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Some tourist visa holders being asked to show 20,000 baht in CASH when entering Thailand


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25 minutes ago, ravip said:

20,000THB = 609.952 USD
1 USD = 32.7895 THB
1 THB = 0.0304976 USD

Not exactly 1000's of dollars!

Can I come to the UK with a couple of credit cards and 10 GBP in my pocket?

Yes, no-one will ask you show any cash, credit cards or whatever.

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41 minutes ago, ravip said:

But, there seems to be 'additional' requirements, varying widely according to nationalities >>> More

Generally those conditions will apply to ensure that there will be no need for the person to 'access public funds' will depend on nationality, and the type of visa applied for. That's one of the standard reasons for refusal of the UK holiday/visit visa.

When those conditions are met by the applicant in their own country a visa will be issued.

Similar to the METV, O and OA visa. Income in your own country to be proved. OK, Thailand has the VE but in reality that is meant for people coming here on holiday for 2/4 weeks ( 30 days ) and then heading home. Sort of, lets go to Thailand for a couple of weeks, we'll leave on Monday.



Edited by overherebc
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On 10/11/2018 at 3:24 PM, PeCeDe said:

Your comments are dripping with a demeaning distaste for the Thai "low IQ/low-empathy immigration officer," and smack of how dare they question me, I'm God! Have you tried other Country I/O's including your own because they would be the same, ask the same questions be identical in every way even though they have a well earned and superior degree, just like Thailand all Country I/O's are trained to not care about the visitors self important stature, Country of origin etc. You're right Thailand has some catching up to do but I'm confident it will get there, meanwhile try to be a little more sensitive and appreciate the Country the I/O has allowed you to enter, remember the Country belongs to him/her not you and permission is not automatic just because you have a higher IQ (ahem)...

But my iq is really higher, probably double.... 

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Yes, no-one will ask you show any cash, credit cards or whatever.
They will however ensure you have enough funds to support yourself for the duration of your trip, so if you brought 20000 bht equivalent for a 30 day trip (Or only had a small bank balance) would potentially be refused or at least get a serious grilling.
On the whole, it is far easier for a Brit to get into Thailand than for a Thai to get into the UK (short term).
So in the scheme of things I (personal opinion) do not see any hardship carrying 20000 bht equivalent.
When I came last month I carried £5000 because I had a big purchase to make and get a better exchange rate in Chiang Rai than in uk. Picked up by my f2f at the airport, straight to the bank. No muss no fuss.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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They will however ensure you have enough funds to support yourself for the duration of your trip, so if you brought 20000 bht equivalent for a 30 day trip (Or only had a small bank balance) would potentially be refused or at least get a serious grilling.
On the whole, it is far easier for a Brit to get into Thailand than for a Thai to get into the UK (short term).
So in the scheme of things I (personal opinion) do not see any hardship carrying 20000 bht equivalent.
When I came last month I carried £5000 because I had a big purchase to make and get a better exchange rate in Chiang Rai than in uk. Picked up by my f2f at the airport, straight to the bank. No muss no fuss.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

F2f? Don't know what happened there. Should have been gf

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, overherebc said:

Generally those conditions will apply to ensure that there will be no need for the person to 'access public funds' will depend on nationality, and the type of visa applied for. That's one of the standard reasons for refusal of the UK holiday/visit visa.

When those conditions are met by the applicant in their own country a visa will be issued.

Similar to the METV, O and OA visa. Income in your own country to be proved. OK, Thailand has the VE but in reality that is meant for people coming here on holiday for 2/4 weeks ( 30 days ) and then heading home. Sort of, lets go to Thailand for a couple of weeks, we'll leave on Monday.



Absolutely and quite fair.

Similarly, I think it is very fair that the Thai IM officer would randomly check for the 20K Baht in your pocket. After all, how could one prove that your credit/debit card has any money? Someone could have a dozen cards which are useless? ...and imagine someone coming for a holiday even without $ 500? In case of an accident? Sickness?

