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Hi-So's out of control: "Porsche Man" wanted for savage attack on pregnant girlfriend


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Was this the last that was heard of him, and his prior legal troubles???






He said Chonlawit was 17 when the incident occurred, and could not have had a driving licence.
Pol Lt-Colonel Natthapol Kominchart, the deputy superintendent of Express Way Traffic Control Police Centre 1, said he believed the two did not intend to escape. Police would accuse Chonlawit of neglectful driving causing people to be severely injured and fleeing the scene. The suspect may face jail of up to three years and/or a fine up to Bt6,000.



I'm guessing that didn't happen...except perhaps for the tiny fine amount.  Life is really cheap here.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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3 hours ago, carken said:

Unfortunately this is the way of the world, not just Thailand but the entire world. Money and power can over ride morality, law and justice most of the time. The rich and powerful sociopathic psychos have no laws they cannot subjugate / quell / suppress ... criminal corruption is now a world wide actuality / fact ...

It seems that there is nothing in today's world that cannot be crushed / hidden / extinguished if one has enough money / power / connections ... there are laws for the masses and none for the rich / powerful / connected so called hi-so of the world ...

It is a condition that we the people have allowed to flourish and grow in every country on earth ... you / I / we can bitch / complain / rant all we want but it still exists and gets more obvious every day


Any Westerner who disliked such behaviour and chose to live in (or be interested in) Thailand must find it very difficult indeed.


For in Thailand such behaviour seems very much more "obvious" (and very much less responded to) than in any Western Liberal Democracy I can think of.


Such claims of "parity" always bring to mind the several occasions upon which the Princess Royal of Great Britain (Princess Anne) has been prosecuted and punished for breaking laws of one sort or another.


Here is a recent example of "hi-so" punishment in the West:


Who is the viscount jailed for inciting violence against Gina Miller?

www.independent.co.uk › News › UK › Crime

14 Jul 2017 - It's Lord St Davids.” Read more. Viscount who offered money for killing of Brexit campaigner jailed ... Philipps was accused of sending a racially aggravated Facebook post about the anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller.



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15 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Was this the last that was heard of him, and his prior legal troubles???






I'm guessing that didn't happen...except perhaps for the tiny fine amount.  Life is really cheap here.


The Central Youth and Family Court sentenced him to a two-year suspended jail term, and then in 2014 The Civil Court ordered his family pay damages of 14 million baht to the four victims however the victims claim that no money has yet materialised.

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27 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

"They intend to go after him to the full extent of the law. ".  Sadly the law is poorly defined in Thailand.  Which law?  Which constitution?  Police law?  Military law?

Sods law, no doubt!

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7 hours ago, Mooner said:

Wouldnt you love 5 mins alone in a room with this kinda low life.

Do you really think you would be alone with him, not in this country no way they would let a falang loose on a Thai, the Guards will be paid off and comebin and help the little kee.

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17 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Just because someone has money, does not make them "hi-so". :coffee1:


I'm not sure about that. From my many years here in Thailand, people with big money are admired regardless of how they got their money.

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They intend to go after him to the full extent of the law.

I would hope so, and perhaps lock him up with a few unsavoury characters while they get the charges sorted.


But I doubt it!

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15 minutes ago, Gary A said:


I'm not sure about that. From my many years here in Thailand, people with big money are admired regardless of how they got their money.

Absolutely; it's one of the biggest problems of Thai society because money is a God to them and little else matters.

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17 minutes ago, bberrythailand said:

Maybe she just deserved anything that happened to her ?


Who knows ?



If you believe that anyone deserves that brutality, then I really feel sorry for you.

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If the present powers-to-be are serious then it is overdue to bring such idiots to a screeching end. Reprimand them to the full extent of the law, lock 'em up and throw away the keys. It starts of course with the BiB - the mother of all operational evil in this country. 

The girl of course is no better either; she thought she's the one and getting nailed by an ATM. Touch luck, the story went wrong - which does not implicate that I agree to what has happened to her. But if you bed such d"*ç%*çheads then you have to assess the possible risk you're in once it's time to plan the baby shower. Until then, cream as much cash as possible off and make sure you're not getting pregnant. It's not a question if but when they get dumped for the next pretty! 

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3 hours ago, Gary A said:


I'm not sure about that. From my many years here in Thailand, people with big money are admired regardless of how they got their money.

Yep like the good folks from my Girlfriends village, at one end of the soi a mansion owned by the school master and at the other a mansion owned by alleged yabba dealers.


They say of these people. He's a good man, a very good man

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2 minutes ago, Oziex1 said:

Yep like the good folks from my Girlfriends village, at one end of the soi a mansion owned by the school master and the other alleged yabba dealers.


They say of these people. He's a good man, a very good man

they probably know they are not good. but to tell you that they are is for you to respect them and keep you out of harms way perhaps. money does rule. but don't assume that you're surrounded by idiots when you're actually surrounded by people that may care about you

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

There's a reason the Buddhas are all gold my friend.

should be made from Iron pyrites instead....... it  would bea  way more suitable nomenclature

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He will not be arrested. And if he is arrested he will not be charged. And if he is charged he will not go to trial. And if he goes to trial, he will not be convicted. And if he goes to trial, and in the incredibly unlikely event of him getting convicted, he will either be paroled immediately, or will not have to serve any time in prison. Guys like this do not go to prison. Period. Above the law. Any and all laws. Including, and especially the Army. 


Always remember one thing. The General was installed to protect guys like him. To prevent the elite, the powerful, the connected, the influential, the wealthy, or those in power from ever having to face the consequences of their actions. There are the occasional crimes that are so heinous, and get worldwide attention, as in the case of General Manas, who was recently convicted of human trafficking, that they cannot be ignored. But, they are rare, and the absolute exception to the rule. 

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12 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

He will not be arrested. And if he is arrested he will not be charged. And if he is charged he will not go to trial. And if he goes to trial, he will not be convicted. And if he goes to trial, and in the incredibly unlikely event of him getting convicted, he will either be paroled immediately, or will not have to serve any time in prison. Guys like this do not go to prison. Period. Above the law. Any and all laws. Including, and especially the Army. 


Always remember one thing. The General was installed to protect guys like him. To prevent the elite, the powerful, the connected, the influential, the wealthy, or those in power from ever having to face the consequences of their actions. There are the occasional crimes that are so heinous, and get worldwide attention, as in the case of General Manas, who was recently convicted of human trafficking, that they cannot be ignored. But, they are rare, and the absolute exception to the rule. 

Agreed. Manas was just an 'offering' to appease the western world. Give up someone and hope the rest of the world does not notice that the feudal system and double standards of justice is alive and well.

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9 hours ago, DieterWiehe said:

pregnant with his child...... the first thing to do is getting an abortion .. he is not fit to breed and pass on the bad traits


Abortion when the only reason of the girl is to get money because she has a kid with the rich ? Are you crazy ? You are destroying most women life plan !



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9 hours ago, TMNH said:

If you believe that anyone deserves that brutality, then I really feel sorry for you.


I just say that you know nothing exactly as the journashiite who wrote this piece of crap also knows nothing.


We all know nothing about this story,, and yes, I always think that some people deserve what happens to them.



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