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First night in Bangkok (this was a while back) ran into Japanese friends from my time in Goa. It was their last night before heading home for Office Life. Fueled by alcohol and some more imaginative stuff, we went bar hopping. Stopped at some place on or near Patpong. No idea if they've been there before, but the guys looked a bit disappointed. There was some talk with one of the staff, and we herded to a nearby residence, for a "private special show". This involved two ladyboys (I think), a dog and a duck. You really don't  want to know. There's one quote that remains - "dog no like, dog bite". Psychedelics kicking made it much worse. Mumbled my apologies and said my goodbys, not that the gang was paying much attention. Transfixed they were. Outside was the Patpong/Silom chaos. Not good. Hopped on a taxi. Found out I couldn't utter a word. luckily had the guesthouse card and we got there alright. Looking in my wallet and it's all Indian Rupee notes. I think what I had in mind was leaving the boots as collateral and coming back to pay the fare. What actually happened was the guy chasing me to the guesthouse hurling the boots. It was all sorted, finally, by the unfazed girl at the reception.


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9 hours ago, jenifer d said:

this certainly qualifies as bizzarre- and is 1000% true:

2 weeks after i first moved into the home where i still live 7 1/3 yrs later,  i heard a knocking, blowing sound as if checking a microphone; then seconds later, my mom's voice "hello is this thing on?"

i answered, not actually surprised, "mom-" she then began to excoriate me that if i did NOT quit smoking cigarettes/tobacco IMMEDIATELY, i would be dead within the month (and the pain in my lung area was portending exactly that)

exactly one week later, while on my fave big living room chair, the Paul Simon song "Mother & Child Reunion" came into my head, i picked up my guitar, figured out the chords and began singing it, for virtually 24 hours- then, when i went to the restroom*** and was 'on the throne', my mom MATERIALIZED RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME***

after cleaning myself (after all, i was doing 'number 2') i ran to tell my Thai neighbors-

their blase yet smiling response: "we know, 'dok mai' (my Thai nickname, means 'flower') we saw your mother's ghost already, we were waiting for YOU to tell US that YOU finally saw her!"


***my mother passed away in HER restroom in USA in 2003, hence her apparent ease in materializing in my restroom


-and yes, we still talk, often- and several other things have occurred due to her presence and continuous guidance from the realm of disembodied spirits...

Earthly and tangible "spirits" involved, most likely.:smile:

But nothing wrong with folks wanting to re-live their "Hippie-Years" somewhere in Thailand, as long as they can finance it.

Also a question of "where to live the dream". I don't think that a very southern Island with an almost 100% muslim native population is the best spot for a single Farang-Lady to "live the dream".
For some "fundamentalists", way down south, hyjacking a single Farang-Lady in order to collect "a Kings (Tourists) ransom" is tempting.
Just some food for thaught.


After 5 years, I decided it was time to pull up stakes in Rural Thailand and move on. Was in the process of leaving, putting my motorbike inside the house, Thai neighbor came over:

"You go away for long time, why put motorbike in house, I WILL DRIVE MOTORBIKE."
I must have looked a bit puzzeled, because he added:
"If you not here, motorbike in house give you nothing, so I WILL DRIVE MOTORBIKE".
Under this heavy load of Thai-Logic, I collapsed and let him have the motorbike.

I applied some more Thai-Logic on my part: Since "I am not here", I gave him permission to use the 2 1/2 rai for agricultural purposes, cost free. Him happy. Me too, because he and his thai-Family have always "looked after me" and helped me master the challenges of daily rural life in Thailand, me not having a Thai-Family on location.


I've just seen a post on Facebook from a friend who went into a post office yesterday to buy a stamp to mail a birthday card (people still do that???). They demanded his passport, wouldn't sell him the stamp as he didn't have it with him, and his wife waiting outside had to come and buy the stamp for him.

On 7/21/2017 at 3:01 AM, dotpoom said:


   I suppose what I'm saying is.....I was left wondering "why did they not give me the chance to say goodbye to them".(they knew they were dying)..." did our friendship mean anything at all"? 


I've never died, well except that one time; but I'm pretty sure, if I was, the first thing on my mind wouldn't be the expectations of others or what they consider social norms.

On 7/21/2017 at 1:18 PM, Lokie said:

When I first started coming to Patong years ago, was $ h itfaced one night in a certain Club,am bouncing about dancing and having a great time (was younger and a lot fitter then) Was a Thai lady surrounded by an entourage of girls and she was obviously the head girl and buying them all drinks, next minute Im presented with a drink (JD & Coke or something) long story short,  few hours later I ends up back at her place, was an upmarket hotel/condo joint and she had this really nice place there, BiG Bhat... she obviously had money.