Really, is 20K Baht a matter to argue about with an IM officer? Any reason to feel 'degraded'?

Edited by ravip
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4 hours ago, rossd said:

As far as I can remember there are no ATM's at either airport on the airside of immigration.

There are but only on domestic where air-side is all the way up to the baggage hall without the hindrance of all those grabby IO's that they have international air-side.


Could be worse, could be like many west African nations where one needs a bit of wedge for the various stages of outward transit AFTER immigration and before you get anywhere near the bloody plane.

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1 hour ago, MrMuddle said:

Fact is, they don't want us here anymore.


11 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Fact is, they never wanted us here in the first place. It's just they couldn't afford to do without us back then.

IMHO this is a hallucination.

It is just that some people find it very difficult or are intolerant to be questioned due to many reasons.

e.g Superiority complex, stubbornness, racism or maybe pure ignorance.

Just try to find out the rigours a Thai or ANY other undeveloped countries citizen has to tolerate from the Western embassies. It is pure disgusting and humiliating! Racism at its best!

Pray, correct me with proof if otherwise!


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On 7/17/2017 at 1:25 AM, midas said:

I see nothing onerous about this whatsoever.

I mean just based on living a very modest lifestyle without any extravagance- I still can't see how any genuine tourist can make 20,000 baht last for more than a couple of weeks?:blink:

So you are supposed to show 20,000 baht in cash and you see nothing wrong with that? I do not carry cash  for  multiple   reasons, so I should  not be allowed entry? And it  is insulting of you  to suggest that visitors  would go on vacation without adequate funds. Onerous? :)                                                            

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52 minutes ago, ravip said:
17 hours ago, MrMuddle said:

Fact is, they don't want us here anymore.

IMHO I think this in NOT the case.

Over here in TVF there are many who think they are VIP's and that the they are above the Thai law. They want to enter and exit Thailand without any rules applying to them. They are offended by any law that they have to adhere to. Sad, but true.

You guys, both of you, need some grey matter ... its sad

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3 hours ago, ravip said:

IMHO I think this in NOT the case.

Over here in TVF there are many who think they are VIP's and that the they are above the Thai law. They want to enter and exit Thailand without any rules applying to them. They are offended by any law that they have to adhere to. Sad, but true.


It is purely a psychological condition.


Actually I doubt that. They follow the law, but are then met with a power-tripping I/O officer who makes up their own rules. There is no such thing as "Thai Law", each little fiefdom does their own thing, and it's frustrating when you have all of your T's crossed and i's dotted, only to run into some falang hating unit out of a place like Poi Pet or DMK's immigration office who are actually instructing you to BREAK immigration law.


Nobody here is saying or even implying that laws shouldn't be followed, that's just grasping at straw(men).

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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 1:29 PM, darksidedog said:

Asking tourists to show they have the means to support themselves is fair enough. I have read of reports though when a person without the cash has been refused the opportunity to go to the ATM to withdraw the required monies. That is utterly wrong.

On a Technicality when you do that, once you've passed immigration  you've entered the Kingdom

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2 hours ago, chainarong said:

On a Technicality when you do that, once you've passed immigration  you've entered the Kingdom

On a Technicality it's probably illegal to install a Thai ATM-machine outside Thailand (aka b4 immigration), however you can find exchange booths there. In swampy it's run by SCB if my mind serves me well. Never ever someone tried to get cash from there whilst using CC?

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5 hours ago, jethro69 said:

On a Technicality it's probably illegal to install a Thai ATM-machine outside Thailand (aka b4 immigration), however you can find exchange booths there. In swampy it's run by SCB if my mind serves me well. Never ever someone tried to get cash from there whilst using CC?

THAT would be useful to know for those without cash.


Personally, having followed this thread for a while, I agree that 20K Baht (or equivalent) is really not that much cash to carry to enter a foreign land especially for a long trip.

