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New Trump communications director promises crackdown on media leaks


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6 minutes ago, rhodie said:

Yes, all own up to some things. But they all do lie about other things. They are all the same. :shock1:


Some lie more than others (like Trump and his administration). When they own up to anything, do tell.



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2 minutes ago, iReason said:


"In their early years they are all naive and want to save the world.  But that all changes when they sniff power.

Scaramucci is no different."


"He will be great!"



Do you often blatantly contradict yourself?


But, I suppose it's possible that a 53 year old man with a net worth of $1.5 Billion can entirely dispose of his passionate convictions.

For power.


Naa, he's just a narcissist like his boss and likes getting the attention while on T.V.


OK, sorry, great should have been in quotes.

Naa, he's just a narcissist like his boss and likes getting the attention while on T.V. .... and all the other politicians around. :saai:

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2 minutes ago, iReason said:


Scaramucci is not a politician.


Politician : a person who is professionally involved in politics.

I would say he is and the quote above is from the dictionary. :saai:

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6 minutes ago, rhodie said:

Well, that took a while. :smile: First you seemed to agree. Now you reliase and do an about face. I was referencing Scaramucci and comparing him to others that all do the same thing. But somehow that is a "meaningless generalization". :passifier:

"Seemed to agree" - only in your head. The "bullish!t mountain" I referred to is a reference from Jon Stewet who coined the term to describe right wing, particularly Fox News BS. The fact is, "all sides" DON'T do it.


When you say, "they are all the same" - what are we to make of that? That we should not chastise anyone or call them out for particular lies in particular instances because "all politicians lie" so we should just disengage? Be completely cynical? Not care?


Each instance of lying needs to be called out on its own demerits, exposed and chastised and the liar held to account, not be allowed to slide on the baseless presumption that "they all do it"



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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:

"Seemed to agree" - only in your head. The "bullish!t mountain" I referred to is a reference from Jon Stewet who coined the term to describe right wing, particularly Fox News BS. The fact is, "all sides" DON'T do it.


When you say, "they are all the same" - what are we to make of that? That we should not chastise anyone or call them out for particular lies in particular instances because "all politicians lie" so we should just disengage? Be completely cynical? Not care?


Each instance of lying needs to be called out on its own demerits, exposed and chastised and the liar held to account, not be allowed to slide on the baseless presumption that "they all do it"



I agree totally to your last sentence. I was just adding to this discussion.

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18 minutes ago, rhodie said:

OK, sorry, great should have been in quotes.

Naa, he's just a narcissist like his boss and likes getting the attention while on T.V. .... and all the other politicians around.


Scaramucci is a hypocrite and an opportunist. Like his boss.


"and all the other politicians around"


Just because you keep posting that simplistic hyperbolic gibberish, simply does not make it true.



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2 minutes ago, iReason said:


Scarramuchi is a hypocrite and an opportunist. Like his boss.


"and all the other politicians around"


Just because you keep posting that simplistic hyperbolic gibberish, simply does not make it true.

simplistic hyperbolic gibberish.........

If you say so. Post facts. I am. Or refute one of my posts with examples.

Look up the definition of politician first. :post-4641-1156694572:

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14 minutes ago, rhodie said:

simplistic hyperbolic gibberish.........

If you say so. Post facts. I am. Or refute one of my posts with examples.

Look up the definition of politician first.


You mean this? :

politician: noun a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.


Nice dodge and deflection of the crux of my post. NOT.



"Post facts. I am"




Enough with your feeble attempt to derail the thread.

See ya'.

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7 hours ago, rhodie said:

They don't lie, they just change their minds. :stoner:

Not true with this administration.  Trump has been caught with too many outright lies.  Now this guy.  You can't change your mind like that and not be called a liar and turncoat.  Which this new guy is.