As soon as we got in she's on the  land line phone in the room talking in Thai to someone, then got her kit off and said  we shower then we f **k!


By now my mind is thinking who the F cu k is paying for this gaff? and all the trappings?? I quickly came to the conclusion she was either a gangsters moll or her hubby/BF is a big cheese, I wanted to get off sharpish, before I knew it we was having it away, she was a right Nympho and while poking the fire I am thinking need to get out of here... Just then the door goes and I absolutely SH AT myself!!


Door flies open and this Thai guy in black, with a look of Bruce Lee is stood there in the doorway..., (fur..king E...ll!)


Turns out its room service with some thai food and a FULL ENGLISH LOL!


She said ok Mr I order foo for you, we eat now then can F cu k again  F FS!!!

(luckily she fell asleep while eating) I tippy - toed out with my clothes in hand, quietly closed the door and was off like $ hit off a stick...


I vowed never to go back with any women who are throwing money about, I really $ hit myself and thought I could have ended up in a bad spot (probably over the hills on way to Karon lol) never again - my mates all fell about laughing and still do when the story gets a hearing at my expense but I suppose when you're younger you really do some half ar$ed things

So, you met a nympho w/ money and you ran away? Alcohol is one twisted drug.


The wheelchair ramp at the condo entrance made of steel diamond plate worked perfectly for years. Condo replaced it with pretty tiles. Slick as wet ice when wetted by rain,(could have put non-slip tile). Now they have an astroturf mat to keep the elderly from dying on it.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


Jogging on Chiang Mai ring road, came across new Benz pulled over, beautiful woman next to it waving for help. Looked inside, giant toads everywhere. She had rescued them from the market and was going to release for merit when they escaped. Gathered toads, accompanied her to reservoir. Affair lasted about 3 years. Love this country.


Last time I was in BKK I got stuck in an elevator during a blackout and accosted by a russian beggar wanting money for more yaba.  I really don't miss city life.  

3 hours ago, Puwa said:

Jogging on Chiang Mai ring road, came across new Benz pulled over, beautiful woman next to it waving for help. Looked inside, giant toads everywhere. She had rescued them from the market and was going to release for merit when they escaped. Gathered toads, accompanied her to reservoir. Affair lasted about 3 years. Love this country.

Wow ,hard to beat that one .

On 7/22/2017 at 7:50 PM, kannot said:

methinks that another spirit is  involved here

nope, i was 100% sober!!!

and my Thai neighbors & friends saw her many weeks before i did

On 7/22/2017 at 11:47 PM, swissie said:

Earthly and tangible "spirits" involved, most likely.:smile:

But nothing wrong with folks wanting to re-live their "Hippie-Years" somewhere in Thailand, as long as they can finance it.

Also a question of "where to live the dream". I don't think that a very southern Island with an almost 100% muslim native population is the best spot for a single Farang-Lady to "live the dream".
For some "fundamentalists", way down south, hyjacking a single Farang-Lady in order to collect "a Kings (Tourists) ransom" is tempting.
Just some food for thaught.

nope!!! 100% sober; my neighbors saw her first, weeks before i did

actually, in another bizarre story, before i moved to this home, i was living elsewhere on the island- but i was starting a business 2 doors over from where i now live (didn't know i was going to move to this home)

the brother of the woman who is now my landlord erected a sign on the property where i was building the restaurant, i came on Christmas day and kicked the sign down...

the next day, a guy showed up at my bungalow in the other neighborhood wanting to kill me, i sent him away with my USA tough pseudo mafia-b**ch act, then the day after New year's, about 10 families of the island elders, mainly Muslim, gathered in the surrounding bungalows, for 24 hours i could hear them talking loudly, using my Thai name and the name of the person whose property i was starting the business, etc etc (they wanted to make sure that i knew they were there to talk about, then to, me!)

THEN, after 24 hours, ALL the island elders sat on their porches and ordered me to sit on my porch, and for an hour i was grilled and lectured, and at the end was pronounced spiritually pure and with a good heart and no malicious intent in what i had done, and was informed that i was allowed to stay and had the island elder's blessings- and i am sworn to secrecy about some of the aspects of this "meeting", but ever since then, ALL the island residents have respected me- 

as a postscript, the guy whose sign i tore down is my next door neighbor now (i moved into the home next door to him, owned by his sister, a Muslim woman with the biggest heart imaginable- GREAT landlord- and she won't talk to her brother, my neighbor, won't even set foot on the property) and last year, me an another neighbor were the only witnesses to his shooting his cousin in cold blood behind our home in order to take control of the big beach resort (40 bungalows) right behind my house, on his family's land...