Even though I have a Thai bank account and several cards, I would feel vulnerable without the "folding stuff"


If you're concerned about being mugged, split it up between various pockets and only have a small amount in your "everyday" wallet so people don't suspect you of carrying lots of cash. Get a money belt maybe?


The problem is that, certainly on the London Embassy site (the only one I've looked at), it does not warn you of the possible need to have cash on entry if you hold SETV or METV

Therefore one could infer that this is only necessary for the 30 day exemption and, to be honest, one presumes that by the strict letter of the law, that is the case. i've never been asked - sometimes i even get a smile from the IO!


The other point, and this is "the elephant in the room" is that part of the job of IOs the world over is to exclude "undesirables" - for that (s)he need to make a judgement call for every entrant. They DO judge people by appearances and quite frankly if you can't be bothered to look at least clean, tidy and respectable, then you haven't thought it through. Even after 20 hours of travel, and not having shaved for a day it's not that difficult.  

I once had an IO in the USA mark a small cross on my entry card - when I got to Customs i was searched very thoroughly - why, i never knew but I suspect it was because I'd previously travelled to places like Libya and Saudi and a judgement call was made.



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10 hours ago, greenbottle555 said:


Actually I doubt that. They follow the law, but are then met with a power-tripping I/O officer who makes up their own rules. There is no such thing as "Thai Law", each little fiefdom does their own thing, and it's frustrating when you have all of your T's crossed and i's dotted, only to run into some falang hating unit out of a place like Poi Pet or DMK's immigration office who are actually instructing you to BREAK immigration law.


Nobody here is saying or even implying that laws shouldn't be followed, that's just grasping at straw(men).

Sure, nobody here is saying or implying that laws shouldn't be followed, per se. But, as anyone would've noticed, there are many, who for some reason known to them only, that hates Thailand and anything to do with Thailand.

On the whole, millions of foreigners are entering TH annually, its a minuscule percentage that encounter problems - a glaring example of one such is, when someone forgets the expiry date of his/her passport! Now, is that a duty of the IM of ANY country?

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1 hour ago, ravip said:

 - a glaring example of one such is, when someone forgets the expiry date of his/her passport! Now, is that a duty of the IM of ANY country?

No, should be the duty of the check-in / boarding stuff from the airline. But I should have made a video from my last flight with stop-over in IST, how secure the boarding stuff was. They had not a bloody idea 'bout visa regulations for Turkey, hell, is that so difficult to get a piece of paper where all the nationalities are listed. After all they have daily flighs not once in a month. They asked about the misus, I tell them wer're on transit, but there was no check on that  either.

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8 hours ago, jethro69 said:

No, should be the duty of the check-in / boarding stuff from the airline. But I should have made a video from my last flight with stop-over in IST, how secure the boarding stuff was. They had not a bloody idea 'bout visa regulations for Turkey, hell, is that so difficult to get a piece of paper where all the nationalities are listed. After all they have daily flighs not once in a month. They asked about the misus, I tell them wer're on transit, but there was no check on that  either.

You mean it is the duty of the check-in / boarding staff to check the expiry date of your passport?

So, one has to come to the airport to know if the passport is valid for onward travel?

YOUR passport is NOT your responsibility?

What a state this world has dropped to?



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3 hours ago, ravip said:

You mean it is the duty of the check-in / boarding staff to check the expiry date of your passport?

So, one has to come to the airport to know if the passport is valid for onward travel?

YOUR passport is NOT your responsibility?

What a state this world has dropped to?



Of course is it my responsibility, I actually meant that airline staff should check as well and let you not board, b4 you end up beeing denied by an IO

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20 minutes ago, jethro69 said:

Of course is it my responsibility, I actually meant that airline staff should check as well and let you not board, b4 you end up beeing denied by an IO

Why should the Airline check details that are your responsibility.Their only responsibility  is to ensure your safety. Jeez some of you wlll complain they never asked you if you left the Gas On.!

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