I would have to wait 45 days for a refund to be issued.


Example of some of the reasons given for the two week processing time were, 

that I was a foreigner,

Only Thai citizens can get their accident card on the same day, 

or the next day.

Paper work had to be verified.

As if I would come;

or anyone for that matter,

would come into the bank with an insurance card about to expire, 

and try to renew it with fake documents.


Now granted my documents were all in original form, 

as we know already,

they won't except copies for anything.


They force the customer to pay for the copies they want, 

and plan to use.


No trust given,

even if you provide a driver license to match the work permit,


We are to trust them, 

but they don't warm up to the customer in anyway at all, 

unless you're depositing a million baht, 

and then it will take four hours to get through the process, 

as was the case with me in Phuket...jeez.


Now I guess all would of been well,

even though my insurance would of expired within the two week period;

they were stating it would take to receive the new card.

Something I was trying to avoid from happening, 

and of course they can't be bothered to mail to the customer; 

have to come in for it. TIT

Yet 2 weeks came and went,

and after several visits,

and even more request for additional copies, 

at my expense, it took 4 months to get the card,

as it appeared they hoped I would just walk away from the 2,500 bht paid, 

and forget about it all together. They seemed surprised each time they saw me...

like you come again?

I would of asked for a refund after the original two weeks,

but the story was always, 

the main branch is still checking / verifying the details i.e. documents, 

and even the bank manager would state, if you get a refund, 

and purchase somewhere else as I stated,

that branch would just have to go through the same thing, 

but now that the documents have been submitted, 

and the insurance is in the process of being issued, 

no refund can be given, was the statements which I received,

when I tried to push for a refund.

In the course of my long wait,

and several visits, I saw or they explained to me, 

that the bank manager had resigned as they introduced to me the new manager, 

which wasn't any better than the first.


Once I did finally get my card,

which they couldn't even be bothered to call when it arrived.

I had to just keep visiting the branch.

The date on the coverage card was...

the day I applied!

I lost all the waiting time to receive the card.

When they handed it to me,

all they stated was this is your last year of coverage.

Accident insurance is no longer offered to foreigners, 

due to all the claims made each year, was their statement.

I really didn't care at that point, 

I was still in shock and upset for the date on the card for when the coverage began.

Anytime i have had a balance issue,

or a purchase via debit card online; 

it has taken month to get my money back,

especially if I refund / return something, 

or the company I bought from online doesn't have the item in stock, 

and wishes to refund my purchase.

I have to be very careful about my purchases, 

especially when the merchant offers satisfaction or the customers money back.

I know already that won't help me any, 

as Kasikorn takes as long as they want to get the money back to the customer, 

and a ton of paper work to do anything.




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11 hours ago, Tilacme said:

If caught thieving, step 1, deny everything.  If that doesn't work then step 2, try bribing your way out.  What will be step 3 ? 

Step 3) The person that filed the complaint commits suicide.  

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12 hours ago, colinneil said:

Sorry i cannot believe a major bank would do such a thing.

Maybe the teller and line manager were in it together, and were trying to make the problem go-away.

What wonderful world do you live in? In USA and Europe some of the largest banks in the world ripped off hundreds-of-thousands of people to the tune of billions-of-dollars with fraudulent investments -- and they actually got away with it, and not one of the CEOs or board members has been charged with anything.  

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SCB pay in machine took 1000B from me last year. Nothing I could do.

Money had just come out of Bangkok Bank ATM and was counted twice by myself before it was deposited...

Mobile top up machines do it to my gf all the time.

(Yes I told her to get a contract, but the amount of time she spends on the phone to family is crazy, and I won't pay for the contract.)


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Nothing wrong with Kasikorn , I have been a customer there since 2011. I have 4 accounts with them . Never had any issues with my ATM-cards or VISA. I use online banking and other services. The staff inside the branches seem professional enough .  


He was just unlucky to find some low life scum as staff. 


Edited by balo
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20 minutes ago, balo said:

Nothing wrong with Kasikorn , I have been a customer there since 2011. I have 4 accounts with them . Never had any issues with my ATM-cards or VISA. I use online banking and other services. The staff inside the branches seem professional enough .  


He was just unlucky to find some low life scum as staff. 


Yes just one idiot among the many hundreds of good bank tellers at Thai Farmers Bank (as it was called in English way back).

They were very good to me years ago, two girls I will never forget for their help in troubled times. I changed bank simply to get my salary paid in direct.


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Yes HerbalEd, you are right.  People also forget the bail-ins!


Not only did I have a problem with Kasikorn in Bangkok as I said earlier, but I also had a problem with an Indian bank when I was living there.  The Indian bank never gave me my money back, nor an apology, even though they admitted that they had made the mistake.


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On 14/07/2017 at 9:28 AM, colinneil said:

Sorry i cannot believe a major bank would do such a thing.

Maybe the teller and line manager were in it together, and were trying to make the problem go-away.

I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in the branch knows what happened...... And the decision was made by the manager to make it go away.... 


Definitely know the petshop guy was telling the truth now tho....


Last week it was 50/50 but the bank/teller have confirmed the error/theft  was  on their side  by doing this... 

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10 hours ago, balo said:

Nothing wrong with Kasikorn , I have been a customer there since 2011. I have 4 accounts with them . Never had any issues with my ATM-cards or VISA. I use online banking and other services. The staff inside the branches seem professional enough .  


He was just unlucky to find some low life scum as staff. 


If it was only 1 bad staff member an honest manager would have fired her already and given her to the police... With the evidence 


The fact that the extra money was undetected by everyone else in the branch and now they are willing to pay a refund under the table suggests that there is more than just the teller involved

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1 hour ago, Diddl said:

Yes HerbalEd, you are right.  People also forget the bail-ins!


Not only did I have a problem with Kasikorn in Bangkok as I said earlier, but I also had a problem with an Indian bank when I was living there.  The Indian bank never gave me my money back, nor an apology, even though they admitted that they had made the mistake.



Not surprised, my business experiences in India fraught with no payment  / short payment / short deliveries / tricky staff  / sales  / accounting records with regular mistakes, local projects proceeded even when I told the staff to not proceed and more, until I eventually, after 1 year, convinced my company HO in Boston to abandon their push to open a substantial office in India. 


When I initially approached an Indian bank to open a savings account for the company their answer was that I had to pay an agent to accompany me to the bank to open an account. Without realizing it they revealed the 'agent' was one of their own retired employees.


I made other arrangements. 

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