the police never came to talk with me or the Thai neighbor (we wouldn't have talked anyways, we would be dead now)


I have had at least one only-in-Thailand experience so far.  A while ago I was looking for an apartment to rent.  The rental agent from a well-known RE firm took me to a high-end building.  When the landlord arrived, we went up to see the apartment.  It looked ok, but I make a point of scrutinizing all the fixtures, for instance, those attached to the ceiling. On the living room ceiling I saw a standard red glass bubble attached to the ceiling like the kind you see in a bank, which obviously enclosed a video camera.  When I demanded an explanation in a loud voice the landlord strenuously denied that it was a video camera, but she had no answer when I asked what it was.  So, then I was able to practice insulting a person in Thai.





On 7/23/2017 at 1:48 PM, XBroker said:

So, you met a nympho w/ money and you ran away? Alcohol is one twisted drug.

Read what I wrote... 


My head was who was paying to keep her shod? Maybe was her own money, I wager she was bankrolled by a BF with BiG Bhat or $, either way No thanks! Easier fish to fry so to speak with no detriment to my wellbeing


But I guess you are right, I sure ran for the Hills......! No danger!! :shock1:


At the airport now and fancied a Subway. Its was almost 5am.

Go to walk in and the girl says we are closed.

I go opposite and order a sandwich and sit down. Look over at Subway. It was 5.02 and Subway is open.

On 7/22/2017 at 7:18 AM, The Deerhunter said:

Thanks Weegee.  I love that and I am going to re-name my wife Cinderella.

I already name the ugly sister that I got caught with, Dragon, because if she ever reads this that is what she will do, breathe bloody fire.  :sorry::wai:

Just now, Si Thea01 said:

I already name the ugly sister that I got caught with, Dragon, because if she ever reads this that is what she will do, breathe bloody fire.  :sorry::wai:

No you're not sorry!!!!!  555


One bizarre thing and I would bet it has happened to many.  My best Thai mate is a ladyboy , known him for over 3 years and a great character , the wife is not keen on him but it takes all sorts. The LB has changed my life from the way I view folk . He was a registered alchoholic ,visited him twice in hospital after he fell off his scooter , now hates booze given up the ciggies and has a full time job in a restaurant . Not all LBs are bad. This never but never could happen in England. Not to me any way.

55 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

One bizarre thing and I would bet it has happened to many.  My best Thai mate is a ladyboy , known him for over 3 years and a great character , the wife is not keen on him but it takes all sorts. The LB has changed my life from the way I view folk . He was a registered alchoholic ,visited him twice in hospital after he fell off his scooter , now hates booze given up the ciggies and has a full time job in a restaurant . Not all LBs are bad. This never but never could happen in England. Not to me any way.

Yes there are ladyboys and ladyboys.  A huge percentage are invisible in society as gays or effeminate males who socialize away from work as crossdressers or female/semi female.    The second main type live their whole life as female and people only know them as that.  The third group are the over-the-top show girls & whores, where most of the problem ones are.  Drugs, dishonesty and violence.   I had a friend back home who everyone always thought was a girl.  I met her at dancing and we started dating.  At my first glimpse of her I "read" her as a tranny but after dancing with her for a while I decided "no, she's a girl."  It took several frustrating weeks of dating before the relationship got to the point where she had to explain.  We went on to being friends and invited each other to our 50th birthday parties.  She used to visit me for lunch in my shop and my staff used to do handsprings to get an excuse to talk to her.    They never knew!  She used to dress to kill and had a job that she could not have held as a man in the female hygiene industry.   Lost contact years ago. 

On 7/21/2017 at 7:45 AM, Suradit69 said:

Bizarrely I still come across farang who don't bi_ch and moan constantly about everything in Thailand in a display of compulsive public onanism. It's bizarrely reassuring to know that not every farang finds relentless Thai bashing to be the only way to relieve stress and bolster their low self-esteem.


I think there is more low self-esteem issues among Thai apologists. I suppose desperately trying to fit into another society that at large will not accept you as anything more than an outsider. Whilst the "more Thai than the Thai crowd" are not quite as cringe worthy as Weeaboos in Japan, they are an annoying type that luckily rarely surfaces past internet forums, sadly Thai bashers are fairly common around areas with sizable Farang populations. I do not particularly care for either group (apart from the occasional hilarious post that they produce). 

22 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

Cop studied my Driving License for a while, then another Cop turned it the right way up for him .?

That happened to me with my passport going from Cambodia to Vietnam - only the guy never turned it over. He obviously had no idea what it said. That was back in the early 90s when Cambodia was still really wild. 

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