Not all politicians lie.  Sadly, promises they make get broken due to the BS process in Washington.  With Trump, we're lucky that happens! :cheesy:

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7 hours ago, rhodie said:

Yes, all own up to some things. But they all do lie about other things. They are all the same. :shock1:

No, they are not all the same.  Your accusation that all are liars is just trolling.  And a terrible generalization.

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And the BS starts.  Look at how he says it was an anonymous source, only to concede after being pressed it was Trump!!!!!  Ya can't make this stuff up.  He's a terrible spokesman.  Zero credibility.




Scaramucci: Trump still doesn't accept intelligence conclusion on Russia


Scaramucci, speaking on CNN's "State of the Union," suggested Trump does not yet accept the conclusion of the intelligence community and questioned the media's pursuit of the story, saying it tarnished Trump's victory in November.
"The mainstream media position on this, that they interfered in the election," Scaramucci said. "It actually in his mind, what are you guys suggesting? You're going to delegitimize his victory?"


Of Course Trump won't accept the proven facts Russia hacked the elections.  Even Trump admits it will delegitimize his victory.  It's all about Trump.  Heck with the truth. 


Again, zero credibility.

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22 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Of Course Trump won't accept the proven facts Russia hacked the elections.  Even Trump admits it will delegitimize his victory.  It's all about Trump.  Heck with the trut


I'm not  sure it will ever be possible to prove beyond any doubt that the Russian interference changed the outcome. But you are right that Trump certainly seems to think so. Maybe because he knows something, or maybe it's just his usual insecurity. He knows that even if proven, he would still be president as there is no mechanism for a do-over of the election. Yet he seems more concerned about losing the veneer of the "bigly win" that he so craves. And just for the sake of that vanity, to preserve that veneer, he is prepared to let Russia continue to interfere, he is prepared to let American election integrity die for the sake of his vanity by trying to stymie the investigations. I haven't seen such self absorption since the looniest inbred Roman emperors.



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25 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


I'm not  sure it will ever be possible to prove beyond any doubt that the Russian interference changed the outcome. But you are right that Trump certainly seems to think so. Maybe because he knows something, or maybe it's just his usual insecurity. He knows that even if proven, he would still be president as there is no mechanism for a do-over of the election. Yet he seems more concerned about losing the veneer of the "bigly win" that he so craves. And just for the sake of that vanity, to preserve that veneer, he is prepared to let Russia continue to interfere, he is prepared to let American election integrity die for the sake of his vanity by trying to stymie the investigations. I haven't seen such self absorption since the looniest inbred Roman emperors.



In my link to CNN, the anchor says the hack has been proven, but not the impact on the election.  Trump and his supporters keep talking about collusion and there was NO impact on the election.  That's possible.  But what's proven is Russia did the hack. 


Why won't Trump just admit this and move on?  It keeps things in the news cycle with his constant denials. What is pretty certain, the leaks of the emails and Comey's statements right before the elections "probably" did have an impact on voters.  Hard to deny that.


Absolutely crazy times.  Just read Tillerson is considering quitting.  Not immediately, but he's discussing it.



A chill emanating from the White House reaches State Department

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On 7/24/2017 at 8:10 AM, Scott said:




On 7/24/2017 at 9:04 AM, Boon Mee said:

Carramucci is going to do a great job. 

Only until Trump throws him under the bus and says " well what should we expect from a guy who used to support Democrats".

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Scaramucci will melt down as others in Trump's inner circle melt down.  Trump will dump on him as he's done with his two prior wives and about half of the people he's appointed to gov't positions.  Trump is to loyalty what a hiker is to a tattered old pair of socks.  He'll drop them in a NY minute.  


Spicer, Conway, Gorka, Miller, Huckabee-Sanders, Scaramucci, or the others, ..... they're all going to be remembered for the stupid roles they took as Trump's lying mouthpieces. But they're fodder for gags on Late Night talk shows.  Great entertainment value.  The only down-side is: America is being kicked in the groin daily.

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